Side-switching when your toon is the SG Leader :-p




Long story short I have about 15 toons in my own SG (The Independent Nation of Magellen on Infinity)

My very first toon from about 4 years ago is a lev 50 Nrg/Nrg Blaster.
That particular toon is the SG founder/leader of the SG.
Every other member/toon in the SG are mine also.

I am curious about what would happen if I take my Blaster (Wake of Magellen) to Vigilante and then to Villian....
concerning SG stuff that is.
I am only interested in side-switching this toon for a short while because I want it to have access to the Patron Power at it's disposal once it becomes a full-fledged villian.

Would the leadership fall to another one of my toons I assume?
I wouldn't care... since I play them all personally anyways.
once it becomes that villian.....
I will want it to become a Rogue....
and then a hero again.

Would it still even be a member of the SG or no??

This was always a gray area to me.

Danke in advance for the info

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



Yes, your SG leadership would fall to another member while you take the Dark Walk. You also will not be able to access your SG while Vigilante and Villain but you can maintain your membership and you will gain full access again when you return Blue Side.



Danke for the info
I was hoping that would be the answer for what I was wondering about

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



Originally Posted by Zeph_El View Post
Yes, your SG leadership would fall to another member while you take the Dark Walk. You also will not be able to access your SG while Vigilante and Villain but you can maintain your membership and you will gain full access again when you return Blue Side.
Not entirely correct.

The Hero SG leader would retain both his status as leader AND his base access if he became a Vigilante and called it a day. Only by fully becoming a Villain would that character be demoted and lose base access. My Crab Spider is the leader of a small VG, and I retained all the privileges and abilities thereof even after becoming a Rogue. Including entering, editing, and using the facilities inside his base.

When in doubt, remember that Vigilante = Hero with extra travel privileges, and Rogue = Villain with extra travel privileges. This applies to SGs and bases, PvP, and any other situation where Vigilantes and Rogues are not specifically accounted for.

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Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Not entirely correct.

The Hero SG leader would retain both his status as leader AND his base access if he became a Vigilante and called it a day. Only by fully becoming a Villain would that character be demoted and lose base access. My Crab Spider is the leader of a small VG, and I retained all the privileges and abilities thereof even after becoming a Rogue. Including entering, editing, and using the facilities inside his base.

When in doubt, remember that Vigilante = Hero with extra travel privileges, and Rogue = Villain with extra travel privileges. This applies to SGs and bases, PvP, and any other situation where Vigilantes and Rogues are not specifically accounted for.
So once my blaster becomes a Vigilante everything is normal.
Once he becomes a Villian he obviously cannot use the SG membership.
Same when he becomes a Rogue I would assume.
Then when he becomes a hero again I would guess he would need a SG invite? LOLOL

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



Originally Posted by Magellen View Post
Then when he becomes a hero again I would guess he would need a SG invite? LOLOL
No. You are still in the SG the entire time. You just wont be able to enter SG bases or use SG-mode while you are Villain or Rogue.

Becoming Hero again will be back to normal, except he wont be the Super-leader. As long as you have your preferences set to allow full access to regular Leaders, you should be all set though.



No, you don't need to reinvite. My SG "leader" is a villain right now. Her name appears in the SG group list in purple. When i go back hero-side, everything will be fine.

To make your "leader" the actual leader again, just take whoever got promoted, make THEM a villain, and make sure that your prefered leader was the last character to have been logged in. They'll be auto-promoted and you'll be all set.


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Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Magellen View Post
So once my blaster becomes a Vigilante everything is normal.
Once he becomes a Villian he obviously cannot use the SG membership.
Same when he becomes a Rogue I would assume.
Then when he becomes a hero again I would guess he would need a SG invite? LOLOL
When you become a villain, you will remain a member of your SG with the following limitations:

1. You cannot access your SG base, nor any other hero SG base.
2. You cannot play in SG mode to earn prestige or wear SG colors.
3. If you are the SG leader, you will be demoted and a random member will become leader.

When you become a rogue, nothing will change.

When you go back to hero, you'll still be in your SG, immediately regain access to your base and SG mode, but won't automatically be promoted back to leader.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
To make your "leader" the actual leader again, just take whoever got promoted, make THEM a villain, and make sure that your prefered leader was the last character to have been logged in. They'll be auto-promoted and you'll be all set.
That's not necessarily true. Leadership doesn't always go to the most recently logged in. That was just part of how it worked during the launch of the Super Leader position. It should go to the toon that joined the SG the earliest, while still within the Inactive Period.

For example, if you set it for 15 days on purpose because you only have 3 characters that all logged in within 15 days, then make your new leader go to Villainside, the game has 2 other choices for the SuperLeader position. Your old leader will only get it if it's been in the SG longer than the other one. You can verify this by checking the Join Date on the SG roster. Worse comes to worse, if it goes to the wrong toon, you can just keep them offline for 15 days until it transfers to the right one anyway.

Personally, I use a second account to do the self-promoting within my groups. That's the easiest way. The next option could be to get a trusted friend to help. If you promote him to Super Leader, you can then relog onto the toon you want to have leadership, then have him promote you. Then he leaves your group. It's simple, but can be risky if you use the wrong person. haha



Sounds like a "win-win" for not having to have another SG invite to me!
Any of my other toons that would be the "Super-Leader" or what not is also fine with me.
I pretty much play them all the time equally

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!



Another thing that I found out is that, even while you are on the opposite side and your name is in purple, you will still be Leader rank, just not Super Leader rank, and will be able to at least edit any permissions that a Leader rank can. I haven't tested to see if a purple name Leader can invite, promote, demote or kick other members.

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Originally Posted by Ms. Mesmer View Post
I haven't tested to see if a purple name Leader can invite, promote, demote or kick other members.
You apparently can't kick or invite. It says "You do not have high enough rank", despite having all the permissions set.
Promote and Demote are also unavailable.

On a side note, I do know that you can send or accept coalition invites though... unless they fixed it.



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
1. You cannot access your SG base, nor any other hero SG base.
2. You cannot play in SG mode to earn prestige or wear SG colors.
3. If you are the SG leader, you will be demoted and a random member will become leader.
Items 1 and 2 are correct. Item 3 is half correct. It is not random who gets promoted. (As noted in other posts in the thread.)

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Dont want to assume anything but it seems that one of the reasons you are doing this is to get the villain patron powers for your blaster...I think all you have to do is respec your character and it should already be available with no need to switch...but if not, sorry for making an assumption.



Originally Posted by mr_elotes View Post
Dont want to assume anything but it seems that one of the reasons you are doing this is to get the villain patron powers for your blaster...I think all you have to do is respec your character and it should already be available with no need to switch...but if not, sorry for making an assumption.
the only way to unlock patron powers is to run a patron arc, thus heros HAVE to become full villains in order to unlock patron powers

one you unlock the patron powers for that toon they will remain permanently unlocked for said toon even if you switch back to hero and respec

villains on the other hand are automatically granted access to APPs at 41 without having to side switch



Originally Posted by Placta View Post
When you become a villain, you will remain a member of your SG with the following limitations:

1. You cannot access your SG base, nor any other hero SG base.
2. You cannot play in SG mode to earn prestige or wear SG colors.
3. If you are the SG leader, you will be demoted and a random member will become leader.

When you become a rogue, nothing will change.

When you go back to hero, you'll still be in your SG, immediately regain access to your base and SG mode, but won't automatically be promoted back to leader.
One other thing you CAN do as a Villain/Rogue is pay your base rent. I just did that last night from the Registrar in PO.

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Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
That's not necessarily true. Leadership doesn't always go to the most recently logged in. That was just part of how it worked during the launch of the Super Leader position. It should go to the toon that joined the SG the earliest, while still within the Inactive Period.
Well, i wish the system knew that before it promoted my brand new level 15 character who i'd logged in with last instead of the second-oldest character i had >_>


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Well, i wish the system knew that before it promoted my brand new level 15 character who i'd logged in with last instead of the second-oldest character i had >_>
And that's why I don't claim to know exactly how it decides who to promote. Generally, when someone explains how it works, I can contradict it from personal experience. Either no one knows (aside from the devs) or it's bugged all to hell. I never leave it to chance.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
And that's why I don't claim to know exactly how it decides who to promote. Generally, when someone explains how it works, I can contradict it from personal experience. Either no one knows (aside from the devs) or it's bugged all to hell. I never leave it to chance.
Yeah it does seem weird then. Unless his other toon wasn't logged in within 15 days, or wasn't the next highest rank like the other toon, then it's hard to say what's happening. Last time it came up, I quoted some patch notes about it, but then somebody else quoted patch notes that explain something different entirely, so I guess it's a bit of crossed wires there. What I wrote earlier is my own personal recent experience with it.

Well, either way, I agree with not leaving it to chance. If possible, assign it yourself before switching... then there is no mystery.



Either way on all this I want to thank everyone for the VERY useful info
From the side-switching, to the SG leadership/invite stuff to the Patron Pool arc(s) and everything
Gracias and danke one and all

@Patrick Magellen
Infinity & Freedom Servers!