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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 8_Ball View Post
    We have always been at war with Eastasia....
    Yeah this whole thing certainly gives off that kind of vibe...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    1. Old badges are changed to match new badge
    "That's lame, we should keep our old badges"

    2. Old badges are different from new badges
    "That's lame, now I can't get all of the badges on my character, there shouldn't be any badges that new characters can't get"
    Well considering there's a very easy solution to this.

    A Hero's hero = Statesman's pal.

    a Hero's epic = Positron's Pal.

    Tada...problem solved.
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    It begins...

    Not sure if this has been posted before but:

    Robots used to guard South Korean prison inmates

    Begining of the end folks...begining of the end...
  4. Yeah...remember I made that thread about being unsure whether it was company spite or not...

    Some of the replies were like "LOL he's still on the title screen!" Yeah he's not come Issue 23, all badges that refer to him are being changed to Positron, the Lord Recluse Strikeforce makes a heck of a lot less sense now that Statesman is removed (removing the 'showing up Statesman' thing which was THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE LRSF).

    This is almost a One More Day level of retconning to be that Statesman didn't exist in the first place. New players are going to play the SSAs and be like "oh, who is the chump that died?", they're not going to care about him because there's nothing there in the rest of the game to care about.

    His death has even less impact than the return of Hero One with the Lady Grey Taskforce. Hero One at least has the cape mission giving you the backstory.

    Statesman after Issue 23...nuthin but the SSAs will even mention him.

    I get the honest feeling Positron isn't so much as stepping out of Jack Emmertts shadow is he is becoming just like him (My vision, My Rules, doesn't care about established lore).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Frankly the reason nothing is done with pvp; just like bases, is because it is not financially feasible to devote time to something that has a proven record of not being financially profitable.
    Actually the main reason something isn't done with bases is because it's a 'legacy system'.

    There is now nobody at the company that has the foggiest idea how it all fits together and because this was Cryptics first MMO they never bothered documenting things (like most MMO developers do) which means not only is there nobody there who knows how it works there's not even any hope of training someone new on how the thing works.

    They would love to make sweeping changes but they have no idea how to do them and what the end result on the game would be.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
    Eve's always been the exception to the rule. In part, not being based on a diku mud at all helps... in part, NOT even giving a semblance of fairness and balance between new and veteran players kinda eliminates any unrealistic expectations to get upset over.
    That and new players still have their 'uses'.

    Once you get your first decent ship, a fleet will usually deploy you in swarms against the larger ships that lack point defenses.

    The joy to having what veteran players would consider a 'throwaway ship' (like the by now infamous Rifter) is you'll often have Corps providing them for you because the cost to manafacture them was a drop in the ocean (compared to say a Titan or Mothership).
  7. Mucking around on Beta and got this:
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I wonder would it be any worse if they simply nuked special PvP rules and gave up on trying to balance things?
    Unfortunately few MMO dev teams will ever admit mistakes, even blatently obvious ones like the Issue 13 PvP changes.

    My personal theory is that the PvP changes were mandated from 'on high' by NCsoft and, despite the largely negative feedback at the time, were forced to go through with it. Sadly with the change to the Free2play/sub model PvP isn't a 'money maker' so they're not even going to bother looking at it.

    Though simply reverting the changes would be seen as a loss of face not by the dev team but by NCsoft itself.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
    Gunblades, as stupid of an idea it is, is less ludicrous than dogs fighting with swords in their mouths. Even these non-existent specialty dog-swords.
    Gunblades aren't so amazingly stupid, they did exist in real life, though they looked far from as stylish as the ones seen in final fantasy.

    Think more a revolver welded onto the side of a sword (in some cases they were literally just that).
  10. Basically the stuff in Dark Astoria technically takes place after the last released trial (TPN) but before the upcoming Trial and takes place after the Signature Story Arc IIRC.

    So the 'body count' is all the Praetors we've faced in the iTrials up until that point (Siege, Nightstar, Marauder, Antimatter, Mother Mayhem, Malaise and whatshisface...Maelstrom) the ones still alive at the time of Dark Astoria are Dominatrix, Praetorian Infernal (who nobody knows what on earth happens to him even with the new trial, he never appears outside of Maria Jenkins arc) Diabolque, Chimera and Shadow Swan being the key Praetors IIRC.

    Of course Diabolique is killed off in her own Trial and the last two are killed off along with Tyrant...leaving Praetor Duncan and the mystery that is Praetorian Infernal.

    Though the ones from the iTrials may not be 'killed' but 'arrested'.
  11. As much as I REALLY hate to agree with GG (seriously saying what I think about her and her viewpoint would get me banned from this forum and several forums over such that it would be that harsh).

    While the Sif fight is interesting, I can't help but feel that Sif is the weakest boss out of the Dark Souls set for the reason of the sword wielding is just a tad silly when compared to the rest of the tone of the game but this is my personal opinion. This isn't due to the usual things like poor animation, infact the way Sif moves is some of the mose fluid and genuinely canine movements of a canine to ever be included in a game.

    I just can't help but feel that Sif should be using that speed and bulk to a greater advantage than he does with the sword.
  12. Dr_MechanoEU


    Seriously, you want to get rid of convicts ship them to this place...just bet on how long they survive.

    Though it'd be limited to minutes and not hours.
  13. Mind you speaking of Dark Souls I'd rather they used the spider rig for something more along these lines as a player option:

    Happy nightmares people.
  14. To: Operations.
    From: Guard station site 22A.
    Subject: Leprechauns in the airducts

    I'm not sure if this is some kind of prank by other people but it's clearly stated in Section 342 of the Employees handbook that mythical or legendary creatures are not to be brought into the workplace and now because someone brought one in we're infested with what I can only describe as Leprechauns.

    I'm hereby putting in a request for a heavy duty flamethrower team to clean them out, we'll provide the clean-up crew and if properly cooked, will suggest serving them in the mess hall.
  15. Ok...

    The guy just turned into some kind of small Dog (smaller than the Dog he had with him) and scampered down the hall, thankfully the Dog, Bees and Hawk accompanying him left as well, I think he was heading for the lunch room, I'd suggest sending a notice to the guys there with allergies to fur and Bees.
  16. Erm guys, just need to ask...are a swarm of Bees under the pet policy?

    There's a guy in the entrance lobby with Bees, a Hawk and a Dog, I mean the Dog is fine, looks a bit savage but whatever and the hawk looks totally badass, are they company issue? The Bees are my major conscern.

    I'm new and on my first day of training, if management could get back to me on this quickly it'll be much appreciated.
  17. Of course this man could beat them both

    What someone had to throw in the "A new challenger approaches".
  18. My main problem with that is...is it New Zealand or Australia?

    If it's Australia...why would anyone want to invade a country where nature is actively out to make your life miserable. Seriously nature decided "You know what this country needs...only 90% of the worlds most poisonous creatures...including the only poisonous mammal...yeah..bring it mankind!"
  19. Aye that's the the fire & Ice tier 9 VIP costume.

    There's also a Mecha costume coming for tier 9 VIPs but I haven't seen any pictures of it (they were posted but were taken down as the team throught they need some work doing and Zwill kindly asked people not to post the pics since they weren't ready for show) apparently it is very Gundam/Virtual On style though.
  20. Perhaps it's because I'm approaching Forcefields from a Mastermind perspective.

    I notice you mention 'focus on other powers' as a Mastermind with perhaps one direct attack, there is no other powers to focus on, I'm literally sitting there just waiting while the bots blow things up in relative safety with perhaps the occasional aid other or repair if someone gets a lucky hit.

    Heck I could cast bubbles and toggle up, go for a smoke, come back and still be just fine.

    Perhaps it isn't Forcefields as whole that needs a boost but Forcefields for Masterminds that needs something especially since Mastermind attacks are just not worth taking in set leading to an overall incredibly safe but boring experience.

    Plus the most common response to the question "Bots/Forcefield or Bots/Traps?" most people will respond "Bots/Traps."
  21. I think this is the problem that our competition run into well the most recent competition anyway.

    They tied appearance to stats which made making a costume when starting out very, very limited, people couldn't design the hero they wanted and you had to wait until certain levels to get the costume items you actually wanted anyway (ok so why do I have to be near the level cap to wear a Baron Samedi style tophat?).

    That and you had to fit into 'the universe'. CoH by comparrison is more Gold or Silver age, where genres collide, everything from pulp noir to far future sci-fi collides.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    No offense. But I call BS.

    While FF doesn't have the damage/control output of Traps, it's ALSO not relying on destructible/duration-limited pets for defense. And the defense moves with the "owner". So you can't "outrun" it. This leads to a more stable defense profile than you have with traps.

    It ALSO leaves the "owner" free to concentrate on damage output with their secondary.

    I think the term you're looking for is "effortless", not "boring".
    Unless you're really into clicking like a console-fiend OD'ed on both crack and caffeine.
    Ok so...if Traps isn't a better choice, why is it generally seen as better by most people that Forcefields. Forcefield is a boring set to play you buff the bots, turn on toggles then tell pets to attack (or wander into aggro if you're tankerminding it up), wait a couple of minutes, recast.

    You call it 'effortless' I call that 'boring'. Horses for courses. Heck my namesake is Bots/Forcefield and sure he is the safest mastermind playstyle there is, the pets and me are softcapped but it's not like I'll be soloing a GM anytime soon which Bots/Traps, Bots/Dark and Bots/Poison can all achieve.

    Oh and when playing at high level with IOs, that Forcefield generator easily outlasts the recharge period so you can usually just resummon one if it fails to catch up to you plus you can stack acid mortar along with the heavy -regen and chance to proc a mag level hold which can hold anything in the game from Poison gas trap.
  23. Forcefield definitely needs something else, especially when something like Traps is ALWAYS a better choice compared to it since it provides healthy +def and a whole host of other things.

    It is also the most boring set to play as a Mastermind (words of experience).

    I do reckon they could change Instant Healing back to a toggle without it breaking the game as well.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    It occurred to me that if the OCR folks pass on all the comments from this thread to the development team, there may be a developer saying something like, "Why would this give them the idea there's going to be a pool power themed around every origin? You know how they'll complain when they don't get one. We spend all this time working on a set to counterbalance that tech-y Medicine pool you OCR people say the players are always complaining about, and then they want more?"

    In brief, or perhaps not so danged much brief, I think we may have our usual cycle of high player expectations based on how players would make the game, developer bewilderment, and forum teethgnashing that has been with us since the servers emerged from the primordial ooze.
    You know it didn't even occur to me that this could be a magicky version of the medicine pool.

    Mind you if it is literally the medicine pool with different animations then that's quite a blow against Power Pool customisation.