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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tempus Fugitive View Post
    What defeat badge for heroes comes after spider smasher but before longbow and takes 200 to complete?
    Forum games is that way --->

    JK. It's Cold Blooded, for defeating CoT hellfrosts... which only spawn redside. However, you can farm them in DJ Zero's valentines day mission if you're on a mixed faction team.

    So there ya go =)
  2. EmperorSteele

    Purple Drops

    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    No. Less true words were never spoken. Farming the walls is a neverending morass of horrible drudgery. I have never experienced any horror so loathsome as that which this poster has so insensitively chosen to direct you to. You must never, ever, EVEREVEREVER do it. Only eeebil farmers ever do it. It is hell on earth. Stop it right now.

    [build up... aim... Rain! Bwahahahaha! Fistful... Blazing. Sweeeeeet! Stealth almost up... hover to next spawn...]
    Uhm, yes. Listen to him.

  3. Sure! I'm bored...

    Terra Volta: This mid-level zone-within-a-zone (IP) exists for only one reason: The Terra Volta respec trial. It's intentionally designed to be hazardous to get through, and it's a right-of passage for any super speedster (or worse, anyone with no travel power) to successfully make it from one end to the other.

    Aside from the trial, it's a good place to farm Lost, Freakshow, and Sky Raider bosses.

    My personal beef with the zone is that the power plant which power Paragon's war walls and the entire city is not only impossible to get to for a normal human, but is surrounded by the most dangerous foes at that point in the game... No one should be able to get there to man it! I mean, can you imagine THAT commute every day? "Drive off a bridge, avoid sky raider missiles, go two miles around the outside of the zone just to look for a parking space, hoof it to climb over the wall..." and here's hoping your car is still THERE when you leave at the end of the day!

    Dark Astoria This zone, accessible only from Talos Island, is covered in perpetual fog, making it hard to see any further than a few feet ahead of you, and has a very NOT mild zombie infestation problem. There are npc ghosts who wander around, giving the place a nice, eerie touch.

    Enemies include Banished Pantheon (and a BP Giant Monster called Adamastor), Circle of Thorns, and Tsoo.

    Overall, it's an "interesting" zone to navigate. Even without the fog, a super speeder would have to go pretty far out of their way just to get to where they're going.

    Brickstown: This zone is home to Zigarsky Penitentiary, aka The Zig. It takes up a full fourth of the zone, making a sizable obstacle (Gordon Stacy, one of the more prolific contacts in the game, is located directly opposite the train station on the other side of the zig... running to see him is always a pain). A new player will notice many prison escapees, and the reason they're all free is quite simple: The front gate is wide open!

    This "green" zone also has other annoying features, not the least of which is that some missions appear UNDER the main map. Even expert players sometimes have trouble finding their way into the underground labyrinth.

    Brickstown is accessible via Green Line, Independence Port, and has the only entrance to Crey's Folly. It is also home to Manticore's Task Force

    Crey's Folly: Formally called New Venice, this once beautiful, though industrialized, area became a polluted wasteland during the Rikti invasion, due to an accident or two at Crey's chemical plants. Crey, Rikti, Freakshow, and Devouring Earth are highly present here, including a GM named Jurassik (fun fact, he uses a freakin CAR on the end of a TREE as a club. Try not to get hit!). The Nemesis also make their first zone appearance here.

    In addition to the water-logged and half destroyed geometry, snipers are abundant in this zone, making navigating the zone "interesting". This zone is good for farming Ritki monkeys, who appear in abundance on the roofs of the first several buildings. Also, there's a great area in the back of the zone called "The Circus", home to the freakshow, with appropriately techno clown music as a motif.

    New players may be confused by a CLOSED zone door at the end of the zone. This used to be the only way into the former "Rikti Crash Site" (short of a portal in Peregrine Island), but when the Vanguard took over the area and renamed it the "Ritki War Zone" on the advent of the second Ritki invasion, they closed the door. They did this because they didn't want the villains in their employ to have access to the rest of Paragon City... or the Rikti, for that matter.

    Abandoned Sewer Network An exact replica of the existing Sewer system, only lower down, this is a trial zone accessible by heroes over level 39 via a door to your right when you first enter the sewers. To start the trial, there's a contact standing outside the Atlas Park sewer entrance, which for a while threw off veteran players because the contact used to be in Founder's Falls.

    The ASN features loads and loads of Rikti, trying to siphon the power of the Hydra, a giant, sentient booger. It's difficult to get through, which makes it an annoying trial to accomplish.

    Founder's Falls: Founder's Falls is home to a University/Midnighter Club, a Pocket D entrance, a Vanguard DPO, and is one of the exit options you're given when in Ouroboros, and of course a Green Line train, making FF a decent travel cross point (The Talos entrance is out of the way, making it virtually unused). It's also the only entrance into Eden. There's also an Icon tailor, and two TFs to be done: Numina and the higher level Kahn/5th Column TF. It's also a common spawning point for the Malta's Chronos Titan (as the mission that spawns its ambush is set in FF and takes extra effort by the player to make it spawn elsewhere). Enemies include some Council, but Crey, Rikti, Circle of Thorns and Devouring Earth are far more prolific.

    Overall, the Devs have done their best to make this water-logged zone important to mid and high level players alike. It's an interesting zone, but largely ignored for actual gameplay purposes for one major reason: No enhancement stores! Depending on your origin, you have to do a special mission for one of five contacts, three of which are in Brickstown. Also, at that level range, there are far more interesting and lucrative options, such as Cimerora and the RWZ. Also, the contacts in the zone are few, and often send you out-of-zone to do their missions.

    Eagle eyed players will also notice that the "Red River" from the Hollows also goes through here.

    Eden Accessible only from Founder's Falls, this zone is over-run with trees, trees, and... Devouring Earth, who've made this area their home. All evidence that man was ever there is slowly being erased by nature gone wild. The huge mountain in the middle of this formally urban area is a clue that you're wandering into really warped territory. There's also Crey and Nemesis, but they're largely a secondary concern. This zone is notable for the "Eden Trial", with one of the more interesting maps in the game. Also, the last mission of the Numina Task Force sends you here, and forces you to run through a maze of trees to find the entrance... guarded by powerful D-E monsters.

    Finally, this zone contains the ONLY entrance to "The Hive" (not to be confused with the small chunk of this zone also called The Hive...).

    Cimerora Welcome to thousands of years ago! Literally. Acquired through less than honest means, the Midnighter Club has attuned a Crystal of Ice and Flame to send you back here to deal with a threat stemming from our own time. It should be noted that you can also get here via Ouroboros or the Crystal of Ice and Flame base detail by selecting Deadalus's arc, having the crystal teleport you to contact, and quiting the mission.

    The zone is small, but highly, beautifully, detailed. The only thing to do here is some repeatable missions, a couple of faction-dependent arcs, and the ever awesome Imperious Task Force, which contains the bulk of the zone's story. You'll find many 35-50 level characters here, if they're not in AE.

    Peregrine Island: The only "green" high level zone, this area is notable for not having a war wall, so if you swim/fly too far south, you're kicked to Talos island, so be careful! There's no real zone story, but is home to some of the most notable non-tf content in the game, pitting you against soul-sucking Carnies, evil counterparts of the Freedom Phalanx, and the Malta.

    Relatively easy and safe to make your way around, still beware of snipers at night or large groups of foes. One odd feature is the legions of Devouring Earth around the portal corp building... who con at level 39, well below the level for the zone. Of course, a trip to the north will reveal islands full of DE GMs, if you and your team are looking for a challenge. This zone offers no TFs, but is the only entrance to the Shadow Shard.

    It's also home to Ghost Falcon, a supposed "alternate reality" version of the hero Red Falcon, who, according to game lore, was killed by the Crey, who used his DNA to make Paragon Protectors. So don't begrudge him too much when he buys your SOs for about half of their actual worth at a normal store.

    Rikti Crash Site: The former name of the now "Rikti War Zone", this place was almost never used. It was the area of the city where Statesman single-handily downed a Rikti Mothership... but seeing the damage he caused, he had to change his plan of attack and toss the ships into the ocean. He was then cited by an agent of the Environmental Protection Agency for polluting the water and causing an explosion.

    Yes your honor, it's true. This man has no dick.

    Sorry, I was kidding about that last part. This zone, as it was, no longer exists, so it's hardly worth the write-up.

    Rikti War Zone: The former "Rikti Crash site" was revamped following the second invasion into a far more interesting and story-centric zone. The UN-backed "Vanguard" have taken command of the zone, setting up multiple bases to repel the Rikti threat. They've even made a deal with Lord Recluse to use some of his "Destined Ones" to repel the invasion, so expect to see some "friendly" faces. The Devouring Earth have set up a small encampment for themselves, and the Council have also made a cozy little base for themselves, giving the zone some life. Arachnos, Crey, and Malta are also around to give you no end of grief.

    The zone is notable for multiple firefights between factions. You can't cross the zone without seeing some kind of action, making the zone truly feel alive. The downed Ritki mothership, once just a decoration, is now surrounded by a forcefield powered by multiple pylons placed throughout the zone. Several teams can work together to take out the pylons, then attack the ship directly.

    Doing this will grant you a large number of "Vanguard Merits", which can be used to buy costume pieces, emotes, and temp powers. The zone is also home to some very tight story arcs and an epic TF... so epic that the badge you get for completing it is called "Saved The World!" if that means anything to you. The zone also provides a set of fresh "radio" missions which you can do over and over again, meaning you can stick around for a while if you wish and always have something to do.

    The only "negative" is the recent inclusion of an AE building, which looks rather out of place... and you gotta wonder how/why the Rikti allowed it to go up. But ah well, it's currently the only avenue for AE cross-teaming, so it's not all bad.

    The Hive There's only a few features of this mostly barren zone. First, hordes and hordes of DE GMs. There's also a Portal Corp building to the North West, which, if i remember correctly, was where Dr. Webb breached the dimensional barrier, thus making way for the Rikti invasion, the Praetorian war, and other messed up events. THANKS DOC.

    Anyway, there's one more thing... can't rememebr what... it's probably not important... oh, right. If you defeat a random number of the GMs, the uber-monster Hamidon spawns in the middle of the zone! This over-sized, single cell monstrosity takes multiple teams using strategy and cohesion to defeat... because how dare he just stand there harmlessly!

    Firebase Zulu
    Cascade Archipelago
    The Chantry
    The Storm Palace

    ^Don't feel like doing these^

    Bloody Bay
    Siren's Call
    Recluse's Victory

    ^Tired, will do these later if no one else does^
  4. The way I see it he's glaring very evily at the little twitter bird. (tweet?)

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fedor View Post

    You know, i'm trying to say that to the tune of any song that has a long, fast-paced vocal portion. Like the Bic mac song, Moxy Fruvos's Johnny Saucep'n, and the Picard song (He just kept talking in one looong completely unbroken sentence moving from topictotopic so that no one had a chance to interupt it was realy quite hypnoticnoticnotic-notic...)

    not much success so far making it fit, but I'm tryin'!
  6. I think it has to do with the way the game handles Hostages vs boss groups.

    For example, you can be on an 8 man team on invincible, but you'll still only see 3 guys gaurding a hostage.. and none of them will ever be a boss.

    As for why there's less guys with the boss, probably because the game is already accounting for the fact that there's a boss in the group. Like if you're on difficuly 2 and on a 2 man team, even level foes will group up in sets of 5. But a boss will only have 2 minions with him, becasue the boss "counts" as three guys.

    I think.

    Anyway, if you want more dudes, just set the boss group for hard.
  7. Ooohh, okay. Consider that myth busted, thanks!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow State View Post
    I'm guessing its because CO has it.
    Actually, i saw a CoH fan-piece on DeviantArt where the artist put a logo on the belt buckle, and i (kiddingly) gave them crap about how you can't make your character look like that.

    Of course, after thinking about it for a few seconds, i figured it might be nice if we could, hence, his post.

    I don't give a rat's behind about what CO does or doesn't do =P
  9. You know what?

    Sure, i got some inf to burn. PMing you with my global, Smurphy.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by W Peace View Post
    The stealth IOs are "unique" in that you can only have on slotted on a given character (per build, of course). However, they do stack with Stealth, the concealment pool power, as well as Invisibility, the stealth effect of Super Speed, and any other stealth effects you may have available to your character. Since I tend to take Super Speed on most of my characters anyway, partly because it has built in stealth, more often than not I invest in a Celerity +Stealth, slot it into SS's base slot, and go to town with it.

    Actually, SS doesn't really give you "stealth" iirc; it simply lowers your threat level to 0 as opposed to 1. So enemies technically SEE you, but don't attack.
  11. Happy birfday puppy! *pets and gives milkbones*
  12. Happy Birthday, Xanatos!

    ... Don't let Goliath give you any trouble =P
  13. Just what it says in the title. Allow us to put symbols (like the chest symbols) on our belts. Not a priority, just a little extra customization =)
  14. As a fellow Inv/EM, let me ask:

    What do you WANT to DO with him?

    Personally, I took the energy mastery pool for concept, ie, laser beam eyes (though not energy torrent; it's somewhat counter productive sicne your main defense power relies on foes being close). I also IO'd her out for psi and energy mitigation with a smattering of recharge. It's no uber-build, but it works fine enough for me for the most part. (I may have to rethink the energy defense part, as almost all energy attacks have an s/l component and my s/l defense is higher anyway)

    Now, if you want to tackle Lord Recluse without relying on inspirations or a defender for backup, then yeah, you want as much pure s/l defense as possible. Also, recharge so you can have dull pain be perma.

  15. Well, Rad does seem to have some of the lowest damage, but it also has the most AoE damage. I don't know what will be in Traps, but if it has anything that'll buff your damage, then rad is a safe bet.

    What about Archery? Not great in the AoE department, but a non-crashing, fast recharge tier 9 more than makes up for it.
  16. Hmm...

    I'd rather use a celerity stealth, put it in sprint, and put something more useful in hover, like the Zephyr -KB proc or LotG: Recharge.

    Of course, as long as you have the freebird, sure, plop it in hover.
  17. Well, when I16 comes out you can grab World of Confusion and throw the confuse sets in there.

    Of course, that still won't help much.
  18. Oh yeah, definitely! Such a feature will probably have to wait until after GR (having to re-write ALL the contact missions would probably take some work), but i'd love this!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
    I know there's a TF suggestion thread already but I didn't want this to get lost in there and I think it's a really good idea.

    On the last battle against Reichsman there's no real sense of danger when the AV's enter the fight, mainly because everyone's fought them before or there's no real danger. So here's what i suggest.

    Have the 4 AV's be random. You'd never know who you'd get until you actually entered the room with Reichsman. You could even have Praetorian villains as well, but to my mind it would be far more fun to have a 'who have we got today?' moment to spice up the last fight, which, Hero side at least, just becomes an exercise in button mashing.

    They'd have to write dialog for EVERY AV in the game, plus it makes less thematic sense for certain AVs over others. When I15 hit test, the Malta AV was a CoT mage who was actually an ally, so they had to replace him.

    And it's not that the AVs aren't a threat because we've fought them before, they're not a threat because they simply don't have the same HP, regen rate, or raw power Riechsman does. No matter what other AVs you put in there (besides maybe GW or Scirocco), there's no AV that would present any more of a problem than the ones who're already there.
  20. The Fashion Victims aren't an accessible group. I guess it'd be cool if they were..
  21. EmperorSteele

    How do I make...

    ...Two factions conversing with each other like in safeguard mission weapon deals? I can do this with a non-hostile "escort" or "rescue ally" group, but if i want both sides to be hostile to (just) the player, I can't get it to work. Making a boss with his guards being a different faction just has them all facing one way and sometimes spread out. And the "other faction" doesn't get any lines!

    Anyway to make this work?
  22. Oh man, I'm so all over this. Someone was forming an ITF and needed a tank. Turns out they had all blasters/scrappers and a kheldian... I passed. With those cimmies and their def-killing attacks and nothing to help me out, I knew i'd be in deep crap.

    Yeah, there are situations where I feel i NEED a defender or two to back me up. I'm not ashamed to admit that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
    You are whining. You don't understand that you can sell at these prices as well as buy.
    Except he wants that salvage to craft things.

    I mean, if i need Fortunes to craft something, I'm not going to go "Oh wow, look at those prices, maybe I should find some fortunes and sell them!"

    Because guess what? Then that doesn't solve the problem of me having the fortunes i need to craft what i want.

    By contrast, look at the price of Kinetic weapons and Demonic Threat Reports. They're pathetic in comparison! And I dunno about anyone else, but i have a metric crap ton of those and not much to do with them.. i mean, i -could- craft damage IOs, which barely sell for what they cost to craft, but... why bother?
  24. I think they have to test one more build, but after that, we should be golden. You probably saw a "pre-download", ie, DLing the bulk of the program files so that when I16 DOES come out, you won't have to DL as much stuff.

    But yeah, starting pre-DLs are usually representative of "very soon" (tm)
  25. Up yours too, jerk!

    ^_^ I keed, i keed...