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  1. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    I'm not asking to see an AoE applied to whats now a ST on them sets, although why not on the Mezz protection powers atleast? Usually often or not only like 3 ppl can do with it supplied to them but even I have been a single empath on a manic nearly all blaster team.
    The devs have been pretty clear for a while now (although with Castle gone, things may obviously change) that Clear Mind, Clarity, ID, Thaw, etc. were meant to be used as reactive powers, not preemptive buffs. Making the mez protection AoE would invalidate that design decision and start to render mezzes irrelevant. I think the devs did a good job of striking a balance between QoL, and making things too easy.
  2. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Additional information from Black Scorpion here.

    1) Relax, only the resistance portion of ID is being made AoE, the mez portion like clear mind will stay single target, which I think is appropriate. (although I expect a whole new subset to be in up arms)
    2) There is an option to ignore movement buffs from powers (speed boost, AM, ID, IR, Enforced Morale)
  3. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I wonder how long it's going to take them to spot Power Boost and Forcefields?
    Yeah...that looks like they didn't quite think that one through....PBU shields on the whole team...wow...
  4. Draggynn

    Buffers rejoice!

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    If it is just what it says it is, purely for convenience? I love it. If it comes with a corresponding reduction in power, I'm less happy. Fingers crossed though, this strikes me as a purely QoL feature. Having powers balanced around how tedious is is to maintain them is lame.
    Unlikely that there would a power reduction, since I don't think the devs want the destiny buffs to overpower buff sets anymore than they do. Also, you can't buff yourself, and no endurance increase: link

    I am curious about increase density though. The devs seem to have decided that it's smash/lethal resistance, not mez protection...and AoE mez protection that can be stacked for massive magnitude might be overpowered (thus why I suspect clear mind, thaw, and clarity aren't on the list). I just hope they don't remove the stacking protection as a result. It does make ID viable as a resistance granting power though.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HyperVelocity View Post
    I know it's the wrong forum but while we're at it, anyone have experience with storm as a Mastermind secondary?
    I don't have any experience, so it's probably best to ask the Masterminds. My one area of concern would be that MM abilities cost about 30% more endurance. I don't know if this is offset enough by not needing to expend endurance when they attack thanks to pets, or if this makes things a real pain.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    That's right. Each lightning strike has a chance to proc.
    Just to be clear, the proc checks individually for each of the up to 5 targets Lightning Storm can hit. So it doesn't check per strike, but rather per target (which is what Garent meant, but I thought I would spell it out to avoid confusion). This is also the way hold and stun procs work in LS as well.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    Is this a Carnie-type cheater's untouchable that allows Hami to attack you while you cannot attack him or is it a true phase where neither can attack the other?

    Because if it's the later then that would be a big reason to hold off on the pylons.

    But if it is the former, and the pylons aren't debuffing hami's attacks/stats, then it truely doesn't matter.
    He can definitely still attack you with the pylons up. Just died on an LGTF to verify that fact.

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Reduced aggro radius for Hami. We had an entire thread about this and a lot of people stated they had observed this effect. Plenty also stated the opposite. Given that, at worst, it makes no difference, I always leave the pylons up while taking out the Mitos.
    I always run with pylons down in which case aggro radius is closer than the greens. If it actually gets smaller than that, I'd be surprised, but it's possible.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    Sleet can be exploited as an AoE rain power if you add Reactive Interface, unless they nerf it.
    This bug has already been fixed on the test server (although they've introduced a new bug in the process, where interface only effects one target in rain power...I suppose to balance things out from the period of time it was overpowered ) . So I would not try plan on building around this bug.

    Although Cold and Storm share powers, they play quite differently on account of Storm's pseudopets. If all you want is massive AV debuffing, choose Cold, but from a playstyle perspective you won't get the "Storm Experience".
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    And, in my experience, it does matter. Others have reported this also. (shrug) This particular issue is still open to debate.
    I'm curious what impact you think you have seen the pylons have?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    No, no, no! Draggynn. I was talking from my own experience with defender psy blast, especially on my FF/psy. I haven't run a storm/psy was just blue-sky wondering out loud on text about the synergy between the damage resistance debuffs in storm and psy blast.

    I recant my statement. Endurance usage is always a concern for any stormy.
    Ah, sorry for jumping to conclusions there. I agree with you that endurance is always a concern, and even more so in a solo AV fight because there is no down time, vigilance, or teammate buffs to help. I had originally tried to solo AVs with the electricity mastery pool, but power sink didn't return enough endurance. Next I tried with just Conserve Power from Power Mastery, but it took both Conserve Power and Force of Nature to keep me going for long enough to take down an AV.

    Of course now with inherent fitness, the vigilance damage buff, and all of the incarnate powers, there are more options in making an AV capable build.

    I consider you the authority and the number cruncher par excellence for the stormy community.
    , thank you
  11. I love these, and they are in genre too!! Anyone else see these and think BAMF doll?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Natures View Post
    Ice/Storm is really fun and a plays a bit different than my other corrs. Double rains with interface is yummy. Very heavy on end while leveling up though.
    Just reading through this and I thought I would give a quick heads up that interface appears that it is being brought in line with other procs right now on Test, so I wouldn't choose a build specifically for the over powered reactive interface until the dust settles on the issue.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    BTW - I had us do it oldstyle with the party taking out the rikti and pylons first, then the mitos then hami. I still get comments that we should save the pylons for last. I'm beginning to doubt myself on that... it really really doesn't matter... right?
    Not sure what happened with the EoE's, but the pylons serve the same function as the crates in the Terra Volta Trial...they do nothing.

    As long as no one hits hami (damage and taunt auras count) or gets too close (stay outside the circle of green mitos seems to be enough) he won't aggro on the team. This is true regardless of whether the Pylons are up or not, and I think is the safest way to handle Hami.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FrostyG View Post
    When your debuffs are running at 15% (or less) or their usual strength that is what I generally view as "basically nullified"
    And I was just putting some context on what, "basically nullified" means by providing some numbers. Many people seem to think that 85% resistance means debuffs do nothing, but Storm Defenders have such massive debuffs to begin with, that even at 15% effectiveness, they can still have an imapct. All bets are off of course against +4 AVs. Then I think it really is a waste to run Hurricane.

    Is it worth it to run hurricane against an AV? that will be a game time decision imo. My fire/storm troller doesn't and instead just opted to build for softcap def when I had it set up as an AV spec. My storm/son didn't run it solo vs most AV's, also opting for a ranged def spec, but with the option of picking up cardiac that may change if I ever revisit the toon as it ends up being a lot of endurance for the relative defense it provides against AV's.
    Well here we're talking about 2 different things. If you want to solo an AV, then you absolutely should not use Hurricane. You won't have the endurance to maintain a steady attack chain, and you need to go soft capped defense. I was referring rather to the OPs feelings of being useless against AVs which I assumed were team situations, in which case it is generally not as dangerous to approach the AV, and providing an effective 9% additional defense can be worthwhile.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FrostyG View Post
    Against AV's storm tends to run into issues protecting a team. The -rech you deliver is basically nullified as is the knockback/down, as is the -tohit debuffing.
    That basically leaves the set with a subpar st heal to help the team stay alive. That isn't to say storm isn't welcome against AV's because freezing rain and nado/LS are great against them, but in terms of protecting the team it is a weak spot for the set.
    Well, a fully slotted Hurricane against an even level AV still provides a 9% to-hit debuff which isn't necessarily anything to scoff at. Granted depending on the AV, you may not want to be in melee range to use Hurricane.

    Snow Storm and Freezing Rain (single stacked) combined contribute almost a 20% increase in recharge time (-17% recharge).

    02 boost also provides stun, sleep, and end drain protection, which depending on the AV can be very valuable for squishies. One way that might help you feel more useful is to take Power Build Up. You can use that before you heal, and get about 3 heal other level heals off in a tight spot.

    Although it may be harder to see your impact in an AV fight, it's useful to remember that you do still make a difference.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    I do wonder about Storm/Psy defeating an AV when it is doubtful he could solo a sky raider jumpbot before running out of end. Those nasty spawns are tough for defense psychic blast.
    **raises an eyebrow** Sorry, are you calling me a liar?
    Endurance is indeed a problem for soloing AVs. Cardiac pretty much eliminates that problem, but pre-incarnate I would cycle Conserver Power and Force of Nature to keep my endurance up. It was a certainly a pain because I would have to flee to avoid being killed from the endurance crash when Force of Nature went down (but that extra 2 minutes of endurance was worth the crash). Was it an SO storm build, certainly not. But if you're going to solo AVs on a storm/anything, you're not playing an SO build.
  17. So the short answer is that /ice have better AoE due to having blaster level damage in Blizzard and Ice Storm, while /sonic will be better against single targets due to the -res, so it depends on your strategy.

    Also, my money would say that picking the AV appropriately and built for defense, any Storm Defender can solo AVs. Granted sonic may have an easier time, but I've solo'd them on my Storm/Psy (pre incarnate stuff even) and as long as you aren't trying to take down AV that is resistant to your damage type and that you can survive against it's doable.

    Also I'm a little baffled by your feeling useless against hard targets, since hard targets are one of the places Storm Defenders really get to shine. You can use Snow Storm and not worry about the target dying right after you use it, if there's a single target to focus on Tornado can dish out pretty impressive damage, which when coupled with Freezing Rain certainly isn't useless.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Anyhow, please read Dispari's guide here about interface. It has lots of numbers, and tells you exactly how much each interface debuffs/damages the target.
    The post you actually want occcurs much later in the thread: here. The -resistance debuff is 2.5% -res for 8 seconds. Assuming Dispari's understanding is correct, at 75% damage you will on average get an extra .75*5*[damage] and at 50% you'll get an extra .5*5*[damage] per attack. So against +0s that's 50.18 damage versus 33.45 damage, or an extra 16.7 damage per attack.

    The easiest way to see which one is better is to ask, "How much damage to I need to deal to get the same amount of damage as the proc from the -res debuff).

    In order to make up this damage from the -resistance you would need to deal 16.7/.025 = 668 damage in 8 seconds. Except of course that the resistance will only trigger every 4th attack, so really you need to deal 668*4=2,672 damage every 8 seconds in order to offset the dps lost (That's 4 attacks that tick for 16.7 damage less). So if you can deal more the 2,672 damage in 8 seconds, then the -res is better.

    Now things are a little more complicated than this because of the limits in stacking of the debuffs. And so if your dps procs saturate, then the -res becomes more valuable. But that at least gives you a starting place, and would make me inclined to say that solo, the additional chance for damage is almost certainly better.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Weables1 View Post
    I read once that you should either have 1 or 3 KB IOs. I dont quite remember the reasoning, so maybe I'm incorrect. Can someone clarify this? Thats why I made space for 3 there, honestly.
    The reasoning was probably that there are almost no KB attacks with a magnitude greater than 4, so if you have one KB IO, you're pretty much set. There are, however, a couple attacks, such as Nemesis Staffs that have a magnitude 9 KB, and so you need 3 IOs to protect them. So, if you fight nemesis with some frequency, and that fake nemesis attack drives you crazy, go with 3 IOs. I find the attacks that fall into the mag greater than 8 to be few and far enough between that I don't find myself wanting another KB IO for those situations.

    The reason the "you only need 1" logic is flawed, is that although there are few attacks that have a knockback between 4 and 8, if attacks with KB occur within one server tick (.132 seconds I think) they are all resolved at the same time. So although officially KB magnitude can't be stacked, in actuality it does. Thus, although there are few KB magnitudes in the 4 to 8 range, there are several instances where you can have multiple low magnitude KBs "stacked" on you, making 2 IOs useful. (Council in particular are a culprit in this circumstance).

    And a quick pro tip: you can free up another slot by putting your stealth IO in sprint, and the blessing of the Zephyr KB IO in SJ.
  20. Just for future reference it is usually easier to do the short form rather than the long form export as it requires less scrolling on the part of folks looking at the build and can be easier to get a sense of the build as a whole. A few quick thoughts looking at this:

    1) If you're going to go for Scorpion Shield, I would try to see about fitting some smash/lethal defense bonuses in there to capitalize on it and hit the soft cap.

    2) 12 points of KB protection is probably more than you need, I would free up a slot by dropping down to 2 KB IOs.

    3) Optimal slotting in Stamina with three slots is 1 endurance mod and Performance Shifter Endmod and +end, although with Heat Loss, the extra HP might be worthwhile.

    4) I would verify that the energy manipulator chance to stun works as hoped. I'm not certain what the state of this is, but it used to be slotting the chance to stun in some end draining power would only have a chance to stun you and your allies. If that's the case, you probably don't want to slot that there.

    5) As hindenburg said, move the numina. Slotted there you will only get the benefit for 120 seconds after using Vengeance. The KB IO, however is global and is fine there.
  21. I will point you to the guide in my sig, although it doesn't cover Tornado and LS yet...they're coming soon (but probably a month away).

    My general thoughts looking over the build is that you have been too erratic. Your have tried to go for a little of every type of defense, and as a result are soft capped to nothing. You will be far stronger soft capping ranged than dabbling a little in everything. Because Hurricane essentially negates melee attacks building for melee defense can be a waste.

    Snow Storm: just put an end reducer in there, with FR you're already at the recharge cap.
    Steam Mist: that run speed IO doesn't really buy you any extra defense, and won't make much difference to your playing
    Freezing Rain: Accuracy is of minimal importance in Freezing Rain, and I wouldn't worry too much about the defense debuff. See the guide for more detailed FR information. Recharge, Recharge, Recharge, is the short version. Again, hurricane makes melee defense a waste, and if you want defense, go for the soft cap. The difference between 35 and 45% defense is massive.
    Hurricane: I don't find the FF proc to be useful for my playstyle, but your results may very.
    Tornado: Gah, you went for IO set bonus again instead of slotting for the power. Damage and recharge in Tornado, defense debuff is of tertiary importance. I understand your desire to debuff, but you will not see much difference in having more defense debuff. Honestly you would be better off (depending on how much you use it) going 3 damage, 2 recharge, 1 endurance IO. You would be better off going for something like blood mandates or expedient reinforcements.
    Health: over slotted, remove one of those IOs, and make the other a miracle heal.
    Stamina: again over slotted in your quest for set bonuses: 4 is the max stamina should really have: 1 end, 2 end/something, 1 +end.

    Also, my prediction is that build may feel slow to solo, due to underslotted single target attacks and lack of a full attack chain, but if it works for you, great.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Apparently, according to the ustream broadcast during the server list merge maintenance, Reactive is working as intended. They know it's (very) powerful, and intend it to be.

    I'm still not convinced it won't get looked at again eventually, but apparently for now we can expect it to work as it does currently at least for some time to come.
    I would say the intended behavior is broken then. Although I think this behavior is probably fine for the debuffs, I think it's probablematic when a single application of Freezing rain eliminates everything but the bosses in a x8+3 spawn.
  23. It can be difficult to give advice on IOs without a sense of budget, but Mids is certianly a good place to start, so that we can see exactly what you are thinking, and then you can post your build like Psylenz did.

    In general there are two approaches for set bonuses that basically all builds can adhere to.

    1) You want recharge. More recharge means more of your hard hitting powers (Freezing Rain, Lightning Storm, Tornado) up more often. Perma Freezing Rain, 3 Lightning Storms and 2 Tornados is an impressive sight to behold. The more recharge, the closer you can get to this goal.

    2) You want defense (and ranged defense for a Storm Defender). If you can soft cap (45% ranged defense), then with the aid of Hurricane you can be virtually invincible until you get mezzed (although take a look at the new Clarion Destiny power in the incarnate tree).

    I basically only play my Storm Defender so I have invested in two builds for him. I have a team build that focuses on recharge, and a solo build that focuses more defensively (although still with substantial recharge). That said, you certianly don't need to build for ranged defense to be survivable. Storm has enough tricks up its sleeves that with some practice you can take on pretty impressive groups without any fancy slotting tricks.

    Some brief thoughts on power selection:
    I'm not a huge fan of powers with endurance crashes, because everytime you use psychic wail you will need retoggle Steamy Mist, Tactics, Maneuvers, Temp Invul (hover, Snow Storm, and Hurricane as well if you happened to be using them). Which is too much of a pain for me to make psychic wail worthwhile.

    I'm curious of your findings with provoke. It may help counteract the run AI from all of your slows, but I suspect you will find that you produce too much chaos for provoke to be particularly useful.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by excimer View Post
    I'm very unhappy about the whole thing. Sure i want the badge but i would also like to participate - unfortunately i'm working during the event and i can't find any solid information about alternatives or other options. It is all quite confusing and frustrating.
    Not sure what you're looking for in the way solid information. The two links in my OP provide the extent of what we have in terms of "solid information" that being the original announcement thread, and the dev response.

    Beyond that we have confirmation from Turg that going AFK before the test window is an acceptable approach to get the badge to help the devs reach the desired server load. Not sure what else you were looking for.
  25. I suggest the guide in my sig. Tornado and Lightning Storm are still in the works, but just about everything I have to say about Storm is there. The numbers will be slightly lower for corruptors, but regardless the strategy is basically the same.