327 -
Spines/DA was the first character I ever made. In the beginning I shelved her at about lvl 32. The end cost was terrible.
Later when they lowered the end cost I picked her up again. Thank goodness. That was the only thing that saved her.
My only gripe, as others have pointed out is CoF. Honestly this power needs something. It costs way to much for what it provides. Perhaps all it would take is to re-evaluate the acc? I don't know. But like I said that's my only gripe atm. -
Correct, but they will get from target to target faster.
I love OG; especially when I team with another DA and combined we can disorient lt's
you can farm normal mobs with ease, the AE boss farms will be more challenging but it can be done, just not as carefree.
If mass confusion were given the same recharge as Seeds I wouldn't care if it aggroed every fucing mob in the Zone.
The whole "OMG it AGGROZ STUFF" is fucing moot. You have aoe holds and other crap.
Oh and btw, one of Mind's "tons of other stuff" is our fear, which guess what... aggroes everything and lets it get a free shot on us before it kicks in.
Everyone with a Mind Controller main would trade Mass Confusion for Seeds.
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You are wrong, the fact that Mass Confusion doesn't cause aggro is a huge benefit, especially when I'm staring at a +3 8 man spawn with multiple bosses. Also Mind Control can easily "double up" its mass confuse with its single target confuse which again, causes no aggro.
Small tip also, don't open with terrify, open with Mass Hypnosis.
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QFT this is a huge difference. -
Does it work in Tactical Training: Leadership? I noticed in Mid's I can slot this, while looking at my NightWidow. Anyone doing this? Does it work?
I like both, but if I had to choose it would be WS. Nothing like death from above by a herd of purple fuzz bunnies
My trip to Triform...
Once upon a time, my WS was Human/Dwarf. Human form was for killing... Dwarf form was for killing when mezzers were around. Perfect synergy. But somewhere in my 30's, I just wanted more slots! I needed to really dive into all of those nifty Human form powers. And so... Human-only I became.
While the loss of my purple lobster was a great blow to my heart, my Essences were there to wipe away my tears... and all the way to 50, we travelled together. Sometime thereafter, the SG and I were hitting a lot of AV's and GM's. During those longer fights, my Essences would get bored and leave me, and without fresh corpses around, I couldn't pull them back. (Oh, how painful it always was when I would lift a nice dead body off of the ground, but as soon as the Essence began to form, the body would disappear, leaving me with a long cooldown and nothing to show for it...)
In addition, blasting away without the number of foes necessary for capping my damage or corpses to refill my red and blue bars got to be quite taxing. Even though I was always relatively safe, my damage numbers were too low for my taste, especially when considering that the squid might be able to persist in the long battles where human couldn't quite shine. Soooooo... my answer was... Triform!
Now I have my whole family of purple death bringers back and it's a win-win situation for us all!
The End...
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Cute story
/agree 100% -
Personally, I'd hate propel on my grav/kin. Never had it never will, as it is now. Can't stand the long animation. But hey, if you like it go for it
Now if they made it a cone attack (which would make much more sense
) then I'd pick it up in a heartbeat!
I also prefer lift to crush. As the lift acts like a soft control instead of an immobilize.
Anyway, to each their own, there's more than one way to skin a cat -
I have to go with claws/regen like the others.
In fact you might be able to go with other primaries as well. I have a katana/regen who runs with sprint on constantly, and he also never get's into end problems unless it's facing end suckers like carnies. But even then it only takes a second or two to recover. -
I can see that and I wouldn't have used it then, there were no blasters and the mobs were more or less getting scattered and taken out in smaller groups at the time, most of them one at a time. There was some AOE but not enough to finish off the mobs in short order. It wasn't a very organized team. But they did pull it off.
Confuse can diminish xp if a confused foe kills another foe.
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For a single mob, yes, EXP can be reduced. Over time, however, the damage contributed by a confused foe means you're killing the mobs more quickly; and the EXP curve remains unchanged. Also, the amount of exp lost by a "minor" damage contribution by a source not on the same team as you is very, very minimal.
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I still hear this one in fact last night:
Player A:
You know that confuse power is costing us exp?
Me on my fortuna: But it is helping us kill faster, so it's a wash [on custom mobs who were mostly lt's and rezed after dying].
Player A: Hardly.
Me: crickets chirping [another one who will never be convinced]
He left before the end of the mission, no one else said anything.
And then I've had other players who loved the confuse powers. Honestly I mainly use the confuse power when I have to to stay alive, not every time it is up, or to open a bunch of mobs when there's no brute. -
I left out stamina on all my pre 24 veats. I went for more attacks myself.
I play my Fort for at least a few missions whenever I log in on Triumph. The mix of control and damage is amazing and the team buffs really help whenever I form one. Her second build is a Night Widow but the "Kill it! Kill it! MOAR DAMAGE!" style isn't really my thing. I like having some other forms of mitigation.
I can't get over how much better Veats are than Heats.
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Personal opinion, I'm sure, 'cause I'll run my Peacebringer or Warshade over my Widow or Soldier any day of the week.
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Definitely personal opinion as I have not quantified the differences, it's just a feeling I get. I will submit that my warshade is capable of huge damage and occasional moments of great defense.
But both versions of my widow seem near untouchable and are rarely in danger and not nearly as dependant on team size or make up, and can truely turn the tide of a loosing battle.but I enjoy all of them the Veats a bit more than the Heats. Again ymmv.
My widows 2nd build is a fort. I've been playing the second build for quite a while now trying to get her enhmts worked out.
I'm finding her every bit as fun as the first build
I can't get over how much better Veats are than Heats.
My favorite part is how evil I feel at taking joy when a team member goes down and I click vengeance; and proceed to wipe the mobs mwahaha > -
I think this was on Pinnacle (I have characters all over
My main server is virtue, but it was down or full at the time)
edit: it was about 8pm central. -
I've never been much on pvp, but from time to time I'll have some fun therer. Stopped by sirens call last night and it was a ghost town! is pvp really that dead?
Actually, I think it's lvl 47+ mobs (that can drop lvl 50 recpies) isn't it?
edit: looking back I see this was already mentioned anyway. -
I agree, but that is the way it has been as long as I can remember. If you don't want to get shot while wormholeing: break line of sight.
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That is just a trick to get by an obvious problem. Now I need to rely on Brute even more on a large team 'cause I can't afford to take all the hits first. Wormhole is my only AoE control.
Hell, even when I don't control, every time there is an ambush, I always get hit first. Why is that?
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haha, I don't knowbut I've noticed the same and do everything I can to avoid ambushes obvious hatred of Dominators
I'll hide in a corner or position my sing just around the corner so they get repelled coming after me. If you find out why let me know
Back to the wormhole agro thing, I will open with wormhole for full teams all the time using this method. -
What I meant was it's easy for you to avoid this reaction by adding range enhmts and wormholing out of line of sight. The way it is now once you innitiate a wormhole they agro on you and can get a shot off on you. But if you are not in line of sight they can't hit you. I agree it's silly they get that free shot if they can see you but that's the way it is. Try wormholing standing with a wall or corner between you and the mobs.
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FWIW: Wormhole's not the only power with this issue. Eagle's Claw for martial arts stalkers has the same sort of problem. Occasionally I'll get hit before I damage a mob, even though I was hidden when I started the attack.
Heck, TP foe might as well. I never tried using it from within range/LoS (and I no longer have it on any toon).
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Don't know what I'm going to do with that information, but thanks anyway.