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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
    No one can tell me how this is offensive without saying being gay is offensive. I guess that's all I needed to know.
    I don't think that's what anyone here is saying. There have been a number of possibilities mentioned that could explain why someone felt the comment was offensive and petitioned it. The measure of whether or not a comment is offensive is not whether or not you intended to be offensive, but whether someone was offended by it, at which point NCSoft needs to follow up.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by orangemonkey View Post
    And two: NCsoft approves that it's okay to be offended by gays. Why is it okay to have super heroes run around in bikinis but not say the word gay?
    NCsoft has always been very supportive of the LGBT players of this game, so I wouldn't be concerned about that. I suspect that someone not familiar with the context of the quote thought that you were being sarcastic (thanks a lot!, as in it's their fault) or somehow disparaging. Without any additional context of what had been going on at the time, it just sounds like a case of misunderstanding to me, and I wouldn't worry about it.
  3. I believe they were renamed Vanguard pieces, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
    Moving was never the issue in what i mentioned, tank taking aggro having the enemy just stand there attacking him.
    Well, terror caused by tornado, LS, and the need to get out of Freezing Rain can often be enough to trump the tank's aggroing depending on the situation. Not necessarily chasing enemies all across the map, but the minor movement that occur in the pull between terror and aggro or the tanks momentary loss of aggro. If testing proves Uberguy correct and that the damage reported is always rounded up then this would continue to seem like a reasonable explanation to me.

    Even if this was not the cause for your noticing reduced ticks in tornado, someone else might find this explanation useful in explaining what they are seeing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
    No i always kb supress when using tornado. The most likely scenario is what weartherby said by having values so low that they hold them until they average over .5 damage to display the "1" tick when say facing MOG having the resistance to lower its damage low enough to do so.
    Well, technically this isn't a KB suppression but an immobolize issue. With a power like electric fence you will have sufficient KB suppression to ward off tornado with a single application, but you may not have sufficient magnitude to immobolize the enemy causing the run problem that I was mentioning.

    That said, it may very well be the damage reporting problem Weatherby suggested since I do not know how the game handles those situations. I tried playing around with it a little last night but I couldn't get tornado's damage low enough without unslotting it, so I will need to experiment on test later to see.
  6. Additional testing suggests that the AoE damage componenet is autohit as well.
    Although it looks as if as a pseudopet you can't get tornado's detailed information to display if the chat window.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
    Really, cause unless they changed it recently, I have DEFINITELY had it repeatedly change versus lets say a high level AV or MOG'd PP from what we all know of the multiple hits of those damages, to where i'd sparsely see it damage at all. This second mention phenomena was of course while NOBODY else was attacking the target (ie spam flood making the damage numbers disperse sporadically)

    Red tomax also has it listed HERE as an accuracy of 1.3

    The KNOCKBACK may be autohit, the defense debuff may or may not be, but the damage however IIRC, and experienced, is not.
    Windenergy, in this case I'm not sure what is being reported as 1.3, it may very well be the accuracy of the aoe, which may not be autohit, I'm not sure. However, the main target of the tornado most certainly IS autohit, and has been at least since anyone bothered taking tornado (I'm not sure if in the early days before tornado had a leash if it was autohit, since anyone would be crazy to take it and use it).

    I suspect what you are seeing when you notice a reduction in the damage ticks is that tornado causes terror and therefore many high level enemies will run from it. Thus you notice a reduction in the damage being dealt because the tornado keeps having to play catch up with the enemy. As long as tornado is able to stay on an enemy though it will keep ticking out damage every half a second.

    Your conviction had me concerned they might actually have changed tornado, so I just went and tested in AE by creating a +4 SR enemy and waiting until they eluded and then summoned torando and used electric fence for knockback suppression and over numerous trials the tornado continued to tick consistently every .5 seconds just like it always has without a single lapse or miss.

    So...in conclusion TORNADO IS AUTO-HIT and always has been.
  8. Draggynn


    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Hey cool, I have a reputation :P.
    You do enjoy posting builds for people

    Just some quick comments on Garents Build,
    Garent has made slotting for health a priority whereas I would probably go for additional recovery bonuses, procs, and extra defense instead. Granted all of the little health bonuses add up (Garent gets a little over 100), but I find that when I take enough damage to knock me out, it's usually in high enough quantities that a couple extra hit points aren't going to save me, but as with everything, it's a play style issue:

    Especially for a team build, i would swap out the Achilles Proc for the lady grey damage proc in FR.

    In the resistance powers I would probably go for Aegis's for the 1.56% AOE defense or one set of Impervium Armor for the final 2.5% recovery bonus rather than the 15 hit points a piece from the Titanium Coatings.

    I would still want a recovery power and drop either Dark Pit or electric fence (you can fill your attack chain with a vet reward if you have one since if you run tactics and use freezing rain regularly the accuracy won't be a serious issue, although I do like electric fence for the KB suppression and pairing with tornado) but perhaps play without one first and see if you decide you need one.
  9. Draggynn


    Alright, some questions to consider: do you really only care about hitting the 40% defense like you claim, or are you really shooting for the soft cap? And which toggles do you intend on running, because steamy mist + maneuvers + combat jumping =~14%. Although a solid build you sacrifice some utility in favor of some set bonuses that aren't especially strong.

    Depending on which toggles you intend on running you may be better served by slotting end reduction IOs than slotting for bonuses. For example, the 2.5% bonus is only ~.04 end/sec whereas 1 end reduction IO in maneuvers is .12 end/sec and a second one .05 end/sec. That might also free you up to put an achilles heel proc in FR.

    If you're willing to give up ranged defense Tenebrous Tentacles is probably one that I would switch to slotting for damage. If price isn't an issue, I'd probably go with a purple set for the recovery and recharge.

    The Reactive Armor in steamy mist is another place where it seems you are just struggling for the range bonus and not a very good one (.625%) and could be slotted with another LotG.

    Depending on how much you use tornado, 6 slotting with blood mandates will give you 3.75% ranged defense and 4.69% aoe defense but at the cost of the loss of all recharge in it.

    If you decide you don't need the range bonus in LS, I would put a hold proc in there.

    As already discussed maneuvers is a good place to invest more slots if you're planning on running it regularly. Both endurance reduction, and defense.

    Depending on your play style, you may still find you have endurance trouble, so I would recommend considering dropping electric fence (again, depends on how much you use tornado) or thunderclap (since you don't have dark pit to stack with it) in favor of powersink.
  10. Draggynn


    I'm sure someone (Garent) will probably be along shortly with a build. I refuse to post actually builds, but am happy to provide critiques...but I'm often not on a computer with Mids installed, so one of the briefer export options would be helpful rather than just the code.
  11. Just to explain the Paragon Wiki page a little better, in a toggle or a passive, every 10 seconds you will get a 5% resistance bonus up to 25%. Thus it will take 40 seconds to reach your full status resistance after zoning or any other action which resets your bonuses. However, assuming you don't zone, the bonuses last indefinitely, so at any point you can turn off the toggle power and keep however much of the bonus has "charged" at that point.

    I think the aegis is now the hardest IO to understand since they fixed force feedback. I hope this helps.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katze View Post
    Thanks for the equation; that's what I was scouring Wiki looking for. I figured it was a difference in what the set bonus / recipe described vs. what was being displayed in Combat Attributes. Kind of like the regeneration rates being displayed as already calculated percentage of base vs. the flat rate described in the set bonuses.
    Yup, you just have to be careful though, because the game is inconsistent and sometimes switches what it's calling mez resistance and mez reduction. The real numbers though report mez reduction so you can calculate mez resistance from that if all else fails.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by filcher View Post
    I 6 slotted Adjusted Targetting in Build Up for a 7.5% status resistance bonus and an Aegis status/psi resist in Force of Nature for a 20% status resistance bonus.

    My power display window only shows an "ultimate status resistance bonus" of 6.98%.

    Is the display wrong or am I not getting the full resistance bonus for some reason?
    I didn't read the whole thread, but I don't think anyone answered this correctly yet in my skimming, so here is the answer:

    The display is correct, but is displaying a different value from what you think. The IO provides a 7.5% resistance (it says duration reduction, it's lying), but the display shows duration reducation, not resistance. So 1-1/(1+7.5%) = 6.98%. (the mez duration formula is (duration)/(1 + mezResistance) ) Now if you're ready to get really confused, the Aegis IO actually provides a 20% duration reduction which is actually caused by a 25% mez resistance (in 5% bursts).

    The nomenclature is inconsistent which leads to confusion. I'm happy to clarify any questions people may have on the matter, so let me know if that's unclear.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by puba187 View Post
    as for accuracies go i see where you are coming from as far as making every shot count while soloing but i just don't worry about misses so much. i mean the extra acc is not gonna help on oranges or reds really and thats what we are up against mostly so i question if its really worth it.
    Well, at the low levels you get an innate boost to accuracy which makes hitting things easier, but as you level, that boost will decrease and then vanish entirely and you will find that you start missing a lot more. The innate accuracy of attacks against even con enemies is 75%. For enemies that are +1 level this falls to 65%, and if you're fighting +2 enemies this value falls to 56%. As Garent mentions, freezing rain with it's 30% defense debuff will mitigate some of the problem, but you don't want to be reliant on Freezing Rain for your accuracy, so you will definitely want to slot attacks for accuracy especially as you level up.

    Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
    personally, i'd reserve Tornado for a Solo build only....
    its extremely notorious in chain-pulling aggro on the team, which may cuz a teamwipe or just REALLY annoy everyone including your tank.
    I would absolutely keep Tornado on a team build, if only for AV fights at the higher levels. Tornado will wreck havoc on enemies that are resistant to KB (AVs) making it a must have a tool in my book. However, as phire warns, use it cautiously because it can often cause a team wipe more often than a save if used wrecklessly.

    Originally Posted by PHlRE View Post
    Recharge is a must, so you can do it as much as you can, group to group if possible, if your global is really high. If it is enough, you can "Layer" your FR upon itself, double-stacking itself.
    Actually, you don't need any global recharge or even hasten to layer FR. FR has a 60 second recharge and a 45 second duration (15 seconds of rain 30 second lingering debuff) so you can stack FR with just SOs. Although with global recharge you can easily stack 3.

    Originally Posted by puba187 View Post
    i guess i associated it with lightning clap from elec melee and i just dont care for that power, but taking a second look at it it is another way to throw out some soft control. i'll mess around with the build a bit more and see what i come up with.
    Thunderclap doesn't have the knock back that Lightning clap has, making it much more useful since it will keep mob clustered (if they don't wander too far) and in your freezing rain.
  15. Ice/Storm does have nice synergy, and is especially popular because the rains use the blaster modifiers instead of the defender values. Also /ice is fairly new for defenders so that may also be contributing to the popularity you're seeing. It may also be similar to my grandfather noticing that whenever my grandmother was pregnant, the news was full of stories about pregnant women! There aren't actually any more storm/ice defenders, you're just more likely to notice them now.

    Some preliminary thoughts on your build to get you started. Although it will helpful to know more about your intended goals and play preferences (teaming, solo, pvp, I <3 KB):

    I am not a fan of gale, and would therefore only slot it for accuracy, but if you enjoy using it a lot, then the recharge matters.

    I wouldn't bother with slows in your attacks since storm has freezing rain and snow storm to provide slows if you need them (everything will be at the slow and recharge cap) so your attacks can focus more heavily on damage.

    Knockback distance in hurricane is wasted, because you would actually rather things stay in melee range to be affected by the debuff than be knocked away.

    Freezing rain does squat for damage so damage IOs are a waste. Defense debuff is better used in FR (30%) than tornado (15%).
  16. For one of my MoSTF runs we used PA to tank LR until we had all of the towers down at which point an actual tank took over. To avoid problems when PA needed to be recast, several seconds before PA went down the entire team would flee far from LR's aggro range. Then the illusion troller would sneak back in, cast PA, and we would all return to beating up the tower, and when PA was about to drop, all flee again. Not the noblest tactic, perhaps, but it worked.
  17. Yes, as with all damage, the proc will deal more because your enemy is debuffed.

    However, procs are unaffected by damage buffs. So if you eat a red inspiration and then use a proc attack the damage will be the same. Likewise, the damage of the proc will be unaffected by a damage debuff (this makes them an especially popular way to deal with the -damage crash from rage).
  18. You're close to right. The problem is distinguishing between mez duration reduction and mez resistance. The Aegis provides 25% resistance, and each impervious skin provides 7.5% resistance (The text claims 7.5 duration reduction, but this is wrong it's resistance, while the aegis claims 20% duration reduction and this is correct, since it's really 25% resistance). Thus your total mez resistance is actually (7.5*5 +25) = 62.5% which results in a mez duration of 1/(1+.625) = 61.5% or a mez duration reduction of 38.5%.

    The actual calculation is straightforward, except that real numbers reports mez duration reductions. If you look at the real numbers, it will report your imperious skin bonuses as providing a 1 - 1/(1+.075*5) = 27% reduction and your Aegis as providing a 1 - 1/(1+.25) = 20% reduction but your total mez duration reduction is really only 38.5% not the 47% that they would suggest. The mez duration number reported in true numbers is accurate, but the percentage reduction numbers aren't.

    Hopefully that helped. Let me know if you have further questions.
  19. This is Aracanaville's guide to defense and is the go to source for all questions about how defense, to-hit, and accuracy work:

    The short answer though is that only one type of defense can apply to a given attack, and the game will choose which ever value is higher. So if you are attacked by an attack that is both fire and melee the game will choose to apply your fire defense, and the melee defense will have no impact. If you are hit by the attack, you are correct, you would take 90 damage.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
    I got a lucky drop and got an Aegis resist IO (Which is only 20% Unique).
    Actually, the Aegis unique is 25% mez resistance which produces a 20% mez time reduction. But your confusion is understandable since it isn't an intuitive IO.

    The real numbers reports mez time reduction (although they may call it resistance) rather than reporting mez resistance. Furthermore the individual reductions reported don't take account of other bonuses you might have. (That's why adding up all of the individual mez time reductions doesn't equal the total reported mez time reduction)
    Furthermore, the Aegis doesn't apply the bonus all at once but rather as a set of 5, 5% bonuses of infinite duration that stack with each other. So in a toggle, your mez resistance will increase by 5% every 10 seconds after activation until reaching the 25% mark so it can take up to 40 seconds to reach full resistance.

    So the 20% reduction is caused by a 25% resistance. Where the duration of a mez is calculated according to (mez duration)/(1 + mez resistance). I hope that clarified things.
  21. Although the Aegis unique provides 25% mez resistance or a 1/(1 + .25) = 80% so a 20% reduction in duration. Which for me, at least, is worthwhile. Also the Impervious skin IO is 1/(1+.075) which is 7% reduction, which might we worthwhile depending on your build. Unfortunately mez resistance is susceptible to diminishing returns (due to the inverse nature of the relationship, something that the true numbers doesn't accurately report). So the two together are only 1/(1+.325) => 24.5% reduction. But the set bonus numbers are hardly worth mentioning.
  22. Dr. English is correct about the endurance. Especially if you're not using set bonuses to get additional recovery running assault and tactics as well as steamy mist and charged armor will run you down with the high endurance powers like LS and tornado. Fortunately, recovery bonuses are some of the easiest to get in the game since they often only require 2 pieces of a set, so this can be dealt with as can slotting heavily for end reduction.

    Also, depending on how much higher in level the mobs you fight are, freezing rain can mitigate the need for accuracy with it's defense debuff largely elliminating the need for tactics (assuming it recharges fast enough). Also, I know many people hate the glowing yellow hands from hasten (although hopefully not for much longer) but I think storm is one of the sets that can get the most use out of hasten since we have a number of powerful abilities with longer recharges(Freezing Rain, Tornado, Lightning Storm). Hasten will take amost 10 seconds off of Freezing Rain's recharge the way you currently have it slotted!

    Depending on how much you use Snow Storm, and how you use Freezing Rain and Snow Storm together, the slows in Freezing Rain may be pointless. Snow Storm on its own will put most enemies at the slow cap, so if you tend to use snow storm and freezing rain on the same group you can drop some of the slows from Freezing Rain. If you tend to target different groups with them, or just use Freezing Rain and skip snow storm, the slows are a good investment.

    I hope those thoughts are helpful.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Because Storm was so light on applicable debuffs for so long, most players seem to skip over them. Even though I've got Freezing Rain slotted for Accurate Defense Debuff, I still have problems thinking of it as anything other than an AOE slow.

    I usually try to stay out of these threads, but was reading through this one, and just thought I'd respond to this comment, since it was addressed but I didn't see the numbers provided.

    Freezing Rain is essentially a 45 second debuff with a 60 second recharge that will stack with itself. That means that with 3 SOs and hasten you can basically perma stack 2, and with a couple set bonuses you can easily stack 3 half the time. That ammounts to a 105% resistance debuff (obviously the fight needs to last long enough for three applications to be relevant), and a 90% defense debuff (if unslotted). Certainly not just an AOE slow, that's what snow storm is.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reptlbrain View Post
    The end usage isn't terribly friendly with all the toggles running; you could potentially trade Power Boost for Conserve Power.

    Yeah...that is going to hurt...Steamy Mist + Combat Jumping + Maneuvers + tough + weave + temp invuln + hurricane.

    I have a soft capped built to experiment with soloing AVs and on that build I only ran Steamy Mist, Hover, Maneuvers, and charged armor, and although i could stay alive running out of endurance was serious problem even with the occasional power sink. For this build to be viable you will need to fit conserve power in there. You will also want to drop swift or hurdle for health and make sure you have a numina and miracle unique in there. You can also get a few more points of recovery by 4 slotting stamina with all performance shifters (yes, it's actually better to slot the end/X performance shifters than pure IOs because of the recovery bonus...not much...but a little).

    Of course if you rely on teaming you can get some benefit out of vigilance...but in that case having high defense doesn't really matter.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    I go for utility over damage, so my picks would be Mental Blast for moar -recharge (with Web Grenade and Poison Trap, and the possibility of some self-stacking too), Subdue for AV rooting (Peroxisomes are cheap), and Will Domination to make the two or three guys who play Psi/* blasters jealous (I'm one of them).

    Telekinetic Blast is nice as a source of non-psi damage, but since you're Traps, meh, just toe bomb 'em.
    Well, whether the -recharge is worthwhile or not depends on if you're taking psychic scream (-62.5) and psionic tornado (-37.5) which together cap -recharge against +2 enemies. This when combined with the additional -recharge you have in traps makes the -recharge in mental blast not especially worthwhile. Sure it's a little less end, but not that much and there are so many ways of getting additional recovery these days that endurance is rarely an issue in the high levels.

    So my advice is skip mental blast it has worse DPS, DPA, and comparable or worse DPE than the other three.