371 -
Better yet, how about some sort of icons on the doors? A steel beam or a canyon for one, a waterfall for another, and for Croatoa... the word "Croatoan" scratched roughly into the door - although that might lead people to think they were going to end up in North Carolina.
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Just put the arcane teleport beacons for each zone next to the door. -
Rularuu Sentries have an inherent +100% tohit.
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I think the Soldiers of Rularuu are a relic from a time when the developers were still trying to introduced forced teaming by making enemies who were impossible to defeat solo.
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Interestingly enough, my storm/elec defender has no problem whatsoever with the rularuu. But then a strong -tohit, that has a repel, plus a hold and three damage pets will do that. The only ones that bug me are the boss wisps, cause they can det field you. -
maybe if they changed all the -end to -recovery? or added a bit of -recovery in all the powers?
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Down Periscope was a damn funny movie.
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I need a man with welcome aboard on his dick! -
Mind may not. But what if his Mind 'troller is Mind/TA? There's at least one immobilize in there. I'm sure there are more ways than that of slotting that set as a Mind controller.
It just depends on what ELSE he has.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually its not. I slot the Traps in my Grav/ff. I just forgot what i had slotted. -
I like the accuracy and ranged defense bonuses. I would complain about people calling it "Crap of the Hunter" all the time, but it just means I can get the entire set for cheap.
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My mind controller is up to like 45 or 55 % +acc now i think. -
I use trap of the hunter... -
She is a true wiz at math. The answer is yes.
...In my mind, anyway. In truth I imagine her as that Italian astronomer who I saw on the History channel, undoubtedly someone knows who I'm talking about and will post her picture.
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Will you do the fandango? -
just watch for the icon to start blinking. That means you have 30 seconds remaining on the buff. That's when I reapply buffs. On all my characters that do that.
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Not quite that easy on a level 50 team, with multiple melee characters. THe buff icons literally stretch across the screen. -
Personally, my solution to this problem is a +duration enhancement. Make it on the same track as def. So like 20% for so's.
Though if they truly did this, i would need to reslot my /ff and /sonic controllers. -
>_> I don't technically call what my Bot/Storm does 'crowd control'.
Unless we strictly mean that they're not doing damage to the rest of the group, in which case, I suppose it is. Throwing mobs all over the place with impunity's not exactly something I'd call 'controlled'! ;3
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sure it is. Control via chaos. -
/macro 1 "cc 0"
/macro 2 "cc 1"
/macro 3 "cc 2"
/macro 4 "cc 3"
/macro 5 "cc 4"
/macro cast "cce # CCCast"
/macro spin "cce # CCSpin"
/macro lightning "cce # CCLightning"
/macro presto "cce # CCPrestoChango" -
I wouldn't worry about killing, we stole our hospital porters from the Rikti, we can only assume they had them first.
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Im pretty sure i remember part of one of the blueside arcs, possibly organ grinders, about how they were inspecting rikti cdavers and how all the organs were used up and in an awful state. So we have killed some. -
Id just be happy if i could use it to rez my pet instead of having to resummon/upgrade the stupid arsonist again.
Wait, everyone playing in every zone is bad?
What, you want nothing but AE farms?
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After sitting on my lvl 18 dom asking lft over and over then trying to form a team but there is either A. no one in the zone at the zone lvl or B. no one willing to team. So i ended up soloing and whaddya know, it is terribly painful...I'd say you have missed your target my friends. Quote me as saying "AE farms are terrible" in the original post.
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Did you use the search tool, or just spam broadcast? -
How about this.... something similar to day jobs. When you are solo, and invite a person to your team, it starts a buff timer. the more people that are added to your team, the larger the increase of the buff. If you pass the star, the buff timer stops, and doesnt restart unless you form a new team. HOWEVER, this buff does not come into effect until the next time you play. Make it something like, +influence. Something that is noticeable, but not overly substantial.
If we ever get rikti as a playable EAT, I want there to be a rikti monkey mastermind, with HORDES of monkeys to command. Not just 6.
The problem however, is that, players dont learn about good rikti till at least the Midnighters story arc. Granted that starts at level 10, but non-enemy Rikti are supposed to be a moderately well kept secret.
I would like to suggest an endurance recovery bonus that starts off strong at level 1 and diminishes as you get to level 20 or so. This would be similiar to the to-hit bonus we get at the early levels.
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Step 1: leave your character logged out in pocket D
Step 2: Success! -
Which zones, both Red and Blue side would you suggest?
Would you add a new zone on each side for the buildings to move to or just shuffle the AE'ers into the other, existing crowded buildings?
Or some PocketD-esque situation so that Broadcast within the AE doesn't spill into the zone, but instead throughout the other AE buildings for that faction?
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I would say, Steel, Talos, and maybe PI blueside.
redside... Nerva.... the one with the casinos....
[/ QUOTE ]There are already AE buildings in St. Martial (appropriate, IMO to have an entertainment-type building located there) and Sharkhead.
AE building or not, Nerva will still suck.
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I was thinking hte building would fit in better in nerva, since its partially controlled by longbow, lorewise. So it would be easier to setup a business there without having to worry about bribes, etc. St. Martial makes sense because its an entertainment hub. -
I was trying to build my first Science Scrapper and was dissappointed not to see a "lightsaber" type sword in the either the Broadsword or two handed weapons sets. I'm sure the term Lightsaber is probally trademarked however a "laser sword", energy sword or plasma sword with the physcial appearance of the Star Wars Icon weapon could be dueable I would think? How about it in the next update?
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Have you looked at the Talsorian Weapons?
Granted, you have to get to L35+ and run the RWZ stuff first.
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I like the tech katana with a neaon green blade as a placeholder. Granted, its not see-through and glowing, but its not horrible. -
Which zones, both Red and Blue side would you suggest?
Would you add a new zone on each side for the buildings to move to or just shuffle the AE'ers into the other, existing crowded buildings?
Or some PocketD-esque situation so that Broadcast within the AE doesn't spill into the zone, but instead throughout the other AE buildings for that faction?
[/ QUOTE ]
I would say, Steel, Talos, and maybe PI blueside.
redside... Nerva.... the one with the casinos.... -
So it has been a few years since the last official poll to see what players would like. Since then, we have gotten a good deal from what was on the poll. Maybe its time to ask the masses again what they would like?