1824 -
Because the year after that they'll release the Super Platinum Unlimited Edition that includes a fully-functional 1:1 scale Helicarrier.
Two words: DO WANT.
*Tesseract included may or may not actually be a source of unlimited power or act as a gateway to distant parts of the universe. Please exercise care when handling Tesseract. Do not submerge Tesseract in water. Do not subject Tesseract to bright lights. Do not feed Tesseract after midnight. -
More and more this movie begins to resemble its antagonists, shambling through unlife.
Quote:1st comic: conspiracy theorists are so sadly, hopelessly deluded that you cannot actually 'win' an argument with them; much like internet trolls, you 'win' by ignoring them and doing just about anything else.Maybe my age is showing but I didn't get either of those comics. Or is that the point?
2nd comic: Hitler committed suicide in the Führerbunker in Berlin as the Soviet Army was assaulting the city, towards the very end of WWII, in 1945. Usually, when people suggest traveling back in time to kill Hitler, they mean traveling back to some point prior to his launching WWII so that the horrors of war might be averted and millions of lives would be saved. This assumes that there is only a single timeline and that changing the past changes the entire timeline after that point, a la Back to the Future. Obviously, traveling back in time to kill Hitler shortly before he would have committed suicide would be completely, utterly pointless.
EDIT: Bah, scooped. -
Quote:Additional enhancement storage costs as much as it does because it is unlocked for every character you have made or ever will make on your account.If you like being gouged, that's fair enough, but arguing that a digital service isn't 'a fair price' because it costs too little is comedic. I don't know about you, but when I walk into a hobby shop and see something at a lower price than I expected, I don't go "Oh, I can't buy this frivolous item, this is going to save me way too much money."
Well, it's the monster from Sim City 2000, but that's still funny.
I'm just fine with reduced damage if it means there's no crash.
My guess is it has to do with microtransactions. The only NCSoft games currently on Steam are the Guild Wars games, which to my knowledge don't have in-game item shops. Aion was on Steam, but it disappeared when it went F2P.
Quote:Most of those were implemented because players were earning rewards at exponentially greater rates than what was deemed acceptable by the developers. While IO set bonuses to give players a great deal of power, there are mechanical limitations (aggro caps and AoE target caps were both implemented at the same time as the GDN) that simply cannot be circumvented, and MARTy ensures that genuinely exploitative behavior gets red-flagged while simultaneously shutting off rewards for the exploiter.A lot of people didn't like ED or the GDN, either. I didn't like when Regen got turned from a set I could happily allow to passively sit in the background into an annoying clickfest. And I imagine that people who abuse exploits for a long time aren't very happy when they get fixed (indeed, some of the outcries against AE fixes have been in that vein). Life goes on.
Yes, there are other measurements of player power besides xp/inf earning rate, but when it comes to balance considerations it seems to be the one metric the developers have paid the closest attention to. -
Clearly you've never heard the old adage about gift horses and their mouths.
Sometimes you just have to say "It's been a great party, but I'm gonna head out." Haste ye back.
Figures. I bit the bullet and bought one of the enhancement inventory boosters last night, and today they go on sale.
Didn't a tricorn hat get leaked months ago?
I've been having problems launching CoH through Steam (that is, as a shortcut on my list of Steam games). However, when running CoH using the NCSoft launcher, even with Steam running in the background, I haven't had any issues.
A majority of a tiny minority is a tiny minority. If displeasure over Super Packs was as widespread as you seem to believe it is, other options would have been presented.
Quote:The CPU can also be a bottleneck.Thanks Amy for the magi runs tonight. Have 90% on the first toon. Just gotta work on another and possibly one more after.
I'll have to debate if I can lead it tho. Seems simple enough but on the 2 runs tonight my comp was having a hard time during the 4 AV fights. graphics kept slowing down cause my video card isnt the best. Either that or my memory is getting tied up. Still trying to figure out exactly which the problem is. :/
If you're running Windows 7, next time you run a trial, run the Resource Monitor in the background (Start->Search programs and files->type 'resource monitor'). It'll display what's eating up the most memory and CPU cycles. It won't show what your graphics card is up to, unfortunately, but there's a freeware desktop gadget that makes up the difference. -
Article link.
TL;DR version:
It cuts out the stupid mess that is Episode I (and 95% of Jar Jar's screentime), it keeps the big reveals in V and III secret (either one of which would be spoiled by watching in either numerical or release order), and it elevates the tension of the cliffhanger ending of V by delaying the payoff.
It's not perfect, but it sounds like the best way to introduce Star Wars to someone who has never seen any of the films before. -
Energy/Energy Blaster
Night Widow
Those are the only two of my toons who have gotten that far in the arcs. -