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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    Well, the thing is... that information WAS out there. And in the shortest way possible: It automatically did it when you exited the game after playing.

    Of course, this only happens when you access the game in the proper way.
    "the proper way" to WHO? Sounds like a design flaw to me: If you want this benefit you MUST run the game in this way!

    I have a habit of not using the updater because I used to crash quite a bit, and having to verify files is VERY annoying. The only way I know to skip that is to skip the updater - so it's a design flaw.

    But to be honest, I probably wouldn't have downloaded it ahead of time anyway. The download makes my computer run slow and I would have preferred just doing it tomorrow, when I knew the patch was coming out, and I could just run it while I do some thing else. But then they released it early, and here I am being unable to play...
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    They did notify us of the preload. On the 10th. Are you now going to claim that the developers shouldn't expect you to read the forums?
    Yes, actually. They shouldn't.

    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    Well, they also might put notices up in the Updat- oh. Wait...
    Actually, when I checked the updater earlier, it still had Issue 17 crap and nothing about a pre-download.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
    If you'll forgive me, what are you complaining about? That you decided to access the game via a method the developers don't advise and were then caught flatfooted by a large download that would've been avoided had you been using the proscribed method?
    None of which would have mattered had they simply released the update when they claimed they would. Or advertised that there was a pre-download. I wasn't aware there was one.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    While the developers couldn't have a solution that was good for everyone
    I don't know, I think releasing the update when they said they would release it would have been a start.

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    So you're complaining about not getting a preload update because you don't use the updater.

    And it's all their fault?

    That's actually not what I'm complaining about at all.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    The predownload has been available for a week.
    It must not be available when you launch CoH directly, with out using the updater.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Damn devs! Always trying to make the launch of a new product go as smoothly as possible.

    Just who the heck do they think they are!?!
    They clearly failed this time.
  6. I was actually going to play the game today, but now I can't because it's downloading the patch because they released it early. Yay.

    And yes I'm aware I would have had to download it tomorrow anyway, but I could have started it BEFORE I was about to log on to play.
  7. Clebstein


    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Three, actually. His third mission choice is to defeat Ursis, which IIRC is a CoT name. It's unusual, but not unheard-of to get three of the same faction. If it's a faction that you hate, you just zone out, zone in and reroll.
    Actually these days you can just pick one, abandon it and get a fresh list.
  8. Good kins use speed boost so their team mates can keep up.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Keep telling yourself that.

    The analogy sticks.

    There just ain't no way that anybody could have been on the Internet for 5 years (forum join date 2005) and NOT have heard of Slashdot. Not when New York Times has mentioned them. Not when Fox News has mentioned them. Not when CNN has mentioned them. Not when CBS, NBC, ABC, Reuters, and the Associated Press have mentioned them.

    You would have to have your head buried in a lump of concrete to have been on the web for that long and never have at least HEARD somebody refer to Slashdot.
    je_saist: Troll of the year or immune to reality?
  10. I would not buy an Annual Expansion. And if they were basically required, I would stop playing.

    That being said, I would expect a yearly, paid expansion to offer MUCH more than the issues do. Most of the issues have only offered minor QoL updates and some new powers and missions. Not some thing I would pay for.

    At least two new power sets would be a requirement. But to be honest, if I was paying for it, I would probably expect a new archetype out of it every couple of years. Each one would need at least one new zone per side, all with multiple story arcs and a new Task or Strike Force.

    Like I said, I wouldn't even play if they changed the game so much that it would be pointless to play with out them, but at the same time they would need to do just that. The market and AE are major changes, and I would expect each expansion to come out with things like that, which actually change the game and don't just add fluff that's cool for a couple months.
  11. o_o May I ask what you need to know this for?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Thatsnot funny.
    I agree, it's not funny unless you RP the super sneeze very seriously and intentionally use it when there's a team mate between you and your target, so that you sneeze on them too.

    Now that would be hilarious!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    It saves your last bid, so there is nothing for the Devs to "fix."
    Um, what? You're talking about BIDS, as in what you're paying to buy an item? I have NEVER had the market keep track of my last bid amount.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Not exactly what he's asking for, Sam. He's wanting a glowie on every mission that must be clicked by the leader to finish the mission. His sole concern is protecting his farming missions from someone (accidentally or on purpose) actually finishing the mission as intended.
    Why are you so sure he's asking because of farms? I've encountered people (mostly RPers) who really hate when other people click their glowies.

    I don't see how the occasional farm mission *not* accidentally being completed is a reason to not add this.
  15. I don't mind Council being ridiculously tall, but I wish it was more linked to their ranks. It's bad enough they're all (mostly) wearing the same uniform, but I can't even pinpoint the bosses by their size! Oh, a super tall guy, that must be an Archon! Oh, no...that was just a minion.

    I don't remember if the 5th Column is the same way, but I find it amusing how short Requiem is.

    "Everyone focus on Requiem!"
    "I can't see him?!"
    "I think he got stuck under Rommy's boot"
  16. I can't wait to hear *SPLORK* 20 times a mission as people try out the new shinies over and over. And over. ¬_¬
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by COV4LIFE View Post
    yeah, but its not common for most people who get dreadlocks that are not non-afro descent to have them they must put chemicals in there hair to harden or twist them and use heat then dread the hair, so naturally when I see the dreadlocks I see a black reference not a hippie trying to do a cultural change. same with blacks we have to put chemicals in their hair just to make it straight, because its not natural ha ha lol.
    So....there isn't an actual reason you find it offensive?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by COV4LIFE View Post
    Like dreadlocks, as a black male when I saw the dreadlocks I was offended
    Um. Why?

    Dreadlocks aren't inherent to black people...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    But if you think that these things are "obvious" and simple common sense should tell a developer when to reject them and when to accept them, don't blame them when their common sense radically contradicts yours. It will eventually.
    I didn't call anything obvious or simple common sense. I was stating my own preference...and yes, the devs should take people's preferences into account when making changes. Obviously a lot of people dislike receiving Mystic Fortune. The devs have to decide if it's worth making those people deal with it any way. Same with the prompt. They have to figure out if there's really a necessary reason to keep it and piss people off, or if they should just do away with it.

    You act like this is a debate team and we have to logically PROVE that it should or shouldn't be kept.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
    That's nothing. I saw a guy crash who was advising a guy who crashed who had just crashed after a crash.

    Then I crashed and got this:

    Why do you have to lick it to see what's in the report?
  21. As some one who hasn't played any other MMOs, I have to say I highly resent that other people can choose what happens to my character. Short-duration buffs are fine, they're part of the game and if I don't like them I can avoid them. A 20 minute buff that only ends when I've been using the character for 20 minutes is completely different. It is MY (not saying I own it) character, and I shouldn't have to put up with buffs I don't want.

    And no, giving people the option to deny Mystic Fortune isn't a "slippery slope" that is going to end up allowing people to say "No, I don't want to take damage from that attack." Enemy attacks and buffs aren't the same thing at all. The game doesn't WORK if you can click "Don't take damage." Denying a buff isn't even close to that.
  22. Were you doing a farm mission at level 20...? That's probably not going to be very effective. And if you're going to farm in AE, make sure it's a map with no NPC allies, they completely nerf your rewards. Even if you never save them.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    Only go up to 4 or 5 if you're committed to playtesting, you avoid common AE nuisances other than length (I'm happy to overlook excessive arc length if they lack ambushes, typos, OP customs, defeat alls, etc.), and you have SG mates with good attention spans willing to run your TF-length arc.
    Ambushes are a nuisance?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cryop View Post
    Hello there forums,
    So lately I have been playing a Fire/Kin and teaming around. In the latest team (still in it as we speak) we sparked a mini argument about me SBing people.

    My argument is that I refused to SB them unless they ask for it and say thank you afterwards.
    Well, you have a pretty horrid attitude towards your teammates. I would one-star and ignore you, and boot you from the team if I was the leader.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    Isn't it about time we do away with the boring repeatable missions with no plot and instead open up all the contacts in this game (without having to be introduced to them) and show some of these players how great CoH/CoV really is.
    I'm pretty sure I would never play again if they got rid of paper and radio missions. Arcs have a tendency to be annoying.