6294 -
Someone needs to housebreak that dog. Also, thanks for including the Freebie Thursday stuff in your list! I eagerly await today's info.
Like I said, and as seen below. Double plastic cover with interior foiling.
We should keep it player-side, because we already know how Paragon Studios Marketing will respond, and because we have a better handle on the game than most folks.
Seeing as how FD is extremely active on Twitter, and responds to fan questions and suggestions all the time, perhaps a good fan community representative could contact her?
What about that guy who is, like, the public face of the wiki? That website and its crew have changed the game for most folks--he'd be great. -
This is the bugfix that they already talked about, and said they would be pushing live today. Anyone expecting I23 today is on drugs or something.
Tokens, transfers, and points all pop at different times. But they do pop. If I recall correctly, the points are awarded when your monthly bill date hits.
Yearly badges are no longer awarded, but the extra character slot is. -
I've made DiB attempts and the Longbow individual either doesn't spawn/is non-responsive if you have overzealous teammates who just start killing everything.
I know this one is rather a niche thing, and I don't want to step on any toes, but a number of folks use one of the generic cafe storefronts in Founders as a coffee shop. Most of the time I stop by, there are a few people at tables or /em wall-leaning and chatting quietly.
I'm not very good at verbal directions in the game, but if you head due west from Penny Preston until you're just past the Savant plaque--I think that's the one.
Frankly, I usually just head for Penny and watch for the blue names to pop up on my screen. -
Quote:The Greek gods were incarnates. Sometimes that incarnate power diffuses back into the well, and sometimes that whole concept or meme is passed on wholesale, ala "Incarnate of Zeus/Tartarus."Question 2: It's been a little confusing for me, but some say gods do not exist, they are incarnates. Looking through the Lore, War Witch states Gods do exist, while Prometheus states that Zeus and Tartarus were incarnates. Does this mean War Witch is wrong, Prometheus is wrong, are they both right etc.? From what I've seen, what neither says contradicts the other, it's entirely possible that the rest of Greek Pantheon were infact Gods, and judging by what War Witch states, the Well itself can be considered a God, as it were. I'd just like a little more of a definitive answer.
The game, however references a "higher" being overseeing everything on a number of occasions. The recent DA stuff seems to hit fairly close to Christian mythology, but that might just be my own interpretation. -
Is any of this hosted yet? Have you considered asking Tony or any of the CIT people for assistance? This seems like a great thing for the community, that might outgrow itself.
Money is not a problem in this game. If you feel you need more, we can teach you how to make loads and loads.
Further, I have been gifting inf. to individuals and organizations in an effort to enhance people's enjoyment and gameplay for years. Let me know. -
They could always make up for it by buying some ads to run concurrent with Avengers tv spots, or place a brief ad before Avengers showings in selected larger markets.
But really, why start marketing the game? -
They died of exposure. There was no radiation, and nothing strange happened.
The second picture is of a dead dog. Sad.
Why do people make up fantastic stories about things that make complete sense and are really quite mundane? This is why religion gives me a headache. -
There is a medium-sized greenhouse up in the monkey-infested islands north of Peregrine. The doors are locked, but there is a hole in the roof--and you can drop into the greenhouse safely. It's green, lush, and quiet.
Still looking for Avoids the Green Stuff on Virtue.
Also looking for Ant-acid and Well-stocked. Stupid stupid badge change on Lambda Looter, which I have. -
Quote:"Thanks for taking the time to contact us with this report. We are currently aware of this issue and hope to have a fix implemented in an upcoming patch."Quote:City of heroes Freedom Response: I believe we've looked into this, but I don't believe we have an ETA for when it will get fixed. Sorry!
Yes, Freedom Friday is on Thursday nights, for timeclock issues. This weeks item is a Guarded inspiration.
It really is an excellent likeness, in both appearance and personality. Well done.
Quote:It's from her Royal Deebishness, who is Automagically Winvincible.I'm not sure. T and G are right next to each other on a QWERTY keyboard. But if it is intentional, I'm still using it
As far as Kheldians getting more slots than "regular" ATs, I guess it is a matter of personal opinion. -
Quote:The whole point of enhancement slots is that you have to pick and choose--not that you automagically get 30 for each power.I tend to find that on a kheldian, i am very restricted in what powers to pick and how to slot them for set bonuses due to the fact that you have an increase in powers.
It was a VERY painful experience levelling up my own Warshade to 50 and my tri-form PB to the mids. Singular or even bi-form? Quite easily done, however Tri-form? Not so much
So does make senseHow often do you hear people who play Kheldians say they have enough slots rather than not enough?
And what the others said: epic in this context does not mean "blowing stuff up," it means story.