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  1. As long as they don't put a real world dollar value on infamy and influence, I'm fine with nearly anything the Market does. But if I have to start including influence gains on my taxes? Uggh... Here comes the 1040-MMO form.
  2. Adding a Happy B-Day too...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    I know that Hawkeye and Black Widow are talented fighters, but they're still bringing rocks and sticks to an Epic-level fight. At least give her a bigger gun
    Knowing Josh Whedon, one or both of these will play a big part in the finale of the movie, probably with a well placed shot destroying the cosmic cube or some other key plot device. SKILL over Force/Tech/Power/etc. Don't count them out because they are essentially skilled Normals.
  4. The closest thing we've had to a team superhero movie so far have been the Fantastic Four films. Good, but not great. This is looking SO good.

    We know from the Thor film that Loki was going after the cosmic cube. We know from the Captain America film that the cube was part of the Norse history in the movie universe. Does it have the power to bring forth the Midgard Serpent? Maybe. Or a close approximation. I would say the legends of the Serpent probably were less reality and more myth. Even so, this looks like a battle worthy of the team.

    As to the JLA, I've always been a DC fan. The biggest problem with DC is they have no long term plans movie wise. They are not quick to act on their properties, and to come out with 3 or more good character movies involving the team frankly seems unlikely. By the time the got #3 out, the actor (actress) for #1 would have moved on long ago. A JLA movie is only going to fly if you have a 90% stable and familiar cast. I'd be impressed if they'd just do a World's Finest type team-up between Superman and Batman -- possibly as a lead to a JLA movie. We've never even seen that in live action yet...
  5. Azuria was the one that always got to me -- Her idea of keeping things "safe" requires a new dictionary. Far too many thefts laid back at her feet -- some eager MAGI official should have taken her job and made sweeping changes YEARS ago. She's got to be a plant by some evil mage group. That's the ONLY thing to explain why she'd still be there after all that.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    How about "Executive Head of Getting a War Witch Task Force Into the Game"?
    Hmmm. I was thinking "Warwitch Commemoritive Statue Committe" myself

  7. CentralNexus

    Animal pack II

    I like the list, but I'd add a Backpack option of fins -- Shark, killer whale, etc.
  8. Yeah -- "most powerful if built right". That tends to be their biggest problem as well. So many options usually ends up spreading the wealth in too many areas compared to non-Kheldian toons. It takes a long while to get them to where they shine...or gloom as the case may be...
  9. I've been fortunate enough not to have problems yet, but I would think the VET population is not the ones you would want to upset...
  10. CentralNexus

    Who Killed PvP?

    PvP always seemed tacked on to me. I can see the need for it, but lately it has come up less and less.

    Some SGs used to use this, but it's been years since any have tried it as an event in the groups I've spent time with.

    If anything, AE killed it. Why bother fighting each other when you can fight other creations and earn XP while doing it? Some SGs have frequent AE missions rolled out and do all there RP fighting there.
  11. My mind is reeling at the combinations... How long before we see female toons in skimpy spacesuits wielding energy staffs?
  12. CentralNexus

    Comic Covers?

    The majority of these are my toons .. Some of them short lived. Certain toons and archetypes are more receptive than others to excessive screenshots needed to get the right angle at the right zoom at the right time. Some of mine seem to tell stories as I show key events from certain arcs. It can get repetitive after a while when the animations have the toon doing one of a handful of poses over and over again.

    I have done perhaps a couple dozen for others over the years. Some from sessions where I shadow them or set up poses. A few where someone has posted a screenshot that is useable. I can always give it a try...

    The process I've gotten streamlined. Except for the initial title logo, doing a cover barely takes five minutes. Secondary issues are easy as all the overlays are just copied into place. Update the issue number and you are done.
  13. CentralNexus

    Comic Covers?

    Is anyone else still doing these? I love doing them, and have been doing them for several years now.

    I've still got a gallery at http://photos.thecentralnexus.com/Ga...gallery=407983

    I'm setting up a new one on my blog as well - http://centralnexus.squarespace.com/covers-archive/

  14. CentralNexus

    Respec Failed?

    Cue the Twilight Zone theme....

    "Imagine if you willl..."
  15. I just started a Time/Dark Defender -- and the combination looks promising. Lots of to-hit debuffs...
  16. Staff fighting can't come soon enough for me...
  17. . What is your age? 51

    2. What is your gender? Male

    3. What nation(s) are you a citizen of? USA

    4. At what age did you first read comic books? 8 or 9 -- I know they were a dime then.

    5. Do you presently read comic books? Yes

    6. Have you ever read an online superhero comic? Yes

    7. How have comic book heroes affected you personally? Some. I know I've been creative based on it -- Paper RPGs , written fiction, screenshot art, etc.

    8. Do you value the abilities/powers of a comic book superhero or the character/story development of the superhero? Both really -- I think that is the main way the genre has changed since I started. Back then they were maybe 80% powers and 20% character at best. Now its 50/50 sometimes going 40/60.

    9. Do you think superhero comic books have had a significant impact on society? They are the modern day equivalent to classic mythology.

    10. What value(s) do superhero comic books bring to modern society? The remind of of values that modern society otherwise tends to devalue if not forget.

    11. Do you think the value(s) superhero comic books provide has changed over the last 20, 30, 50 years? Yes. As the complexity of both artwork and stories have grown over the years, it is a much RICHER medium and genre. Barriers are sometimes hit and touched -- Race issues, Drug abuse, homosexuality. Any modern issue can and usually does find its way into stories.

    12. What era or decade do you think superhero comic books had the greatest impact on society? Tough one. Socially, I'd say the Forties. Financially I'd say the 2000s. Creatively I'd say the 80s.

    13. What have you thought about the movies in recent years that are based on comic book superheroes? Long overdue -- I watched early attempts, and frequently they were trying to change the character to fit society at large as well as current special effects technology. Many of them missed the target because they focused on the wrong things. They missed the essence of the character in the process. Compare the Live Action TV Spiderman (70s?) to the movies today. NO comparison. Modern attempts seem to be much better at finding the right balance of script, special effects, casting.

    14. Do you think modern technologies (e.g. video games, MMO’s) have affected the creativity of recent superhero comic book publications?
    If anything they might affect the usual tendancy to redesign costumes -- Where an artist can do that sometimes on a whim, they game designer will take a lot longer to catch up. Look how many DC characters are now WRONG in DCU Online thanks to the 52 reboot.

    15. What, if any, new superhero publications have you seen in the last two years? Beyond the comics themselves? Nothing.
  18. Oh the alt ideas are flowing. Nice!

    I wonder what copycat clone characters this will spawn....
  19. Now if you did /em eat or /em drink, and we saw something go down? THEN I'd be impressed...
  20. Reign of the Statesman?

    Statesman: The Clone Saga?

    Anyone sense a theme here...?

    Makes me wonder why they've not started making black Statesman armbands...
  21. Moving the toon to a different server is far more likely for me. And I've done that before.

    But any toon that has a lot of anniversary badges? Especially the EARLY ones? No -- I don't delete those toons.
  22. I've always had trouble pigeonholing some concepts into these origins.

    Take Manadroid -- a robotic robot / Dark mastermind. He IS a robot animated my magic, with some magic abilities. But he is a robot AI as well. He could fit EQUALLY well in either origin.

    To me tech has always been stuff that is BEYOND "off-the-shelf" tech. If all you have is guns and grenades -- thats Natural. But when you start adding healing beacons -- That seems to be more Tech.

    To me natural seemed more to apply to stuff in the realm of possibility for a human ... or at least normal for the race of the character. A martial artist is an easy fit for natural especially when paired with super reflexes. But paired with Dark armor or regeneration? No... I don't automatically think that way.

    Face it -- Some origins really can't be truly explained in 1024 characters.
  23. I could go with hair that blows in the wind like the capes do -- In essence you'd have one or more strands of hair as mini-capes... Long hair could be done somewhat like that, depending upon how thick it is.

    I wouldn't mind some minor face animations. Even if they'd just blink.

    Its the little things like this that make you sometimes wish that CoH: II was around the corner. I just doubt their would be many rigs that could handle Ultra-Ultra mode graphics or whatever...
  24. I've been having a lot better luck lately using this trick. Before? Ugh...