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  1. Well then, in that case allow me to be the first to aid you in this predicament of yours.

    The answer is yes.

    While I obviously can't speak for anyone else, I'm very much enjoying this thing and would like to see it continue. I really like how you paint the setting and characters into the mind's eye (something that seems to be becoming more and more uncommon these days), not to mention the wonderfully intricate portrayals of each point of view involved.

    I don't really have any criticism, though. You might add how things appear to the characters' other senses from time to time. Things like "...that the statue radiated a very powerful magic aura that leaped alarmingly into Walter's eyes as a chill in the night. Not just powerful, but dangerous..." and the sort. Maybe swap passive voice to ascribed action more. But I'm not entirely sure if or how much that would improve things. It's already an enjoyable read, so I say just keep on truckin'.
  2. DeviousMe

    R.I.P. Muad_Dib

    Yikes. That's just...I can't even think of a word right now. Sudden? I don't know. My English fails me. That someone can just be there one moment and gone the next like that, all because of...well, Z asked us not to, so I'll go rage elsewhere. I will say though that despite all the things I don't know about him, he seemed a damn decent guy, and his main added more than one smile to my life, so thanks for the memories and godspeed on your way.
  3. DeviousMe

    You must die!

    Originally Posted by LegionAlpha View Post
    This brings up something from a professor, friends, or whatever conversation that started this up. I learned when dealing with time travel or knowing what happens in the future most times individuals who try to prevent said "events" most times end up creating the very future they are attempting to prevent, IE kill, warn or what have you of said person. Most time travelers only see the aftermath and what lead into it and say it was the end all be all and not really see the one action and what caused it from the start.

    God of War comes to mind in this regard, I finally played every game and got the idea behind it, those who played it know where I am going with this. Can you imagine if Zeus actually left Kratos alone and ignored the Oracle, imagine what the world would be like in the GoW universe had he just watched and staying away. But by interfering and falling into his fears Zeus doomed himself and the gods by creating the future he tried so hard to avoid by his own actions by being told what was going to happen.
    Ah, the ol' Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Gotta love that one. And then of course there's the wonderful loop created by the whole gummed-up-causality shmeer that if you're dead before you did the bad thing, he wouldn't come back to kill you, but then you'd be alive, so he would come back to kill you, but then if you're dead before you did the bad thing, he wouldn't come back to kill you, but then...

    But to answer the actual question of the OP:

    Again?! Heck no!

    Okay, so in all seriousness, I haven't been visited by any time travelers (that I know of, at least; I hear they're very sneaky >_>), but I have had some religious nutjob try to off me for being 'the spawn of satan'. I've got a good idea just why he believes this too, but quite frankly I think it's rubbish and should've earned him a stint in the electric chair instead of prison.

    So remember kids, in the immortal words of the great Malcolm Reynolds, "If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back."
  4. You're just making things too complicated.

    To answer your first question, though: it depends. Right now, there probably aren't any RP threads active that are appropriate for a full-time camera on villains being villains, so to speak. The Whitmoore is probably the closest to one, but when we gave that idea a shot a while back, things got messy, so we more or less decided to keep the focus on the heroes and have their opponents do most of their stuff off-screen, making token appearances every now and then to foreshadow or convey major plot points.

    The only really appropriate way to get a villain into one of the currently running, established RP threads that I can think of off the top of my head is to do it either without a villainous plot attached or making said villain's plot centered around one or more of the heroes (kidnap, assassinate, steal the power of, etc.). Either way, having said villain pretend to be part of the good guys while trying to covertly go about their villainous machinations would pretty much be a requirement, otherwise you'll be writing a lot of monologues that few people are likely to read.
  5. RIP? Heck no. That man has brought this world too much to be content with that. Mr. Jobs will be resting in style.

    Love him or hate him, no one can deny that Steve Jobs wasn't a visionary, and for that he deserves some respect. Was he always on the straight and narrow? Of course not. But he was still an overall good-natured and -humored man who lived the American Dream: to raise something from nothing (and a whole lot of something at that) and leave a lasting impression within the world we all share. My hat's off to you, Mr. Jobs. Your dream became a grand work that will be with mankind probably for as long as civilization persists. Good journey to beyond.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Is anyone planning any "one the day" fiction? There's no story line edict against your chars already being IN Galaxy when the attack starts!
    I was, but both my primary and secondary plans for stuff concerning the GC wipeout have been eaten by my new job - or rather, the time I'd intended to devote to them was. I might still get around to a backup-backup deal, but chances are slim.

    Not that I regret it, mind you. I love my new job. But sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done that you want to get done, and my priority list is pretty full right now, heh.
  7. 3, then 5...or 3 and 6, depending on whether or not you consider it a 'crime' to go and take over a small third-world country currently in a state of anarchy where the 'global community' can't be bothered to notice - or if they do, go do something about it.

    Either way though, definitely test it first. Don't wanna get shot just to find out it was a prank.
  8. Well would'cha lookit what crops up while I'm at work. Imma just lump myself in with the rest advocating simple communication here. Tags can be useful, but I think common sense should be sufficient to determine whether a character does or does not fit into a particular plot setting. Just my 2 inf, though.

    As to keeping a record of events, isn't there one of those on the Unionverse wiki? If not, how about making one? That should cover that aspect nicely, no?
  9. Heh. Whadaya think's keeping me so busy? Boeing ain't gonna take itself over. If I wanna be the head honcho someday, I gotta put in a loootta hard work.
  10. Interested? Yes. Have the time? Got me. I'm currently running my RP on fumes of spare time. But if this turns out to be good, I might just be able to squeeze it in somewhere.
  11. do realize it's gonna take one heck of a fancy theory to crank out that magical power source it'll take to run that indefinitely operating fusion reactor if it can't sustain itself, right?

    Seriously, you shouldn't ridicule people like this. Sure, he might just be a crackpot looking for attention. On the other hand, you never know where the next great scientific breakthrough's gonna come from. History's plumb full of the coolest things coming out of the most unusual minds.
  12. Dunno if I'll be able to make it (just about all my RP projects have collapsed lately due to me not being able to devote hardly any time to them), but if I can, count in one General Schwarzherz.
  13. Sounds like you could go with either and be fine by the concept. If I were you, I'd just pick the one you prefer.
  14. Yeah, I don't think that badge is related to the Coming Storm. Just about the only thing we know for sure about those guys is that they use Kheldians as power sources for their 'ships' (we don't even get told what sort of ships; could be space, time, world-hopping, etc.), so considering Rularuu didn't need anything like that to invade Primal Earth in the past (the original Shadow Shard debut), I'd say it's unlikely that the Coming Storm has anything to do with Rularuu.

    There's also that echo of an Aspect of Rularuu you encounter in the first mission of the alpha incarnate arc. Granted, all this could mean that Rularuu somehow created/brought forth the Coming Storm, then got overpowered/subsumed by them, but the connection is tenuous at best.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I'm certain they want us to solve our own problems because we can. Earth is our home, but their terrarium. These guys build planets. Just an educated guess, we aren't the only life they have cultivated. If complications prevent evolution or worst case scenario our environment becomes unlivable, it's going to be something along the lines of a massive relocation. To us it would seem impossible, to them its the push of a button. That blue beam of light that could immobilize moving objects was the single most impressive display of technology I have ever seen. Nothing we have even comes close to it.

    You know that old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention" that's what we should count on. Our ability to understand and solve problems is the closest thing we have to super powers. There's ways to solve every problem we have on this world, some with technology some with simply changing a few man made laws. Unless something unforeseen happens, we should be able to help ourselves.
    Y'know, I want to be angry at you, but I just can't quite seem to bring myself to it anymore. Your faith in humans is inspiring. I hope you're right. I truly do.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    We aren't alone. Never have been. When we prove ourselves to be a peaceful race Earth will meet with the neighbors. I live to see that day, because I have seen the neighbors.
    Well great. Give 'em a holler. We could really use a cup of sugar right about now.

    No, seriously. Earth needs help. If you know people who can do that, now's the time to go get 'em. If not? Yeah, Imma go to work now and see if we can't convince NASA to spring for a shuttle replacement. Wish me luck.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
    I think Reliant Robin flights could be helping us build the fabled manned "Hammerhead Eagle" mission modules. But they will take us not to Mars, but Europa: a much more promising Martian moon covered in ice (hence water, hence hydrogen, oxygen, and of course, tea.) Europa also has intense subsurface volcanic activity that could be used for geothermal heat and power.

    I mean,really: how hard can it be?
    Really? Do you really want to know?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I'd rather man kind fix all problems on this Earth before venturing outwards, we might not be as welcome to leave this world as we may think, and yes.... I do know something.
    Then please do tell us what that something is - because near as I can tell, hell will freeze over before humanity pulls together, which pretty much means Earth is screwed and I want off before it goes over the edge.
  19. Hey, I happen to like my quasi-dimensional self-eating plots.

    Now where did I put that Temporally Relativistic Alternative Initialization Neutronic Warp Reconstitution Energetically Combobulative Kaleidoscopizer of mine?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crazy_Dragon View Post
    disregarding for a moment that the general opinon of certain Onionites is that if there isn't ample opportunity to one-up one another for no reason other than to one-up one another then nobody will bother
    I really hope this part here's a joke. I ain't ashamed to admit that I can't tell just from the text. >_>

    As to the concept, I'd be game. I've done something similar in the past with a small group of friends in the style of the Shadowrun multi-viewpoint stories, and it turned out pretty neat.

    Well, assuming I get the time. Still lugging my house across the country, so I haven't really had time for any of the bigger stuff I'd originally planned on doing right now. <_<
  21. Well shux. And there I was waiting for July to come around to see what the new theme would be. Sigh...oh well. Congrats Mel and Fox. Now to wait until September.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
    Anyway, if there actually was a brown dwarf star approaching, what effects would we see?
    Can't really say specifically, as it'd depend on a number of factors (chiefly the mass and course of said dwarf star, naturally), but there'd definitely be a few orbital shifts, some larger, some smaller. The worst-case scenario (for Earth) would of course be a collision, with too close a pass sending the planet careening out of the system entirely a close second.

    However, one must keep in mind that even with a dwarf star around, Sol is still the big boy on the block. And I mean big. It's got power. Which means that on the opposite extreme, nothing might happen at all, save us having to write new tide charts on a regular basis.

    In either case though, an object that massive entering this system can easily be detected via the gravitational 'warp' it drags around. We'd see orbit shifts in small celestial bodies (asteroids, Ceres, heck, probably Pluto), deviations in solar wind and cosmic particle patterns, etc. So unless Elenin happens to be a dwarf star half composed of exotic matter, we'd have noticed something by now, and it wouldn't be earthquakes.
  23. Is that mission not compatible with the autocomplete?
  24. Breakneck Foundation in Dire Straits

    Tuesday, June 14th 2011

    Charitable organizations across Paragon were shocked yesterday evening at the brazen robbery perpetrated upon the offices of one of our city's most well-known support groups for retired and semi-retired veteran heroes - the Breakneck Foundation, so named after the hero Cyrus Oliver Thompson, a.k.a. Breakneck.

    While rumors abound, actual knowledge of the robbery's details remain few and far between, including the identities of the perpetrators, as well as the full extent of the damage done to this noble organization upholding the memory of one of our city's finest. What is certainly known, however, is the immediate effect upon one of the foundation's dependents, a man known in the circles of Paragon's heroes by the delightfully nostalgic moniker Steampunk Charlie.

    A servant to freedom and liberty for many long years now in declining health, the fallout of this crime directly threatens his ability to remain active and mobile within the near future. Therefore we call upon you, our dear readers, to aid this man in his time of need and when others cannot. To view further details, please visit our website for more information and the latest updates.

    The memorial statue honoring Cyrus Thompson in Kings Row. Sonya Carlson photos, former staff.

    Cyrus Oliver Thompson
    Heroes May Die,
    But Heroism Never Shall