Nature Affinity and +Regen

Adeon Hawkwood



So, just fiddling around with a Plant/Nature build, and toggled all of the healing powers (including Spirit Tree) slotted with 5 Doc Wounds...

575% regen!

Combined with Earth's Embrace, would it be worth totally ignoring the typical "build for ranged DEF" and go for a plant/nature/regen controller? Am I nuts?

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



The problem with that idea is that, iirc, regen occurs in ticks. It's not a constant refill of your health bar, it just dictates how much HP you get back when it DOES tick. You won't likely survive an alpha strike. Also, Spirit Tree is immobile, so if you get knocked away or have to move, there goes a huge chunk of your regen.

Also, for comparison purposes, if you were to want to survive soley on regen without any other mitigation, you'd want the same level of regen that the scrapper set has.. which is about 1300% with each +regen power (and health) containing one healing SO.

So while 575% is an impressive number, i -don't- think you can count on that alone for survivability. Though being a controller, I'd hope you wouldn't need much else, so maybe it'll work =)


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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
The problem with that idea is that, iirc, regen occurs in ticks. It's not a constant refill of your health bar, it just dictates how much HP you get back when it DOES tick. You won't likely survive an alpha strike. Also, Spirit Tree is immobile, so if you get knocked away or have to move, there goes a huge chunk of your regen.
Actually it's the other way around. Regeneration ALWAYS ticks for 55 of your maximum health. Having improved Regeneration makes those 5% ticks happen more frequently.



I suggest both, because Regen is just super awesome when you have the defense that let's those regen ticks save you from the RNG.