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  1. DevilYouKnow

    It's A Party!!

    What an awesome idea!
  2. I would also be glad to do this. I have two bases on different servers that I somehow inherited that are in need. So if you ever pass this way again Fulmens...
  3. Hate to derail a thread with such awesomesauce spilled on it, but Incarnate system looks very cool. Gonna really be interesting to see what can be done with this.

    BTW, You can actually make a lot of money just playing and selling what you get. I got a level 19 DP/MM who has 19 million and that is just from crafting what he got and selling salvage for more that vendor prices.

    (ok he got lucky and got a couple of really good recipes. But that was only about 10 million of it.)
  4. DevilYouKnow

    Crafting Aids

    Originally Posted by anonymoose View Post
    I made a 3-page printable checklist of all the badges/recipes/ingredients etc, with little checkboxes to tick as you craft.

    Feedback or suggestions appreciated.
    Great aid and I will use next time I get field crafter!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arctic Soul View Post
    No, your right, I wasn't exactly trying to dismiss bonuses but I think most peeps think they are the highlight while in my opinion they aren't. Can they help, yes they can. An extreme example is a scrapper I just talked to today that put an endurance set in Stamina. That set includes Rch, End, and ACC which the power doesn't even take. So they got 101.47% End Mod while the 73.78% ACC / 26.50% End / 73.78% Rch wont do anything to the power. But they did it to get the 13.6% HP / .03 End / 10% regen / 2.5% Dmg buff / 5% Rch. Do these out weigh the cost of the 215.70% lost in wasted and unused slotting in addition to the four slots you didn't have to use to get acceptable value in addition to some other areas that suffered from the wasted slots you used. No way. And its often like this. I rarely see bonuses matter that much. The shocking part is how I hear peeps argue with me over the 1,2,3,5, or 7 or 10% bonus they are clinging onto so dearly. I know they all are different, some are global, and do different things but come on. A good example for my controller is Mez, Hold, and immobilization. Is 3% Mez resist or the effects of the Mez really going to make a difference? No it wont. But often times in Frankenslotting you end up putting 2 to 3 sets in one power and find the same bonus repeated as the first bonus in alike sets. At one point that mez bonus was up to 45%. Would that make a difference, sure, at least a noticible difference anyhow. I would much rather have 45% from repeated bonuses rather than 3% bonuses scattered across 20 fields.

    Absolutely. Those endurance sets, when fully slotted, are really meant for endurance draining powers. I actually start slotting my Immob and stuns really early with tri aspects when I can. So at level 15 I am getting SO like bonuses out of two slots for stun, accuracy, and DO bonuses for end and recharge.

    I think that in general you are right and people focus too much on set bonuses or just don't think it through. I have a friend who has been playing for 4 years and he six slots everything. So yeah, he's got Toxic defense that seldom ever gets used.

    I will just say MIDS is your friend. Planning a build lets you spend less and get as much bang for your slotting as possible. Bluntly, just about everyone I know who slots well and effectively uses MIDS. Almost no one who does use it slots horribly. (arguements about power choices and such aside).
  6. I agree that Frankenslotting is very useful and certainly easier to get max bonuses out but I think you dismiss set bonuses too cavailerly. Through the use of set bonuses I got my DP/Mental with 5 points of Ranged Cap and 10 points of Smashing/Lethal.

    Yes, it is a very specific build but it lets me leap into combat for Hail of Bullets and leap back out alive. At range I am very difficult to hit and with a purple popped I can even outlast Defense Debuffers (unless there are a ton of them).

    Great guide, but set bonuses have a place too if you are looking to patch holes in your AT/Power builds.
  7. Likewise, the time I spend having to go back to the market two or three times to see if Scientific Theory has dropped below 500K is wasted time. The only reason I pay inflated prices is because I want to finish crafting my mid-level crisis stuff and get back to the game.

    100k? Alright, that's not so much. 500K is starting to get to be real money and eats any profit from crafting on some I/Os. I love selling my mid-level crisis stuff, but not at a loss.

    I could make more money just buying the expensive I/Os with A-Merits and just selling them. My salvage cost would 1/5 what it is. And when you sell a LoTG for 60 million, who cares if Alchemical GOLD is going north of 300K?

    But a level 25 Touch of Death? The margins are much tighter. Niches like Crushing Impact and Doctored Wounds are going to become more marginal if the common salvage reliably goes for 200 to 500k.

    Once it has been proven that it can be done, it will be done, often. Conventional wisdom said cornering wasn't possible and if you did, you couldn't make money at it. Well that turned out not to be the case and I think we are in for a bumpy ride with common salvage being more volatile then ever and players never having any real idea what things will cost.
  8. I like the idea of it, but I think it should be side specific. All blue side history badges to earn the Blue side version and so on.

    In my opinion, there should be no accolade that can only be earned by forcing a side switch to complete except for accolades specifically tied to side switching.

    I kinda see your point about the SG beacon badges. They should either fix them or award the beacon when they award the accolade for the zone in SG mode.

    Frankly they are easy merits and I do 'em on non badge characters just for that reason.
  9. I tried getting it by standing next to the tailor but nada. I didn't really think it would work though. Standing next to tailor doesn't grant credit blue or red. You have to be in a shop, unless someone knows different.
  10. Will have to buy this for all three accounts in the house!

    But I will buy it for MY account first! heh heh.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post

    Great poster. It would be cool if these starting appearing days before the invasion starts. Course you need one with Lord Recluse for red side.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Quick sidebar:

    [citation needed]
    Just noticed this. I read in one of the posts about I19. Let me see if I can find it.

    Update. Couldn't find it. Maybe I am confusing I20 and I19. It wasn't official, just what someone reported from a M&G Panel. I'll keep looking.
  13. Update - I discovered that resistance characters can get Day Trader from the market located in the resistance base in Imperial City. Still haven't been able to get Loyalist toons to get credit in the Trading House. Maybe something to do with the power supression?

    The day job recruiter also lists Tailor but I can find no place that gives credit.

    So update of all Day Jobs Goldside:

    Monitor Duty

    Update: Removed Day Trader since even tho' it shows the icon is there no credit is given.
  14. In honor of the recent invasion - a haiku.

    All Rikti Bombs beware!
    Heavy Assault Suits quake!
    There are Badgers About!
  15. The arc the details the origin of the Circle of Thorns is a really great story as well.

    Good enough that you feel a little sorry for the bad guys and pissed off enough to take down those COT sacrifice circles long after you get XP for them. Trying to clean up Perez Park is like trying to bail the ocean out with a cup.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matt_King View Post
    Another big one is there are still badges like the 5th Column gladiator and a few Anniversary badges that some people will never be able to get.
    Yes, I think they should make these available in some fashion along the lines of what they have done with the Winter Event Badges.
  17. Oh yeah. I was killing troll bosses, not supra trolls, at a supradine raid. Alas, the ones at the raid don't count.

    However the Tunnels of the Trolls were loaded with 'em.
  18. So confirmed Day Job Badges you can work on in Pretoria:

    Monitor Duty

    Did I miss any?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
    The Pocket D has a vault, as well.
    Yes and a Hospital as well. Those are actually available in Pretoria proper.
  20. Heh. I guess we just get used to doing it the way we have always done it. This is a great change!

    Although I went back through the patch notes to see what else I might have missed and couldn't find a mention of it specifically. But again the notes for I18 were pretty long so I might have missed it again. Glad you posted about it!
  21. That's right! I forgot about Monitor Duty! Excellant!
  22. If you have Pocket D VIP membership you can get Clubber as well. I have not found a precinct that offers Law Enforcer.
  23. PS. Yes, I know I mispelled praetorian in the title. No coffee this morning.
  24. It's only an issue for me because of the way I play my alts. I have 60+ on multiple servers and a toon can sit idle for a while.

    So I like to move them around for day jobs. As long as they are idle they may as well be earning a dayjob badge so when I do get back to them, they might have a nifty dayjob power. I basically start them dayjobbing as soon as I create them. Usually, not a problem but in Praetoria it is a little more confusing because locations that should award badge credit don't seem to.

    At first I thought that it was alignment specific Loyalist/Resistance. But that's not the case either. I suspect that it has to do with Hero/Villian alignment but really, I have no clue.
  25. I am having a difficult time finding day jobs for my pretorians.

    Is there is a guide or link that can give me some pointers?

    For example, Commuter should earnable at the CTA. Nope. Well maybe if you are resistance you need to go the Underground Railway. Sorry, nothing there either.

    Auction house. Same story.

    I am sure that I am missing something simple. But so far, Banker/Thief & Caregiver/Pain Specialist are the only ones I can reliably find.

    I Know some wil not be possible. Monitor duty, Midnighter, etc just because they are not in the zones at all. But Professor, Law Enforcer, Commuter, Day Trader and maybe City Official should be.

    Maybe some of these will be fixed once they raise the cap in Pretoria to 30.