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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I suggest T-Shirt cannons with the codes imprinted upon them.
    The shirts or the cannons?
  2. When running TFs and such, maybe suggest to the team leader running at +2 or +3 or whatever the team can handle? I think it'd be worth the extra few minutes per mission if you're gaining like 30% more XP per kill or however much more XP you get from higher con enemies...

    Also, today's Monday, which means there should be a mothership raid tonight. That should be decent for XP if you're not doing anything else! Also, if it's within the time-frame of your project, I believe they're doing Captain Mako week with DXP weekend soon?

    Nice going so far, regardless!
  3. Energy Melee: Take out one of the ST attacks, replace with a cone or AoE.

    Controllers/Energy mastery APP: Energy Torrent. Increase the range and size of the cone. Right now it's kind of pathetic compared to all the other APP AoEs, and is somehow an even worse damage AoE cone than Terrify. As it stands, having a 40 foot range makes it incompatible with a controllers' other ranged powers.

    Maybe do a balance pass on Mind Control. It's a nice middle-of-the road set, and is very good in the hands of a perma-Dom... but for many controller builds, it's not that great post 32 compared to other control sets. All I know is that whenever someone asks "What Controller set should I play", "mind control" isn't on anyone's list. It's always Fire, Plant, or Illusion. It might be easier to bring those three DOWN as oppose to bringing the other six sets UP, but I don't think that would make anyone happy. (I do recall on the most recent coffee talk that Hawk said that if they were making the game from scratch, Phantom Army would never be made, so obviously that's more an issue with Illusion than it is the other sets under-performing, but the Devs would have to pry PA from a lot of players cold, dead hands before they could change it)
  4. Minions in BAF are supposed to be controllable. However, the problem is that the DPS folks go after them, too, letting the LTs slide by.

    Another issue in the BAF is that all of Siege and Nightstar's backup forces are Bosses. So not only do you need help holding them, but Controller AoE damage being what it is, you're not gonna be taking them out yourself, either.

    On top of that, all AVs in trials are 100% unmezzable. The Devs threw us a bone and allowed us to do containment damage on AVs that -should- be mezzed (due to mag stacking), but since they're still moving around and attacking folks, it's small comfort.

    It is, unfortunately, very hard to design content to appease to as wide of a selection of power combinations as this game has. For instance, imagine a type of critter that does not take damage until it is held. Sounds like a great chance for Controllers and Doms to shine, right? Maybe; however, what if, on some random league, they HAD no control options (Say someone wanted to do an all Blaster or all Scrapper league)? This is very rarely a problem. In fact, this is how the Green Mitos in the Hamidon raid work, and I've never heard any complaints. Unfortunately, it has the negative stigma that you NEED certain powers or ATs to complete a task, which is the one thing the Devs try to avoid. So while No control might be a silly concept, what if there's only 2 or 3 controllers/doms on a league of 24? I've seen it happen, and such a league might find itself unable to complete a task due to lack of control...

    Of course, because of that, everything is damage, damage, and MOAR DAMAGE, which stigmitizes pretty much everything that ISN'T a high damage dealer. At least we have buffs and debuffs, though that's somewhat mitigated by Destiny powers and enemies with super high debuff resistance.

    Perhaps the devs should look into adaptive content which picks enemies based on team layout. More controllers? More mez-only foes. More scrappers and blasters? More enemies with high HP. More tanks and brutes? More enemies with high damage output.

    Sorry, got to rambling there =)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prexx View Post
    Batman. Given some prep time, he can beat anyone or anything.
    This brings up an interesting point that I alluded to in my own post. How do we define "Power" or "Most powerful"? By what a being can DO, or just who can beat who?

    Batman does not have any measure of super-human powers. However, it is true that with enough time, he can counter just about anyone. If he DIDN'T have time, sure he can improvise, but if Q or the Beyonder or the Data Overmind/Integration Thought Entity wished it, Batman would simply just cease to exist.
  6. Well here's something to maybe help clear up your confusion:

    There are TWO types of "IO"s. "Basic" and "Set". The "Set" ones can be confusing, because they have different categories and effects and such. However, the "basic" ones are just like SOs: They come in Damage, Accuracy, End reduction... just like SOs.

    Basic IOs function like SOs, except: They're a little more powerful, they can be used by ANY origin, and they never expire. They'll always be at a given level, but they'll stay usable 5, 10, 15 levels after you've "out leveled" them (where an SO stops working 3 levels after its native level)

    If you don't want to MAKE IOs, you can go and BUY them!

    If you look on the Auction house (Wentworth's blue side, Black market trucks redside), go under Crafted Enhancements -> Other, and you'll see pre-made Basic IOs for sale. They're expensive, but since they never degrade or expire, it beats the trouble of buying new enhancements every 5 levels. At least, in my opinion.
  7. That's a lot of catgirls. HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!

    I mean, I know it's Virtue and all.... but c'mon!
  8. Yeah, normal enhancements are level-locked, which means they're only good for +/- 3 levels of the number they indicate. So a level 20 SO can be used at level 17, where it's Super-effective, and can be used until level 23, where it's barely worth having in the power.

    IOs do not suffer from this degradation, and generally have higher percentages than SOs. The downside is cost, plus the fact that since they ARE so expensive, replacing them can seem like a chore (unless you don't care about deleting millions of inf worth of IOs to replace them)

    I generally use DOs/SOs until level 30, where I switch to Basic IOs, which I use until level 50 when I start slotting sets. Some people slot sets starting in the 30s, both because the % difference in a level 30 set vs a level 50 set isn't all that large, plus the global bonuses will be good if they exemplar back down to level 30.
  9. EmperorSteele

    Aaron Thiery

    If you've out-leveled Aaron's missions (or anyone's), you'll have to wait till you're level 15, then ask in broadcast for someone to open an "O-Portal" for you. This will let you access Ouroboros, a time-traveling zone whos main feature is to let you play out-leveled and removed content. First, head to the top of the floating structure to get the exploration badge. This will net you "Entrusted with the secret" and let you have your own O-Portal.

    Then, head inside the structure, and click one of the little crystals. They'll pop up with a list of all the story arcs that you may have missed (any you've finished will be gold and labled with a star). Find Thiery's arc (his picture will be next to it, and it should be in the 1-10 range), then click the giant crystal to teleport to him, and you'll be all set!
  10. I don't think the "cannibalize each other" thing would work out in CoH. However, if you move the confuse effect to "Envy", it would work there just as thematically. Anyway, these are some pretty cool ideas... Nice work!
  11. Haruhi Suzimaya... sort of.

    Take the abilities of any other omnipotent force seen in this thread: plop them into a 16 year old girl who doesn't know she HAS these abilities, and uses them to create aliens, time travelers, espers, and whole universes... and can even erase them just as easily... sub-consciously.

    Of course, then you have humanoid interfaces which can cancel out and even -steal- those powers, the giant Eldrich Abominations which control those interfaces... and the otherwise powerless 16 year old boy who can blackmail -those- forces into submission with four little words.

    Who's more powerful? The unknowing god? The alien which can cancel that god's powers? The super alien that can cancel out the little alien? Or the normal human who can scare the crap out of the super alien?
  12. It's better than every powerset having essentially all the same powers with the exact same stats and abilities with only a visual distinction between them. While personally, I'm not the hugest fan of combos and the like, it IS a far more engaging play-style, and I can appreciate from a development standpoint wanting every set to do something different. Otherwise, staff fighting would just look like this:

    Low damage strike
    Medium damage strike
    Medium damage strike
    Build Up
    High damage strike
    High damage strike
    Another AoE

    There'd be no reason to take it over Broadsword, Mace, or Axe unless OMG you REAAALLY wanted to poke people with a stick instead of -realistically- a much more effective weapon. And from a development standpoint, that's BORING. There'd be nothing for the powers team to do, just import the data from another powerset, then have the animation guys do some tweaking, and BAM, done. Sounds pretty lazy to me!
  13. The problem with that idea is that, iirc, regen occurs in ticks. It's not a constant refill of your health bar, it just dictates how much HP you get back when it DOES tick. You won't likely survive an alpha strike. Also, Spirit Tree is immobile, so if you get knocked away or have to move, there goes a huge chunk of your regen.

    Also, for comparison purposes, if you were to want to survive soley on regen without any other mitigation, you'd want the same level of regen that the scrapper set has.. which is about 1300% with each +regen power (and health) containing one healing SO.

    So while 575% is an impressive number, i -don't- think you can count on that alone for survivability. Though being a controller, I'd hope you wouldn't need much else, so maybe it'll work =)
  14. Dude, how about you nerf that mess with a towel and a broom? Sheesh!
  15. The LFG tool should be able to help with that, too... too bad people always fill up their leagues >_> I guess you could always send a tell to the group leader and ask them to leave a spot open, and hopefully you'll queue in, but other than that, launching from Pocket D is the way to go... (unless you can convince someone to launch from within Praetoria itself =P)
  16. I thought legacy chain was recolored fire blasts?
  17. I think we need to look at intent more than measure of success. After all, an individual who wants to kill children by telepathically making their heads explode - but fails, is more evil than the guy who succeeded at robbing a bank.

    The various villains have all had their successes and failures... the fact that Nemesis took over America doesn't make him any more or less evil than Darin Wade, who orchestrated the deaths of 3 heroes. It's intent: One wants to rule the world, one wanted to be a god... both want the things they want to make up for their massive inferiority complexes.

    In the spirit of the recent announcement, I want to toss my hat in for Captain Mako. He doesn't want to rule, he simply wants to KILL. He wants to FEEL a person struggle while his jaws are locked across their arm. He wants to HEAR them scream. He doesn't care if you're an invincible super hero, man, woman, or child... He's a straight up monster with no morals; the only thing keeping him in check is the knowledge that stepping too far out of line would cost him his own life. He hasn't had any big success... nothing big on his resume. But any other villain can -possibly- be reasoned with to some degree. You can appease to their complexes. Recluse? Nemesis? Tyrant? Bow to them, and they'll let you live. Mako? Bow to him, and all that means is you won't have to see his jaws locking around your throat.
  18. EmperorSteele


    They'd have to code in whatever tech is used for the Vangard portals and Pocket D into bases before we could get cross-faction beacons... the code that prevents heroes from using the redside portal/elevator and vice-versa. The Praet zones shouldn't be an issue, as both heroes and villains can access those zones.

    But yeah, coding is involved and everyone's too scared to touch it =/
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    ATOs don't require any "conversion", I'm not even sure what you mean by that.

    I'm buying them for a low price, say 12.1 million each.

    I'm listing them for a much higher price, say 35.1 million or 41 million.

    Nothing more complicated than that..
    He means use Enhancement Converters to turn one ATO into another one. You can use converters to turn an enhancement into another of the same set, type, or rarity. With ATOs i think it's limited to "same set" or "Any other ATO"
  20. He tried to rez in Dream Doctor's pocket dimension but didn't have enough DPS to kill the portal?
  21. Part of the problem is that since you're listing things publicly as you go, there are certainly people who're trying to undercut you just because they can. Not out of spite, but just so they can move their own stuff. But that doesn't seem to be affecting you too much so far, so mweh.
  22. Wow, that IS nice! Just note one thing: Only the +Recharge of C.S. will be perma! The +Heal and +Recovery actually only last 30 seconds. Also, perma hasten and perma CS seem dependent on each other, so just keep an eye on both powers!

    One thing I really like is that Consume is "perma", meaning as long as you've got a foe in range to use the power on, you can keep your endurance up! And as long as you're not running "getto run stealth" in battle (no reason to), you should have no end problems whatsoever...

    Only one way to find out... start playin'!
  23. Hmm...

    Maybe replace Essence of Curare with Ghost Widow's embrace? That way you get some extra HP and Endurance, instead of the mez resist (which is in such small amount as to be tactically worthless)?

    Maybe replace one of the Sleep IOs in mesmerize with another Thunderstrike, if just for the Acc bonus?

    Other than that, the build seems pretty good! Stamina is a bit under-utilized again, but hopefully going back and forth between casting Chrono shift and Consume will keep your end bar decent. As you play, you'll find whatever weak spots the build has; then you can adjust your tactics or slotting =)
  24. I find this thread entertaining, and relevant to my interests!

    I'm just wondering what would happen if everyone actually took traditional marketing advice and they ALL bid low and tried to sell high? Thankfully, human nature trumps good sense ^_^
  25. That's looking better! Here's some ideas on where to go from here...

    Remove a slot from both Time Crawl and Time's Juncture; put them in Mental Blast and finish up the Apocalypse set. Not only will you squeeze out an extra 2.5% recharge out of the deal, but Mental Blast will become a much better power for it without gimping the other two powers too badly. I know I spoke of cost earlier, but one or two purple sets isn't as much of a pipe dream as 5 or 6, and you can always use Thunderstrike or something similar in the meantime while you save up.

    I would replace the PvPIOs in Terrify with Posi's Blast. PvPIos are the MOST expensive and rare things to come by, afaik. Posi's Blasts are also much easier to get a hold of.

    Remove "Chance for Damage" from your confuse powers (replace it with the other enhancement from the set)! These powers function well because they DON'T draw agro if they miss or fail to work (like on a boss that needs more than one hit to get confused). The procs will ruin that and alert all enemies to your presence... it's not the worst thing in the world, but something to think about. These powers work BECAUSE you can use them in complete safety without retaliation. If you really want some extra AoE damage, put a chance for damage in Total Domination. It agros anyway so there's no extra risk =) Incidentally, i would swap "Essence of Curae" and the "Will of controller" sets. Total dom is a key power and needs as much enhancement as you can give it!

    Now you might be thinking, why would that matter in a team situation? Mass confuse is a very nice tool for keeping Tanks alive. Run a little ahead of him, and hit MC before he gets the baddies attention. That way, he doesn't have to worry about a few unlucky attack rolls nearly killing him. HOWEVER, if you do this with a damage proc in the powers, any baddies you miss will attack YOU (usually about 1-3 guys per spawn won't get hit by mass mezzes... it's kinda crappy). Alternately, if an ambush is coming after one of your teammates and you use MC to get them off your teammate... congratulations, now the rest of them are mad at YOU.

    World of Confusion is a lousy power. If you're going with the Mental APP (Why'd you switch from Primal Forces? Power boost is AWESOME to pair with /Time), I'd suggest getting Indomitable Will. It prevents you from getting mezzed for 90 seconds. It takes a long time to recharge, but you have enough global recharge to be able to pop it every other spawn or so and prevent any unfortunate accidents. Incidentally, if your only concern is damage, go with Fire Mastery. Fire Blast and Fireball have the highest damage of the APP powers; it's kind of Fire's whole schtick.

    Finally, I've found that a Chance to Hold proc goes a looong way in both Total Dom and Distortion field. See if you can finagle some slots to that effect (The Chance for +recharge in levitate is a good candidate. it only has a 10% chance of going off, so it's kind of wasted in a single-target power. If you're really liking that proc, put it in Psi-tornado instead if you decide to keep the Psi APP!)