Earth based character




hi im new so im wondering if there was a character base with the element of earth if not how are teleporters/?



Well, since you've posted this in the Base forums I assume you're asking about an SG base that's earth-themed. If you meant a character with Earth-based powers, that's an entirely different thing (best bet would probably be Tanker or Controller as they have Earth-themed powersets).

In terms of a base, no, there aren't elemental themes per se, but the Arcane theme contains a number of very earthy textures and options including stone columns, dirt floors, rubble, crystals, and other things that might fit well into an earth-element themed SG base. As for telepads, you have two options: Arcane and Tech. The Arcane ones use a floating glowing crystal with a surrounding framework and could easily fit an Earth theme with a little imagination. That's the way I'd go.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



well im not completley sure i mean when u create ur character u choose ur powers and such and im wondering if there is a damage base earth type of thing u can go with if not im wondering how teleporters do



Originally Posted by NSGhost View Post
well im not completley sure i mean when u create ur character u choose ur powers and such and im wondering if there is a damage base earth type of thing u can go with if not im wondering how teleporters do
This is the wrong forum for that question =)

THIS forum is about the creation, editing, and maintenance of one's supergroup headquarters. Like the Batcave or a villain's lair.

YOU want to know about making a character, and you should ask in "Archetypes and powers general discussion" as seen here. Because I'm nice, I'll answer your question here and a mod can move the topic =)

Anyway, for an earth-theme character, look into either a Tank (Stone/earth is both an armor set and an attack set for tanks), a Controller (Who has both Plant control or Earth control for primary sets, and Earth mastery for their epic pool), a Brute (who have stone armor like tanks) or a Dominator (who have Plant and earth control, and also Earth assault as a secondary).

Hope this helps =)


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Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



well what would the best dps class be or build whatever you call it on hero, cause earth sounds more of tank when i want to be full on nuke damage and i dont realy want to be fire or ice im also wonderng what the teleporter class would be



The best DPS are Blasters, followed by scrappers. Some controllers and defenders can put up pretty good damage numbers, too, depending on their ability to self-buff/debuff. You might wanna try being an Earth controller and pair it up with the Kinetics secondary, which gives you two self-damage buff powers. Earth Control's damage kinda sucks at first, but it gets better once you have most of the powers and your Animated Stone pet.

As for teleporting, that comes in a "pool" set. The "power pool sets" open up at level 6, and anyone of any class can take them. One of the pool sets is teleportation. You'll have to take a power that teleports a friend, or a foe, before you're allowed to teleport yourself. You'll also have to be level 14 before you can take the self-teleport.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Okay... well at least we've worked out that you're asking about a character, that's progress.

What are you asking for does not exist as such. You seem to be asking for Blaster level damage output ("full on nuke damage") in an Earth-themed character. As we've pointed out above, the Earth-themed powersets are Stone Armor (Tankers, Brutes) and Earth Control (Controllers, Dominators). That said, with power customization you could probably recolor one of the blaster sets to something that could pass as earth-themed with some creativity. Maybe red energy blasts that you RP as lava? Just throwing out ideas. You can play around some, but if you want an Earth-themed elemental blast set, it's not there. Probably the closest match in the actual powersets is a villain, a Dominator to be specific, who has access to the Earth Assault secondary. That's about as close to an Earth blast set as it gets in the regular powersets.

As for a "teleporter class", no such animal. There are four travel power options in this game: Teleportation, Flight, Super Speed and Super Jump. Any hero or villain may take any of these powers. You can take more than one or even all four if you so desire. All four travel powers are the third power in their respective power pools. A power pool is a set of four powers which is available to any character.

Starting at level 6, you have the option of taking a power from one of the pools in place of one of your primary/secondary powerset powers. All the pools require that you take one of the first two powers in the set to unlock the third, and two of the first three to unlock the fourth. Since the travel powers are always the third power in their power pools, this means you have to select one other power (a prerequisite or "prereq") before you can get the travel power. If you want to teleport, all you have to do is take Recall Friend or Teleport Foe and then choose Teleport at level 14+.

There is no teleporter class. Also no flier class, no superspeeder class, no superjumper class.

In future, you might try to spend just a bit more time on composing your posts so that they aren't so difficult to understand - we're having to make a lot of guesses and assumptions about what you want because you haven't been clear. Maybe English isn't your first language and if so I sympathize, but all we really have to go in is what you type for us. Even if it's in broken English, typing more than just a line or two would help next time to give us more to decipher.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Dude, you are in the wrong forum.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Dude, you are in the wrong forum.

DUDE, unless you have something useful to say go away a mod is suppose to move it he hasnt yet



Okay i think i have figured out what im going, under one of the options in game i found that you can be a soldier for example the assault rifle i cant remember what its under but i think i want to use a gun and also use teleportation would this be a good idea?



You ask some specific questions that are very opinionated for the most part. If I were you, I would experiment as you level your character or even mess around on the test server with your travel powers and ATÂ’s (i.e., blasters, scrappers). A good resource to get you started is found here Personally I despise teleport travel.

It would be in your best interest to use the main forum page to find the appropriate topic/thread. More help can find you there.




Originally Posted by NSGhost View Post
DUDE, unless you have something useful to say go away a mod is suppose to move it he hasnt yet
He got rude real quick, didn't he?


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



Originally Posted by NSGhost View Post
Okay i think i have figured out what im going, under one of the options in game i found that you can be a soldier for example the assault rifle i cant remember what its under but i think i want to use a gun and also use teleportation would this be a good idea?
If you're asking, objectively: Is this possible? Yes.
If you want opinion: Is this a reasonable combination that won't make the character suck? Yes.

Is it "good"? I dunno. If it's fun for you, then it's good. If you want a gun and high damage, you probably want a blaster with the primary set Assault Rifle. You also need to pick a secondary power set. Devices is a popular choice to portray heroes who use weapons. As for the teleportation, anyone can get that.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
He got rude real quick, didn't he?

Thats cause your a pirate.





Yes. Yes I am.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



I see that Stone Armor has been mentioned, but not Stone Melee. I have this on a tanker and, if I recall correctly, Brutes also have access to it.

In addition, Shield Defense can be customized to various elemental themes, including earth. My tanker has SD and his shield looks like a big slab of rock, which sounds like what you're considering. I believe there's also a geode-type shield if you want another type of earth selection.

Characters also get access to auras at level 30, some of which are earthy.

With the recent introduction of power customization and auras, you should be able to create the type of character you're envisioning. Play around with the character creator a bit and see what appeals to you.