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  1. I have a level 50 rad/EM that I had tweaked for lvl 25+ content (i.e. all IOs were lvl 28 or below, so bonuses were intact for Sister Psyche TF) , especially vs. Freaks who take +50% extra from energy damage. It is truly unfair. While many dislike Electron Haze, with its long animation and inconsistent KB, it is still quite a heavy hitting AoE and if used as the last of the three AoEs, will leave few standing. While of my 5 lvl 50 blasters (others are Arch, AR, Fire, and DP, all with /ice secondary), the rad/EM is the least likely to get brought out for incarnate play, it finds itself much beloved in frequent exemping. It doesn't hurt that she has a great concept and battle-cry (char name is Minty, and the battle cry is "You can't handle the freshness! )
  2. I am second guessing myself after reading reviews of book 4-5 which seem to characterize them as wastes of time in which nearly nothing of consequence happens. It sounds like GRRM was planning on a 5yr time skip after book 3, but changed his mind and disappointed most readers of the first three with books 4-5 which fleshed out what was best (for story advancement) glossed over.

    I now have some anxiety about GRRM being able to finish his epic in his lifespan. I wouldn't be surprised to have him keel over in some near-future Comic-Con hotel, while receiving fan-sex from a star-struck nerd-grrl.
  3. Hi everyone. I have been swept up in Game of Thrones mania over the past few months. I love the HBO series and am wisbing to dive into the books but really don't want to re-read any story that I have seen to this point. So I guess my question is can I dive into the third book and get up to speed or do I really need to read book 2? Buying digital Kindle copies fwiw.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
    At the risk of being made a pariah...I enjoyed the Robin Williams one. I'm looking forward to this.
    To me, the Robin Williams version is kinda like watching a train wreck. That they were able to cast it so freakishly well ALMOST overcame its near void of a functional narrative. Casting Shelly Duvall as Olive Oyl was a perfect storm of incredibly annoying actress playing an utterly terrifying character.

    Edit:I've been thinking about this and realize that I haven't given Duvall her due. She freakin' NAILED Olives mannerisms and tone in a way that felt disturbingly familiar yet dimension-breaking. I had known going in, that I was both not a Duvall fan and very much anti-Olive. I had no idea... Something in me broke, the day I saw that movie. I don't know exactly what, but I miss it.
  5. This has been in the works for some time. Some very good casting in my view, even RZA. He has excellent martial arts background and sense for the genre. Cung Le is also quite bad-***. I think it'll be a fun rental/stream.
  6. Chazzmatazz

    El Gato Blanco!

    That was terrible, in every respect.
  7. I love the show. It's the bee's knees. I like the characters, the setting, the pacing, though was surprised to see the finish of this storyline, so quickly. It makes me wonder what is in store for S:2. The fight choreography is genius and looks great on a big screen.

    Meelo is a beast.
  8. It's good and sometimes great, but I felt it ended poorly.
  9. Nah, just sick of trailers that give away a movie's entire narrative and venting in a snarky way.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    Bolded for whaaaat???
    I believe it is acronym for We Will Not Speak Of This.
  11. I'll save you all the trouble of watching this. At 2:30 Dredd throws the big bad through a high story window. Good guys win. Trailer just saved me $9. Thanks trailer.
  12. Chazzmatazz

    10 Worst X-Men?

    They forgot Warlock.
    ANNND disagree on Beast too.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    Also, Meelo was hilarious.
    Meelo is a mutant in the Toph class imo. I am surprised we have not really seen an asphyxiation air technique. Seems like something that a high level airbender could pull off on a group of enemies and definitely on an individual. Should work on Aman.
    Tenzhin is a badass and defended himself well vs the Equalist hit squad. His kids are a little super team.
  14. Chazzmatazz


    Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
    Still looking forward to the film myself - maybe this weekend.

    Cameron fell into it when? If you mean Avatar, he planned sequels before the first was done, so not sure that is a far comparison, exactly. Peter Jackson attempted to stay out of the Hobbit (assuming that's what you mean), but took over only when the other director pulled out...

    Lucas remains in a class by himself.
    Sure, GL is still the uber primadonna, but Peter Jackson wasn't exactly "Oh, twist my arm. " when the Hobbit fell back in his lap. Jackson's handholding could have been a strong factor in delaying Hobbit production sufficiently for it to not fit into the schedule of someone with a lesser obsession (see G. del Toro), (note: pure speculation).

    I didn't know about JC's plan for multiple films. That doesn't decrease my disappointment that he is giving in to vanity projects (with unprecedented box office for vanity projects) instead of taking on new things like Battle Angel which he has been teasing us with for over a decade.
  15. Chazzmatazz


    I liked it, and give it 4/5 stars. It is well crafted and the performances by the principles were strong. I am actually a bit disappointed that Scott elected to revisit the Alien setting intstead of exploring something creatively new. It is the George Lucas "I must explore my created universe!" ego trap. Cameron has fallen into it, as has Peter Jackson. It is sad how short the journey from auteur to institution seems to be. At least Chris Nolan knows enough to disconnect from Batman after three films, and Guillermo del Toro seems to be stretching his legs a bit with Pacific Rim.
  16. As someone who has only seen season 1 via Netflix streaming, I'm actually surprised it didn't happen in S 2.
  17. Call me psycho, but I think Natalie Portman could pull it off. It would be a reinvention of the character of course, but it's going to be regardless of casting.

    My #1 pick for the role used to be Morena Baccarin, but she has sadly aged out at this point. I think you really don't bring in an unknown or someone from modeling or sports. You really need to bring in a real actress to keep it from becoming a joke. As Catwoman and Electra showed us, even bringing in an A-Lister is no guarantee of quality.
  18. If you happen to have an extra $31,800 just lying around.

  19. Chazzmatazz


    My opinion is that it doesn't open for another week in the US. I'll have an opinion then though.
  20. I like drafts. This is interesting. I'm not a Green lantern fan as such, but this is essentially a virtue poster-child draft, which means it casts a wide net. Will get some interesting interpretations form our participants, no doubt.

    Count me in.
  21. Agreed. Straight 'They Live' ripoff. I hope John Carpenter (or perhaps Ray Nelson who wrote "Eight O'Clock in the Morning", the short story on which They Live was based) gets a writers credit and cut of the gross. Otherwise, a lawsuit is in serious order.