Supergroup Invitations




Would it be too much to ask that a SG invite simply provide the NAME of the supergroup you're being invited to? Oh, I could also ask wistfully that additional information such as # of members, amount of influence, date of SG creation, and other useful data might be provided as well. However, just having that SG NAME on the invitation would go a long ways.



And this is a technical issue or bug how?

What does it matter. If you end up joining one and it turns out the group's name is "Pantie Raiders of Doom" or bringing up the SG list shows it's just you and it's creator then just quit.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
Would it be too much to ask that a SG invite simply provide the NAME of the supergroup you're being invited to? Oh, I could also ask wistfully that additional information such as # of members, amount of influence, date of SG creation, and other useful data might be provided as well. However, just having that SG NAME on the invitation would go a long ways.
Unfortunately, this is a suggestion, not a bug or technical issue that your fellow players can help you with. For future reference, the Suggestions forum can be found here, though it may be a good idea to frame your suggestion a little less antagonistically, so that it can be reviewed and discussed without aggression.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
What does it matter. If you end up joining one and it turns out the group's name is "Pantie Raiders of Doom" or bringing up the SG list shows it's just you and it's creator then just quit.
What does it matter? It doesn't. I just thought it would be nice to have that kind of information to make the decision with.

Along the same lines - why wouldn't the team invite window say more than, "Panty Waster is inviting you to join a team?" Wouldn't, "Panty Waster, a lvl 50 scrapper, is inviting you to be the 6th member of a team fighting at level 45," be more useful?



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
What does it matter? It doesn't. I just thought it would be nice to have that kind of information to make the decision with.

Along the same lines - why wouldn't the team invite window say more than, "Panty Waster is inviting you to join a team?" Wouldn't, "Panty Waster, a lvl 50 scrapper, is inviting you to be the 6th member of a team fighting at level 45," be more useful?
Well, while it would be useful, you *can* look up the player (/sea, type in name.) That functionality doesn't exist for SGs - and the Sg lookup at the registrar is useless. I've been wanting that list/interface changed for a while.



Originally Posted by Darkfaith View Post
Unfortunately, this is a suggestion, not a bug or technical issue that your fellow players can help you with. For future reference, the Suggestions forum can be found here, though it may be a good idea to frame your suggestion a little less antagonistically, so that it can be reviewed and discussed without aggression.
I'd have originally posted it in "Suggestions" if had initially been able to FIND the "Suggestions" forum. But it seems to have been moved so let's move on.

I don't see that I phrased anything antagonistically. It's just not phrased as begging and pleading, but actually, y'know, as a suggestion/idea. It's not a DEMAND, but a request, and after re-reading it several times I can see no antagonism in it unless you WANT to see it. I can assure you none was intended.

Care to comment on what you actually think of the idea?



I like the idea. Perhaps there could be an "expand" arrow similar to the Team window (if you don't know what I'm talking about it's the right-pointing arrow that, when clicked, expands the window to show all buffs/debuffs each member is under.)

That way, you could check at least the name, size, and a short description of the group.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Well, while it would be useful, you *can* look up the player (/sea, type in name.) That functionality doesn't exist for SGs - and the Sg lookup at the registrar is useless. I've been wanting that list/interface changed for a while.
But the point is to provide players useful and desireable information when facing them with a spot decision without forcing them to go digging for it.

As you say, the SG lookup at the registrar is useless. The invite window is just as useless. When you recieve a blind SG invite you have to know the character sending you the invite sufficiently to actually already know what SG they belong to. Suppose, just for discussion sake, that I AM interested in joining a SG. I can play adequately but am relatively new to the game. As things stand it seems I have to TROLL for SG invites, join up, look at the membership roster, visit the base, look at what entering SG mode does to my costume, and then QUIT, get more invites and root around each of them for that basic information with each one before I can make any kind of informed judgement about whether or not accepting and STICKING with this one as opposed to that one is better.

Heck, just making it an OPTION for a SG to volunteer basic, useful information in the invite could only be beneficial to both the SG and the potential recruit.

And again the team invite window. Frequently the invite is going to come from a character in a different zone or too far away from you in the current zone to be able to target them and learn anything about them. Assuming you're interested in accepting blind invites at all it still doesn't mean you don't care what kind of team you're joining and wouldn't be better served as a player by knowing more.

A lot of this would be information that isn't exactly secret - but it's just not being given when and where it's most useful.



Don't accept blind SG invites. An SG that sends out blind invites to anyone isn't concerned about it's members their just looking for fodder to fill the ranks.
Ask the recruiter if he will invite you to a team and give you a tour of the base.
Ask the recruiter if he will show you what the SG colors look like.



Originally Posted by MrNotorion View Post
Heck, just making it an OPTION for a SG to volunteer basic, useful information in the invite could only be beneficial to both the SG and the potential recruit.

A lot of this would be information that isn't exactly secret - but it's just not being given when and where it's most useful.
This is why most people broadcast "ads" for their SG in popular zones, such as Atlas Park. They're giving you the information you are requesting (SG name, a short description, etc), and letting you know they're recruiting. They will more than likely invite you to a team and talk to you about the SG personally, and even give you a tour of their base if you're interested. It's up to you, then, to make an informed decision as to whether or not the SG is for you.



Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post
This is why most people broadcast "ads" for their SG in popular zones, such as Atlas Park. They're giving you the information you are requesting (SG name, a short description, etc), and letting you know they're recruiting. They will more than likely invite you to a team and talk to you about the SG personally, and even give you a tour of their base if you're interested. It's up to you, then, to make an informed decision as to whether or not the SG is for you.
And a lot of SG's want to keep that type of information out of the general publics hands because there are players that make a career of SG hopping looking for unattentive/trusting SG's that they can rip off.



Forbin_Project has it right:

Don't accept blind SG invites. An SG that sends out blind invites to anyone isn't concerned about it's members their just looking for fodder to fill the ranks.
This. Just that it's blind inviting at all tells me all I ever need to know about it.

Dec out.