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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    Yes every time your IP address changes, Which is more likely than not Every time you Reboot you have to answer the Frickin Questions again.
    That depends entirely on your ISP, service type, and the type of modem that you're using. I'm on cable, and I've had the same IP address for the last 2 years. My modem and computer both get rebooted once a week, when I do the weekly maintenance for the web server I run off my computer. I never asked my ISP for a static address, nor have I done anything to make sure I get the same IP. These days, it's not as likely or as easy as you'd think for your IP to change often. In many cases it can take as little as 5 minutes of the modem being without power, or as much as 8 hours, so unless you're still on dial-up, or you turn your modem off when you're not online, you're likely to keep the same address. It's different with every ISP, and with every modem.
  2. Animal Fur is available as an option for Monstrous gloves, on both male and female. It's not available for any other glove type that I could find.
  3. The NCCoin stuff has been in the EULA for a long time, and seems to be standard to NCSoft EULAs, but does not apply to all of their games. CoH doesn't use NCCoin, and I'm sure that if at any point they decide to start using it for CoH, they'll explain what it means for us.
  4. Issues that are escalationed to senior support staff aren't usually taken care of on weekends, unfortunately, because senior support staff tend to only be available during business hours Monday through Friday. You probably won't hear anything from them until Monday morning, from my experience.
  5. In order to upgrade to the Tier 4, you need any two of the T3s from the same tree. If you scroll down in the recipe window for each T4, there are other recipes. All combinations are listed, just find the recipe appropriate to the two T3s you made.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    you need a mm or a defender to get the clickable power of black scorpion which stops him from using his phasing heal type power at 50% hp

    at about 50% hp reichs will pop a power which makes him untouchable and heals him back up to about 80% hp, however the mm/defender power prevents this from happening

    so a mm is not required if you have a defender
    Neither is really required...it can take a little longer if you have neither, but if your damage and debuffs are good, it's not much longer.
  7. Yeah, the issue of Paypal not being available for the in-game store purchases has been around a long time. Like you, I'm in Canada, and for the longest time I was also using pre-paid cards to make that sort of purchase. We might consider it a bug, but I don't think Paragon Studios does. This forum is primarily for help given by other players, so they don't look in here often, unless someone points them here for something specific. If you want to inquire about getting the ball rolling on making that possible, I think PMing one of the Community reps, or possibly Black Pebble, would work better.

    In the meantime, though, CIBC got in the Advantage (Visa Debit) card...not the first of its kind in Canada, but a first for one of the national banks. The Visa Debit isn't a credit card. It's a bank card attached to an account, but it can be used for online purchases the way a credit card is, through the Visa system. If you an account with CIBC (there's no extra fee for upgrading to this card, despite what you might read online, some people simply don't understand how to pick an account with fees and transaction limits that work for their needs), or are a student and can get the no-fee unlimited account, I really suggest this. It's made online transactions so much easier for me...I've got my CoH sub on it, and iTunes account on it as well. If you aren't a student, or don't already have an account with them, it's still an option to consider...the 10-transaction per month account has a monthly fee that's less than that of the activation fee of those prepaid cards, however, I know money can be tight these days, so that's much less of an option if you don't really think you'd use it that often.

    Anyways, I hope some of this helps!
  8. Darkfaith

    Server Downtime

    Yup. Hotfixing the game usually requires a patch, unless the issue is purely server-side, which it rarely is.
  9. Darkfaith

    Server Downtime

    Avatea's announcement indicates that they know they're running late, but expect it to end soon, and will keep us updated.
  10. Online support asks that you provide as much of that information as possible to make a positive identification that the account is indeed yours. One piece of information that they will also accept is the unique account ID, which they will only send you on the creation of a brand new retail account associated with your Master account. I've gotten mine twice...once when creating my CoH account, and on an old address that was lost, so I did freak a little when I realized how important that was, and once when I created an account for another NCSoft game.

    I don't think that online support support can do as you're proposing, however, if I remember correctly, phone support should be able to accept a faxed ID as proof of ownership, provided that the name on the ID matches the name on the account. Phone support is usually faster to deal with in hack cases anyways.
  11. Darkfaith

    Account Question

    No, the days that you have left would continue to count down. When you unsub, you're really cancelling the recurring payment. You keep the time you have, and your account continues to be active for the remaining time. They don't give us an option to save them for later.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
    But the preorders have paid full price? It's rotten, no matter how you look at it.

    Glad I didn't fall for the preorders, and anyone with a lick of sense should never do so again.
    The people who prepurchased paid $29.99 for the expansion itself, plus $6.99 for the item pack (if they wanted it), for a total of $36.98. This didn't get them the free month, but got them early access to Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning. Those that buy the Complete Edition are paying $39.99. They got the free month, but no early power set access. These options were explained to us, and have been all over the place for people to find. We were not mislead. There was no "bait and switch"
  13. With a good, tight-knit group of close, mature (though, not necessarily adult!) friends, Vent can be an incredibly useful tool, and a lot of fun. However, that doesn't necessarily describe every SG that uses it. A number of them do it because that's the social norm for big groups in an MMO, these days.

    You're right, this can definitely hurt team play for those that choose not to use Vent. Most good groups, however, will work to accommadate you if you voice concerns, such as the lack of chat to keep those not using it in the loop, and the constantly changing password. Vent passwords don't have to be changed, but a lot of the time it's changed if someone leaves the group, in order to keep them out of a Vent channel for a group that they no longer belong to.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    As Derangedpolyglot pointed out earlier in the thread, we have a developer quote saying only those with Going Rogue can change alignment. Now, whether they need to access Praetoria or not is a different issue, but since both the ability to alter alignment and the ability to visit praetoria both require Going Rogue it seems a moot point.

    Per DP, here is the link to Ghost Falcon's statement.
    The person I was quoting said you need access to Praetoria to change sides, which can be misleading, possibly indicating to people that you can't switch sides without your character actually going to Praetoria. I never said that you didn't need GR to switch sides, I was just trying to clarify that the two features are independent of one another.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    The ability to change sides is in Praetoria so if you can't access Praetoria you can't change sides. You get access to tip starting at level 20, but as for alignment changing you need to have access to Praetoria. The source of my information is a couple of my SG friends that were in the closed beta.
    You do not need access to Praetoria to switch sides. Praetoria and side switching are separate. Praetoria contains the new starting zones, 1-20 content. Side switching is accomplished through Tip and Morality missions, all of which are done in the regular zones and are levels 20+. You can do up to 5 Tip missions per day, which are dropped in the course of your regular leveling, and once you have completed 10 Tip missions of the appropriate alignment, you'll get a Morality mission drop, and completing that will change your alignment.
  16. Darkfaith

    Got Hacked >:(

    There is if you're in Canada! I don't think the US has one, though.
  17. Darkfaith

    Got Hacked >:(

    There have been a large number of email phishing scams going for Aion, and people who have never had an Aion account have been known to get these emails (the people sending them out don't know if you do or not, and are taking a chance that you might). If you're sure that address was never tied to your PlayNC account, chances are you're right that it wasn't, and the email was a phishing attempt. Never follow the links from these emails, -especially- if they're asking for account information. NCSoft will never ask you for your account information in an email.

    Also, Support may not be ignoring your ticket (provided that you put one in, rather than just emailing them), there just may not be anyone of sufficient authority in over the weekend to help you, these cases often require that the ticket be escalated to a senior rep. Update your ticket to keep it open, and a senior rep will get to you as soon as one is available. If you haven't yet put in a ticket, you can submit one here.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
    Would it be too much to ask that a SG invite simply provide the NAME of the supergroup you're being invited to? Oh, I could also ask wistfully that additional information such as # of members, amount of influence, date of SG creation, and other useful data might be provided as well. However, just having that SG NAME on the invitation would go a long ways.
    Unfortunately, this is a suggestion, not a bug or technical issue that your fellow players can help you with. For future reference, the Suggestions forum can be found here, though it may be a good idea to frame your suggestion a little less antagonistically, so that it can be reviewed and discussed without aggression.
  19. Darkfaith

    AE and EXP

    Originally Posted by IonMatrix View Post
    Ok guys not to long ago I ran into an AE lvl 50 in PI. He knows nothing about the game. Has NO CLUE how to get anywhere. Gets the entire team killed repeatedly. THIS is what AE is producing and yes in greater numbers than you might think. Please for the love of Pete take EXP AWAY from AE all together. Then you will find out who\ss really using AE for story telling and who isnt. Maybe increase ticket count or something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    This is a suggestion, not a bug or technical issue that your fellow players can help you with. The Suggestions forum can be found here.
  20. We haven't been given any information on the beta since the Friends and Family stage started. That's not to say that it's not in progress, we just haven't been told about it if it is.
  21. Ummm, unless they changed it back when I wasn't looking, Vengeance hasn't been able to stack for PC characters since the 2006-04-11 patch.

    Leadership/Vengeance will no longer stack from multiple casters. In other words, only one application of Vengeance buffs can enhance a group at a time.
    Searching doesn't bring up any notes that indicate that this change was reversed, so if it had been then it was a bug. Which would make the change an exploit fix, as Ironblade indicated.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    The level of incompetence at Aion continues to grow, and make me glad I have nothing to do with it.
    Aion has nothing to do with it *shrugs* I've gotten 3 of the French ones now, and the one English one for the account that I have. That said, every single time there's a CoH newsletter, I get it anywhere from 6 to 12 times. Does that make Paragon Studios incompetent? Of course not, it makes whoever wrote the mailing list software incompetent, which is a third party.
  23. Darkfaith

    Game Time Cards

    Walmart, EB Games and Gamestop in Canada carry them, but only the 60 day cards these days, and not every store has them.
  24. Yup, there's currently a patch up on Test to fix this problem.