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  1. ...i kinda wanna play tetris now.
  2. Well technically yes, you can stack defiance from a single power. HOWEVER, the amount of time you have defiance from a given power is just slighty above its default recharge value, so you're not going to be able to stack it more than once. And plus, setting an attack to auto isn't going to be very beneficial unless you're slotted with enough recharge to make the power "perma" (ie, if can fire off again as soon as it's done animating).

    it's best to "chain" your attacks. Click one, and while it's going, Clik another power to queue it so that it goes off asap. And when THAT power is going off, click another (the first probably won't be recharged in time to chain just 2 powers)

    As for DR, i don't think it applies to defiance, but blaster damage got pretty gutted anyway, so mweh.
  3. EmperorSteele


    Here's a shot in the dark: post your build AND screenshots of your character. Include temp powers. I'm thinking one of your other powers or even a costume piece that makes some kind of effect (wings, piston boots, auras) might be causing a conflict with this power's sound effect. It would explain why its unique to your character across different people's systems. Let's narrow this down!
  4. If you could post your computer stats with CoHelper (from the first link), it would help us get you an answer better. For instance, which video card do you have? What version of windows? Which service pack for that version of windows? Did you download the latest RELEASE drivers or BETA drivers? The more we know, the more we can help!

    So far, no one's reported any issues with the latest drivers, so there might be something unique to your system causing the trouble. And unless you're prepared to give us a directx and system readout from the top of your head, we won't know what the trouble is.

    Otherwise, have you tried running CoH in safemode? IIRC there should be a safemode shortcut in your start menu. If not, do a forum search on how to do this with your normal shortcut. This will run the game at lowest settings. Start from there, slowly tweak your settings up and try to isolate where the problem lies.
  5. ... Did Blue Steel get squashed under that giant coin? o_O
  6. Big problem with your latest build: you have the numina unique in Dull Pain. That means you'll only get the regen bonus when you activate DP! Switch that whole set out for Doctored Wounds (it'll give the power better recharge), and plop the unique into health. You'll actually get more mileage out of the unique than the generic health IO you have slotted in there. Crazy, huh?

    Also, your attacks that you franken-slotted: I'd recommend Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam/Rech (opposed to dam/end/rech), as you don't have any acc bonuses to speak of, and you're only slotted in each for like 40% Damage is great, but missing sucks!

    If you want a pre-req to Physical Perfection, i'll throw a hat in for FA. It's nice against stealthy enemies, plus with your sub-par acc bonus/slotting, you may need the help. Problem is that it's a rather end-expensive toggle. Slap an End Redux in it and make sure to switch it off when it's not in use!

    Other than that, you've got a really nice looking build there! I'd trade build-up for Whirling Hands... it's effect is duplicated with a couple inspirations or team-mates, but no one can give you any AoE attacks... or maybe you could switch out Energy Transfer or Total Focus? I mean, if you're good hitting taunt and switching targets, then great! Whirling Hands IS a rather lousy power, but it's the only AoE you've got access to (aside from energy torrent, which is highly counter-productive as it knocks foes away from you). If you're good without it, then ok, but more versatility never hurt!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
    CP is the better option.
    ... The FBI would like a word with you.
  8. With the amount of recovery you have, i'd say conserve power is something you'll almost never use. But if you drop it, keep Physical Perfection. and try to dedicate a slot to End Mod (even if it's just the performance Shifter Proc).

    As for energy punch, i -think- you read wrong (I might be wrong about you being wrong =P): It doesn't have better DPS... it has better DPA (damage per activation). That is, for the amount of time it takes to activate (8/10ths of a second), its 44 points of base damage is slightly better than Bone Smasher, which takes twice as long to activate, but doesn't quite do twice as much damage. It also recharges twice as fast, and uses about 2/3rds the endurance. ..actually, it sounds like it DOES have better DPS, then. Ah, w/e, my brain hurts now!

    So basically, without enhancements, if you spammed both powers, you'd end up doing more damage and hitting more often with Energy Punch. What mitigates this is that Bone Smasher simply does more up-front damage and has a higher stun rating. If an enemy had 70 HP left, you'd have to attack them twice with EP. Or, just use BS once.

    As for the autos: they used to be considered skippable; however, they've had their values increased so that enhancing them gives decent numbers, AND they have secondary effects: End drain resistance and slow resistance, which are useful against many late-level mobs like Arachnos, Carnies, Malta, and Knives. Also, layered protection is Invuln's main strength. Good defenses, but if something gets through, then you have the res to shrug it off. And if you can't do that, you have a self heal. Skimping out on any of these will only weaken your overall survivability.

    As for i19, i didn't mean that you should respec into a build that doesn't have fitness... i19 is still months away and you'll be in pain trying to play until then. I just mean hold off on your respec all together. You'll have access to 3 more powers, but you're already starved for slots. Perhaps taking the stealth pool and using the powers to "mule" lotg + recharge IOs would be a good idea. You only need the initial slot, and as a bonus, you can buff your teammates by giving them invisibility =) Also, Castle has SAID that we won't be getting more slots... I'm inclined to beleive him, but the devs have told us lots of things but eventually changed their minds OR were holding out for a surprise OR they caved in to popular demand. So with that in mind, if we DO get just a few more slots, that can change your build plans radically, which is why i suggested holding out for now.

    Maybe start buying stuff you need. Bid low, your bids will fill eventually. Stockpile stuff in your base. Play more, get drops, collect what you need. No need to do everything at once =)

    As for AVs: You can survive against them, but doing enough damage to overcome their regen? Not gonna happen unless you take more attacks =/
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    That's not necessarily true. Leadership doesn't always go to the most recently logged in. That was just part of how it worked during the launch of the Super Leader position. It should go to the toon that joined the SG the earliest, while still within the Inactive Period.
    Well, i wish the system knew that before it promoted my brand new level 15 character who i'd logged in with last instead of the second-oldest character i had >_>
  10. Hmm...

    Why did you use the Blessing of The Zephyr set in Super Jump? You don't need the KB protection on an invuln (plus the kb prot would only be active while SJ was on), and the defenses don't really add much, and you could use the slots elsewhere. Sure, keep BotZ +move and +move/end, but get rid of the special, it does you no good!

    Other than that, you don't have taunt OR an AoE attack. You're going to have to work to keep agro as I'm not sure your aura will be enough to keep baddie's attention when everyone else on the team is out-damaging you. And I may be elitist, but i'd never invite a tauntless tank on a Master run for any task force, or a new trial/TF where we won't know what we're up against.

    With the fitness pool becoming inherent in i19, you'll have 3 more powers at your disposal, but no more slots to use in them. I'd say save up your inf until then to see how that'll affect your proposed build.

    Also, I see that you're at least a 4 year vet, so you should have some vet powers.. still, this build looks like it won't exemp very well, with only TWO attacks until level 35! (okay, three, but you have one slotted with a stun set so it won't do ANY extra damage at ALL! I'd switch the slotting on Bone Smasher and Boxing, just so it's useful. Boxing sucks no matter how you slice it) I don't know if that's a concern for you, but wait till you see "Posi TF lf tank!" in the global tf channel and all of a sudden you realize you wouldn't be bringing anything to that team, and, well... it's kind of deflating to one's ego.

    Weave might be over-slotted. You're dedicating 5 slots to a power and only getting an extra THREE PERCENT (from 5 to 7.999) boost out of it! Removing Def/End/Rech and Def/Rech still gives you a rating of 7.059! Reassign those two slots elsewhere, they're only giving you 0.94% defense! Certainly extra recharge or extra attack power or extra regen is far more important than that? (okay, keep one for the 9% accuracy bonus, but the hold res bonus is completely meaningless!)

    All in all, you look VERY sturdy, but lack utility. That may be the price of soft-capping, but my own Invuln/EM has Whirling Hands, Taunt, and laser eyes... granted, she doesn't have as high defense numbers or as high of a regen rating, but those are all mitigated by teammates or a small inspiration. I have no problem keeping agro, never wishing i had X type of power, and i can still laugh in STF Lord Recluse's face. Just food for thought!

    [edit- rats, i type too slow!]
  11. Keeping with the rules:

    1: Spines/Regen Scrapper
    2: Electric/Shield Scrapper
    3: Stone/SS Tank
    4: Sonic/Sonic Defender
    5: Dark/Dark Defender
    6: Mind/FF Controller
    7: Plant/Kin Controller
    8: Illu/Rad Controller

    Plenty of damage, buffs, and debuffs to cap darn near anything. Three controllers ensure that they can stack mez and get containment, which equals more damage. This would be my perfect team for just about anything. On paper, anyway.
  12. Anyone in the Angry Angels, but Ara and Kegan especially. Ship raids, Hami raids, CoP trials, they're all over the place! If something big is going on, chances are, they're involved.
  13. You know, something about the OP hit me...

    He asks "Which pet does the most damage" and then segues into "Which CONTROLLER does the most damage". You have to realize that these statements may have two different answers.

    For instance, with Fire, the fire imps do more damage just because there's more of them, and the first few fire mez-attacks do a touch more damage than their counterparts in other sets. HOWEVER, the DoT in Plant control's AoE immob is TWICE that of ANY controller set, AND you get an AoE confuse (so the mobs are attacking each other) AND you got a pet spitting out damage. So overall, even though the three imps do more damage than Audrey, a Plant controller will still out-damage a Fire controller if they play actively instead of sitting back and letting their pet do all the work.

    Also, you have to consider the secondary. A Mind/Rad or /Kin (who has no pets) will probably out damage a Fire/FF simply because the */FF doesn't have any debuffs or self +damage/recharge buffs. Granted, there may be certain circumstances where a fire/ff will out-damage a /kin or /rad or /storm, but overall i'd give those later three sets the nod for most help in dealing damage.
  14. Wow, this is REALLY cool looking! I'm definitely gonna get this. I'll forward any issues i come across!
  15. No, you don't need to reinvite. My SG "leader" is a villain right now. Her name appears in the SG group list in purple. When i go back hero-side, everything will be fine.

    To make your "leader" the actual leader again, just take whoever got promoted, make THEM a villain, and make sure that your prefered leader was the last character to have been logged in. They'll be auto-promoted and you'll be all set.
  16. Stealth pool.

    3 LotG + recharges.

    3 powers = +23.5% recharge to all your attacks. Attacks that recharge faster = higher fury bar. Higher fury bar = win!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Confused AVs do the most damage.

    Mind Control's Comedy and Mass Comedy powers give you the widest selection of pets and offer the greatest safety in summoning and using them.
    Hahaha, +1 for you... or it would be if rep were still enabled!
  18. Omph. You really shouldn't announce things like this. Everytime someone does, a group of PvPers come out of the woodwork to go, hunt, kill badgers. So unless you're prepared to deal with that, make youe plans in secret, with trusted friends.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    They all are useful, situationally. I can't think of one that isnt.
    Well, i guess what he means is that the situations don't come up often enough, and that the powers don't work great in those situations anyway.

    For instance: Group Fly. If you enhance this for fly speed, the power becomes useless because you will outpace everyone in your "flight bubble". Also, there's a huge lack of content that requires characters to fly, and even then, a character can just buy a jetpack. Or they might have TP/SJ anyways.

    Example the second, Whirlwind. if it did damage and/or didn't cost so much End, it'd probably see a lot more use. But as it stands, it's an end hog that is detrimental to tanks, scrappers, and any other class whos powers rely on their foes being in nice and tight for AoEs or melee effects.

    Example the third: Team Teleport. It doesn't bring your whole team to you (like Assemble the Team does), it lets the team piggy-back with you when YOU teleport. If they're not already in range, they don't get to come along

    Example the forth: Invoke Panic. I don't think it's a horrible power, but i don't think i've ever seen ANYONE take it in the 3+ years i've been playing. It seems obvious that the player base has deemed this power unworthy of their interest.

    So, yeah...
  20. Part of the problem is that you're not taking your characters past level 38, when they have access to all their powers, or past 41 where they get their APPs which round them out. I know saying "wait till level 50!" seems disingenuous, but really, right now many of your characters are missing Stamina (I19 will take care of that, though), and if you're balancing attacks, defenses, and pools, you're left with what, 2, 3, maybe 4 attacks that don't chain all that great?

    If you're getting bored, its because you're playing the same content over and over (Atlas, KR, safegaurd... roll new character, Atlas, KR, safegaurd... roll new character, atlas, kr, safg-yaaaaaaaawn). Pick one toon, stick with 'em, and do story arcs. Get INVOLVED and IMMERSED, don't just click through text without reading it. Maybe work on your character's backstory or RP with him/her a bit. Don't just look at them as a build, but as an actual character getting involved with the narrative of the world. You just might start having fun. Because let's face it, most missions ARE just "go here and beat up these guys". But if you can really dive into it, that just may keep the altitis at bay.
  21. EmperorSteele

    Who to choose

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    Baseless bull crap.
    Actually, no it isn't. The Cimerorians were specifically made to be a pain in the butt against Controllers (innately high hold/sleep/immob/stun prot with an additional AoE mez protection power from the Lts and Bosses) and defense-based tankers (-def in all their attacks), because the devs know how easily some builds can just tear through certain mobs. Granted, Cimmies are easily dealt with these days, but back when they first came out, people didn't know what to make of them. Heck, the entire idea behind AVs having 50 mag protection against everything for 30 seconds at a time was so that a single controller couldn't make an AV fight into "beat the statue" affair. So the devs actually DO have a history of looking at certain builds and playstyles and saying, "Ok, what can we do to counter this or at least make it not so easy?" (Though they do make content stay playable at SO levels and not IO)

    So really, if they happen to make a mob with some degree of, say, Taunt resistance? Perma PA won't matter because they can ignore the pets and attack the controller. Or a tank that relies ONLY on gauntlet or their aura might have to change their tactics. It's the kind of thing they're liable to do. So baselsss, not exactly. Bullcrap? Eh, i'd reserve such harsh terminology for something more insipid.
  22. EmperorSteele

    Who to choose

    My recommendation would be one of the Controllers, and slot for recharge. Ill/Rad, especially. There's nothing as delicious as perma Phantom Army.

    Note though that IOing out any character may force you to make some weird slotting/power picks. For instance, taking both Group invis AND superior invis just as "mules" for the LotG: Recharge IOs.

    Local Man has an Ill/Rad guide and he has a sample IO'd out build. I suggest you look it up, as it may prove useful in either encouraging or possibly discouraging you from going in that direction.
  23. Well, I suggest you find an artist better than him and have them both try to draw something with a 10 minute time limit. David's good but I don't know if...

    ...Oh wait, you meant the character not the red-name. My bad >_>
  24. Again, a briliant piece of work!

    As for your next vid, i've REALLY been looking forward to CoHell, but IF you can get Leandro to do the voice over for Mr. G in "TMIMIP", then yes, yes, GOD YES do that!