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  1. I certainly hope WW has the leadership capabilities to pull this off! Grats on the moving and shaking, and "HELLO THERE!" to the new hires!
  2. ... aaw, i shoulda come =(
  3. Hmm..

    For someone trying to fulfill a TEAM function, you seem very dead-set on personal defense. And while it's true that you can't help the team if you're dead, you should be relying on the Tank and your control powers to keep you out of trouble.

    See, this looks like a pretty good SOLO build. But what are you bringing to the TEAM? A gimped heal and an AoE buff (that requires you to be near your teammates, which negates your ranged defenses if you have to set it off in the middle of melee combat). Your only AoE takes a set that doesn't even affect its stats (Terrify does not affect a foe's -ToHit. It only takes -ToHit Enhancements because of a long-standing bug!), so you might wanna slot it for damage (since the enemies are going to be getting pounded, the fear component won't do any good as a control).

    Yes, you bring the debuffs and I'd rather have a rad debuffer than a rad buffer (I teamed with a rad who didn't take any debuffs once... it was painful), but your prospective teammates won't care that you never get hit but WILL notice that you don't have a Rez when they need one. When people play with a Rad, they expect the whole package. And yeah, if they don't wanna team with you they don't have to and it's their loss, but that'll eventually come back around and you'll find yourself teaming less and less.

    Here's what I'd do: Keep this as a solo build, then make another where you skip the fighting pool and take Leadership (or Mutation and Fallout, and assign a few more slots to your heal). IO-out for recharge so that you always have one of your hard control AoEs ready. Other than that, you're solid!
  4. ...Are you sure you didn't contact one of those chinese gold farmers on accident?

    Anyway, my (few) experiences with GMs have always been positive. I suggest you take the time to fill out the survey form (truthfully and without malice) so that it affects the performance review of whoever you'd gotten stuck with.
  5. ....whuuuuuuu?

    How'd you pull that off?! >=O
  6. I just wanted to add that soloing on an emp controller will be easier because you'll have a pet to buff after level 32. Though before that it may be kinda painful either way. So whatever you do, team team team!
  7. The only thing i can agree with is the crey pistol. When other accolades DO give powers, they're pretty darn good. Some extra HP, endurance, a +recharge/acc/recovery clicky, a +def/res clicky. The crey pistol (low damage, low immob mag, looong recharge) feels underwhelming. I say increase its mag to 4. I don't think that'd be too overpowered.
  8. EmperorSteele

    More day jobs?

    I just saw that and feel like a total dork now >_<
  9. EmperorSteele


    Well, I like 3 sets to pair with Kin for different reasons.

    Elec: Slotted properly, you can sap endurance from enemies. Siphon power and fulcrum shift will keep your damage up. Most of the electric powers and a couple kin powers (Transfusion and Transference) take end mod slots, which means you can add "Chance to stun" procs in them and really stack effects.

    Rad: Quick attacks which reduce your targets defenses means you're more likely to hit with your Kin buffs and debuffs. Min/max wise this is a very good combo, though the damage from rad does feel weak. Again though, you have buffs for that.

    Sonic: Your buffs + Sonic -Res + Sonic Sleep = Fulcrum shift in total safety and maximum damage output. However, you're already leveling a dark/sonic so perhaps this isn't best for you personally.

    Those are my top three picks, anyway.
  10. EmperorSteele

    More day jobs?

    Just brainstorming. I don't think we actually NEED new day jobs, BUT, if the devs were to add new ones (as some people have accrued most or all the existing badges), here's what I'd like to see:

    Hive/Abyss: Raider. By studying the hamidon and its minions, you're better prepared for its attacks. The associated ability give you +10% chance of receiving an EoE as a drop when hunting the giant monsters in the zone.

    In front of a sewer grate: Sewer Rat. You spend your time patrolling the sewers, and know them inside and out. As a result of working in the dark, you have a small bonus to your perception.

    Near a power station: Electrician. You work with the Paragon Power Authority, and as such are tougher against energy damage (+3% res vs energy)

    On a Beach: Coast Guard/Pirate. You work in and around the ocean, making you a proficient swimmer. +10% travel speed when in water.

    Winter event chalet: Barista. Your work serving hot chocolate and warm coffee to freezing patrons brings joy to all. Because of this, you have a higher chance (+10%) of being declared "Nice" when opening Presents (note, this day job would only have a 10 day timer)

    That's about all i can think of. Maybe have an accolade for Electrician/Sewer Rat for some kind of utility-related thing, i dunno.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
    Easier to soft-cap a Invul Brute than a Invul Tanker? No idea where you got that idea, but it's definitely not true. Tanker Invul powers have higher base values across the board.

    What EmperorSteele was saying, I believe, is that you can soft-cap defense on a Brute, though it's more difficult and expensive than it would be for a Tanker, but there's no way to similarly enhance a Tanker's damage to match a Brute's.
    Yeah, that's what I meant. Oops
  12. NR + Inertial Reduction + Siphon Speed + Swift + Hurdle = capped everything =)
  13. Why so late? 11 EST, for realz?! =O
  14. Uhm, but everyone knows Sister Flame >_>
  15. The thing with this game is, Yes, YOU'VE beaten Lord Recluse. So have I. SO has that person. and that person. and those people... Pretty much everyone at level 50 has taken on everything there is.

    And yet these villains and heroes remain, doing the exact same thing over and over, only to be stopped over and over. The only way to ensure that anyone gets to do any content is to allow this to happen. If the first time a villain was stopped that they would never appear again, there'd be nothing for anyone to do.

    There is no canonical explanation for this. I'd like to think that Statesman and Lord Recluse really are unstoppable and unbeatable, but that'd make for a lousy game. Also, there was the time States was blown up and thrown a block outside of a train station by an enemy that was level 15 at best.

    I find it best not to think about. If someone goes around toting about how they're the greatest hero or villain ever, I just look at their badge count and set bonuses, and usually laugh and then ask why crime still exists or why they haven't taken over the world, and usually their "reasoning" is idiotic. At that point I stop taking them seriously.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    To be honest, and this is not false modesty here, I really had no earthly idea that this video would be as popular as it is, and that so many folks would enjoy it and get laughs and stuff. I truly didn't.

    And sorry, I can't afford to quit being awesome, assuming I ever was. I need all the concentrated epic win I can manage to find me a job.

    See, now you're just being selfish. Do you have ANY idea what a tear in the space-time continuum is going to do to property values?!

    GL with the job hunt, though!
  17. Would you quit being so awesome? So much concentrated epic win in one place is gonna cause a singularity!
  18. Olympic theme, huH? Yeah, I can work around that like a track team!
  19. The best DPS are Blasters, followed by scrappers. Some controllers and defenders can put up pretty good damage numbers, too, depending on their ability to self-buff/debuff. You might wanna try being an Earth controller and pair it up with the Kinetics secondary, which gives you two self-damage buff powers. Earth Control's damage kinda sucks at first, but it gets better once you have most of the powers and your Animated Stone pet.

    As for teleporting, that comes in a "pool" set. The "power pool sets" open up at level 6, and anyone of any class can take them. One of the pool sets is teleportation. You'll have to take a power that teleports a friend, or a foe, before you're allowed to teleport yourself. You'll also have to be level 14 before you can take the self-teleport.
  20. Just keep in mind that when using screenshots for reference, that things are a bit skewed. The game is rendered in such a way that (your character's supposed height notwithstanding) each of those blocks is about six feet long!

    Just a caution against relying on screenshots too much, otherwise it's a really nice piece and I hope you get your method down well enough to produce something you're happy with!
  21. ....You're not allowed to be logical, this is the market forum!
  22. The main thing with Brutes and EM is that EM is a slow-recahrge set, so it'll be really really hard to build up fury without a recharge bonus. I've heard people say it's the worst set for brutes.

    Brutes have a much higher damage cap than Tankers do, while tanks have better defense numbers out of the box... unfortunately, the advantage still goes to brutes. You can easily build for capped defenses with a brute... you can't build for +800% damage on a tanker.

    Also, I have an invuln/Em myself, and i have to say that pairing a set who's main form of mitigation is "keep foes close" with a set that makes them wander away from you (stuns)... isn't all that great numbers-wise. It still works okay though!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NSGhost View Post
    well im not completley sure i mean when u create ur character u choose ur powers and such and im wondering if there is a damage base earth type of thing u can go with if not im wondering how teleporters do
    This is the wrong forum for that question =)

    THIS forum is about the creation, editing, and maintenance of one's supergroup headquarters. Like the Batcave or a villain's lair.

    YOU want to know about making a character, and you should ask in "Archetypes and powers general discussion" as seen here. Because I'm nice, I'll answer your question here and a mod can move the topic =)

    Anyway, for an earth-theme character, look into either a Tank (Stone/earth is both an armor set and an attack set for tanks), a Controller (Who has both Plant control or Earth control for primary sets, and Earth mastery for their epic pool), a Brute (who have stone armor like tanks) or a Dominator (who have Plant and earth control, and also Earth assault as a secondary).

    Hope this helps =)
  24. Well the Mag 100 mez effects are to encourage teamwork. And think of it this way: What's the point of giving an AV a stun power if it's not going to affect its target (ie, the tank)?
  25. As others have intoned, perhaps it's a problem with your build or playstyle. Maybe ask for advice in the Blaster forums?

    All i know is that my Fire/En, who doesn't have much in the way of sets, survives just fine. True, i only solo on basic difficulty. I'm not taking on +4/x8, and i do use a lot of inspirations, but i survive fine.

    Also, playstyle wise, target and eliminate the member of the group who'll give you the most trouble first. Use some means of flight to stay out of harm's way (most long ranged attacks do less damage and have less mez effect than a melee attack). Your secondary should be used situationally, and not as your opening attacks (unless you're built for melee defense like a good Blapper).

    And chain your attacks to take advantage of your defiance buffs! If you use any IO sets at all, build for recharge!