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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Should you really be publicly bashing another MMO on these forums? That's sketchy according to the rules here, even if you didn't specifically name it. You should set a better example, being that you're the guy everyone expects to enforce those rules.

    ...Also, in the vast majority of cases, that other game has better writing than this one. Most of the content in this game would be about as interesting as watching paint dry if I were playing it for the story and not the character and combat systems.
    Got to say, kind of agreed to a point. The 'class quest' dialogue was always worth a listen but I pretty much started space barring through the side quest dialogue since it was pretty much a very elaborate way of saying "go here and kill/talk to/fetch something".

    But yeah...the dialogue and story in that particular MMO is well above the stuff we get in CoH...especially the SSA arcs...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kusanagi View Post
    ... That probably sounded better in your head.

    But yeah, his defense method would be some kind of improvised-from-moment-to-moment madcap dash and scramble to make Benny Hill green with envy, barely batting aside one strike, a panicked duck taking him just out of reach of the follow up, rolling off the side of one of those platforms for a split second's cover to avoid the blast, dodging a spider arm strike that leaves the appendage embedded in the ground just long enough to gain a precious two seconds' worth of breathing room to yell at the rest of the team to hurry up and disable those things before-YIKE! and back to the dance...
    I can totally picture Recluse yelling "WILL YOU STAY STILL!" while trying to fight Jackie Chan.
  3. One Natural Legend is probably Jackie Chan.

    The guy has broken a LOT of bones (some speculate all but the bones in his inner ear) and yet he still kept on trucking. The guy is considered a Legend among most stuntmen and he's founded his own stunt team.
  4. Goodbye Beastyle, quite sad to see you go.

    Good luck where ever your fancy pants may lead you.
  5. I believe GG has toned down

    Since her earlier days.

    ((sorry was just waiting for an excuse to use that picture).
  6. There are very few MMOs that require 'player skill' over 'knowing the script'.

    Most of these are either the scrolling beat'em ups (Rusty Hearts, Dungeon Fighter Online, Vindictus) or purely PvP based (Eve online, Mortals online and Darkfall) since these require reflexes to dodge and see the 'tells' the enemy give off just before an attack or merely the 'knowing your enemy' level and begin able to gauge 'at a glance' whether you can take that other player (is that mining ship really unguarded? etc.).
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Generic_Past View Post
    I believe there was one time where they put an issue out on a Friday and the servers basically went to hell. Needless to say players weren't pleased and I can only imagine the ragefaces in the office on Monday morning.
    Yup this is pretty much WHY they don't release on a Friday, IIRC the release had a couple of major bugs but because most of the dev team weren't there, they couldn't be fixed until monday morning.

    It was that or the entire dev team got called back in to work overtime at the weekend which, I can imagine, wasn't exactly fun.
  8. The harder Trials DO give better rewards. Keyes and TPN have a higher chance of a rare or very rare as a reward, Underground and I believe the Mother Mayhem trial awards one rare or very rare upon completion and the Underground gives a substantial amount of threads.

    These aren't WoW raids, WoW raids, even if the content is on farm can still take 2 hours+, the raids we have, I think the longest is Underground which takes about an hour, hour an a half max (hence the higher reward).

    If you want a proper gear treadmill, which is what you seem to be suggeting, head back on over to WoW or any number of its clones, CoH, althought it has 'raids' is a slightly different sort of endgame.

    Also you'll notice that most iTrials are not formed of dedicated supergroups like you do in WoW, there are no 'progression supergroups' or even 'raid supergroups'. CoH has a far more casual PuG based audience (and has since the start) than those and it pays the devs to play to their audience.

    Most iTrialers will do several trials in succession, yesterday I did Keyes, MoM, Lambda than just one and then log off.

    To use the WoW analogy BAF and Lambda are the equivilent of WoW raids on 'farm' status, almost everyone on the server knows how they work.

    Trust me, when they first came out, failures on the BAF and Lambda were quite high, heck Union was probably the first server to get people the Master of BAF badges regularly because due to a smaller population who were doing them several times a day the strategy was nailed down fairly sharpish.

    Infact the strange difference between Union and the other servers is that a Master run is considered a 'normal run' while the 'pull AVs to the tennis courts' is considered a 'easy run'.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    I would put the same limits on that that you usually see on Charm spells. You can't make someone jump off of a cliff to their death, but you can convince them that when they jump off of the cliff, you'll cast Feather Fall on them and they'll be perfectly safe. If they're good, you can't get them to betray and attack their friends, but you can convince them to fight their friends and hold them off while you "break the spell that's controlling them". Basically, no outright killing themselves or violations of alignment/personality.
    Or, as my group did, convince the underlings that a Union is a really good idea and that they're getting a bum deal from their current overlord and should form a union. Then you leave them to their own devices.

    This was usually enough to spark a wave of disent amongst the lower ranks as the idea spreads. You'd give it a few weeks and then come back with a rallying cry of 'What do want? A Union! when do we want it? Now!' which is enough to get atleast a few of the underlings on your side and cause chaos.

    Note this only works on pretty dimwitted creatures like Kobolds who are normally the kicked around underlings of a bigger race. If the Union idea spreads and catches on completely then you have a full uprising on your hands.
  10. Sadly no, you'd have to go villain, do one of the Patron arcs (I'd recommend Ghost Widow) and then respec into the PPP.

    I'm not sure if you can have both EPP and PPP though.
  11. Well considering we now have a ritual that can bring back the Dead (that valentines arc is really coming back to bite them in the backside isn't it?).

    Oh and the 'wanted to die' thing totally ain't going to work this time, Sister Psyche did not want to die, she died because it was the only way but it wasn't the same thing as Statesman.

    So yeah, no pulling the 'oh he was happy in death' crap again is going to work, Sister Psyche clearly wants to come back and be with her beloved husband not dead as a doornail.

    So Devs...watcha gonna do about that rather large plot hole?
  12. Eh I'm just saying, the wait for the Shield set after it appeared on the Romans was...what...four months?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    Played Blueside:Cause you know, there's not enough time for stuff for players, but we can give an NPC like, 5-6 new unique powers. ((I will rescind this criticism if these new powers are eventually made for players, but they're so over the top, I doubt they will be.))
    It is possible, keep in mind that NPCs have been used to show off a powerset before it was made available to the players in the past.

    NPCs are testbeds for these things just to see if they work usually.

    Shield set first appeared and was NPC only and a couple of months later it was available to players, the wolves in the Haunted House event were a test of the 4 legged skeleton and now we're getting beast mastery for Masterminds.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Yins unique powers were opened up to the playerbase in six months to a years time.

    If they're considered 'over the top' then perhaps they might be Incarnate abilities, her PBAoE Psi damage knock up could be a Psi damage judgement for example.
  14. Yup did it on my ill/Rad controller purely for the Scorpion mastery pool.

    additional 20% Res debuff, a smashing/lethal shield and an additional pet are pretty damn nifty for an Illusion/Radiation controller, combined with everything else in the set.

    Sure it is overkill since you can solo a Giant Monster with Perma-Phantom Army alone but the additional resistance debuff makes that easier and the Tarantula pet (suppose to be a Toxic Tarantula but is actually a good deal smaller than the NPC and Incarnate lore versions) adds more DPS.

    Now throw Incarnating into the mix, I'll have more than enough Recovery thanks to the large endurance discount on all the powers (Cardiac Alpha), I'll actually have an AoE that isn't a hold (Judgement, not sure which yet), more pets (going for Rularuu, they're not the best DPS pet but I want a pet eyeball damn it), a Resistance/Defense shield to keep all the pets alive (Barrier) and even more resistance debuffing (Reactive) to turn the ridiculous single target damage into something capable of beating most AVs to death in half the time.
  15. Yeah this happens strangely frequently.

    Here is one we found on Union

    This is not my picture (don't remember ever creating a Beam/Time character or having my UI laid out like that) So I can't take credit for it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    Whenever we are dealing with the random number generator (RNG), always keep these three things in mind: The RNG thinks, the RNG feels, and the RNG hates.

    Specifically, the RNG thinks you are pathetic, feels you shouldn't win, and hates you and you alone.
    The RNG's name is Nuffle, god of random dice.

    Anyone who has played Blood Bowl will tell you that Nuffle can neither be appeased or enraged so praying to it or cursing it is pointless, Nuffle wills only that the dice are random.

    That star player of yours that survived 20 games without so much of a scratch? Dead by a rock thrown from the crowds or failing his "anything but a 1" going for it Roll and hitting the pitch too hard (this HAS happened to me, it's called Heart Attack Syndrome where people joke that the player had a heart attack from running too much as the real cause of death).

    At the same time, that really risky pass that by all rights should have failed? Will succeed.

    Now keep in mind that waiting for one or the other to happen will result in you failing most of the time or playing too cautiously, the best you can do is make your peace with Nuffle and try not to push things too far.

    This isn't because Nuffle hates you, it's not because it is picking on you, Nuffle decided that the dice would roll that way on that particular day.
  17. Interestingly my main and forum namesake is...well...interesting.

    While he does sell genetically engineered superpowered slaves (and the guise of the 'Dream partner program') to those that can afford his price, he actually has them pre-programmed to report any abuse (like being tortured) or tampering (trying to reverse engineer his techniques) back to the company at which point a keyword is spoken and they're freed of their 'contract' with their own and can do as they please, including beat their previous owner to death with shoes if they so feel like it.

    However as long as things remain within the 'guidelines' he doesn't particularly care about them as they are still products.

    At one point he was refered to as 'the Joker of the Unionverse' since he was a mad scientist with a perchant for causing havoc whether indirectly or personally, however he has since calmed down and gone from Joker to Lex Luthor. He operates his company, Necrotech, as a proper business.

    His business models are the Dream Partner Program mentioned above and the New You program. This program works on giving people super powers under affordable payment schemes, he provides the best care that he can but at the same time he really doesn't care where the money is coming from. Should people not pay up...well..you thought what Doc Buzzsaw did to people who had debts with her was bad...

    His philosphy was always that he was a Super Villain, when asked what made him Super he responded "Manners and class, a villain without manners is merely a Super Thug with no class".

    Mind you his first successful product was a Walkie Talkie Toaster...for Toast on the go!

    He still makes things like a washing machine/death ray combo or his 'enviromentally friendly hand powered death ray' (which by the time you've cranked it to full power, the hero would have been gone for about half a day...and it doesn't hold a charge either)

    So what does he want?

    Science...he just wants to do science...without ethical restrictions placed on him...which the Rogue Isles is more than happy to accomidate so thus that is where he works. The same time he wants his family to be happy (his family being his robots, especially his 'daughter' Elise (the assault bot)).
  18. Dr_MechanoEU

    ATIOs up

    Prices are falling quite rapidly.

    Down from 200 million per ATIO this morning to around 50 million on some of them.

    I'd suggest people buying them now for cheapers.
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    ATIOs up

    There's a few in the market, looks like the asking price is roughly 100 million.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Hmm, is that a defensive ability that lets you dodge first shots?
    Yup, it actually is called Dodge and lets you avoid all damage for three seconds.

    So yes...the Smugglers can both Shoot First and Dodge.
  21. Worry not good sir Ebon, the British use the same spellings, Dual is for two of something and Duel is for a battle to first blood or the death between two gentleman with weapons of some kind.

    Though Cannons were banned as an option from Duels after the 1722 incident of Bartholmey vs Gregory where the due to terrible aiming on the part of both parties, a small church was destroyed along with the local alehouse.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    And who is to say that all gods are all-mighty and all-powerful? Couldn't there be some rather small and specialized gods?

    Your character could very well be a god, but a very specific one like say...

    The god of paper jams (every time you curse, you invoke this god)

    The god of central air and heating (aaah, truly a blessing on a hot day)

    The goddess of really good steaks (that was heavenly)

    The god of loaded baked potatoes (her consort)

    The goddess of bullets (why do you think they curve like that?)

    The god of things going boom (patron saint of Michael Bay)

    you get the idea I think.
    This is very similar to the Angels and Demons of In Nomine, in that that was an Angel and a Demon for EVERYTHING. The Angel representing the good of that and the Demon the bad.

    For example there was an Angel and Demon of Matches. The Angel was the one who guided people to light the fires to keep the homeless warm or get the cooker running in a shelter to provide food for the same people. The Demon was the one who encouraged arsonists or criminals to use fire to cover their tracks.

    The other classic way to probably play a 'God' is that you operate very much on the Terry Pratchet system of Belief and Worship = Power. Anything outside of the major belief with very few or no followers is a 'Small God'.

    So while the Explodius, God of Explosions exists...it doesn't really have any followers because...well nobody really prays for things to randomly explode and very few people probably would follow him for fear of spontaneously exploding.

    The other limiting factor would be that "every God exists, all of them...yes there is a God AND Goddess of explosions, they're fighting over who gets worshippers but there's also the God of anti-explosions who wants to get rid of all kind of explosions, even when the use of an explosion is a good thing...well actually there are three of them."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nitro View Post
    I have but one question.

    Why would you want to do this terrible thing?

    Do you simply hate us all, personally? On a very deep level?

    In all seriousness I will try to formulate an actual response in my usual verbose fashion.
    It actually started as sort of a joke and has now grown into its own character, even if I only bring it out on rare occasions.

    Oh yes CatManFu is most definitely an IT (it seems to be able to change gender and horrible outfit on a whim).
  24. Hmm me, personally, I don't mind you creating a 'Statesman from another dimension'.

    Admittedly I personally think there's enough of them but hey, there are enough alternate dimensions that it is quite feasible to do that. There is no problem with that claim although you will end up with the questions.

    "Well why aren't you as powerful as our Statesman or any of his other dimension/time versions was/are?" Because the only other versions of Statesman ingame require a full team of 8 people to bring down or in the case of Tyrant a full 24 teamup of superheroes/supervillains of now godlike power. Note that Tyrant nolonger appears anywhere ingame, instead you fight an Olympian Guard (which is a watered down weaker clone of Tyrant according to lore).

    "Why are you here? Surely if you exist that means you're needed more in your home dimension than here?"

    While it isn't going to strike the same nerve that having a character claim they're the "Son of Lord Recluse and Red Widow" since...we know that to not be canocial fact. Heck why not have an original character who styles themself after Statesman to be "the hero he could not be."

    That opens up lots of opportunity for expansion, will he go down a darker path trying to make sure justice is done or will he be an upstanding rolemodel to all these 'dark and gritty' heroes that playing by the book and doing the right thing CAN make a difference?

    With regards using a character from CoH background lore, why not make your own immortal wizard instead of using him?

    I mean hell it's not like immortal Wizards aren't uncommon in comic book lore or even, as mentioned, in CoH lore. Why take something that isn't your own and make it your own when you could simple make something that is your own?

    You could still have had that conversation with Hero 2 (who is probably, like the example above, a hero who has styled themselves after Hero 1 rather than a canocial 'passed the torch' person) about the good old days of the Dawn patrol, you'd still be that immortal wizard but one of your own creation instead of an canoical NPC.

    Wouldn't that be better?