Detail 1 and Horns
This just has to happen. I don't even know why they haven't done it already.
I'm with you on this, I think there should be a "Forehead" Option and an "Eye" option, so people could have horns for the forehead and goggles for the eyes and what not. I want my cool kid demons with awesome shades!
Well, to be honest, taking the horns out of detail 1 would essentially be making it "Forehead" and "Eyes", if you moved Organic Armor into Forehead, so that would be hunting two thugs with one burlap sack of rocks.
That's how that saying goes, right?
I am Hivey.
I definitely agree 100% with this. Only because since horns are on the top of the head or forehead, and not eyes...why cant we have horns AND glasses? I demand this be fixed!
...And I also demand that we females get long skirts! <.<;;; JUST A THOUGHT.
Jazmine, focus! You can have your long skirts later, one thing at a time!
Also, I think that victorian one kind of counts, right?
I am Hivey.
This just has to happen. I don't even know why they haven't done it already.
- Lack of anchor points
- More time futzing around with the UI - which, as far as developers go, apparently is fairly scarce.
- Somewhat limited appeal... unless we find other things to put in there as well.
I don't disagree with the idea, mind you. I'm just pointing those out.
(That and my only argument is "Ugh, I see myself spending hours fixing costumes... again" because of the changes it would probably do. But I have 300+ characters.)
I'm no expert on animation, but why can't it have the same anchor point as detail 1?
Heck, it may even conflict with the current one. *shrug* I don't know. Like I said - just giving the most likely reasons I can think of why it could be problematic.
You are - unless I'm misreading - asking for another to be added, as I understand it. (I make no claim to being an expert here, either.) It can't have the same point because it's a new, additional detail. (Or rather an old one being split off into its own detail.)
Heck, it may even conflict with the current one. *shrug* I don't know. Like I said - just giving the most likely reasons I can think of why it could be problematic. |
Is it just an animation thing, that each bone can only have one object bound to it? If so, this entire "separate horns" argument is null.
And also, if that is true, that's really pretty stupid.
I am Hivey.
Well, we know they can do it, they did it with tails and belts after all, right? Whether it involves "anchor points" I'm not really sure, though.
Ah-ha! Theron brings the truth. I had totally forgot about that.
Now I don't see why they wouldn't separate horns from detail 1.
(other than not wanting to of course)
I am Hivey.
Well, we know they can do it, they did it with tails and belts after all, right? Whether it involves "anchor points" I'm not really sure, though.
After all, it's the reason given, as I recall, for not having arm/leg/thigh details (apart from gloves.) Which is really the basis for what I brought up.
If that's true, either:
A) There was a separate attachment point for tails, and so it was easy to separate without issue
B) They added another point, in the same spot as before.
C) They didn't NEED to make another point, it was just that easy.
If the second is true, then we know that they can add points without major issues, and so they could just add another point for horns if they needed to.
If the third is true, then this as easy a fix as I thought in the first place.
...If the first is true, then, well, this whole argument is a sack of old sacks.
I am Hivey.
If that's true, either:
A) There was a separate attachment point for tails, and so it was easy to separate without issue B) They added another point, in the same spot as before. C) They didn't NEED to make another point, it was just that easy. If the second is true, then we know that they can add points without major issues, and so they could just add another point for horns if they needed to. If the third is true, then this as easy a fix as I thought in the first place. ...If the first is true, then, well, this whole argument is a sack of old sacks. |
Animated tails are not capes. They're nearly identical to how we do wings, but a much simpler rig. (Not too much more expensive than a bow when you really get down to it.)
They've also been put on their own costume node and will now show up under "Lower Body". Which will mean you can do a Belt and a Tail (animated or static) on the same character. Unfortunately, that means the tails under the belt category are being flagged as legacy. So if you want to keep your current, non-animated tail, you'll still need to go in and select that costume part from the lower body the next time you edit your costume at the tailor. |
Actually, that quote from Back Alley Brawler makes it seem even more like they just added another "node" or "anchor" or whatever we're going by now...
You know, I bet we look like idiots to people who really know how this stuff works
Also, slowpoke.jpg, Memphis, there would be plenty else they could do if they made this "Detail 0" or "Detail 4" or whatever this new section would be. And there wouldn't be limited appeal, because anybody who's ever played a demon/character with horns knows this pain of not having eyewear!
Think of the horned people with bad eyesight! They can't see a thing!
I am Hivey.
I am very much a fan of this idea.
It would be nice to be able to add a extra level of customization to horned characters.
Brilliant idea. And whoever came up with this idea is clearly the lyrical genius of our generation
I think this is a great idea nad should come into place. I'm @Emerald Shade/Shady/Shammy Whammy and I approve this message.
I'd like to have some glasses with my horns. What more can I say, really?
Sig of Black Mercenary
What else do you want?
Actually, that quote from Back Alley Brawler makes it seem even more like they just added another "node" or "anchor" or whatever we're going by now...
You know, I bet we look like idiots to people who really know how this stuff works ![]() |

Though I think it's less "Added" than "Used an unused one."
Actually, that quote from Back Alley Brawler makes it seem even more like they just added another "node" or "anchor" or whatever we're going by now...
You know, I bet we look like idiots to people who really know how this stuff works ![]() |
But I would be in favour of this, or add the details 2 other categories. So if you have horns in details 1 you can get the glasses from details 2.
I found a post refering to it, it appears to be from a comic con talk
I asked one of my sg mates attending Comic Con to ask about what we could expect concerning seeing Brutes on a Manticre tf or MMs in Atlas Park and whether or not they'd be allowed to join sgs. This was his reply after todays panel: For those who couldn't make it to the con, here's a mini recap, no pics sorry. There weren't any good photo opportunities. The question I asked was in regards to Going Rogue. I asked if heroes/villians would have free run of Paragon City and the Rogue Iles and what of their SG affiliation? Positron said, once a player had completed their conversion to light or dark that is the plan to let them have full playability of either territory. Whether it will be a portal to a nuetral zone like pocket D or a direct teleporter like misson teleporter is unknown. Regarding affiliations once a changeover is made, he was unable to comment. Now here are the responses to other questions of the panel: -They want to take away bridging -Cross server pvp-working on it -20 nodes to work with 18 used -Enhancing database- working on it -Quicker spawns on respec trial -Accolade for completing all ouroboros-no -More base options -MM custization-working on it -Finishing up hanging story arcs-yes -Electrical control for Doms-maybe -MM whips-yes ...and there you have it. |
They didn't give much more information about GR othere than that and it will be bigger and better. Also to clarify on the notes a little: -The nodes are for customization, that means every costume detail is a node, so once the final 2 nodes are used they would need to rewrite code to get more. So ask yourself if rollerskates are really necessary. -The database expansion is for storage of enhancments, salvage, recipes... Etc |
Well, that definitely changes things. I don't think they'd want to spend that last node on a simple fix like this. Maybe they could move them into the ears place? Though that wouldn't make much sense.
I am Hivey.
As I say in every thread about this, moving Horns into the Ears category (or Detail 2, or whatever) shifts the problem onto a different group of players (those that want to use horns together with non-human ears), but doesn't actually fix it. And adding new anchor points is maybe excessively difficult due to the anchor point thing (I'm no more an expert on that than anyone else in this thread, though). The best and most practical (?) approach seems to be the one Diggis mentions - copy the relevant pieces to multiple categories, so you can choose horns from detail 1 or from detail 2.
I have no idea if that has problems of its own, though; it might require significant work too so that you don't have two sideways sets of horns growing out of your ears, or some such disaster.
Then you'd get people wearing two sets of glasses!
Which, actually, might look really cool. Combined shapes with two different colors. If both detail 1 and detail 2 had the same stuff, that would be pretty awesome. Might clip, though. I'm pretty sure most people don't care about clipping issues anymore, cause so much stuff clips.
Soooo much stuff.
I am Hivey.
Hi, everybody, first time posting in... *checks watch*
My watch doesn't time since my last post, so I don't know. Anyway. I am a pretty big fan of the costume creator, but there is one major complaint I have.
Horns! You have them, this is good. This is very good, actually, because it opens up a lot of RP opportunities (yes, I am one of those lame people who RP all the time) and character ideas in general. But why can't characters with horns wear sunglasses, or any type of glasses, really? Is there a law against it? ... Well, I actually don't know the answer to that one, but it might be canon.
Anyway. My suggestion is: make horns separate from detail one. Maybe make a detail four/horn section or something? I'm just a commoner, I don't really know that much about animation or bones and skeletons and all that, so I don't see how hard it could be.
But Obsecriii, what about all the things that clip through horns? It'd take the devs forever to go through and test everything for collisions!
... What, like the hundred things don't already clip through other things? People just wouldn't use em'. The only things that I see that clip, anyway, are Cycloptic, Organic Armor, and Vanguard. Most other stuff would work just fine.
But Obsecriiiiii, what about... uh...
I don't know any other issues there might be, either. The most obvious would probably be "What about the devs? It would take a lot of work to make a new section!"
Why would it be a lot of work? They add/remove pieces all the time.
I just REALLY think this is a good idea! It might not seem to an issue to most people, but c'mon, it doesn't seem that hard to resolve.
Somebody brought up a really good point!
I am Hivey.