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  1. If his character is lvl 50 it should award him the highest lvl that reciepe is possible to be. iirc
  2. I have both. I hate what they did with CoF, so unless I'm fighting tough mobs or bosses I leave off CoF and just use OG. If I had to choose just one I'd choose OG especially if I only had one or two slots to spare.
  3. I remember street sweeping back before we had things like mission completion bonuses, patrol xp, ed, agro caps, aoe caps and the purple patch. Used to be the most efficient way to lvl
  4. Constant_Motion

    AoE lawnmowers

    my spine/da scrapper is a minion mowing machine!
  5. I'd love to see an AV with wormhole That would be an interesting fight!
  6. Constant_Motion

    Word of Caution

    I learned my lesson about accepting unsolicited SG/VG invites; don't do it...
  7. I have a feeling I know who you are refering too...
  8. Nice intro to anyone wanting to try tanking!
  9. Constant_Motion

    Tank Farmer

    Nerf is what happens when a balanced power is adjusted downwards with no compensating changes, or for no justified reasoning. Let me make this clear: City of Heroes has not experienced a genuine nerf to any power-set.
    I can't help but snicker reading this. I think you are lending to much of a credit to the term nerf. Obviously nerf has to do with making a power less powerful, but there is not always compensating going on. Most of the time it's take and no give. Some of the time it's cut off a hand and give back a thumb, lol

    I'm probably snickering 'cause I'm remembering when regen scrappers were the red-headed step children of CoH and were "nerfed" or "balanced" with almost every update for over a year Then there was the burn power, oh what a ride it's had.

    Anyway your choices are few: learn to live with it, try to campaign for less severe changes after it's changed, or move on to other power sets. Personally, I've made decisions for each option.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
    I would actually like rage to become a toggle power.
    Not going to happen.
  11. I almost always log on to CM and check my market page. Then I'll log onto my Nightwidow to check her market page red side. Then it depends on how much time I plan on playing or how I feel atm

    If I have a while left to play, say 2 hours I'll work on my latest project character, which atm is inv/elec tank; if it's less than 2 hours but more than 1 I'll take whichever alt is close to dinging the next lvl; if it's less than an hour I'll try to gather tickets in AE with a lvl 50, or farm for purples soloing at -1/ x8 with my spines/da scrapper. Then again all of that is subject to change
  12. Been here since retail. Lost interest a few times but knew I'd be back and always did, so never unsub'd. Been back steady for a while now. Most of my friends list is grey as most of them have moved on. But every now and then they come back Just got a tell yesterday from Onyxwulf asking if I remembered him! (Of course I remembered him, I gifted him his, and my, first DO )

    My first character was Piercella a spines/DA scrapper. Had to shelve her while DA was going through it's growing pains. Constant Motion (CM), grav/kin, was my next and main character. (Guess I have a thing for challenging characters!)

    Mainly play on virtue, but have characters on Pinnacle, Freedom, Champion, Justice, and maybe one or two other I can't remember for when Virtue goes down
  13. Props for this guide! Started a inv tank with the idea of parking her at around lvl 35 (she's 34 atm). With the help of this guide she's the best she can be imo I was able to tank +6 mobs with her the other night (she was sk'd to 46 taking on 51-52 ritki).
  14. I like playing my tank since it gives me the freedom to leave the keyboard for emergencies and come back whenever I want and pick up right where I left off, surrounded by enemies or not My stone tank is virtually immortal
  15. spines is better at multiple minions and lt's with a boss or two. It's not the best or very effective at hard single targets as others have said.
  16. So this month has 5 tuesdays, where's the next TT? I'll prob have to start a new tank!

    Wish I could have made it last night but my son has a set schedule and I know it's not easy putting these things together or waiting when everyone is chomping at the bit. I could have exemped way down and joined a radio missions team but my stoner is a pain before granite and not set up yet for exemping. I do have an extra slot or two so I'll have to come up with a new virtue tank
  17. So this month has 5 tuesdays, where's the next TT? I'll prob have to start a new tank!