Doctor Roswell

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    I don't see a pun in please leaf.
    That was terrible. Why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?
  2. Asymmetrical abs are pretty common, especially for people who work one side of their body harder than another or stand/walk with their pelvis at an angle -- say, because they have a hundred and eighty pounds of iron and spikes on one shoulder.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MindGame1 View Post
    is the dark matter aura account wide or specific to one character?
    Account-wide, available to all characters on the account at level 1. Basically the same as buying an aura on the market, except for the whole "you can't buy this aura on the market" part.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TigerKnight View Post
    So how about you call when the new super packs are going to hit.... was so hoping.

    Before the third set of super packs, definitely.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Nobody ever promised us Nature Affinity this week. there was no release date in the Intrepid Informer article. The past few articles have all indicated their subject's release a week later, but they all also spelled that out explicitly in the article. This one didn't, so I'm not too surprised not to see it this week. I'll start getting excited once we get the "it's coming on this specific date" notice -- I won't be at all surprised if that comes later today, though. It's been unheard-of recently for an II article to precede its subject by more than two weeks, even when it didn't include a date.
    Called it -- Nature Affinity next week!
  6. I come to these feedback threads every week to point out that Paragon can't release something both awesome and brand new every single week, and that it's better they not release anything new at all than release something rushed, broken or otherwise not ready for prime time. I stand by that.

    On the other hand, I come to these feedback threads every week to point that out. It's starting to skew too far in the other direction for me. New super packs, Cybertech costume set... something, guys. I suppose it's forgivable to focus on the fish-pieces this week (honestly, I was surprised those didn't make their return last week) what with the pseudo-event, but it's starting to wear thin, even for me.

    I care about costume change powers about as much as I care about vanity pets. Which is to say, not even a little. And these barely count as something new -- they just replace my character model with something already in-game.

    Nobody ever promised us Nature Affinity this week. there was no release date in the Intrepid Informer article. The past few articles have all indicated their subject's release a week later, but they all also spelled that out explicitly in the article. This one didn't, so I'm not too surprised not to see it this week. I'll start getting excited once we get the "it's coming on this specific date" notice -- I won't be at all surprised if that comes later today, though. It's been unheard-of recently for an II article to precede its subject by more than two weeks, even when it didn't include a date.

    I'd grab Time Manipulation today while it's on sale "just in case," but, oh look, my name is orange. Guess I can't.
  7. It's hard to say for sure, but my first though is that you might be trying to apply a European code to a North American account or vice-versa. Unfortunately, they're not interchangeable. That's the only reason I can think of that a code could be good, but not good for your specific account.

    Send Zwillinger, Hit Streak or Freitag a private message here on the forums and they'll probably be able to help you sort it out.

    Also, Dark Matter is an aura, not an emote. But that's really neither here nor there.
  8. Doctor Roswell

    So DFB is Co-Op?

    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    No we know, we just choose not to use it. The LFG queue will look to see if it has at least four people available and then wait a short time (I think 90 seconds but I could be wrong). At which point it will launch with whomever is in the queue. This means that more often than not you get a minimum size team which means EBs instead of AVs drastically reducing the XP available. Having team of at least 5 and preferably 8 maximizes the XP/time (unless you spend a LOT of time forming the team) so in general it's preferable to using the queue.

    It's the same reason that most Incarnate Trials pre-form in Dark Astoria instead of using the queue, having a larger team tends to make things a lot smoother and getting a larger team is very rare if you use the queue.
    Pretty much this.

    I used the LFG queue like crazy for the Summer Blockbuster, because I knew I could count on entering the event with a full team. I don't ever use it for DFB, DiB, or incarnate trials, because when I do those, I want to do them with the maximum number of people on my team, not the minimum.

    The few times I've tried to use LFG for, let's say DFB, when that prompt comes up saying "Death From Below is ready! 4 players are currently engaged," or whatever it is popped up, invariably at least one would decline. Presumably because they saw that only four players were currently engaged and they wanted a bigger team.

    I've suggested a checkbox before that would allow a player to either take the first available team, or to wait longer for a full one. I still think it'd be a good idea.
  9. My final tally:
    • Staff Fighting/Super Reflexes scrapper: 45 to 50
    • Illusion/Dark Affinity controller: 27 to 40
    • Kinetic Melee/Ninjitsu stalker: 25 to 36
    • Warshade: 23 to 26
    • Peacebringer: 23 to 25
    • Arachnos Widow: 0 to 24
    • Shield Defense/Energy Melee tanker: 0 to 19
    Everything I wanted to accomplish, and then some.
  10. Doctor Roswell

    Locator Device

    I like the "Locator Device" idea.

    I LOVE the "Enhanced Senses pool" idea. Lots of opportunity there to make a tracker like Wolverine, a detective like Batman....
  11. I've officially met all my goals for the weekend; my controller made it to 36.

    Now what? Invent more goals! I've never given an Arachnos widow a real try, so I made one, then leveled her up to 24 so I could test-drive both Night Widow and Fortunata.

    As for tomorrow, who knows? But this event is, for me anyway, already a complete success.
  12. After a single day of double XP, I've met two of my three goals: my scrapper hit 50 this morning, and the stalker is now level 36. I tried to get the controller a few levels, but he suffers from a rare handicap known as "being redside." And it seemed like all day, villain teams would only start forming once I'd logged on with a hero and joined a group. I'll try again tomorrow.
  13. Doctor Roswell

    So DFB is Co-Op?

    Weird, not long ago I tried basically the exact thing you described, and the event wouldn't even start due to an "alignment conflict." I had to leave the team.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cryosteel View Post
    i just returned after a five year (or so) layoff for personal reasons and I remebered that I left my main, a 46 ice/ice/cold blaster, with ZERO enhancements slotted. I know, pretty dumb, but here's the problem. I am one bub from 47 and lvl 50 enhancements so I don't want to buy anything now. Running lvl 46 missions, however, totally un-enhanced is...well, tough. Can anyone think of a easy way to get a bub of exp?
    Death From Below, the new low-level trial. Just go to Atlas Park or watch the LFG channel and join a group doing "DFB." It's specifically designed to be done by groups levels 1-6, so no enhancements are par for the course, and the XP is decent (not great, but decent -- easily enough for a single bubble) even at high levels. At your level you'll probably make close to a half-million inf on a single run, too.

    It takes about 20-30 minutes.

    Originally Posted by Cryosteel View Post
    Question two: if someone wanted to point me to a nice build that is up-to-date with all the new rules, it would be greatly appreciated. For instance, the last time I played you had to take Fitness to get stamina...and there were no set bonuses or unique IO's.
    The appropriate AT forum here would be a good place to start... or the Builds forum, but I tend to find the AT-specific ones more helpful.
  15. I have three specific goals, in this order:
    1. Get my Staff/Reflexes scrapper to 50 (currently 45).
    2. Get my Illusion/Dark controller to 35 (currently 27).
    3. Get my Kinetic/Ninjitsu stalker to 35 (currently 25).

    EDIT: I'm off to a good start; We're still hours away from kickoff and they're already 48/27/27, respectively. Goals, however, remain the same.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Will travel powers have a minimal VFX option? I want that better than tint superspeed or the onion rings from superjump... I want superspeed with no effect at all but my electric path aura

    Pretty much every power that only affects the user will have a minimal/no FX option.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
    PS: Will the med pool set be customizable? I have characters that would benefit from using it, but tech doesn't fit with their concept.
    This was asked in a coffee talk a few weeks ago:

    For now, only colors will be customizable, not props or animations.
  18. I support this cause and would vote for a candidate including it as part of his platform.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Merry_Mayhem View Post
    Has the next double XP weekend been announced?
    Good news!

    It's this weekend.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
    I'm confused. Was there already one of these for bio? Bio has actually gone through some decent revision and review on Beta... nature, not so much.
    No Informer article on it yet, the last powerset to get one was Water Blast. It's possible Nature got moved up for exactly the reason you're describing... because it needed less revision/tweaking in the first place.

    Originally Posted by Archangelis View Post
    You say that all but one power can be used while playing solo. Yet, when I read down the list there are many that say that they can only be used on allies. I don't understand this.
    Corrosive Enzymes - Affects enemies. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Regrowth - Affects allies and caster. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Wild Growth - Affects allies and caster. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Spore Cloud - Affects enemies. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Lifegiving Spores - Affects allies and caster. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Wild Bastion - Affects allies and caster. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Rebirth - Affects allies, but not caster. Usable while solo? No.
    Entangling Aura - Affects enemies. Usable while solo? Yes.
    Overgrowth - Affects allies and caster. Usable while solo? Yes.

    8 yes, 1 no.
  21. Just for the record:

    The last five Intrepid Informer articles (putting aside the ones regarding scheduled events or issue releases), whether they've included officially-announced release dates or not, have all been about something two weeks away from release or less. The last three only meant one week.

    Technically, this doesn't mean anything. But hey, would you look at that, today is Market Release Day. And a week from now will be Market Release Day again....

    Also, next Tuesday will be the first Tuesday which falls more than a month since the last new powerset was released on July 10th.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phewmite View Post
    I could be wrong, but I believe that they said that Superpacks 2 will release with I24 on a coffeetalk or something.
    I want to say that someone (Zwill?) said "before i24 launch" or maybe that they won't be available as a repeatable vet reward until i24. I don't remember anyone saying they wouldn't go live at all until the new issue. If they work the way the first set of super packs did, they'll be available on the market for points for a few weeks, then make their way onto the Paragon Rewards list with the new issue.

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Nope. And it's not part of the current bundle, either.
    Cupid's Bow at least makes sense as a holiday-specific item. I still don't like it being limited like that, but if nothing else, it's consistent with the vampire cape and Medusa hair and Santa hat only being available during the appropriate "seasons." Roman armor and club-wear? Those aren't any more or less appropriate at one time of year than they are at another. Glad to see them on the market again.
  23. Quote:
    Power Pool Customization: Players who have unlocked tailor access can now change the colors of their Ancillary, Patron, and Power pools, allowing customization of powers such as Super Speed, Hasten, and Soul Tentacles.
    Are there players who don't have tailor access?
  24. Let's see: Got it, got it, got a pile of them from super packs. So nothing for me this week. And also this:

    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Stop whining, please. They can't bust out a new powerset or costume pack every week. Not only that, if these items are gonna be in the market permanently now (since I'm not seeing a time limit on the forums, at least), then it's a very successful week IMO.
  25. It's always kind of sad when an event like this ends; I understand why they have to, but... it's content being removed from the game, and that just seems wrong on some level.