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  1. Diggis

    This is relevant

    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
    Most movies aren't art either imo, both "mediums" do too much of the thinking for you. Feel free to argue it further, it just seems insulting to art to call any videogame art, and I am a pretty hardcore gamer.
    If this is art:

    the pretty much anything can be.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    It's like RAAAAAAAAAaaaaAAAaaaaaIIIIaaaaaiIIIIIINNNNN... on your weeeeeeeeding day!!!
    Brilliant... missing a D, meaning it's a day in the garden, but it still works and made me giggle.
  3. Having gone to play a few different MMO's in the last year or so there are a couple of standout things for me that they are missing:

    1: Most importantly, Super Sidekicking! This was genius. Being able to play with any character and team with any other regardless and gain XP/Inf etc is the biggest thing I miss in other games. It makes teaming so much easier.

    2: The character creator. Oh the humanity. There is just nothing like it out there. Being able to stay the way you look without impacting game play at all, The ability to change it on a whim, awesome.

    3: Travel. The ease of travel in CoH was far and away the best of any game. Haven't been to Steel Canyon...? No worries, the train goes there. In another game, you can't take a horse to another location until you've been there the slow way. Surely these horses know their way there already? Or you could show me the map? Added to the travel powers etc.

    4: Variety. Having the different ATs with then a dozen different primary and secondary powersets leaves open a huge variety of powers. In other MMO's a hunter is a hunter is a hunter, all with basically the same powers.

    5: Breaking the Holy Trinity. I've seen people in other games saying it's not possible, and yet CoH has been doing it for nearly 8 years. The way buffs/debuffs were handled in this game is superior to anything else I've played.
  4. Absolutely Heartbreaking. Beautifully done.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnRobey View Post
    P.S. I've forgotten the mission(s)/arc(s) where Miss Liberty IS an NPC ally, where one does see her in action. (Surely my imagination is not just conjuring that up!) I think it's the one where one goes to rescue/find Statesman, possibly in Praetoria.
    Pretty sure it's in the new high level Praetoria arcs.

    I did see a story for BaB once where he tagged the BaB trainer as invisible and helped out on a Rikti raid "in Character". Unfortunately when he went to reinstate the trainer BaB he couldn't select him as he was invisible.
  6. Very Very sad to hear this. CoH was my first MMO love and I always drop back in. Au Revoir

    PS Staff,

    Thank you for creating an amazing game and community.

  7. Diggis

    recover account

    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    I have an EU account, and it wasn't renamed.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Well, of course it would be insps dropped on you by teammates, that's what the OP said.
    Yes, but all the follow up posts talk about also using all the insps that WOULD have dropped if your tray wasn't full. That seems OP to me, although would be fun on a steam roll team.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Since this thread is serious, I want this as an emote.

    It's that spines?

  10. I could see it working if it was only insps dropped on you by teammates, rather than all the ones that would have dropped.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    The Hollows, on the other hand, is some of the BEST low level content in the game. Why would you direct people away from it?
    This. I love the hollows. I'd say do it all the way through, from start to finish. One of my favourite zones.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    As I say in every thread about this, moving Horns into the Ears category (or Detail 2, or whatever) shifts the problem onto a different group of players (those that want to use horns together with non-human ears), but doesn't actually fix it. And adding new anchor points is maybe excessively difficult due to the anchor point thing (I'm no more an expert on that than anyone else in this thread, though). The best and most practical (?) approach seems to be the one Diggis mentions - copy the relevant pieces to multiple categories, so you can choose horns from detail 1 or from detail 2.

    I have no idea if that has problems of its own, though; it might require significant work too so that you don't have two sideways sets of horns growing out of your ears, or some such disaster.
    I would expect to achieve the duplication they'd have to rerender every piece they wanted to duplicate with a new base point so it aligns with the other node properly.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brain_Blister View Post
    I Wet the Bad?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsecri View Post
    Actually, that quote from Back Alley Brawler makes it seem even more like they just added another "node" or "anchor" or whatever we're going by now...

    You know, I bet we look like idiots to people who really know how this stuff works
    As I said, I can't find an actual quote regarding this, but I'm certain it's been said in the past that there are limited nodes available, and I recall their being 2 left. 1 went to tails...

    But I would be in favour of this, or add the details 2 other categories. So if you have horns in details 1 you can get the glasses from details 2.


    I found a post refering to it, it appears to be from a comic con talk


    I asked one of my sg mates attending Comic Con to ask about what we could expect concerning seeing Brutes on a Manticre tf or MMs in Atlas Park and whether or not they'd be allowed to join sgs. This was his reply after todays panel:

    For those who couldn't make it to the con, here's a mini recap, no pics sorry. There weren't any good photo opportunities. The question I asked was in regards to Going Rogue. I asked if heroes/villians would have free run of Paragon City and the Rogue Iles and what of
    their SG affiliation?
    Positron said, once a player had completed their conversion to light or dark that is the plan to let them have full playability of either territory. Whether it will be a portal to a nuetral zone like pocket D or a direct teleporter like misson teleporter is unknown. Regarding affiliations once a changeover is made, he was unable to comment. Now here are the responses to other questions of the panel:

    -They want to take away bridging
    -Cross server pvp-working on it
    -20 nodes to work with 18 used
    -Enhancing database- working on it
    -Quicker spawns on respec trial
    -Accolade for completing all ouroboros-no
    -More base options
    -MM custization-working on it
    -Finishing up hanging story arcs-yes
    -Electrical control for Doms-maybe
    -MM whips-yes

    ...and there you have it.
    Followed by:

    They didn't give much more information about GR othere than that and it will be bigger and better.
    Also to clarify on the notes a little:
    -The nodes are for customization, that means every costume detail is a node, so once the final 2 nodes are used they would need to rewrite code to get more. So ask yourself if rollerskates are really necessary.
    -The database expansion is for storage of enhancments, salvage, recipes... Etc
  15. Whoop whoop, welcome back!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post
    it would be AWESOME if all the zones were merged, but insane for loading i'm sure.

    i would like to see something more like having all of the zones be travel-able to by all players.
    Did you read the OP, or just the title...

    I'd back this idea.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsecri View Post
    If that's true, either:

    A) There was a separate attachment point for tails, and so it was easy to separate without issue

    B) They added another point, in the same spot as before.

    C) They didn't NEED to make another point, it was just that easy.

    If the second is true, then we know that they can add points without major issues, and so they could just add another point for horns if they needed to.
    If the third is true, then this as easy a fix as I thought in the first place.
    ...If the first is true, then, well, this whole argument is a sack of old sacks.
    From comments which I've seen, but couldn't locate, it's number A. The Rig has limited number of nodes (the term used by BAB) and they had to use one of the spare ones for tails.

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Animated tails are not capes. They're nearly identical to how we do wings, but a much simpler rig. (Not too much more expensive than a bow when you really get down to it.)

    They've also been put on their own costume node and will now show up under "Lower Body". Which will mean you can do a Belt and a Tail (animated or static) on the same character. Unfortunately, that means the tails under the belt category are being flagged as legacy. So if you want to keep your current, non-animated tail, you'll still need to go in and select that costume part from the lower body the next time you edit your costume at the tailor.
    That doesn't explain that it was an existing node... but I'm pretty sure that was outlined somewhere else, I just couldn't find it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riot Act View Post
    Not 100% sure that's correct. I think you misread the article, it sounds more like the Met couldn't stop DW using the box not the other way round.

    I dunno, the bolded line:

    An MPA spokeswoman said: "In terms of the appearance of the new boxes, I don't think it's likely that we'd make them the same as the Doctor Who ones - technology has moved on a bit since then."

    Another problem for the police is that they no longer hold the rights to the design of the old boxes.

    The Met launched a six-year battle with the BBC over the copyright of the boxes. But they lost.

    The case ended in 2002 when the patent office ruled the public is more likely to associate the boxes with Doctor Who than they are with the police.

    Such is the power of the Doctor.
    sounds like they can't use them any more.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    If we're thinking of the same arc, that's Paolo Marino. His Primal counterpart is Wretch.
    Ahh, yeah, that's who I was thinking off.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    I'd be curious to know that, too. I don't recall hearing that before.

    As for the Praetorian version of Maelstrom, he wouldn't necessarily be anyone special, in any case. Praetorian Polstra didn't necessarily join the military, and even if he had, he wouldn't have a Maelstrom device to make him special (there were only two, from what we learn in Agent G's arc, and the other one was used in the creation/recreation of Noble Savage.)
    Wasn't Eddie Polstra the Cop we save in the resistance arcs?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post

    Completely new low-level player experience/zones for new characters in which new characters do not begin a hero or villain, rather become one or the other through early gameplay

    You fight a giant Shivan and everything! No check for this one because it's obviously talking about something that never happened the way it was described.
    Surely this is a reference to the Praetorian Zones?
  22. That's pretty damned Awesome!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    If you log into a server while Premium, all the characters get locked. When you resubscribe, you get enough unlocks to open them all back up, but they remain locked until you unlock them. If you never log into a server while Premium, characters on that server remain unlocked.
    Huh... I didn't know that. Makes sense then.
  24. If you've resubscribed your characters shouldn't be locked.