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  1. Hahaha! You Devs are such glorious, magnificent bastards! Must... have... Going... Rogue...
  2. How about "Smashing the Looking Glass"? =P
  3. I doubt we'll get flowing hair with UM... or ever. That would mean that everyone would have to have their hair in two modes: normal and ultra, and they would have to transmit both sets of data to everyone in range because graphics detail is stored client side. The game is bad enough for people with low end comps or 56k connections. Flowing hair would only make it worse.
  4. *sigh*, damn fanfic writers. Yes, everyone who ever meets has to fall in love *eyeroll*

  5. Brevity is the soul of wit.
  6. I thought that was a gold trimmed pair of granny panties for a second o_O
  7. Here's an idea: Did you uninstall ALL ATI-related programs? Any extra software that was installed with your original driver install? According to Bill Z Bubba's ATI issues thread, here's his normal uninstall/reinstall procedure:

    Go to Add/Remove Programs
    Choose ATI Software Uninstaller
    Click Remove
    Click Yes to removing all ATI software
    Allow the system to restart
    Cancel XP's attempt to automatically install the display adapter, probably twice
    Disable your antivirus program
    Uninstall any 3rd party ATI driver packages still listed in Add/Remove Programs
    Use Driver Cleaner (if you have it) to clear out ATI, ATI WDM, ATI Uninstaller, ATI CCC
    Install the latest Catalyst package
  8. Well 1000 watts doesnt mean anything if one of your capacitors blew a cap. You may want to physically check the motherboard, and look for things that look like little batteries. Make sure none of them have a dome top (they should be flat). If one or more of them DOES have a pushed-up cap, or worse, it's leaking acid, you'll want a new mobo ASAP. Try not to use your computer at ALL, bad power going through your system can damage all your other components.
  9. EmperorSteele

    Hami Raid Help

    Blueside, it's saturday around 7. If you can't get into hive 1, get into hive 2, we usually run 2-3 concurrent raids!
  10. A new system and you only have 768 megs of ram?

    Sorry, not too helpfull, i just thought that was odd.
  11. Tripple monitor set up? Mweh, i barely use my second one. Not to deny anyone their good time, but I'd have to put in a vote of "no" for multi-monitor support at this time; I don't want to lose something from GR that ALL or MOST people could enjoy in exchange for something only a few would.

    Don't get me wrong, tripple-monitor support would be t3h sex and a great selling point for CoH in general, but I don't want it getting in the way of soemthing else.
  12. EmperorSteele

    Computer Upgrade

    Originally Posted by psycheout View Post
    Its a 2004 and was $1,200.

    what would be a rough cost estimate for a comp at or above minimum specs?

    I have an average 6 minutes load and dc, map-serve, or crash about once every 2 hours and takes like 10 minutes to get to login.
    At minimum specs? You probably can't even BUY anything that LOW anymore. Any hardware that the game recommended has been replaced by newer, better things.

    If price is a concern, you can make a machine that'll run CoH (as is,probably not including Ultra Mode) for around 400 bucks. However, when upgrading your machine, you want something that's a little more future-proof. After all, why spend money on a new computer if it won't run any new games?

    Still, I've put together a "cheapo wish list" for you. This will run CoH with no problems, and maybe even some modern games, too. The video card is the highest-end part, but the processor and memory may bottleneck your performance...


    Note that this does not include a case or a cd drive. However, this rig, which is a bit better than my current one* (which runs CoH fine at medium settings), costs UNDER 400 bucks. If you want more RAM or a better processor or more bells and whistles on your motherboard, you can always go for something better. Also, the HD is bare-bones, which means you may not get a SATA cable to go from it to the motherboard, you you may have to buy one of those.

    The main thing to remember when putting together a new computer is to make sure everything matches up! Do NOT get an AMD processor and an Intel-based motherboard. Do NOT get ddr2 memory if the motherboard supports ddr3 (the one i gave you uses ddr2). Do NOT get an AGP-type graphics card if your board only supports PCI-E (these are slot types that the cards will slide into). That's the main reason I made a list for you, so that you could see all the common threads that link the components together so you don't end up ordering parts that are incompatible with each other.

    Note that, AMD/Intel aside, that brand names don't matter for compatibility. You CAN get an ATI motherboard and use a Nvidia graphics card. You CAN use any power supply with just about any case.

    Hope this helps!

    * My current rig: 2 gig single-core proc, 2 gigs of DDR ram, Ge-Force 6600GT. So yeah, the computer i recommended for you is arguably twice as good as mine!
  13. Welcome, guys! Hope you survive the experience!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Okay then: 2 Billion, 5 million/month upkeep for that. That would cut down the number dramatically.
    That would still open up the need for more than one spot that the devs would have to program in. That's a problem i would wish to avoid, no matter what.

    I like the "icon rotation" idea, though. Half those costumes are horrid anyway!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
    For 500 million, I want everyone to be able to see it.

    But I'd pay 500 million and 500K a month to put a statue of me up that everyone could see...
    You and a THOUSAND OTHER PEOPLE on your server. Let that sink in for a second. Do YOU want to see ONE THOUSAND STATUES everywhere? No.

    Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
    As for the "villain equivalent" of only posters? No. If you're going to offer statues to blue side, then offer them to red as well.
    I didn't know if that was thematically appropriate. I don't see too many statues of "great villains" around the R.I., and I'm not 100% sure Lord Recluse would allow such a project.
  16. I can't find the thread now, but a few weeks ago in the market forum we were discussing ways to destroy inf to help slow inflation. I posted one idea that i figured I'd share here.

    The Devs should, as a QoL feature, open up for level 50's the ability to "buy" a statue of themselves in Atlas Park for 500M. HOLD ON...

    Now, the problem immediately arises when thousands of level 50's start buying statue plots, so what I would propose is something trickier.

    One podium, and it only shows YOU... YOUR character. No one else's. You and your friend could both buy the plot, and you'd both only see your own character. It's all handled locally. Anyone under level 50 or who hadn't paid for the plot would only see a blank spot, "waiting" for them.

    What do you guys think?

    As for a villain equivalent.. i dunno, a huge WANTED poster?

    EDIT: changed 500K to 500M. I hit the wrong letter >_<
  17. Flagg
    Patriot (Rising Stars)
    Whatever Rob Liefelds Cap ripoff was named
    Patriette (Non-Adventures of Wonderella)
  18. EmperorSteele

    Hami Raid Help

    When Monster hunting, one well-built, maneuverable tank should aggro 1 or 2 Monsters at a time. The whole raid should be instructed to follow that Tank. Everyone should do their best to damage the enemy to increase their chance at getting an EoE drop.

    Once Hami spawns, the monsters run back into their caves. You can sometimes kill one or two of them before they escape, but that's it. Reconvene at Safe Rock (an outcrop several yards south of Hamidon's center).

    With 50 people, you'll have an uneven composition of teams. The following works best:

    Tank Team: 3-5 tanks, 1-2 kin, 2-3 empaths is ideal. No more than one team is needed, and is in fact wasteful (though 2 tank teams, if well-coordinated, make EVACLESS raids much smoother, more on that later) Since Hamidon's damage is all special, and he can drain Healing ability, Endurance, and can cause fear, you want tanks with high Regen, Recovery, and fear protection. The buffers can provide these things if none of the tanks have naturally high stats. The tanks will taunt hamidon and the mitos (in sequence, I'll explain later) so that they do not attack the other raiders. SO yes, the tanks WANT Taunt, or at least a ranged attack with gauntlet.

    Scrapper Team(s): 5-7 scrappers, 1-2 kins, 1-2 empaths, 1 rad. One team is Ideal, but 2 is also great. more than that is overkill. These guys will spike the yellows while they are being taunted, as the yellows can only be hurt by melee attacks. Make sure everyone has jet packs/fly/SJ or the Kin has used Inertial Reduction. Claws and Spines ranged attacks will do no good against the yellows. High damage is a must.

    Assault Teams: 3-4 blasters, 3-4 controllers, X Defenders. Two assault teams are best. These guys take on the Blue Mitos while the scrappers do their thing. This causes the Green mitos to heal the blues instead of the yellows. Two teams are best for this, and the leaders will coordinate which team will attack which set of Mitos.

    Overflow: Whether its extra tanks, defenders, or whatever, a team mishmashed together out of the last few people has no real function, and are thus free to help out wherever they are needed.

    Other notes: Notice that I put an emphasis on Empaths and Kins. Their abilities help out the best, followed by Rads and Traps (if only for triage beacon). Most other defense sets aren't as useful, because Hami's damage doesn't correspond to any normal type (so force fields, sonic bubbles, fire bubbles and ice shields don't help), and he's extremely difficult to debuff (50 chem nukes floored his resistance... to a mere 75% instead of -250%). The only other defender type who's worth having around is Trick Arrow for Oil Slick. Anyone with Recall friend and Assemble the Team is also inherently more useful, as are resurrection abilities.

    Also, Controllers are a bit more useful than Defenders: The Green mitos need to be HELD in order to be damaged, so unless your Defender is procc'd out for holds in all their attacks and have the hold from their primary and APP, bring a Controller. Best controller to have IMO is Plant, because they can place a Spirit Tree near the Main Tank in addition to helping hold the greens. Worst is Illusion IMO, because the pets love to steal agro and their other abilities aren't so great for this specific situation). All the other Controller primaries, having an ST hold and an AoE hold, pretty much stand on equal footing. Mind has TK but it's very end-intensive, takes a while to recharge and most people don't even take it.

    Ok, all that tl;dr aside, just follow the guide instructions: form up, do the buff count-down (CM/Clarity/ID/SB, HowlingFulcrumSLick, then Auras), have the tank team eat an EoE and charge, followed by the scrappers, then the assault teams. Once the yellows are down, the ENTIRE RAID focuses on one Green at a time, hitting it with every HOLD they got (while one tank taunts hami. Empaths from all teams should keep his Regen up with Adrenaline Boost). After that, hit the blues with ranged attacks, again one at a time. The Buffers should keep fear protection on everyone.

    Once the mitos are down, attack hami directly. Once he reaches 75% health, he'll respawn the Mitos. Every team should have someone with Assemble the Team; that person should leave early, hide somewhere, and hit AtT just as the "mito bloom" happens to keep the team safe.

    Rinse and repeat: hami will spawn mitos again at 50%, then 25%, then he's ready to be killed finally.

    EVACALESS: (Experienced raiders only!) Once you've gotten the hang of running away like scared little children, you can try this method. The main difference is that, instead of running away before the bloom, everyone stays put and buffs while the attackers keep the damage up. the Tanks run to where the yellows will spawn and taunt them just as they do. EVERYONE should pop an EoE and a break-free just before the bloom. The mitos spawn, the teams kill their targets, and repeat. This shaves a good 15-20 minutes off the raid when done right, but it can also backfire and result in a full wipe.

    NUKE RAID: (Advanced!) Before going to the raid, EVERYONE should grab all three nukes from Warburg. And they should get shivans from bloody bay, Mechs from RWZ, and any other pets they can get a hold of. Raid starts like normal, except no one attacks hami after the mitos are down. Instead, 2 teams should launch debuff nukes at hami, and buff nukes on the raid. Everyone Buffs, pops an EoE, then summons their pets and hits hami with damage nukes. The first wave of mitos will spawn.. IGNORE THEM, keep hitting hami. Two more teams should then launch their buff/debuff nukes. The second wave of mitos will spawn... you may lose sight of hami at this point if you haven't already, just keep attacking! Finally, anyone with any nukes left should launch theirs, and continue the attack. You may need to have everyone eat another EoE and breakfree (if the lag isn't already killing them). The third group of mitos will spawn, but if you push through and let the pets take mito agro, you can kill Hami in just a few minutes. Note that between 54 mitos and 50 players all summoning pets and nukes, even a high-end system will cry and you'll lag hard, so this isn't for the weak of heart and can backfire horribly... but if you pull it off, you'll feel simply awesome.

    That's how we roll on Virtue. Good luck!
  19. EmperorSteele

    Hover Change?

    Also, your base hover speed goes up with levels, i beleive (i know fly does). So level 9 is a really bad judge of its potential.

    You'll still need an outside buff to reach max hover speed, but hovering while having speed boost applied is pretty fast!
  20. Here's an idea: disconnect from the internet while you're uninstalling and reinstalling drivers. There's a SLIGHT chance that your computer is automatically "updating" your drivers from Windows Update without telling you (depending on what your security and windows settings are), or it's pulling compatible drivers from its driver library.
  21. Yeah, it's hotmail.com (which then redirects to login.live.com/login.srf?=wowthatsalotoftext1234567890live=dudere allythisisalongurl?whatever or something like that -note: NOT A REAL LINK) However, deleting all that crap and just going to login.live gives me a more standard looking microsoft page. Wierd.
  22. Do you maybe have a card that's not supported by the latest drivers?
  23. Does anyone else here use hotmail? And if so, has their start screen changed recently? I went there today and it took a LONG time to load, and my script blocker popped up and told me it was blocking "wlxrs.com" or something, resulting in a blank page. I unblocked it (temporarily) and the start page looks different. Now, I'm cognizant of viruses/spyware that like to redirect your traffic to steal your password(s), but AVG and Spybot SD aren't picking up anything. So i'm stuck wondering...

    Did hotmail change their layout and institute outside scripts? Or has my compy been taken over?
  24. You want electric control? Just roll a Technology electric defender and plop hold and stun procs in each power, and take the hold and immob from the Electric mastery APP. Not very good area control but you'll probably hold a single target faster and better than any controller. Done.