Enemy Group Difficulty Level Questions




Hello Everyone!

I recently published my first mission arc, and I am noticing a problem with it that I don't know how to fix. I'm wondering if there may be a bug. The arc is three missions, and I am seeing htis problem in all of them- when there is a captive to rescue or anything else that has a group of enemies surrounding him/her/it, the number of guards does not make sense based on the enemy group difficulty level. For example, in my first and second arcs, there are captives that need to be rescued and both arcs have a higher level enemy that needs to be defeated (the first arc has a lieutenant, the second has a boss, and the third has an elite boss). The captive have their enemy group setting to medium, and the bosses are set to hard. EVERY TIME I play the mission, the captives have three minions guarding them, and the "bosses" have only two.

This has been the case when friends have played the arc, and when they have been working on their own arcs. It doesn't seem to matter what their character level is, or what their notariety is- the boss has fewer guards than the captives do, and they are not of any higher level than the guards for the captives.

So, why aren't "hard" level enemy groups harder than "medium" level enemy groups?




I think it has to do with the way the game handles Hostages vs boss groups.

For example, you can be on an 8 man team on invincible, but you'll still only see 3 guys gaurding a hostage.. and none of them will ever be a boss.

As for why there's less guys with the boss, probably because the game is already accounting for the fact that there's a boss in the group. Like if you're on difficuly 2 and on a 2 man team, even level foes will group up in sets of 5. But a boss will only have 2 minions with him, becasue the boss "counts" as three guys.

I think.

Anyway, if you want more dudes, just set the boss group for hard.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



The boss group IS set for hard.



Ya im gonna have to go with how these captives are guarded and can give alittle first hand from non AE mishes. The ITF I run at least once every 3 days cause they mayhem in it can get intense but.... The first mission you have to save the Syilibis and I never run with with less then a full team well they are always guarded by only 3 minions.

So in conclusion i just think this is how the game handles captives and the guards around them.



The ITF, along with most standard missions, uses different captive spawn points. Those captives being guarded with three guys are all set to spawn points that aren't available in MA.

The captive points we use are the ones normally used for escorts and allies, as well as special captives like the sacrifices in Montague Castanella's arc. Those points have a guard group that increases with team size.

As for your boss guards, no idea. Were you using a map with small areas that don't allow for bigger spawns? What enemy group were you using for the boss and his guards? I have definitely encountered bosses guarded by more than two guys, solo.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World