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  1. Sort of Peacebringer meets Dark Blast. It's interesting, but I don't know that it would be different enough.
  2. I would turn Sonic Cage into a toggle, remove the toggle cost from Sonic Repulsion (so you only pay for targets that are hit with it) and add a small damage component (so you can slot it with a kb to kd proc if you want), give Clarity an unstackable global debuff resistance of around 20%, and lower the recharge on Liquify.
  3. With the IO changes that are going to happen in I24; I mean, wouldn't waiting for that be a better idea? Especially since some of the new sets have some very powerful procs.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
    ummm 800pp is $10 400PP is $5
    My mistake; I apologize.

    And I believe you're right. One-time purchase of unlimited access to move character slots around is probably impossible. I meant purchasing a token to readjust the character slots already spent. If you needed to do it again later, you buy it again.

    That would have a much greater possibility of happening. What you're asking for is not out of the question. If you've used ten character slots, slots you no longer want on the server you used them on, you shouldn't have to buy ten more. That's not a small amount of money. You should have the option to move them. But it would take development time, and development time is best offset by financial gain.
  5. If instead of free you had to pay 800pp for it (5 bucks), but it would be accessible to everyone whenever they wanted it (instead of one time), would you be willing to accept that instead of free?

    Free is a very hard thing to crusade for.
  6. Free? No. Pay for a token that lets you reassign all of them (for around the cost of 3 character slots)? That sounds more reasonable.
  7. Just finished watching the Coffee Talk.

    When you guys say you can play for free, you really need to mention that you can play from 1-50 indefinitely. Play for free just sounds like one of those short trials.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
    It's okay if the power has a different name! Doms can get Caltrops and Thorntrops, which are basically the same; then there are all the "TT" powers that SoA get.

    Rename the power "Footspikes"!
    While we're on the subject... Bane Spider's Shatter and Shatter Armor are literally the exact same animation. And if you use one right after the other, sometimes the second attack won't even animate.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Another option is they might follow the example of other games and hook up with one of those online survey companies and give points to people that qualify and complete surveys.
    I see that being more likely in the future than being able to earn the points in game.

    I've done a few surveys for other games. There are worse things in the world.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    It would also be adding a cascade failure mode to SR and I don't think most SR scrappers would appreciate that.

    The scaling resists are not in fact as worthless as you describe. At, say, 30% health remaining the passives are up to 30% resistance, and 30% resistance is more than many resistance sets get to non-s/l damage by default. And that's inside SR defenses which block most hits from landing. In most real-world game situations the scaling resistances offer a significant increase in survivability all by themselves. With no other resistances, a single hit would need to deal damage equal to about 43% of your health bar to kill you through the scaling resistances at 30% health. If you're getting hit by attacks of that magnitude, you're going to be 3-shotted either way.
    What about that would change if it was reversed, other than heals bringing your damage resistance back instead of taking it away?

    Oh, and having less than max health not necessarily resulting in being one-shot by a massive attack.

    Shield gives you a higher max health, plus a small pool of constant resistance in addition to a damage buff and a fairly wide PBAoE attack (along with a T9 that offers resistance and an even higher max health).

    Energy has a Psionic weakness but select resistances plus debuff resistances to most debuff types. It also has a heal and a regen buff built into one power, a means to recover endurance, plus a means to generate additional recharge (up to and exceeding what SR can get).

    Though it lacks knockback protection (which is easily remedied) Ninjitsu has protection against confuse and fear, a heal, a PBAoE placate, and a to-hit debuff/sleep with a chance for confuse.

    Super Reflexes has Quickness, and then it's just direct mitigation. It doesn't have any of the fancy tricks the other sets have, so why not put the resistance somewhere that it can help on the very first hit that gets through its defense, instead of the last?
  11. Demon_Shell

    Ice Control

    I was specifically speaking of support in the order of Controllers and damage in the order of Dominators. Though you are right. There should be time enough to slip an alternate ability in between each application of, for example, Frostbite.

    I'd be fine with a simple to-hit debuff as well, but it would have to be a mag high enough to have a real impact on survivability.

    The gradually greater chance to hold the target would be pretty cool as well.

    These are all good ideas.
  12. Demon_Shell

    Ice Control

    If such a tool were given to Ice Control, they would be the only ones that would need it. Immobilization from other characters wouldn't matter if the Ice Controller is holding the group standing on Ice Slick with it's immobilizations (other than to boost the mag higher against enemies that have protection from immobilization to insure the Ice Control's immobilization would proc the hold).

    It would be an effective counter to rooting effects from other characters, but maintaining the effect would require spamming the Ice Control's immobilization, limiting their effectiveness in, for example, support or damage dealing. Whether or not that's a fair trade off isn't for me to say, but for what it is it seems like a fairly solid idea.
  13. Demon_Shell

    Ice Control

    The hold sounds nice, but keeping in mind that the knockdown from Ice Slick is just a chance to knockdown and the recharge on Frostbite can be considerably reduced, you could perma-hold entire groups indefinitely, boosting the effectiveness of the entire set by an enormous amount.

    I don't know if that's overpowered or not. You'd pretty much have to just spam the same AoE immobilization over and over again and nothing else. It would seem to me that if any set would have the ability to do something like that, it would be Ice Control. After all, in video games/fantasy ice is usually associated with freezing targets.
  14. Demon_Shell

    Ice Control

    These are excellent points.

    There's certainly something very unfortunate happening between the rooting effects of Chilblain and Frostbite when Ice Slick is introduced, as the rooting protects targets from being knocked down, even if they have a protection against Immobilize (such as bosses, ghosts, warwolves). Adding some type of combination effect when both are present would be much more beneficial to all parties than, for example, removing the rooting effect.

    Shiver could also be considered a problem area. Global slow debuffs are less useful against enemies with more abilities, making its immediate benefit limited. A secondary hard mez, like stun, either at a small/moderate chance of occuring, or a short duration high chance could help boost it's protection. Alternately, secondary survival debuffs could be introduced instead, like a to-hit or damage debuff. If nothing else having some of its core stats adjusted would be a boon, like a reduced end cost or recharge time, heightened duration, or boosted accuracy (such to the point that it's chance for missing is either eliminated or greatly reduced).

    With Arctic Air, I believe I see the confuse proc often enough. And adding in the spreading confuse proc IO takes that a step much further. I believe the problem would only be in it's duration. I often see the confuse proc in between a higher ranked enemy's attacks, only to have it's duration expire before the enemy attacks again. A two second boost in Arctic Air's confuse would likely be enough to allow it to stand on its own merits, without making it overpowered with the presence of the confuse proc IO.
  15. Demon_Shell

    Ice Control

    I hope you'll pardon me for assuming that many people with knowledge on the matter believe Ice Control is under preforming. I know I've seen it mentioned more than once.

    My question is, what do you feel should be done to fix it? For example, I've noticed Ice's sleep has double the recharge (90 sec) of the non-damaging sleeps found in Mind and Plant (45 sec). It seems to be closer to Sirens Song in Sonic Blast because it does damage and can't be stacked. But it's damage, duration, and recharge (20 sec) are all less than Sirens Song.

    It just seems to be the worst of both worlds between non-damaging sleeps and damaging sleeps.

    Are there other things that could be done to help bring its performance up to some of the other control sets?
  16. Elusivity to Elude sounds nice, but if anything I'd like the scaling resist in the passives to be reversed, but have their percentile thresholds limited further.

    At 100% you have (or nearly have) capped resistances. By around 80-70%, it's all gone. It would make more sense for the first hit or so to be shrugged off while the following ones cripple you. Presently, you're just being beaten down to near death before any of the resistance applies at a reasonable level, and by then the next hit is going to drop you either way.

    This would allow specing for defense (or using elude to counter high to-hit), resistance, and regen to be viable options, in addition to making allied heals more useful.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    We'll have some more information about this very topic Soon™.

  18. Well, at least I can chalk it up to that account-wide bit limitation why badges, or at least accolades, or at the very least stuff-in-general-that-you-have-no-reason-to-do-over-again-on-every-character-to-access are per character and not global.
  19. Any word yet on that whole "using stealth toggles other than hide with costume powers lockout" thing?
  20. I was in Georgia and missed the entire thing.

    Including the sales.
  21. At one point when talking about non-snipe primaries, you talked about possible changes to Sonic, Ice, and Dual. We've already heard that Dual will have faster animations, but are there any exclusive changes to Sonic and Ice?
  22. I'd be interested to see how a resist set getting a resist proc would play out. Resist/Defense procs have always been on reversed sets before.
  23. Having already heard about most of the big things, I'm really excited (this very moment) for those IO changes/new sets!

    I'm hoping this issue is super successful so you guys will continue doing this focus on fixing and rebalancing things.
  24. Demon_Shell

    Control Hybrid

    The control that pops up is the +1 mez. Waylay is plus damage against targets that are already mezed. The +1 mez thing only applies to mez powers, but Waylay can activate on any attack as long as the target is mezed.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    And seriously, it's not going to break a Brute if they could get Laser Eye Beams at level 12 as opposed to level 40-something.

    Epic pools need to be rethought, revamped and vastly expanded on
    Check ATs like Controllers and see what they can get access to in their tier 1 epic pools.

    They can't give Controllers and Dominators access to Hibernate before even Ice Tankers can get it anymore than they can give Masterminds and Blasters Bonfire before Controllers and Dominators can get it.