Powerset idea..Psiish support set




Cardinal Sins

So I was thinking. We have many support sets that CAN be explained away by psy powers, such as emp, dark sonic etc...but we do not have a set that actually IS mental. I mean besides psi blast and mental manip.
After watching Seven..I thought of this. Obviously, it is quite an..evil sounding set. But hey, I love corrs, and it would be perfect for them. Sorta basing the rough framework on Time..since its new, shiny and awesome.
I ranked the Sins according to some list I found from Google, in reverse order. That is..they have Greed as number 1..I have it as the first power. Well..second.

Cardinal Sins.

You can look within the minds of those around you, seeing their hopes, desires, and fears. What they wish to do, and what they have done. Using this knowledge, you can skilfully manipulate them, working small quirks into raging psychoses, minor irritation into blinding murderous rage. The first, must have power in the set is Guilt, functioning a bit like Time Crawl..additional effects etc.

Tier 1. Guilt.
Focusing on the mind of a single foe, you strip away protection, baring their guilt to your gaze. This causes a minor resistance debuff, a lowering the status protection and resists (ie, a boss could be held one magnitude less) and adding the Guilty effect to the target. This would provide extra effects when used before other powers in the set.

Tier 2. Greed.
People want more, always more. The desire for material gratification can blind a person to their actions, as they slip further into their selfish ways, making those around them jealous, wanting more in turn. Chaining debuff (like synaptic overload), -acc and range, if Guilty, gains a higher chance to jump to other foes.

Tier 3. Lust.
A true driving force in our lives, lust makes the world go round. Or at least, down. It may only be a few seconds of bliss, but everyone wants it. Now. The lustful mind is clouded and unfocused, rendering it protected from mental attacks and fear. PBaoe ally click. +psi def and res, with a scaling resistance to Mez effects depending on the amount of team mates hit (obviously if you have less playmates..it’s hard to be as lustful) and fear Protection.

Tier 4. Wrath.
Wrath, wether righteous, vengeful or murderous, is a powerful emotion, and by increasing that desire empowers an ally with the rage needed to bring any retribution. Ally single target, +damage, +additional psi damage to attacks, +status protection.

Tier 5. Sloth
Inaction can be evil, or it can be helpful, when a foe is suddenly crippled and weary. Focusing on a group of enemies, you can weaken their minds, overwhelming them with waves of apathy, so that they drop weapons and relax into stupor. Aoe Drop, foe –dam and resist, chance for immob, higher when Guilty.

Tier 6. Gluttony.
People need to eat to live, and without food, we die. The most basic urge we have, and one of the easiest to exploit. Reaching out to target a group, you first sharpen their hunger, then fire it to desperation, causing them to physically weaken and start to cannibalise each other. Toggle anchor power, -rech/speed, with a scaling Confuse effect, starting at mag 1 and increasing over time to mag 3.

Tier 7. Pride.
The prideful man stands tall amongst his less worthy peers, flaunting his superiority, even if it does not actually exist. In your case, you KNOW you are better than others, and can enhance your own appearance in their eyes..not that you need it. Click, self defence and damage, along with a small ally knockback resist..prideful people stand strong after all.

Tier 8. Envy
Jealousy can have a big effect on anyone, wanting something you don’t or can’t have, pushing yourself to extremes to get it. Or..die trying. Working against the minds of an enemy, you can cause them to suffer overwhelming envy of their fellows, doubting their own abilities. AoE enemy click, -def, -acc, and –special (like poison, but you are making their buffing type powers weaken through Envy)/regen.

Tier 9. Pass Sentence.
In addition to preying on the Sins of others, you can also scramble their minds with so many sinful thoughts that they actually judge themselves guilty. Most often, that self judgement is fatal, as the foe becomes so wracked with guilt they choose to end it all, sending out psychic shockwaves that damage all nearby. Target click, extreme psi aoe damage, target must be 50% hp or less, 75% if Guilty.



I have no clue whether the listed buffs and debuffs would work in a balanced way or not, but I absolutely love the concept of it. If the numbers were workable, it'd definitely get a /signed from me.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Thanks Steel! And Kirsten!



Haha oh wow, this would be an awesome power to use, and like Kirsten said, holy characters would be awesome for this.

"You doubt the glory of my CAPE SLEEVES?!" - Doba Ajiba



No comment on the theme or potential effectiveness of the set, but a few comments on the power specifics.

Guilt's -mez protection isn't possible. There's no such thing. -Protection is just Mez.

Time Manipulation can do something similar because it only works with Time Crawl->Time Stop. Time Crawl isn't a debuff to the mob's status protection, it's a flag placed on the mob that tells Time Stop to apply an additional 1magnitude. In order for Guilt to increase the magnitude of any mez, code would need to be added to mez powers specifically for this interaction.

Greed, -Acc should be -ToHit. I don't believe there's any powers in the game that actually debuff Accuracy.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I don't think the "cannibalize each other" thing would work out in CoH. However, if you move the confuse effect to "Envy", it would work there just as thematically. Anyway, these are some pretty cool ideas... Nice work!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)