Freebird: +stealth




I got one from a reward roll tonight (lvl 50)

I'm a plant.storm troller with steamy mist, swift, hover, and fly.

Which power should I put it into to have it perma stacked with steamy mist?

I was told they don't really sell well so I figured I might as well use it.



If you use Hover for combat flight, slap it in Hover, since it'll probably be toggled on anyway. If you don't, either Hover or Fly, whichever has a spare slot - the stealth persists even if the toggle isn't on, so you can hit it every few minutes to re-stealth.



I usually put it in Hover, as when you activate the power with the +stealth IO in it, you will become partially transparent. I put it in Hover so when Flying outside of combat, my toon isn't transparent. Might not bother you but when simply travelling etc it might be a pain (as far as I know there's no way to turn off the transparency until the 120 seconds is up).

Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor




I'd rather use a celerity stealth, put it in sprint, and put something more useful in hover, like the Zephyr -KB proc or LotG: Recharge.

Of course, as long as you have the freebird, sure, plop it in hover.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Sell it and get an unbounded leap +stealth and put it in sprint.
Unbounded leap's are usually cheaper than celerity and you can toggle the stacking affect on or off regardless of whether you're hovering or flying.

If you have the vet sprints or powerslide, it's even better because you can use a non-stealth sprint and a stealth sprint.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Personally, I would put it into Hover, then set up an easy toggle bind to switch between Hover and Fly. But there is another interesting solution . . . there is an old program called CityBinder. It is out of date (so it doesn't have several of the newer powersets), but I still use it on all of my characters.

CityBinder includes the "Speed on Demand" binds. Used with Hover/Fly, it puts you in Hover until you press a movement key, and then automatically switches to Fly for movement. As soon as you let go of the movement key, it goes back into Hover. When Hover kicks back in, the inertia stops, too. This means that you never have to worry about being in Hover for battle and Fly for decent travel. You never have to worry about using too much endurance because you forgot to toggle from Fly back to Hover. You never have to slot up Hover for Flight Speed.

Put that IO into Hover, and it will be on pretty much all the time and you won't have to keep toggling back and forth between Fly and Hover for movement vs battle. Several of my Blasters use the Fly SoD binds to stay in the air almost all the time. There is one main downside, however. Every now and then, mostly just after you have zoned, the binds will get stuck and you will fly forwards with no key pressed. CityBinder includes an easy instant fix/Reset (default is Ctrl-R), so the inconvenience is minimal.

The author of CityBinder, Monorail, appears to have left the game a while ago. The thread talking about CityBinder went away, too. But the program is still available for download HERE. It takes some playing around with to figure out a system you like. There is only a little documentation and very few instructions. If you want to know how to use it, let me know. I have Ultrabinds for a standard set of binds, plus a set for most powersets. To make a set of binds for a Grav/Rad, for instance, I just pull up my Ultrabinds for Grav, for Rad, my standard set, and then tweak it however I want it. Save, generate the binds, copy the load command into CoH and I'm done!

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I put it into hover since it wasn't really selling for much.

I will have to check out that binds thing though. I always forget to switch between hover and fly so it'll come in real handy. I play with a controller though, would that still work properly?



Originally Posted by MrBowler9898 View Post
I put it into hover since it wasn't really selling for much.

I will have to check out that binds thing though. I always forget to switch between hover and fly so it'll come in real handy. I play with a controller though, would that still work properly?
It works fine on all of my many controllers. It works on all characters, but may need to be modified for VEATS and the newer powersets. For the powersets that have been recently added, I just pick another similar set and modify the binds, which is easy to do if you understand binds at all.

CityBinder includes a lot of binds for Kheldians and Masterminds, making them much easier to play. For Khelds, it has the tray-switching binds built in. For Masterminds, it has many special sets of binds for selecting and controller your henchmen, including easy Bodyguard mode and binds to attack while remaining in Bodyguard mode.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I put the -KB in Hover and the +stealth in Flight. Discretion and subtlety is the farthest thing from my mind in a fight, but a bit of Stealth helps on long trips and when exploring.

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