506 -
I'd revamp the cutscene engine to be more dynamic and user friendly rather than just a guy standing in front of the camera doing emotes.
Then I'd integrate it into the AE, with certain limitations such as the ability to skip cutscenes if you so choose.
And then I'd translate the entire works of Shakespeare into Rikti using nothing but and infinite number of Rikti Monkeys and typewriters. -
A wizard does it.
He's a very busy wizard. -
This would be a great QoL thing. Hopefully it'd help alleviate paper mission spamming due to lack of knowledge as to what to do.
I doubt the devs even have issues past the last 3 or 4 on file. At least, not in any presentable form.
I'd like to be able to tell a few things from the log in screen:
1) Influence
2) XP to next level
3) Patrol XP gained
4) Day Job being worked on and progress towards it.
5) Items in Wentworths and whether they have been bought/sold
6) Option to switch the character's costume on the log in screen
7) Powerset Primary/Secondary
8) SG they are in.
I could probably think of more. -
What's so important about being a heroic Brute from the start that a Scrapper or possibly a Tanker couldn't reasonably accomplish?
Its an MMO, it has gameplay limitations. Every person who RPs in one realizes this and must work around them.
Deal with it. -
Mods: Screwing Around
Forums: Confused
Frantic Rationalizations: Abundant
Mods: Loling -
Polearms or melee quarterstaves, both would be wonderful.
As I understand it, its not customizing the minion's appearance that is the problem, but rather that the power itself simply cannot call up an NPC that isn't already baked into the power. Its the same reason Granite didn't get customization.
- Are objectives clear when the Event is running? It took a bit to figure out how to make the banners vulnerable.
- Are rewards being handed out correctly? No, as a level 50 scrapper sked to 50 on a team I did not get any merits or temp powers from the second run of the event. The first time, also while on the same exact team, I got the badge and temp power just fine, but the second run I got nothing despite being one of the first people to attack the GM and being present throughout the assault.
- Are there any problems with the event occurring in any City Zone? (Note: The event will only be present In Paragon City or the Rogue Isles City Zones, and not in any PvP Zones, Hazard Zones, Trial Zones or Co-Op Zones) No problems that I saw except that the GM is probably a bit too dark to see clearly.
- Are there any graphical effect bugs? None
- Do banner icons appear correctly on the MiniMap when the event is running? Yes they did.
- Do waypoints correctly appear when the event is running? (Note: Navigation waypoints of active Missions orient players to the Halloween Event objectives when a playerÂ’s character is near one, and should disappear when they leave the area.) Yes
- Are enemy NPCs appearing at the appropriate level? (i.e. a Level 50 should be able to fight side-by-side with a Level 5 character). They all appeared to be using the GM code, so yes.
- Are all badges awarded correctly? I got the badges on the first run so those appear to being working right.
There is no such thing as "Enough Knockback"
EDIT: misread the thread title, and while there can be enough -KB, the main point of my post still stands. -
Squirtle I choose you!
*throws ordinary box turtle at Council Vampyre's head* -
"If we succeed, no one will remember and if we fail no one will forget!"
This has been widely renowned as a battlecry only one step above "Come on lads, lets get our throats cut!" -
I want a pulse rifle set so badly that my text becomes bold and underlined when talking about it!
Quote:I seem to remember a dev stating that since you still technically have the crab powers, even if they're on a second build, you still get the backpack due to technical issues.Did they ever fix the stupid dual build SoA bug? You know, the one where, if you even thought of "Hey, I can just make one SoA and have a build for crab and one for bane!" then a random hit squad knocked you out and super-glued a crab pack to your back? Because I would love to only have that thing when I am in my crab build.
Other than that, we need multiple VEAT costume slots and our crab/bane spider helmets need the glowing eye auras that their wolfspider counterparts get. -
I'm guessing the guy getting sprayed is WM/EA?
That way he can be STRONG and PRETTY. -
*overheard in Paragon*
"Gee, there's an awful lot of Arachnos Wolf Spiders just running around saving kittens out of trees these days, maybe those spider people aren't so bad after all!"
5 years later, Recluse's Victory! -
Because I'm not colorblind.
But what if I want my energy blast to go BOING!
I wouldn't mind a supers MMO built around something similar to Guild War's idea of skills.
This sounds both easily abused and extraordinarily annoying.