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  1. Description: After a recon mission gone wrong, Indigo is missing and Crimson has been benched, so he must rely on you to find her. An operative with the Knives of Artemis shows up and claims that Indigo will be returned safe... IF you help her prevent the Knives from plunging into a civil war!

    Details: 5 missions, short to medium length. Custom bosses, custom AVs. Please have Bosses ON when playing this arc.

    Notes: No, it's not 5 missions full of KoA. That'd be awful. Not only is the "empty" option used in almost EVERY map (to help control spawn number and placement, as well as affect mood and atmosphere... however, due to this, most missions won't be very good for drops or XP), but you don't even fight any KoA in some of them (they are, after all, a very small group. Wouldn't make sense to have several missions full to the brim with them). There's lots of story to be had, so make sure you read NPC dialog, info windows and clues.

    I wanted to make an arc that explores the KoA a bit more... all we see of them in canon (justifiably) is hanging around the Malta once in a while. We know almost nothing about them, which gave me plenty of room to play around with how they operate and how they perceive themselves and their place in the world. Also, chicks with swords are hot.

    Status: Looking for feedback. Admittedly, I missed a great opportunity for interplay given Indigo's history with the KoA, but hopefully that's the only existing canon or logistic issue. I handwave this, as the Knives want YOU to do something for them, and that for the purpose of this story, Indigo is not important to their plans other than helping to ensure your cooperation. Though it might make more sense for me to have Crimson be captured and have Indigo be the contact... except she's supposedly psychic and that would bring up all new problems. There's also a part of the ending that I slapped on because the arc feels incomplete without it, though it may come off as contrived.

    I am currently looking for constructive criticism regarding this arc. I'm amenable to changing just about anything, as long as it's for a good reason that doesn't completely contradict my design philosophy for this arc.

    NOTE: I once published this arc, but brought it down to fix some issues. Hopefully it runs smooth and logical for everyone now.
  2. Well they better get started, then!
  3. I'm more apt to up-level myself to defeat any tough foes than use the skip feature. I'll usually use it if i don't have a travel power and i have to cross mroe than 2 zones. That's a pain.

    However, it shold be noted that, if i recall correctly, every time you "skip" a misison, it sends a bug report to the GM team. The skip function wasn't meant to let us just avoid minor annoyances, but to not deal with seriously BUGGED missions (like a minion or glowie stuck in a wall). Simu-glowies, the 30 fir blog, stealth missions, defeat X, and yes, far-off missions... these are not buggy missions, and we're just wasting QA's time doing these things. if you know these things are coming up then you shouldn't do the arc, period.

    ps: the "don't attack" ritki misison is one of my faves... then again, I'm an avid Thief fan, so i love sneaking around.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Actually, it's not really. I found a nice bundle of patches for it that fixed a lot of things, chief among being the ability to run and not have it crash... Too much. There's also a resolution fix and even a few mods, like battle-quality characters in the adventure world. I'm running it on XP right now, and outside of a nasty memory leak and infrequent crashes, it runs really well.

    But, yeah, grabbing a video of Vincent's Deathblow is something I considered doing, but I realised I don't have Fraps on this machine, and being that I'm about to reinstall it within the next few days, I'm not going to bother tracking that down. YouTube does not provide, that much I know.
    Oh yeah, i know. Heck, i was part of the Qhimm community back in the day that released all those patches. I just meant i didn't feel like spending an hour installing, patching, and editing my registry just to take a 20 second video =)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_Jeckel View Post
    AE, freedom of expression & creativity for everyone. But now, freedom within limits... If I (or anyone) wish to make themselves into an unstoppable killing machine with the aid of multiple allies that buff my character to that level, I would think that should be within that freedom. You & some may call that an exploit that needs to be fixed, I call that stomping on our freewill & what I, and others thought, was the purpose of AE...
    You CAN do this, it just won't net as much XP. Heck, i have a mission like this where I take all my own characters and wail on all the archvillains, and it's not even published because i don't even CARE about the rewards! I play it when i feel like seeing all my characters kick some butt together. And i could publish it if i wanted.. and since one would get maybe 10% experience and it would use all standard mobs, i'd dare anyone to try and call it a farm =P
  6. EmperorSteele

    Ae nerf

    Originally Posted by MLEdelen View Post
    I don't level toons, I have 2 accounts fully stocked with 50s. I'm trying to get influ so I can make them strong. B/C at 50, it's the only thing left to do. PvP sucks, noone does the Hami raids anymore, and every now and then I stumble on a Ritki Raid. Theres nothing left but the persuit of Influence for the purples or the best enh. Base pimping is boring mainly b/c the DEVS have pretty much abandoned bases.
    You should come to virtue. We do MULTIPLE hami raids almost EVERY NIGHT (divided between redside/blueside, naturally)

    The devs havn't abandoned bases, but it IS on the back burner right now. War Witch has noted she'd like to give bases love sometime after I19, iirc.

    And as for "nothing left", you should try actual STORYs in AE. Yeah, a lot of them won't give max influence because of all the nerfs (which were only there to begin with because of samarai farms and the like, funny how that works!), but it'll be something new and different. play a few then roll your tickets and sell your drops. Boom, instant influence.

    Of course, if you want purples, run radios in PI. One or two should drop eventually. And since you're so in love with your story-less Sammi farms, radios shouldn't bother you much.
  7. ... "their". They lost their easy mode. The devs wasted their time. Don't mean to be a grammar-fascist, but it hurts my head seeing that used wrong.

    Aaaanyway, if we're talking STRICTLY about a development resource viewpoint, I would agree that AE hasn't been very good for us there.

    I think the devs biggest mistake was making an easy-to-use interface. If the system had been complicated (think spreadsheets), that would have been a good enough barrier for entry that would have prevented a lot of potential exploiters from even trying in the first place. Yeah, then people would gripe and moan about it being too complicated, BUT, i think the honesty intelligent and creative members of the community would have been able to wrap their heads around it and produce exactly what they wanted. In addition, more complexity may have yielded more creative control, which would have resulted in better arcs.

    There are so many things that i'd love to see done in the name of creativity and challenging game-play, but those things would only make exploiters salivate. Like making enemies have higher resistance to certain types of damage and weaker to others. You know the exploiters would only crank those scales to their worst values to fit their own character's damage type to farm them. Customized maps, exploiters would make one long hall so they wouldn't have to waste time looking for more enemies. It's saddening, really.

    Funny thing, I had high hopes for AE because i was an active member of the modding communities for both Thief and FF7 (pc version). The mods/custom levels/etc there rivaled and surpassed developer content, and it was all good, clean fun. Except i failed to take into account that this is an MMO with a rewards system. When you kill someone in Thief, it doesn't serve to make you more powerful. Stealing gold doesn't matter because you can't carry it over to someone else's mission map. In FF7, being level 50 from the start of the game with all the high powered items and maxed out money got old fast, so people went the other way and made the game HARDER, made enemies TOUGHER, and REDUCED the rewards. There was no sense in exploitative behavior.

    Alas, people want to make their 50s as fast as possible so that they can get bored and quit sooner.

    Now I don't have a problem with AE giving XP. After all, the normal dev content that's been around for 5 years IS getting stale, and using the AE as an alternative leveling path makes sense. They should have just gutted AE XP to 75% (to make up for the fact that you don't have to travel between contacts and mission doors) or something. But hey, hindsight, y'know?
  8. Ooohhh... this looks nice =) Will Bios/short explanations be taken into account? I have quite a few characters that already I'm thinking might have radical changes that would seem confusing without an explanation (up to an including different gender and not existing at all)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ethric View Post
    Now that you mentioned it...

    City of Vincent Valentines!
    oh lord, no >_<

    But the OP has a point. Executioner's Shot looks VERY similar to Vincent's Deathblow. If i had FF7 up and running I'd make a comparison video myself, but it's too much work getting that game to run on anything later than Win98 =/
  10. The Patrons are SUPPOSED to be scary to a hero. And if that means giving them hax abilities that make you have to change your strategy (or use one to begin with), then so be it.

    Granted, it does feel cheap, but without that power, she'd just be another bag of HP for you to punch for 5 minutes. *yawn*

    [edit] *Glares at Heraclea* I didn't realize that if you had to go to the hospital that you couldn't go back into the mission prepared for her.. OH WAIT, you can. Not a bug.
  11. EmperorSteele


    ..Wouldn't that be PvDevs? Would we even stand a chance? =P
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HDR2nd View Post
    So is this the reason I was getting only 249 xp from a boss 3 levels above me in an AE mission (which had only bosses in it) and got 3600 xp for a Tank Swiper my level in the streets of Brickstown? I got more xp from killing same level minions than I did for killing those bosses.
    That, and like it was mentioned above, the boss has to have Hard/hard for his power settings for full individual XP. It's an anti-farming measure.
  13. Confused?

    Simple, just pop a break-free, that should help.

    ...Wait, what's the thread about again?
  14. You know...

    The last misison of my arc has 6 allies, an AV all alone in his own "group", and a custom group made up only of one "LT".

    I'm gonna replay it and see if somehow XP is taken AWAY from me. That'd be hillarious!
  15. CoH is a good property with a loyal customer base and is the sole money-maker for a given company (Paragon Studios). If they feel that making a new engine is the best way to stay relevant and profitable, then more power to them and I wish them good luck!

    [EDIT]...I got neg-repped 140 points with the message "wow u r dumb" for this post. The irony is shattering o_O
  16. ... Did you have the urge, even for a microsecond, to make "comics" start with a "k" just to be a jerk?

    If not, i'll be highly dissapointed!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
    There's also the 'Overpower' thing, not sure when it was added because I left right after i14 began and just returned (plus I was playing only redside for the last months before my comeback), so not sure you experienced it. Basically, for a ST hold like Dominate:

    • +22.35s Held (mag 3) PvE only
    • +16.763s Held (mag 1) (20% chance) PvE only
    That means you have a 20% chance of holding a boss (a mag 4 hold), and the word 'Overpower' will appear when it happens. Same for confuse, fear, immobs, stuns, sleeps...
    Actually, as a minor point of order: Controllers have ALWAYS had this (at least, since ED iirc), but there was NO INDICATION of it. Now we get the "overpowered" message to show that it happened =)
  18. Every newborn gets a chocolate eclair!

  19. Custom FACTIONS/groups must have at least one minion, a LT, and a Boss, otherwise anyone in that faction gives less XP than normal.
  20. The biggest stumbling block you want to be aware of when making your own computer is compatability. Basically, don't buy an AMD-based motherboard and an Intel processor. They won't fit together. Make sure you buy the right type of RAM for your motherboard (DDR2 vs DDR3).

    Make sure the video card you want will fit into your motherboard (PCI-E vs PCI-E x16 or whatever). And make sure the motherboard/video card will fit into the case! (Don't get a "micro-ATX" case if you get a full ATX Mobo)

    Make sure you get a power supply capable of supporting your components. Many video cards these days require a special power conenctor and have a minimum amount of wattage that they need. Go for something that's at least 600 watts, more if you ever plan to use 2 video cards or more than one hard drive or use several ram sticks.

    Past that, it's simply a matter of "this obviously goes here, this obviously goes there... let's see, these connectors are tricky but i think I got it... Oh, and this is simple, too!" Also, sometimes parts act like they don't want to go into their slots. Don't use any tools to force a part in, but you may have to use some strength to force a memory stick into place. That's the only rough part: A component that's being stubborn but you don't want to break it. Just ease it in with as much strength as you feel comfortable with, it should go eventually.

    Good luck!
  21. Well it IS in closed beta right now. There may be a problem... and if there is, we're not allowed to know about it cuz it's CLOSED BETA. If you were invited, then I would open communications with a GM. Otherwise, don't even worry about it for now.
  22. Its a psuedo pet? oh wow, Didn't know that! That changes a few things. Still, if you open up with the power, you shouldn't have to worry about the dudes all running off within 4 seconds.

    BTW, sorry for the double-post before!
  23. Hmm, yeah Smurphy, i guess that makes sense. I'm still stuck on the idea that 100 more people could have gotten what they wanted if not for you, but that's not terribly important in the larger scheme of things. I'm sorry if I got a bit testy there =)
  24. Quote:
    Do you mean a store that sells items at a price 2x the vendor or a hard cap on the price? A hard cap would cause shortages. A store would cause the price to be firm and no shortages. There's plenty of salvage being made, and AE cranks out common salvage at 8 tickets a pop. Players simply are too lazy to place it for sale.
    No, i mean if somehow, some cosmological force prevented people from posting or bidding above certain amounts. That somehow, there would always be enough supply and buyers to maintain a fair, stable price (no one listing at 5 inf, no one buying at 30,000). Again, complete wishy-washy and never gonna happen =)

    Should all the "bad sets" be removed? Should the drop rate be increased? I believe the devs have set Numinas and other expensive recipes to have the availability they desire. Merit prices are that availability. If you do X merits worth of "work" you can have that recipe.
    I think the bad sets should be given better, more lucerative bonuses. Not as good as purples obviously, but replace any instance of "xp debt protection" with S/L resist or something.

    Merits and inf costs don't seem very equalized right now. If i did the STF enough times to buy a miracle with merits, i would -not- have gained enough inf from defeating baddies to buy it off the market. And while I agree with you in principle, that the good stuff should be rare or not come cheap, it IS the major complaint of most people that the good stuff seems terribly far out of their reach. And it does the market and merit system no good if people get fed up with its inequities and stop using it (which seems to be half the problem with the redside market. No one uses it, because there's nothing there, because no one uses it... ad infinitium).

    The current manner of item distribution is "he who pays the most gets the item." Alternatives are: he who waits the longest, random lottery, arbitrary decision making, no distribution, and store with fixed prices. Which alternative do you propose? Is there one I missed?
    Again, it would be -nice- if cosmological forces interveined to make enough people buy and sell enough of everything; I don't propose and alternate system =)

    Flippers cause price stability and remove volatility from the market. Flippers are competitors. They make the lowest lows less low and the highest highs less high. For example, with respec recipes, if I didn't buy 100 of them...
    If you didn't buy 100 of them, 100 other people would have gotten what they wanted for a lower price than what you listed them for and used them they way they were intended >=. (well, ideally... in reality another flipper probably would have grabbed them, le sigh) Without flippers, the going rate would be 80 mil not 200 mil. True there'd be a few spikes, but since the mystical "casual player" wouldn't take the risk of their respec recipe taking up a market slot for more than a day, they' list it low so it could sell. Instead, knowing that flippers are out there, they price higher so A) a flipper can't get it, and b) they're secure in the knowledge that people will pay the going price shown in the last five, so they pluck it up for 30 more mil than they need to, which deprives a poorer player the ability to buy it.

    Heck, even just having 100 extra bids on something drives up the price because people assume it's something in higher demand, which means more people are "supposedly' bidding at the price point shown in the last 5, which makes them bid higher, which drives up the price. It doesn't occur to anyone that it's ONE person biding for only 70% of the going rate. And even if someone were to try and bid low, they'd still have to beat YOUR "low bid", and they may not know what that is, so they may never get what they desire. All I know is these things used to be 50 mil, then YOU started flipping them. Now they go for 150-200.

    Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno. I'm open to the idea that without flipping they'd be even MORE ludicrously priced, but the direct evidence points to the contrary.(You can't say you've kept prices low when you're the one who bought all the low-priced ones to begin with) Though i'd like to see what would happen if NOBODY flipped for a 6 month period, though there's be no way to enforce that or prevent anyone from puposly skewing the market. *shrug*