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  1. Tried TOR and TSW and enjoy both in different ways. Plan on giving TSW moreof a try this weekend. Last time I tried it was just before we moved and I couldn't give it my full attention then.
    Neither compares to CoH for good, casual fun and an easy to chat with community but either one will help me pass the time. on TOR i'm on Jedi Covenant, global is Jakda. So far onlyed Rep.
    TSW i'm on Grim and i'm using Jakda there as well...chracter's full name is Jack Darkscar like my original here but like that one who knows if i'll stick to that once I learn how to play the game. Forgot until after I posted, that would be Templar faction.
    Hope to run into some of you on either one.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    I'll be very surprised if TOR hits a 3rd anniversary.

    Then again, I *was* very surprised CO did.

    I like surprises.
    Hence why i'm trying to give TSW a chance as well. I gave it a brief try before I moved a month ago but wasn't able to spare the time or energy it appeared to deserve.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
    On the harbinger server, there is a guild Republic Paragons. We have only just formed, however, we are comprised of former CoH'ers. If you decide to go to a galaxy far, far away, let me know if you would like to join us. We will soon be starting an Empire guild as well, once we have enough empire side characters formed (currently only about 1-2 shy).

    My main character's screen name is Hagimond, you can also contact Zutharan, in game or email me here.
    Playing a Smuggler on Jedi Covenant right now (just chance that I started there) that I plan on levelling. Have a Jedi Knight and a Trooper I won't mind rerolling. May wait to see if transfers are on the menu when it goes F2P.

    Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
    Yes, very much so - if you want to play the stories (and you do) you'll spend a lot of time solo (though duoing with another class is fun, too).

    However, there is *plenty* to do in team. Every world has multi-player missions (heroics). Every tier has a flashpoint (single team task forces). The end game has operations (raids).

    It's hard to find a team for the world heroics, though. Knowing people who want to small-team, ie a guild of paragon refugees, would help with that a lot.

    Actually, all around - teaming makes the game a lot more fun. You're perfectly fine soloing but it really is a single player game if you do. Grab a friend, do each other's class quests, hit every heroic, clear every story quest, and have a blast.
    I've teamed a handful of times and co-op'd on areas even more but I tend not to have a lot of time to play now or what time I do have is interrupted often by my kid or wife so teaming is a rare thing for me sadly.
  4. Darkscar

    Other MMOs?

    Originally Posted by CrillDunbe View Post
    I agree, I don't like to read that at a game's outset. Maybe the ex-CoH influx will boost it a bit. Who knows, these seem to be trying times for MMOs in general.
    It'll help when they get the free trial back up in some form so folks can try it before buying it.
  5. I'll try and remember. A lot depend on my idiot landlord and his crappy i-service. So glad we're moving at the end of the month!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    I also think that doing more than protesting in Atlas is in order. Playing the actual game as much as we can will show people we're serious, more than just logging in and going AFK while an emote plays.
    I don't mind the Rally in Atlas but i've said a handful of times to folks i've been chating with that maybe spreading them around a bit might be an idea. A Rally on the hill in Talos or the courtyard's in Galaxy or Peregrine Island. The train/portal/tunnel/Vanguard area in Founders, etc. Something to break it up a little!
    I'm still going though periods where I have no interst in playing any of my characters but for the most part i've been trying to play the game as much as I can. Hanging out with other folks occasionally is no problem.
    Do I think it'll save the game? No. Do I think it could possibly make decent PR that can maybe help a little? Sure. Do I think it helps a lot of folks feel better about things during this unfortunate time? Damn right!
    If folks want to gather and feel like the community is still there for them then happily i'll stand along side when I can.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    NCSoft is done with this game. Get that clear in your mind. So sticking around to show them anything is pointless.
    Figured that was obvious to even most of the dimmest bulbs! They'd lose lose corporate face if they caved.

    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    The only hope that remains is they sell the IP. And that sale won't be affected by current player activity that has been determined by the closure announcement.
    That's all that i've ever been hoping for. Slim chance that PR pressure may persuade Nexon to pressure NCSoft to let the IP go, but that's about all i'm holding out for now.

    Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
    If the IP gets picked up by someone else, people will come back in droves.
    Plenty of folks would likely return but I don't know about droves!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Maybe you should have placed the billboards behind Wentworth vendors and store contacts.
    Or around Trainers and Respec agents!

    Too bad, I actually liked the idea. Had wondered what had come of it.

    Yeah, yeah, I didn't always follow the Forums very closely!
  9. I really wanted to bring on Morgan Chance for some of these as, outside of i-trials, he has none of them. On the other hand I reall, really, really don't want to be the guy who gets killed right near the end of one!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starry Night View Post
    Every time I play a melee character in a team, I remember why I don't like playing melee characters in a team. I'm going to finish getting Thalatta (water/storm) and Hex Chill (ice/time) to 50, then we'll see. Maybe my Peacebringer after that. She's done a lot of leveling with you folks.
    The worst thing I ever did to myself in this game was getting ranged and control characters I really liked. It took a special sort of build/theme to pull me back to melee (BS/SD Roman themed) but was glad to be back as Staff and StJ were both a lot of fun .
  11. Darkscar

    Where to now?

    Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
    I bought TSW yesterday and tried out some of the first things... wow it is hilarious to be such a newb again Controls and game-play are similar but just a little off so I"m feeling a lot like I did 7 years ago here. I was laughing about the tab-target in game last night - so used to being able to target anything that was close enough to render on screen; in TSW you see stuff before you're close enough to tab target (although you can mouse-target earlier). I kept hitting F to try to move into range...

    The puzzle missions are very well done (and I understand the later ones are even trickier) with some actual thinking needed and a fully functional in-game web browser for people who don't enjoy the thinking so much. Apparently FunCom have even created a bunch of real-life web pages as part of some of their puzzles.

    The atmosphere is fantastic... really creepy; first time in a loooong time that I"ve played with sound on. The combat is fantastic with most focus on boss fights and not so much on "trash". From the get-go you're able to fight 6-8 trash mobs and come out on top; bosses (EB's / AV's) can certainly put the hurt on you though. Big experience comes from the quest line (mission completes) and not so much from the kills, but you do get xp for kills too.

    Costume fans will be disappointed with the character customization I suspect. Their characters are no where near as customizable as ours. All males are exactly the same size/shape; all females are exactly the same size/shape. They're still working on more clothes but the options are currently quite limited. The good thing is that your clothes are purely cosmetic like our costumes are.... your gear is a ring, an amulet, a belt and ??? something else for your head but it does not show on your avatar - so not everybody runs around in a blue tunic because that's the best jacket for your level.

    Anyway, it is great fun for me at this point.
    Likely going to buy it myself in a month or so, we're moving at the end of this month so no new purchases right now!
    I had downloaded the game and was going to do the 3-day trial but it was gone before I got the chance. I will be keeping an eye out for it returning though as I really want to try it before shelling out the moolah.
    I had read it was best to boost your talismans in the beginning rather than your damage and i'd heard the other pros/cons. As much as i'd like to believe there's a chance CoH will continue in some form i'm not going to invest too much hope in that chance as we all are aware of NCSoft's track record.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post

    Anyway, going to go try The Secret World, see if maybe that can at least start to fill the void that I feel already.
    D/l'd The Secret World (14.4 GB) and followed all the steps and was unable to register. After a bunch of searching found a forum post where a member postred a response from a rep saying the 3-day trial had been pulled for now but they were hoping to have back as soons as possible. Likely without the chance of a 2-day extension and 1200 bonus points for completing 30 quests within those 3 days!
  13. Darkscar

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Well the date must have been September 30, 2011.
    I found a thread with the image, but apparently I started a new one for that joke and didn't simply reply in the threads about the in-game insanity.
    The thread's replies gave me a laugh just now though...
    Was wondering why none of this was familiar to me but assumed it was before my time. That was about the time my mobo finally died. The beignning of a dark 4 months!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
    The Amy & Rory are seperating at start of episode to get magically fixed by end of same episode felt chessy and daggy to me.

    Probably a lead in to those two leaving so Amy can have kids without getting timeheads or something (maybe get dalekhead now)
    There were 5 shorts on the web leading up to the return of the show. The last one showed them breaking up but not why.
  15. On the hill in Talos maybe. Many a fun time was had there.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    We have a website! Link here I'll be checking frequently for membership requests. I really do hope that the efforts to save City of Heroes come through. At the moment, I'm hoping for the best and planning for the worst.

    When we do get around to choosing a new game, I think that there should be more discussion than a poll. Personally, I really like games with a high level of cosmetic character customization. I know that it has little effect on gameplay, but it gives me the feeling that my avatar is mine. When we played DDO, I had a monk, that looked like every other monk that I encountered, with the exception of ones that had bought armor kits and looked like hoochies. I am just not a big fan of games that have gear that affects your appearance.
    signed up!
  17. Argh, another session shot due to illness. This time we were all sick. I got in late from work as well - yeah, no tmie off due to being sick, that's not in the budget right now - So I came on on a lowbie knowing i'd likely be afk a fair bit. Sure enough, for about a 3 hour time frame I was afk on and off over 2 hours of it. Doubt it'll be much different on Sunday. Oh well, see you folks when I see you!
  18. I seem to be with most of the pack - level 35 i believe - was barely on this weekend with one thingand another. Was really annoyed yesterday evening as the landlord's net connection was up, down, up, down, so I barely made it on for 20 minutes around 9:30 in the evening. Just enough time to do some market stuff onthe toon I logged on and splat there went the net again before I could swap to my WB character. Oh well, we'll see what happens next weekend...maybe i'll bring the Captian out to play during the week to do TF or two...
  19. Thanks for organizing that Sylph, it was a lot of fun and well worth the wait!

    If we hadn't have split when theships went in different directions we might have got more than 2(.5)...but I can only imagine that herding cats is easier than leading that kind of league.

    I know it can be true of regular trial leagues!
  20. Well, as was obvious form the two toons I played with the JST group, if I really like a character I tend to play it as much as possible.

    Hence, Morgan shot up to 50 like a rocket and the kat/dark scrapper toddled along at the groups level or slightly behind. I was having computer issues at that point so I definitely wasn'y playing as much, period.

    I like ranged toons these days and everything i've seen/heard about Water Blast makes me think i'd play the ... heck...out of it whether I went Blaster, Corruptor or Defender.

    It's certainly my plan to treat myself to some points soon and right now Water Blast and a 3rd enhancement tray lead the pack for what i'd like to buy. So, hopefully i'll manage to at least join you all on occasion.

    ...if I can drag myself aware from my badger!
  21. <sigh> Makes me wish 1. I had points on my account right now and 2. I had the money to buy points before next week. Likely be a few weeks before I can spare any real money for buying game points. <deeper sigh> Oh well, if I free up some cash in the next few weeks maybe i'll grab some points, buy WB and play catch up!
  22. So glad you folks were talking about this as i'd forgotten all about doing this. Just leaving my character in Cimerora when I wasn't playing over the weekend has me only 2 million and change from the last badge. 'Course my SG 25 million badge is a ways off!
  23. lol i've clearly not been spending enough time keeping an eye on the Forums of late. I started a goldside toon for the same reason and with the same goal, maybe a month or so ago. I only play it every so often and picked a poweset i'd not given any serious time to before (TW).

    Despite the odd hours I end up keeping (mostly due to a demon child who doesn't understand the concept of sleep and how poor a career choice it is fall asleep at work) I too would be unlikley to play in the am, in any NA am time zone. EST myself and having a wonderfully difficult time keeping my eyes open right now lol.