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Quote:I've used a full six slots of Performance Shifter at times to help softcap.I have always just slotted with 3 stamina IOs and maybe a performance shifter (chance for end). But I was reading that some people use the End Mod sets in stamina. How many of you do that and to what success.
(Yes, I am aware how people slot may differ depending on powerset--regen, WP, come to mind).
Normally it's 3 DO/SO/IOs unless I really need endurance, in which case I 4-slot the +End proc. At high levels it's 2 IOs (a 3rd level 50 IO doesn't really provide significantly more end) and the +End. If I get a Performance Shifter Endurance Mod as a drop or something I'll replace one of the generic IOs with it because hey, free movement buff. -
Quote:Got down as low as $4, shipping included, around Christmas. Some retailer must have been vomiting them up.Amazon.com: Going Rogue Complete Collection: $7.50 + Shipping Consider the previous post beaten with a stick, making me a liar.
Quote:Well, that's always the trick isn't it, when law and good are in opposition. It's incredibly easy for even basically good people to rationalize away evil actions because they prioritize obedience to the law over doing good, or because overthrowing the law would cause significant short-term pain to society.I would disagree. Unless your idea of being more good, is that Wardens are trying to stop injustices, while the Responsibility are trying to uphold the law of the land...which includes kidnapping people and stuffing them into boxes to protect the other citizens, making people drink a chemical designed to make the populace controlable by the Cole and his group.
This is probably an argument for expecting levelling pacts back, actually, sooner rather than later - but as a VIP only feature, since it's something that already exists but can be counted as value-add to induce people to pay for VIP.
Quote:Technically there's 3 states that you could be in:I agree. It would be nice if the "buy" buttons would be greyed out and replaced with the words "already purchased".
1) Don't own it, must be purchased to use (Holiday pack, extra costume slots, etc)
2) Own it, but only because you're a VIP (Signature Story Arcs, Alignment content)
3) Own it outright because you purchased it on the market/got it from a serial code
Plus there's all the various ways you might have unlocked something...
So while I agree that the market not knowing what you own is kind of amateur hour, I do appreciate why it is probably a pain in the rear to code it, particularly with all the legacy, pre-market unlocking stuff they have to track. It's not "would be nice" though, it's "this feature is not complete until". -
Quote:If they manage to earn Astral/Emp merits they'd have to spend them through the Incarnate Powers tab. You could still convert them into iSalvage for powers. I'm not sure I would really classify that as useless.Because I wasn't thinking about the question properly
Though it does mean, if they can't, that Merits are useless to them and they would have to rely solely on salvage drops -
Well, to an extent, you could say that City's existing engine is the game. "Swapping it out" would be like replacing a wood frame house's structure with a steel frame while the house is still standing.
Quote:Hasten makes things so much easier getting to the magic numbers that I can't imagine not using it for perma-dom. You only need to add one more slot to it anyway, with level 50 IOs.I got a ton of purples for control sets so I am going to make a Mind/Psi that perma dom. My biggest issue when using mids is that I feel like I am running out of slots. I am trying to make it where I can solo good because I have slotted attacks and make it perma. I am also looking into 2 possible setups, one with hasten and the other without it if its possible to perma dom without hasten. Also does having a certain alpha slot help on this? Should I wait till the ATIOs come out before finalizing the build choices?
None of the alphas will buff Domination's recharge, so it's pretty much whatever you feel like there. -
Quote:Well, to be fair, he fills the Superman role for the City universe, and is therefore intensely inconvenient to everyone who prefers stories about characters who are not Superman. In this role he is working as intended. You can't have Superman hanging around and not have it come up fairly often in the story. Which might be partly why they're offing him.But when it comes to developers pedalling their own characters, that strikes a foul note with me, and if I ever disliked the Statesman as a character, it was very likely because he came off like Jack Emmert's Mary Sue author insert. Not a good thing for your game's poster child.
Quote:Yeah, I was lucky enough (it wasn't planned) to have my next Praetorian alt after FW's release be /Willpower, so that's what I ran First Ward with.I don't care about merits/rewards, so that aspect didn't affect me. I really, really liked the stories. But I play defenders on x0+0, and I had a hard time there, so I most likely won't be going back.
My favorable impression might have been a lot different if not for /LOLpower. -
It does seem like with a real AI revamp you'd have to redo a lot of the maps, or at least the spawn placement. That's something that you'd kind of have to do a pass through the entire content base on, unless you restrict the advanced AI to certain areas.
Quote:I have to admit, a lot of my trepidation about CoH 2.0 comes from playing the Certain Other game and hearing about our Distinguised Competition. I'm not sure the ill humors which suffused the development community (particularly console-itis) have fully run their course, and might manifest themselves again in any CoH revamp.They only got that reputation after they divested themselves of the CoH franchise. That Certain Other game was actually eagerly anticipated because it was from the makers of CoH. When they wiffed on that game and other projects of theirs, then their reputation took a nose dive, but not before then.
It depends on wether you see "CoH 2.0" as a major effort to revamp the current game engine, or in terms of introducing a new game with some continuity of lore. The former is totally supportable by that logic, sure. The latter is a bigger gamble. I can't imagine that they would run the two games side by side which means they'd have to accept the loss of some current subscribers (I'm saying this as a software developer who has run into this in several situations - you will lose people in that situation simply because being 'forced' to change fills some people with inchoate rage; some people will not migrate versions even when the billing is the same and the new version is objectively superior, much less when either of those factors is different) in exchange for rolling the dice that they can tap a larger market with a new game.
Quote:Yeah, that neck seam bugs me sometimes. My favorite part of the recent new costume packs was that it gave us new things to put over the neck seam!For the neck problem...there's a reason why 99% of the costumes I make have the spiked collar on them.
I use the Reaper detail more often than the spiked collar to cover the seam, but that does cut down on your available hair choices.
Really I'd almost like a "neck" costume area seperate from Shoulders so that you can cover the neck seam and still use the other shoulder details. -
Quote:I don't think you can avoid the immediate payoff thing in this economic environment. "Well, we're going to throw a ton of man-hours at it and see where it goes" is going to be a hard sell.I... don't think I agree. COH itself didn't have huge numbers - but we had a decent, sustainable playerbase for a long time, which is what paid it off and got NCSoft to reinvest in the game. We'd have to avoid having some suit or beancounter with expectations of "payback in the first 6 months or else."
Quote:Yeah, having played a Certain Other game, I agree that City benefitted from accidents of fate and development time. A game where everything was working as originally intended and properly balanced probably wouldn't be as compelling.CoH ended up being wildly entertaining almost because it's designers missed a bunch of the marks they were aiming for. A lot of things they did, like how buffs and debuffs stack, they did the way they did seemingly because they were both (actually) noobs at MMO design and kind of bad at math (or at least at mapping their math to gameplay).
Having such a weight of history that you can't just completely follow a Vision(tm) may actually be the greatest feature of all.
Besides if they redo City they'll probably try and PvP-balance everything from the start, or appeal to console gamers or some ridiculousness like that and that's not going to go anywhere good. -
Quote:I notice this occasionally on walkways, ramps and railings. It's like the model gets its "foot caught" and then just dangles helplessly like a pinata. Extra hilarity if it's a Freak. No Dull Pain for you!However, I'm noticing occasional ragdoll spasming at the moment which is making KB pretty long term mitigation, since sometimes a mob will get stuck in a ragdoll spasm without having been defeated, and when that happens to a Lieutenant or Boss, then it's just an excuse to hammer on them until they stop spasming either by unsticking or being arrested (and remember kiddies, 'arrested' just means 'stopped'
Quote:Well it's probably okay to stop once you get to Cerulean, which is the point where people really start going "...what".I've only started FW a few times (on a responsibility loyalist none-the-less) in Oro (hence the started a few times) but from what I've heard about it and from how I've seen the endgame story play out with the blow-up-hospitals nutcases and friends being the assumed "heroes" I've got to ramp up my masochism before taking a full run at it again.
Quote:And this time I'll remember to have Member of Vanguard before coming to the raid.I was able to make it out Sunday night after all, and from the looks of things, so were many of you! We had a decent showing for a holiday weekend, not to mention a very smooth run across the board. I would specifically like to thank everyone for minimizing league chat. I can only speak for myself, but the lack of extraneous chat seems to definitely be lowering the number of lag spikes and disconnects. Hope to see you all this week!
You could always go for maximum character impact and be a Responsibility Loyalist (at least sufficiently far to have done Mother Mayhem's arc) before going into First Ward.
Quote:This was the best part, IMO.A few minutes later when we finally got back in, and clicked LFG and Rejoin the Trial, we were put into a Sewer Mission where you fight Desdemona!
The entire league had been disbanded, but the weirdest thing was we were on an entirely different mission!
I was really disappointed when "rejoin last event" stopped putting me into random people's missions.
/em is in ur mission, buffing ur doodz