2009 -
Whatever Happened to Golden/Silver Age Costume Parts?
Zwil may not have been able to tell us anything, but I think some of that discussion ended up here.
*tips hat devward* -
As someone who is in no way, shape, or form a fan of Superman:
Reeve did a great job and actually brought something worthwhile to the character and the role. -
Quote:Heh. The same thought has crossed my mind at times.I'd like to echo this sentiment. Your posts are consistently informative, fun, and also kinda make me think you're secretly an AI embedded inside the Paragon server banks. Congrats.
Congrats, on your continued development towards Arcanaville 1.1. Your posts are informative and chock full of more thought and analysis than I would ever pretend to aspire to, and even when I may disagree I appreciate your contributions to the forum voice. -
Some tricks to that, in terms of keeping differentiation with Pain Domination, though.
I am cautiously enthused by this line of thinking...
...though some balance issues to keep in mind...
...intriguing.... -
Quote:Yeah, I figured, which is why I mentioned it was probably outside the scope of discussion... but I can dream...@Chyll, what you suggest is similar to how Cryptic did multi layered costuming in their other Super Hero MMO. basically you could do almost exactly what you describe. With CoX, that's just not workable... the character creation and possible game code itself would have to be rewritten from ground up.
With this thread I am trying to show examples of costume options that "could be" with the existing character rigs, patterns, bits, and observations on how the devs are themselves using these assets. Pondering the "why not" is my way of litterally asking an open field question towards: the devs, players, and myself. Thought exercise as it is really. -
Quote:I've always wondered a step further - and probably too far in terms of what is possible currently - that the clothes/skin options are clumped together.I have always thought that any and every new texture that wasn't just "clothes" should be added to the robotic arm options when added to the game.
I want to be able to pick skin color(s), and then apply a skin texture - bio, organic, scales, etc., and then put a shirt or tights over that. So, what we can do now with jackets/robes (robe over a Chest choice of scales, for instance) could be done with all Chest choices - Tights, etc. -
Looks like just the sets and not individual enh on sale... shame. I logged in special to hand over my points, but gonna hold them for now.
Never played a Stone either, but just some aside comments on your remaining unleveled list.
Dark Armor is very nice on a tank. Used to be one of my favorites.
I really like my SR tank, you cap def without thinking about it and can focus on other aspects of the build. Burst damage is a risk, but your confidence at all levels and difficulties is never unjustified. -
Quote:Now now I never claimed they were idiots .. snobs perhaps but not idiots.
My apologies, I clearly misunderstood:
Quote:I just didnt feel up to a heated debate with a couple idiots
Quote:There's no right or wrong way to play the game, as long as you don't violate the TOS [ Zwillinger made me add that LOL] so play the way you like.
Quote:Just don't stand around in Atlas Park trying to sound important and giving players advice that may actually hurt them eventually.
My point was simply, I am glad someone was offering advice to new players and sharing a way that may be fun and engaging for them to try and make their own informed decision. -
If I bother to run DfB at all, it is never more than once per character.
And while the manner of their advice doesn't sound the best (but grain of salt on the source) trying to guide new players to actually experience the game instead of some instantly learning to press a fast forward button is no where near making the characters in the OP idiots. -
The old-fashioned way.
I run the content from lvl 1.
I still enjoy playing the game to play the game. -
Quote:Yep, agreed.Having read Zwillinger's responses and the counter responses to them, I can appreciate both sides of the argument here. On Zwillinger's side, he's beholden as his job description mandates to evaluate a standing issue and determine if it's worth taking to a development meeting to make a case for it. Whatever form that takes, be it about graphics, costumes, whatever.
Objectively, I think the *disconnect* is this directly comes from one of the dev team participating in a discussion and seemingly reviewing and concepting related to this specific topic. Put that in the context of the same time period when there was the retro sci-fi development at the pummit and on the forums.
It seems to have been wrong, but that set expectations for some of being past a 'take to the dev team' for prioritization. And that is where some of the reaction may be coming from as now it seems like it was simply an informational discussion or individual project for an individual now out of the picture.
It is, as frequently, an issue of communication and expectation control.
Subjectively, My opinion is that a refresh of the core of the classic hero costume elements would be incredibly valuable for CoH. Of far greater value than some other recent choices. That is an opinion, and mine, and one formed with a limited perspective related to the entire playerbase or the personal asthetic of the dev team.
I'm backing far from any anticipation of anything in this space. And, I'll probably avoid any future art direction discussions, to limit my internal hype meter getting fooled again. -
Golden Girl (10)
I refuse to believe GG posted less than 10 times in any thread! -
Quote:No offense, but your name lacks the crimson, so other opinions can continue to be expressed.I would say that they aren't. In fact I would say that they expected people to ask for that which is why Dink said in the first post that they would NOT be making them.
I'll reiterate since nobody read my last post about this.
We will NOT get clean versions of the Post-Apocalyptic pack parts in the Post-Apocalyptic pack because they would NOT fit into the theme of Post-Apocalyptic. The idea behind all the costume packs is to enable the players to make more characters in that vein. If you start to add stuff that is not in that theme you loose focus on what you were trying to accomplish in the first place. The packs must be limited in some fashion.
So if you want to use X,Y, and Z costume parts for something else ask for it in the forum of a new pack or an individual costume pack.
(Even if you are probably right from a design standpoint, the fact is that flexibility is the hallmark of the excellent costume system we have, and the comments really only seek to leverage that.) -
Quote:I'd agree that 'unresponsive' is an unfair characterization.I'm not exactly sure where you get that we're not being responsive to Community sentiment.
However, expectations were set by the excellent thread and discussion on this topic in the past. That thread, fairly or not, acquired a feeling in line with the pummit costume discussions - for input and seeming attention. There was as much (or more) 'work' accomplished, IMO as an participant and observer as with the pummit items. And consequently and equal level of excitement. So... the sudden absence with no public notice or acknowledgement is disengaging.
I reading your responses they seem a tad defensive, and I'd like to say that I think most of the comments (mine certainly, and hopefully I can gamble and speak for others) are related to those expectations, even if they were misguided, and not an attack against the dev team. -
Put me in the camp that heard this concept coming out of the pummit and went "uh... oh... sounds....um... yeah"
Now seeing this, I see good work there, but still nothing that I'll jump up and buy. That said, I have no problem with those that can and will use this getting their options expanded. Good for them.
I'll echo the clean/grimy option - for those that may want to integrate these pieces into other concepts that helps flexibility (not much different than pre-tinting really).
And I'm also... befuddled... by characterizing the golf bag as a quiver option when no actual quiver has been ponied up since backpacks got introdcued after years of stated desire for all the various archery set characters. -
Quote:No, what is being said is: "With the great work and higher quality of costume pieces possible and coming out recently wouldn't it be nice if some new classic superhero pieces were done to take advantage of that same level of astethic?" And if you think there is something wrong with that, fine. But I, for one, disagree with you.so what your saying is that you can already make your characters look like superheroes and this upsets you for some reason?
it must be hard having what you want and being unable to deny others what they want.
Quote:This, right here, is one of two reasons we haven't seen something along the lines of a "superheroes" costume bundle. The idea keeps getting shelved because someone in a meeting says, "We already have that stuff, and people use it, and we know players throw fits when we replace existing stuff, so why make more?"
Specifically, in a related topic, I suggested on G+ the other day that maybe some new organic pieces be considered (in the same vein of getting some newer quality choices out there) in conjunction with the bio armor set - synergy of appearnace and all that. The formal response from the dev group was essentially "we already have a lot of organic pieces". I didn't bother citing a comparison count of organic to tech choices, etc., etc. or the relative ages of the best pieces (Mecha, space pirate, biotech, scifi...) because it wouldn't have really helped the discussion along. But it is the same thing, I'd rather see more variety in the current excellent quality output, rather than the original implementation pieces for classic superhero, organic, and all manner of costume selections.
I like all our costume options, and I want every genre to benefit from the best the game has to offer in appearance.
Quote:I never got this, myself. Solver/Golden age looks are pretty much patterned tights, are they not? We already have tights, we already have patterns. What else is there left to do? I remember David's thread on the matter but for the life of me, I can't remember something that's not either "modern" or already in the game.
These are just some quick examples of things that could be done. As noted elsewhere, though, the many variety of eras/genres/styles within the broad silver/golden age label blurs what is really wanted for some people. -
I'd like to think the leather armor pieces were at least a partially an outgrowth from the silver/golden age discussions and trying to get the tights look some texture.
So I hold out hope.
But I agree with the OP that, right or wrong, it feels like invested effort and enthusiasm may have been passed over. -
I enjoyed movie.
But thinking about it, the reason I like it most is because, as a Batman movie it felt like it had a lot less actual Batman than the last two films. What it was, was a character study of Batman and it really worked when thinking about the three films as a singular work.
One of the better trilogy/series of films as a coherent whole, imo. -