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  1. ... man, i was going to do a map like this. Now i feel unoriginal =(
  2. If i still crafted (thanx for lowering the badge requirements, devs!), i'd be salivating at the idea of Recharge and End Redux IOs reaching 1 mil inf again, if just for a day. Sadly, i don't feel it's worth my time to compete with hundreds of other listings for meager amounts of inf (meager in the sense that i can earn that much in an hour of actually playing).

    What WILL shoot up is purples, Gold roll IOs, and possibly PvP IOs.. maybe the more popular sets, as well (oblit, Zephyr, you know the ones). More 50s with more money in less playtime (which means less chance of someone getting the random drop they want) = cha CHING!
  3. WOW.

    No, wait, that doesn't cut it...


    Seriously, it looks like a whole different game. Kudos, good sir, Kudos!
  4. Je Saist: No AoE EVER had a recharge time of 16 minutes. EVER. I think that when you looked at the numbers (either in mids or the real numbers in-game) you were looking at the Max # of targets. MOST AoEs have a 16 target max, so, yeah.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arkyaeon View Post
    yes it was rather smooth...

    7 REAL tanks heheh taunting anying and everything in the goo but hami??

    and 2 tanks that worked hardcore to maintain hami aggro the whole time!!

    While everyone else kept people alive and dished out the DMG!!

    It was fun ... I hope we can make our normal raids like this or more often...
    REAL tanks? Oh dude it is ON =P
  6. In that snapshot, we have a Merc/Dark, Merc/Traps, Bots/Fire, Thugs/? and a Ninja/? ( I didn't really see those guys use thier secondaries much, but then again, i don't pay a whole lot of attention ^_^) except for getting overhelwmed in one misison, we pretty much steamrolled.
  7. EmperorSteele

    First ever!!!!

    Off the top of my head, I'm thinking Ice/ mixed with Fire or Sonic. The trick will be keeping your pet alive so that agro doesn't get passed on to you... hopefully you can slow the AV enough that he rarely gets a shot off. Of course, Emp or Kin would be best for keeping Jack Frost alive, except neither set debuffs the AV's damage resistance (kin does have extra damage and -regen though, but it takes a lot of effort to keep yourself max buffed and you'll be hard pressed to fit in an attack chain, which is why it wouldn't be my first choice)
  8. EmperorSteele

    First ever!!!!

    Well, grats!

    ...not to deflate the achievement or anything, but i'd be more impressed if ya did this on anything BUT ill/rad, which is a proven AV/GM soloing machine. Still, good jerb =)
  9. EmperorSteele

    Mind/Kin build

    A couple things jump out at me.

    First, unless I miss my guess, Inertial Reduction is, by default, "perma" (in that you can activate it as it wears off). Since you have a purple set or two, and hasten, and siphon speed? You shouldn't need a recharge redux in there. I say either just use the default slot for jump height and use the extra slot somewhere else, or put 2 parts of the Blessing of the Zephyr set in there.

    Speaking of Purple Sets, unless you want the 6th-slotted bonus from Coercive Persuasion (which I'll admit is good IF you're slotting for defense), don't bother with the proc. If you ARE slotting for defense, try to squeeze in that extra last 5%. It literally makes all the difference.

    Also, you have more than five sets which give you 6.25% recharge (seven, if i counted right). Consider swapping two of these sets for something else, as having more than 5 of a single bonus doesn't count. I'd go with Thunderstrike in your attacks to increase your recovery and accuracy.

    Incidentally, without hasten or siphon speed, you have a CRAPLOAD of recharge... you can nix a slot in Speed boost and just put a End Mod IO in there (it'll recharge before you're done casting), put the extra slot in hasten. This will get it closer to perma.

    Digging deeper, i see in Total Dom you have the Lockdown proc in there. I'd remove this and place a Hold/recharge IO in there of some sort from another set. Procs are unreliable, and you'll get more mileage out of all the foes being locked down for an extra few seconds than MAYBE one or two foes being locked down for a few seconds... though you do currently get the added bonus of maybe one-shot-holding a boss (however, it can already do this with the Overpower effect). Also, since you already have a single-target hold in your arsenal, following TD with Dominate to hold a boss isn't really a complicated strategy.

    And as for Terrorize? I'd say go for Posi's blast in there if you can afford it. It'll give you the same acc and recharge bonuses but make the power far more effective as a damage tool.

    Now these are just suggestions; you have a pretty nice build and except for the "rule of 5" thing on the recharge bonus, i don't think anything really needs to be changed =)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowNate View Post
    ^_^ Hay guys I guess I did not give very much information regarding my mind/storm. It is lvl 50, however it fell into disuse for along time for various reasons.

    At the moment I have worked out a build that works very well, pretty much unkillable and I do love Pseudo tanks. I got everything worked out, but I do have a question. Is skiping both tornado and lightning storm worth having a exta 6% ranged defense and 20% S/L (for a total of 45% and 60%)
    The extra 6%? No.

    See, as long as you're past the softcap for S/L damage (45%), you're already going to avoid like 80% of everything in the game 95% of the time, no matter which position it's coming from.

    Get your s/l def to or past 45. After that, you're golden and you can work on other slotting priorities, like a damage power or more global recharge. In your example, you're talking about a little extra safety in exchange for a lot less damage. I say, take the risk, live a little, and defeat your enemies faster =)
  11. But wait, wont those 2B luck charms not ever sell?

    I mean, the highest bid goes to the lowest-cost item. So if I bid 2B on a luck charm, i'll get the one that someone just posted for 1k. If somebody wanted to buy the 2B ones, they'd have to get rid of all the other ones first to insure that you get the 2 billion!

  12. For Storm, everything but O2 boost is damn good. If you take all the secondary powers but that, it makes for a very tight build, especially given that the only thing universally considered "skippable" in Mind is TK.

    I think that, while you should get Mesmerize, Levitate and Mass hypnosis as they become available, you might wanna skip out of one or two of them in a respec down the line to make room for other utility powers (esp. stamina). Storm has quite a few powers that'll negate a sleep, and it already has enough direct damage to make Levitate kind of not-needed. Skipping the confuses might also be an option if you're not concerned with utility/safety and just want to put up damage numbers.

    Just some ideas. Play around in Mids and see what strikes your fancy.
  13. It's not scientific, but let me say this: this is the first time i've ever played and had my recipes inventory fill up in less than 3 missions.

    The new difficulty system was definitely a factor (played at +0/x6), but dayum.
  14. EmperorSteele

    Mind/Kin build

    Originally Posted by Bubbles_NA View Post
    I mostly solo, although I randomly run with PuGs, and go on the occasional TF. I normally take SJ for travel, sometimes fly, I don't know what the abreviation APP means, and would prefer a decent stamina rate (no chain-popping blues). I've only got one other troller I'm running (a lowbie as well), so I'm not sure where my priorities should be (dam vs acc vs rech vs etc).

    Frankenslotting is perfectly fine, and I've been working on my marketing abilities, so some purps in the build are fine.

    Sorry about the late response - homework/real life junk
    Well with /Kin, you don't need SJ or flight, as Siphon Speed and Inertial reduction will take care of your travel needs. The only caveat being that you have to keep recasting them.

    APP stands for "Ancillary Power Pool". The APPs open up at level 41, and offer armor, utility and attack powers, basically filling out an Archetype's holes.

    Tell ya what. I made a Mind/Kin guide that goes over everything you need to know. It's a long read, but it's worth it:


    With that, you should know what powers you want, and go from there =)
  15. Like the others said, Healing has it's place, in the back of the mitigation usability matrix.

    But, I think i should try to add a little bit of weight against that.

    When an enemy gets a lucky roll, a heal can undo the damage that's been done. When the team is in trouble, an Empath doesn't need to position herself, or hit an enemy, to heal their teammates. People are ignorant and FORGET what the bubbles and waves and glows around them are actively doing to keep them alive, but they know when they get HIT... and they know when the green numbers come up that someone is watching their back.

    What Healing lacks in in-game effectiveness it more than makes up for phsychologically. Even with force bubbles, sonic shields, ice armors, and flames around their body, many people will still hold back. BUT, add someone who plops green numbers over their heads? The entire team becomes Leeroy Jenkins. This is both good and bad, for various reasons, but it cannot be discounted that, for better or worse, healing makes people feel better about their teaming situation.

    Now, if you want to be an Emp, that's fine... that's great! Just make sure to use your other buffs, which, for the most part, will ensure you don't need to heal people in the first place. For best results, I'd say pair up with /Dark, whos attacks will debuff enemy's accuracy so that they can't hit your teammates, and therefore, you don't have to heal as much. Or maybe Rad or Sonic so your team kills the enemies faster and therefore don't need as much healing =)
  16. EmperorSteele

    Soloing set fo 8

    You know...

    I don't think PLANT needs to be nerfed.

    I think other primaries, particularily Grav and Mind, need to be brought UP to Plant's level.

    I mean, yeah, Plant is broken in that, when it was made (for villains), it wasn't balanced around the user having Containment. When it was ported over, it made for a damn good set, everything a controller set should be.

    But honestly, why should controlling be slow and laborous? Why NOT have our cake and eat it too? After all, there's no sense in having cake if you can't eat it, right? It says right in the AT description that Controllers grow to be the strongst characters in the game, but save for a few well-known combinations, they really don't seem that way.

    Leave Plant alone, buff everything else =)
  17. Grats to the winnarz!

    ... i knew i shoulda bought more tix >_>
  18. Let's see...

    multiple TFs occur every day, so i won't list those for the most part.

    Sundays: Mothership raids around 4 eastern. I think Villains also Hami raid later in the day.

    Monday: Blue-side Hami raid. starts around 6, but the hive is almost always full before 5:45. There's usually a second raid straight after. Occasional Mothership raid.

    Tuesday: Nothing that goes on weekly, afaik

    Weds: Another Blueside hami, again at 6.

    Thurs: ?

    Fri: Redside Hami, i think.

    Sat: Blueside Hami. again, get there early, but we also run twice. In addition, we try to get multiple teams together for Master STF/ITF/Khan runs. We take anything for those =)

    Also note that the D is always busy. If you listen to The Cape online radio, they almost always have a DJ in-game to take requests. Lots of RP here.

    There's almost always a costume contest goin on in Atlas, and Mothership and even Hami raids can happen spontaneously. There's almost always something going on =)

    Anyway, welcome to Virtue! Hope you enjoy yourself!
  19. *Hugs BT* you'll get it one of these weeks! Darn real life!
  20. EmperorSteele

    Soloing set fo 8

    The only way you're taking out 8-man spawns with a Mind/Kin is to get enough recharge/hold duration to make Total Dom near-perma. That's the only tool you have to set up, and keep, AoE containment.

    However, once you've got that, it's a simple matter of: Use total dom, rush in, siphon speed, siphon power, fulcrum shift, step back, hit them with Terrify and your AoE epic (fire is best for this, Psi master a close second imo). Works best on mobs with lousy psi resist. Then pick off any stranglers. Wait for total dom to recharge and repeat.

    If you don't want to wait, you CAN hit a mob with mass confuse, wait a moment while they wail on each other, then hit them with mass hypnosis, then do the whole run-n-buff-n-attack routine. Their initial alpha attack on one another should make up for your lack of containment once your second AoE hits. Then pick off anyone who got lucky and wasn't ganged up on by his comrades. Or if you have enough recharge and you're patient, use Mass Hypnosis, wait until it's almost recharged, then buff, step back, hit terrify, then immediately follow up with MH again, THEN use your epic AoE.

    Obviously, these strategies are reliant on a high recharge rate. However, it's also safer than walking into a group of immob'd foes. Yes, the immobs of other sets do damage, yes, they set containment and keep it, but the enemies will still be able to attack back unless you hit them with some other form of distraction or mez (Seeds of Confusion is great for this... if people weren't so set in their ways, I could easily see Plant/Kin being FotM for farming).
  21. ...

    Is it even POSSIBLE to be that tiny?! The frakin' WHEEL is bigger than you are!

    Anyway, grats!
  22. Heeeey there, nice defense bonuses

    Oh, and grats on the 2-bil!
  23. EmperorSteele

    The 600 Club!

    Ah! Well, in that case, I'm at 602 badges currently and i'm going after a few more tonight with my main, Patty-Sue Ivanova. Darn Ouro badges are a pain, heh.
  24. EmperorSteele

    The 600 Club!

    Quick question: before bragging about breaking into the club, do I need to get HeroStats working first? Or will a screenshot suffice?

    ..cuz i've tried using HS and it slows my system to a crawl >_>