My hat goes off to you, Virtue.




I have had some really crappy experiences in this game, met a lot of rude people, and no small share of them have been from Virtue. Fortunately, for every jerkwad and meaniebutt I've come in contact with on Virtue there has been 2-3 really great folks that I've had the pleasure of meeting. From the guy that reminded that it was 'powexec' and not 'powerexec', to the girl who stuck up for me when I had to take a bit of an afk when my girlfriend's roommate's little girl's diapers filled and I had to take action, to the many, many others that were just good people...

Just wanted to thank all you nice folks for outnumbering the (bad)weirdos and jerks here and being more vocal as well. You rock.

I didn't want to name names, but a few do stand out : Dominatrix Pharaoh, Gawjo, Marcus Chin, Xaltus & the other SG/VG members of Raiders of Ruin, and everyone I've played with where I haven't quit the team in disgust.... thanks. You made my return to the game *fun*.



((This isn't like that scene at the end of the Full Monty, is it...?))



I'm pretty new around here, and I'm afraid my work schedule keeps me from being around as much as I'd like to be. I agree though. For every brain donor I've encountered, there are two or three really impressive people out there. Granted, I've not had much chance to interact with them all, but they are not unnoticed! This is the first time I haven't been made to feel like an outcast for simply being the new kid on the block. I think I'll be staying a while.



Just throwing in a "warm fuzzy" ... the Virtue community is a big reason I keep playing this game. When I originally started COH back in 2005 I was on Guardian, but since I have been playing on Virtue for a couple years now, it really is the community that keeps it going. I am sure if you look you'll find all kinds of great folks here on Virtue. If you ever bump into any of the Spheres, make sure you say hi.

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Up yours too, jerk!

^_^ I keed, i keed...


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



My toons are easy enough to spot. For most of them, X marks the spot. My best friend plays the female toons that match my male ones, so if it's got nice curves, it's not me!

See sig for some of my characters!