Need help choosing a good RP origin




I've got a character designed named "Doctor Deviance", who is a mercs/poison MM. I plan to take Heat Mastery as her ancillary.

Her back story is that she is a half demon spawned by the union of her mother, a prominent scientist, and a demon she had brought over from another plain.

The child grew up to be a mad scientist, and loves to experiment on her henchmen. (She's /poison and will surely be taking Serum.)

So here's my problem: Half Demon implies the source of her power is magic, but her henchmen clearly get their power from science. (Unless I decide that it's occult science, with some magic mixed in.) Probably her ancillary powers will be due to her demon blood.



Sounds like you could go with either and be fine by the concept. If I were you, I'd just pick the one you prefer.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I think I always overthink these things because I know I can't change them later.



Given the way Origins are writen and used, you could claim the Demon's powers are Natural for the demon race, magic is just how it was summoned, after all the demon is native to another plane. Then you can go Science. OR say the demon is a magical creature and go Magic.

Technically if the powers come from the hybid of human and demon you could really push it and claim the powers are based from mix of DNA and demon power creating a Mutant....

One question i would ask is where does the Poison powers come from?, are they Science products, magic potions, demonic ichor or what.. i would then define the Origin around them. As for heat mastery, that comes way later , not at the Origins stage, unless you want it to, so you can be flexible there, ie she later learns some demonic fire magic...



Hmmmm, I would go Magic... but then again, I like having an Origin that slightly conflicts with my powersets. For instance, the Magic character I had who used an assault rifle.

Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
You mean plane.



I have a tendency to make characters who can't be defined by a single origin. Like one character who never ages because of the release of the energy of the Well of the Furies, has a "power of persuasion" ability through mutation and is super-fast and immune to poison/spits acid because of experiments done on him (funnily enough, a Thugs/Poison MM). I chose Natural. Why? Because the ability fit most with him. Choose the origin that has the most fitting power.

But if you don't want to do that, go with Magic. Heat Mastery would probably come from Magic.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
I think I always overthink these things because I know I can't change them later.
Well, my Djinn character is Magic, because he is a magical creature. Anything he can do is just natural to Djinni, but I still call him Magic because of the nature of his race. For me it's less a matter of "what is the TRUE origin of his power" and more a matter of "what makes thematic sense". And in the case of a mystical Djinn, Magic is the logical choice.

In your case, despite being of partly demonic origin your character is a mad scientist. I think that her bloodline is of little concern in comparison to her very Science-themed powers.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Yeah. That's the difficult part. Her name has "Doctor" in it, and the poison is clearly science (though I'm debating whether it might be occult science, like have some ancient alchemy overtones to it.)

As for Heat Mastery, Avatea just announced today that Ancillary pools will be accessible from level 35 now. So, now she'll be able to start doing demonic magic at level 35 instead of level 41. Maybe I'll say it takes her that long to figure out how to unleash it? I'm sort of feeling the whole Red Skull in Captain America thing, where maybe the source is magic, but the approach is science. Hard to place.

Part of the problem is DO's, and SO's. It's hard to decide which ones will feel more natural for the character. Certainly she's not using any genetic alterations on herself, but vambraces and wands are a bit much too.

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

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Where would you place Dr. Doom? He's a mystic, and a scientist, both.