Question on Mezz Resist IOs
It's the latter - 100% mez reist cuts the duration in half. So, in your example, 90% sleep resist does indeed cut the effect to 1/1.9 of its original length, or about 52%. Which makes mez resistance from IOs somewhat underpowered in my opinion - the percentages are usually very small.
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It's the latter - 100% mez resist cuts the duration in half. So, in your example, 90% sleep resist does indeed cut the effect to 1/1.9 of its original length, or about 52%. Which makes mez resistance from IOs somewhat underpowered in my opinion - the percentages are usually very small.
Thanks Muon,
I kinda suspected that, but was hoping that it was better than this.
You are right, those numbers need to be increased, because they might as well not even be bonuses at that value.
For reference, Accelerate Metabolism offers +216.25% mez resistance.
You're right - the piddly little single digits from set bonuses aren't noticeable at all.
Although the Aegis unique provides 25% mez resistance or a 1/(1 + .25) = 80% so a 20% reduction in duration. Which for me, at least, is worthwhile. Also the Impervious skin IO is 1/(1+.075) which is 7% reduction, which might we worthwhile depending on your build. Unfortunately mez resistance is susceptible to diminishing returns (due to the inverse nature of the relationship, something that the true numbers doesn't accurately report). So the two together are only 1/(1+.325) => 24.5% reduction. But the set bonus numbers are hardly worth mentioning.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
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Although the Aegis unique provides 25% mez resistance or a 1/(1 + .25) = 80% so a 20% reduction in duration. Which for me, at least, is worthwhile. Also the Impervious skin IO is 1/(1+.075) which is 7% reduction, which might we worthwhile depending on your build. Unfortunately mez resistance is susceptible to diminishing returns (due to the inverse nature of the relationship, something that the true numbers doesn't accurately report). So the two together are only 1/(1+.325) => 24.5% reduction. But the set bonus numbers are hardly worth mentioning.
I also noticed that the Impervius Skin was not Unique, and prompted a little MIDS experiment with Sonic Resonance. You could, theoretically get 5 of the ImpSkins socketed in various Resist powers (without even taking Tough, if you went Power Mastery) plus the Aegis Unique and Health.
This would easily get you over 100% sleep resistance and with Sonic Dispersion, you would cover all status but the rare Fear, or Confuse.
It was a nice idea until I realized that it may not actually be 100% reduction of duration but instead just a 50% reduction.
But, even so, Sonic Resonance could find itself a nice nitch as the least affected by mezz of any defender primary set.
Edited: I also looked at Thermal Radiation as well. Which would also be able to hit the 100% sleep resist mark,
but without a Dispersion-like power, could not get to the same level of overall status protection.
More like Honorable mention.
The aegis unique is the only IO mez resistance bonus worth getting, and only for certain specialized builds.
I got a lucky drop and got an Aegis resist IO (Which is only 20% Unique).
The real numbers reports mez time reduction (although they may call it resistance) rather than reporting mez resistance. Furthermore the individual reductions reported don't take account of other bonuses you might have. (That's why adding up all of the individual mez time reductions doesn't equal the total reported mez time reduction)
Furthermore, the Aegis doesn't apply the bonus all at once but rather as a set of 5, 5% bonuses of infinite duration that stack with each other. So in a toggle, your mez resistance will increase by 5% every 10 seconds after activation until reaching the 25% mark so it can take up to 40 seconds to reach full resistance.
So the 20% reduction is caused by a 25% resistance. Where the duration of a mez is calculated according to (mez duration)/(1 + mez resistance). I hope that clarified things.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
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I seem to recall reading about that stacking effect on the Aegis IO.
But for the rest of it Draggynn, I guess that just leads me to more questions.
Let me use an example; I take 5 powers and slot the 7.5% resist IO from ImpSkin in each one, and then in a Toggle I put the Aegis IO. On paper these would seem to say you have 57.5% resist to mezz. Then 100%/157.5% means 63.5% mezz duration.
With them being non-intuitive, do you mean this would actually be;
100% / (1.25 x 1.081 x 1.081 x 1.081 x 1.081 x 1.081) = 1/1.845
and the end result being 54.2% duration of mezz effects ?
P.S. : I hope my math is right here
You're close to right. The problem is distinguishing between mez duration reduction and mez resistance. The Aegis provides 25% resistance, and each impervious skin provides 7.5% resistance (The text claims 7.5 duration reduction, but this is wrong it's resistance, while the aegis claims 20% duration reduction and this is correct, since it's really 25% resistance). Thus your total mez resistance is actually (7.5*5 +25) = 62.5% which results in a mez duration of 1/(1+.625) = 61.5% or a mez duration reduction of 38.5%.
The actual calculation is straightforward, except that real numbers reports mez duration reductions. If you look at the real numbers, it will report your imperious skin bonuses as providing a 1 - 1/(1+.075*5) = 27% reduction and your Aegis as providing a 1 - 1/(1+.25) = 20% reduction but your total mez duration reduction is really only 38.5% not the 47% that they would suggest. The mez duration number reported in true numbers is accurate, but the percentage reduction numbers aren't.
Hopefully that helped. Let me know if you have further questions.
Draggynn on Virtue: lvl 50 Storm/Psi, 1389 badges
Draggynn's Guide to Storm Summoning(Gale-Tornado, updated 6/25/2011)
Avatar by Wassy full reference here
Thanks Draggynn
That does help alot. I would need to look very closely at the descriptions on set bonuses and powers like Health then to determine which number to use.
Figure and Tally all the actual resistance values before doing the reciprocal.
So, Best case scenario for a defender, using Health, Sonic Resonance powers all slotted with ImpSkin, and a couple 5-piece Basilisk gaze bonuses would MAYBE push the duration of sleep to just under 40%.
In Contrast, ANY defender could take ONE resist power, Health, 1 ImpSkin and 1 Aegis IO and get to around 55%. Too bad really, would have been nice to see Sonic have a niche as the king of Status resist for Squishies. Looks like FF can rest easy
they [Set Bonuses] might as well not even be bonuses at that value. |
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Hello Folks,
I have been looking at IOs alot lately and a question arose that I didnt know the answer to.
Perhaps someone could help me out with this.
IO set resistance to Mezz effects can stack (Which I knew), but how does that actually effect the duration of an effect.
For example Health has a passive 48% sleep resist, and with IOs, I can easily get this to 90%.
Does this make the duration of a sleep effect 10% of its normal length, or.. 100%/190%
approx: 52% of its normal duration ?
Thanks for any help