Veteran Badge Bug




Honestly, I´m very angry; I have paid this game for 4 years and i hadnt my badge, i read on this forum that i´m not the only one who has this trouble but the technical service replies the same 2 questions

1) Someone has same problem?

2) Someone knows how this issue going to be fixed

Thanks for your replies



1. a lot of poeple have had issues with the yearly vet badges

2. we dont know when it will be fixed since this issue has been going on since freedom went live

the best thing you can do is petition about it



Yup still missing my vet badge that was due in November and yes I have filed multiple tickets in game and have been TOTALLY ignored. Brilliant!!!!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



And this was her response to my question:

The Development Team is aware of the issue and is responsible for any communication to players about plans to fix it.

Please continue to read the forums, as all announcements about this issue will be made there.

If you have other questions for Game Support, please let us know.

I don´t need to read forums, I need my badge because I paid for it, if they don´t give me my badge, I wont pay game any more



you could also try to PM zwill about this too to get it looked at again



This was brought up on Ustream on Wednesday, Zwillinger said, they are aware of it but it appears to be so low priority that it stands the chance of never getting fixed. That's a paraphrase...

Yeah, I am not too happy about this. Not one bit.

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The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

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I've been fortunate enough not to have problems yet, but I would think the VET population is not the ones you would want to upset...

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Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
This was brought up on Ustream on Wednesday, Zwillinger said, they are aware of it but it appears to be so low priority that it stands the chance of never getting fixed. That's a paraphrase...

Yeah, I am not too happy about this. Not one bit.
That is booty. They should get a fix going as they know how important badges especially vet badges are. This has to be higher than low priority c'mon man.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



And 1 Tought

Issue 22, more than 3 months on beta server? No ETA on live

And an important bug, without solution yet? What´s her priority, earn money without work?

Not with my money, thanks.



Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
This was brought up on Ustream on Wednesday, Zwillinger said, they are aware of it but it appears to be so low priority that it stands the chance of never getting fixed. That's a paraphrase...

Yeah, I am not too happy about this. Not one bit.
If they can't fix it, or won't fix it then let us be able to send in petitions on our account year anniversary and request the badge be awarded manually. Support checks the ticket, checks account anniversary date and awards the badge.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
If they can't fix it, or won't fix it then let us be able to send in petitions on our account year anniversary and request the badge be awarded manually. Support checks the ticket, checks account anniversary date and awards the badge.
I remember someone saying customer support had offered to award a vet badge manually, but also warned that the badge would be removed automatically with the following live publish.

I never bothered to file a new ticket and request the badge I'm missing be awarded manually because I had hopes that they -might- actually get around to fixing it... now though, I may have to open that ticket after all...

Regardless if it's removed or not, at least I'd be able to verify while I had it.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.