Empathy on a controller?

Adeon Hawkwood



So, never made a empath, but since I do RWZ alot, Thought id make one on my other account to help me do some AE missions.

So the question is, would empathy in this manner be better suited on a controller or a defender? I might actually take the toon on a tf or whatever later on, so wasn't sure if the empathy defender is more needed on teams (and better buffs) rather than the dmg/control that a empathy controller can do.

Anyone else been in my situation and wasn't sure which to make?



Empathy degrades in performance very little as a Controller secondary compared to a Defender primary, so the only thing you lose is that powers come later.

If you're dual boxing, either will support a Blaster incredibly well. If you actively play the second account via keystroke braodcasting, a Defender is probably easier since their extra powerset matches the blasters, whereas a Controller is better off switchign targets and a Blaster is better off taking down enemies one by one.

As a support character on a task force, a Controller is probably better for high level content. A Defedner provides better AoE damage, a controller provides a high level of control.
If you plan on running lower level task forces a Defender may win out, eg they'd have Fortitude avaialble to run Positron.



Troller would have Fort too, if they took it at 20 in lieu of Stamina.

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Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
... If you plan on running lower level task forces a Defender may win out, eg they'd have Fortitude avaialble to run Positron.
And Recovery Aura as well, for that matter both Auras and AB come much sooner in the set.

On a personal note I found I felt my Earth/Emp's attention was also frequently a bit divided. With his primary my attention was focused more on the battlefield and the foes, whereas with his seconday my attention was directed quite a bit more at the team window. Left me feeling (especially as a much less experienced player and first time controller back then) as if I wasn't quite doing either sets role as well as I could. Perhaps it is the experience I have now but I find it much easier to switch between a blasting secondary and empathy than I did between controlling and empathy.



I just wanted to add that soloing on an emp controller will be easier because you'll have a pet to buff after level 32. Though before that it may be kinda painful either way. So whatever you do, team team team!


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Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I just wanted to add that soloing on an emp controller will be easier because you'll have a pet to buff after level 32. Though before that it may be kinda painful either way. So whatever you do, team team team!
I feel stupid for never considering the whole buffing pet thing. Guess I'll go controller. Just have to decide between Ice/Empathy or Stone/Empathy. Which do you guys think would be more 'useful' on an ITF?



I love empathy on all my defenders and trollers. Really it is a good choice for trollers but i always love it on defenders Win Win either way



Here's my harsh version, stated this way for dramatic effect in the hopes I can get into a debate with someone.

For the purposes of team survivability, Empathy on a Defender is trash compared to a Controller. A lone Empathy Defender cannot ever compete with the safety a Controller brings, and it's folly to even try. I die a little inside everytime a team thinks inviting an Empathy Defender will turn the tide of death. (Force Field Defenders are a different story, however).

What an Empathy Defender is is a hybrid buffer/DPS. It actually IS a valuable character, but not for the reasons most people create or play them.



You know, was thinking about this this morning before work. I also pvp in sirens alot. And whether just team playing with an empathy I want to make, or making a buff bot for siren's, the controller would not have AB at 35.

Does DR in siren's make AB really not worth it anyway?



I would consider Illusion/Empathy. Its a great support character. You have the non-aggro-causing single target confusion power (deceive) which is great for a followbot to have on auto at times when you dont need the heal on auto. You get a hold and extra damage if you need it (reaching over to an adjacent keyboard isnt so bad). You also get Phantom Army at level 18, and thats just the bees knees. Plus you get all the empathy goodness. Also, the Illusion primary gives you superior invisibility so you can have full stealth on your empath.

Good times!


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You might also want to look at /therm. Thermal's heals are only a step behind Empathy's, and the shields let you mitigate damage preemptively, which means you spend less time in combat healing others and more time deploying your controls.

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Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
You might also want to look at /therm. Thermal's heals are only a step behind Empathy's, and the shields let you mitigate damage preemptively, which means you spend less time in combat healing others and more time deploying your controls.
I'd certainly grab a thermal over an emp any day; prevention is vastly superior to healing. A thermal will remain a valuable teammate all the way to the endgame while an emp's value starts strong but falls off pretty rapidly in the late game.

Buff/debuff beats healing any day IMO. Yes, I know emps get some nice buffs, but the majority of the emp players I've run across tend to sit back and do nothing but play whack-a-mole with the team's HP bar.

Sorry about the tone of the message, but I've ended up on too many teams with a "pure" empath with no attacks, 2 travel powers and the full medicine pool. That seldom happens with any other set.

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Well,iv never tried Empathy my self,i dont really see the validity of the set personally,and never admired the player who sits back and spams heals,and has only his Teir 1 attack,that he boasts,is not slotted.Considering iv been on teams that had 2-3 EMPs,and they couldnt keep the Tanker Alive.(I was the Tanker,the build was a WP/SS in the situation im about to describe.)

I had built my Tanker for armor toggles and Taunt first,the way any tanker should.However,the 3 EMPs couldnt keep me alive on a long +3 /8 mission,and you can guess what happened to the rest of the team the moment i dropped.So,i told the team leader,"Let me get my Defender,itll do a better job then my Tanker will".

I went and got my /Traps Defender,and i laid down Trops,Poison Trap,Acid Mortar,and sniped the mob to bring them into my traps.Not only did the 1 Scrapper on the team do a excellent job Tanking while sitting in my web of traps,as well as the extra added defense % my Shield Drone gave,the mission went exceedinly smooth at that point from using just those few traps.

Then...the unthinkable happened..

The Scrapper and Blaster popped off with "Good heals everybody!"

MY frickin jaw dropped,and i said "Yeh,but how about them Traps?"

A hush went over the team,and the banter stopped,and you could hear a cricket in the background.....

I have personally never met a EMP i liked teaming with,especially at higher levels,and i would have to agree that Thermal is a massivly better set then Empathy,but,i cant get into it for concept reasons,and id take a Radiant Aura over a EMP any day,heck...ill take any support power set over a EMP any day...

The main reason why ill take someone else,is because of the seemingly WoW & DDO asspect of it all.In other games,a healer is praised for his job,because in those games,a healer,is a God in many ways to a team.They literally "DO" keep that team alive,because thats there main function in the game,due to its mechanics.

I also wont deny that i am very apprehensive,and a bit of a biggit when i see a EMP,because they are praised,and desired more then any other support power set to most PUGs that i have seen.Iv been booted from teams while playing a Cold Domination,Radiant Aura,Trick Arrow,Traps,and Bubbler Builds,and when i ask why it says i was just kicked from team...i usually get the following response..."Sorry,but we need a healer."

Thats my personal experiance with the EMP set,and it is not a good feeling to be booted from a team,or passed over,or not get acknowledged at all for your support in a team,while all the Glory goes to the EMP.Most people belive HP heals are the best way to go,which isnt true,iv seen a single Bubbler keep a entire team alive for many missions,without a EMP or Healing Support of any kind.

Personally,id go with the recomendation that you try another set,such as the before mentioned Thermal,or perhaps Radiant Aura?(Rad is my personal favorite for a Controller)



I agree with you that a disturbingly high percentage of players hold Empathy (or specifically healing) up as the paragon of defenderly virtue. However it's important to not go the other way and discriminate against Empaths simply for being Empaths. Used well it is a good set although in most cases it is outclassed by other sets although as with all defenders it is important to remember that a Defenders blasts are almost as important as his buffs.

The example that you gave sounds more like a player problem than an Empath problem. Three Empaths working together should be able to keep anyone alive against regular enemies. You didn't specify the level but as long as they were level 12 they could just triple stack Fortitude on you which should be more than sufficient with the occasional heal. The higher level solution is for them to AB each other. With three Empaths AB'ing each other you should be able to have Regen Aura on the team pretty much permanently which leaves the Emps plenty of free time for blasting. The problem isn't that Empathy is a poor set it's that you encounter Empaths who don't know how to use the buffs in the set to their advantage. Once you get to the mid-twenties the utility of heals drops off sharply and the difference between a good Empath and a bad one is how well they utilize the buffs that Empathy provides.

EDIT: Slight mistake in my math there. 3 Empaths can keep up auras constantly without AB. AB'ing each other just means that you get double auras about 50% of the time.



With 3 well played empaths, 2 Forts on the entire team is should be well within their capabilities and that should put everyone at the soft cap for defense. As well the team should never not be under the effect of both auras and spend a great deal of time under the effects of stacked auras. Properly slotted and used 2 regen auras will have the entire team at or above 1800% regen ... as much if not more than a /Regen running IH is likely to have. The team described above should have been all but unkillable and more than capable of steamrolling whatever was in front of them.



Empathy is not a bad set. It's just not the cat's pajamas.

Empathy and Thermal come out about even in the end. Empathy loses a point for Absorb Pain, but Thermal loses a point for a Rez power on 300 second recharge that costs half your endurance bar and draws aggro. Empathy has no debuffs and Thermal has no Endurance boosts.

My main issue with Empathy is that some teams think an Empathy Defender somehow has the ability to keep a full team alive by themselves. And frequently, it's the Empaths themselves who think this, because they don't understand the concept of mitigation. I can see how that could happen; I think it's very hard for people who don't play Controllers to understand the reasons teams live or die in hard fights. I think a lot of them just attribute survival to some kind of divine mojo, where some teams are blessed and others not. They seem genuinely perplexed when the Controller quits and people start dying. "But we were just mopping the floor with these guys."

The other problem with Empathy is few Empaths grasp the importance of tossing out Fortitude the moment it is available. Nor do they realize when they announce things like "Gather for RA!" they are actually working against their main draw, which is keeping the team rolling quickly.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The other problem with Empathy is few Empaths grasp the importance of tossing out Fortitude the moment it is available. Nor do they realize when they announce things like "Gather for RA!" they are actually working against their main draw, which is keeping the team rolling quickly.
This does get to be a problem, when I'm playing one of my Rad characters I generally don't bother to call for AM, I just move to where I can reach most of the players and fire it off. That way most of the team gets the buff; on a good team that sticks together everyone gets it and it doesn't cause any break in the action.

Heck, with my perma-AM, perma-PA Ill/Rad firing off AM the moment it's up is more or less a requirement if I want to KEEP it running.

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Empathy makes for a better "follow-bot" than Thermal. Its the ultimate "buff my favourite few" set when played well.

Thermal will protect a large team better, since it can cover 7 others with its shields, but Empathy is the best buff set for playing favourites.

For a Controller, Fortitude gives 18% Def to everything, equivalent to 36% resistance roughly.
Thermal gives 23% resistance to S/L/E/N, double to fire, negligible to cold and none to Psi.

Fortitudes offensive buffs and Forge are much of a muchness, Forge is 10% better maybe?
Once you get Adrenalin Boost, all bets are off, Empathy is the clear winner.

I've tried both in a dual-boxing situation, and Empathy wins hands down as a support set for a single other player. Any questions about what dopey Empaths on pick up groups have done are irrelevant if you're playing the backup character yourself.

(Of course, two Empaths buffing each other is the clear winner. Dont get me started... )



Originally Posted by snake1313 View Post
So, never made a empath, but since I do RWZ alot, Thought id make one on my other account to help me do some AE missions.

So the question is, would empathy in this manner be better suited on a controller or a defender? I might actually take the toon on a tf or whatever later on, so wasn't sure if the empathy defender is more needed on teams (and better buffs) rather than the dmg/control that a empathy controller can do.

Anyone else been in my situation and wasn't sure which to make?
To the OP
Others here have posted good advice, even those that seem to have a prejudice against Empathy, so I will just add a couple other points to consider.

The choice of ATs is one that you have to answer. Empathy would be one-half of your powers in either decision, so which Archetype would apeal more to you. Every character is the SUM of their powers, not just one set or the other.

That being said, Defenders offer good team support combined with Blasting.
As a Defending Empath its a little more seat-of-the-pants and requires alot of work to make a good Team and Solo character. Controllers that take Empathy, by contrast, feel as if they have decided to work two different jobs. As Doomguide pointed out, you can feel a bit stressed to do both jobs equally well.

I have Played Empathy as a Controller paired with Illusion, Ice and Mind.
Each one was fun for me (but I love playing the support role), however, of the three, I would say that Ice/Emp had a better "feeling" of synergy than the other two choices.

If you plan on soloing more than teaming, then I would say Controller. If you plan on teaming more often, then either one is fine, just decide which AT better suits you, rather than just focusing on "Empathy"

To those here that have posted harshly about "Empathy" players, I feel badly that there are that many poor players out there and that you have had the misfortune of teaming with folks that dont understand they have 2 powersets at their disposal. But as Adeon_Hawkwood mentioned above, try and realize its the player, not the powerset, that has probably colored your opinion. I am not one of those that puts empathy on a pedastal, but it IS one of my favorite powersets, and I know it works well for keeping a team alive. I would bet any money that "Defender Primary X played by a good Player" outshines "Defender Primary Y played by a unskilled Player".




Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
This does get to be a problem, when I'm playing one of my Rad characters I generally don't bother to call for AM, I just move to where I can reach most of the players and fire it off. That way most of the team gets the buff; on a good team that sticks together everyone gets it and it doesn't cause any break in the action.
I will usually call it off. But I don't ask them to gather, instead I tell them I am going to drop AM near a certain player (usually the tank, if there is one) and if you want it, make yourself in range, for instance: "Dropping AM next to Ice Wall in 3, move it if you want it!"

(On a sidenote, I just started an Ill/Rad recently.)



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
To those here that have posted harshly about "Empathy" players, I feel badly that there are that many poor players out there and that you have had the misfortune of teaming with folks that dont understand they have 2 powersets at their disposal. But as Adeon_Hawkwood mentioned above, try and realize its the player, not the powerset, that has probably colored your opinion. I am not one of those that puts empathy on a pedastal, but it IS one of my favorite powersets, and I know it works well for keeping a team alive. I would bet any money that "Defender Primary X played by a good Player" outshines "Defender Primary Y played by a unskilled Player".
I'm fully aware that an Emp has lots of nice things to bring to the party; unfortunately a skilled Emp who actually USES their secondary is a very rare commodity. I've been here 5 years now and I've seen way, WAY more bad Emps than good ones. A good Emp tosses out the buffs then spends most of their time blasting until it's time to buff again or toss out a rare heal. The far more common variety will use healing aura, heal other and maybe the RA's... if nobody needs a heal they just stand there doing nothing.

You're absolutely right that a skilled player is an asset no matter what they're playing and I do wish there were more skilled Emps. Unfortunately your odds are much better finding a good player with any other set. A FF, Sonic or Rad is just more likely to have a good player at the controls.

To some degree I can understand it, I've played an Ill/Emp to 40 and found I despised it... I could do it, I just didn't like it. It was the recharge cycle of Fort that was the most irritating to me; I much prefer a set you can use to buff all at once then do other things until it's time to buff again. Kinetics were a lot easier; just take time out every 90 seconds to buff everyone then back to killing.

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Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
You're absolutely right that a skilled player is an asset no matter what they're playing and I do wish there were more skilled Emps. Unfortunately your odds are much better finding a good player with any other set. A FF, Sonic or Rad is just more likely to have a good player at the controls.

To some degree I can understand it, I've played an Ill/Emp to 40 and found I despised it... I could do it, I just didn't like it. It was the recharge cycle of Fort that was the most irritating to me; I much prefer a set you can use to buff all at once then do other things until it's time to buff again. Kinetics were a lot easier; just take time out every 90 seconds to buff everyone then back to killing.
Maybe I just dont see enough Empaths to judge. Teams stop recruiting them once I have joined, hehe. But I think the same can be said about other defenders that are Buff oriented. In fact, just the other day I helped someone do a Synapse TF and we had a Bubbler that just put up bubbles and stood around at first. Then I think they (the FFer) got embarassed watching me blasting like a mad-man and tried to do the same. All this accomplished was that bubbles did not get refreshed as "timely" as they could have.

I did not accost this person, because my "gut feeling" is that they left with a somewhat better idea of what defender's are capable of, and we did not fail in the missions, so it was all just fun and games (since no-one got hurt).

Your reference to Kinetics is kinda funny, because (to me) Kinetics feels alot like Empathy when I play it on a team. Speed Boost and Increase Density replace Fortitude and Clear Mind. Transfusion replaces Heal Other and Transference replaces RA. Then you still have Blasts and Siphons on top of it all. I dont have FS yet, ...soon though




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Your reference to Kinetics is kinda funny, because (to me) Kinetics feels alot like Empathy when I play it on a team. Speed Boost and Increase Density replace Fortitude and Clear Mind. Transfusion replaces Heal Other and Transference replaces RA. Then you still have Blasts and Siphons on top of it all. I dont have FS yet, ...soon though
Nah, I know what he means about going from Kin to Emp. The thing is that SB recharges really fast - not quite "before it's done animating" fast, but fast enough that you can buff the whole team at a go without much trouble. You don't need to juggle who needs Fort when; as soon as one person's SB is blinking, it's just Buff Time again for everyone. With Fort there's the extra timing element to track.

That said I'm quite enjoying learning how to Emp on my Ill/Emp. It's a bit of a different experience from the other buff sets I've played, with a very heavy focus on its powerful, slow-recharging/long-duration buffs.



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
Nah, I know what he means about going from Kin to Emp. The thing is that SB recharges really fast - not quite "before it's done animating" fast, but fast enough that you can buff the whole team at a go without much trouble. You don't need to juggle who needs Fort when; as soon as one person's SB is blinking, it's just Buff Time again for everyone. With Fort there's the extra timing element to track.

That said I'm quite enjoying learning how to Emp on my Ill/Emp. It's a bit of a different experience from the other buff sets I've played, with a very heavy focus on its powerful, slow-recharging/long-duration buffs.
Yeah, I get that. And you both are correct. The timing on the Emp buffs is kinda unique, I was fixating on the number of buffs rather than the strategy of buffing between the two sets.

For what its worth, the way I approach Empathy Buffs are;

When I join a team, I identify which ATs I have and their powersets.
Every Controller, Defender, Blaster gets Clear Mind and I keep it refreshed. Sure wish this buff was longer, but I manage. Sometimes on a lower level TF, I will notice melee folks getting knocked around, so I add them to the buff cycle.

Fortitude goes initially on the person that is taking the alpha each spawn. And I often only charge up one player on a new team and see who is getting hurt the most on a regular basis. This is a good indication of several things; how much DPS attention they are getting, how tactical they play, and more subtlely, how well their character is built.
I can keep 3 people with Fort easily, sometimes 4 if I am really firing on all cylinders (usually it means there is a Rad or Kin on my team though).

Recovery and Regen Aura are used once they recharge, but I wait until after a fight has gotten started and find a good spot to fire the auras off so as to hit the whole team. Also, if I know that an AV or EB is coming up, I will hold off until the start of that fight to use them. The only people that usually miss RA are the ones hanging way far back or the ones that run off seperate from the team. Nothing I can do about that, but I dont shout "gather" anymore because my friends dont really care. They dont stop even if I do shout hehe

Adrenaline Boost gets blessed on whoever seems to regularly be using all their endurance.
((Yes I am looking at you Fire Controllers and Storm Users)). I have it slotted to over 1000% recovery, but sadly, I dont see many people using Nukes, so it gets used on the next best candidate.

Heal Other is a no-brainer, but doesnt get used as much as one would think, and Healing Aura I like to think of as my "solo" heal, cause the more I play Empathy, the less I need to use this heal at all on my teams. I am not saying I am "that good", just that when the buffs are being refreshed properly and being administered to the "correct" targets, healing is secondary to my teams.