157 -
For some reason, Plant/ Dominators and /Pain Corruptors would be my first choices. No rhyme or reason, could justify almost any other powerset to pair with those two.
And Masterminds definitely give me the feeling of a diabolical scientist, they control minions and have powerful buffs to make them quite formidable. Bots/FF or Whatever/Poison. Again, no specific reasoning.
I did, however, blatantly choose three AT's introduced in CoV. Even though an Empathy Defender can be a villain these days, I wouldn't be comfortable with an evil provider of CM and RA. Good luck to you though! -
I do love my /NRG Blaster but I reluctantly agree, the /Rad Corr indeed wins hands down.
If you find yourself not wanting to use multiple slots on the KB protection, you could go a different route with i19's inherent Fitness, freeing up some power choices so you can snag Leaping pool powers and Acrobatics for its Mag-9 protection. (Can add some Defense IO's to Combat Jumping too...). Just a thought.
On Virtue, make sure you use lots of parentheses. They might have you blacklisted if you're not as parenthetical as them.
I do agree with the server thread idea though as a real attempt at a solution for your 15-minute playtimes between spats of cleaning out kitty litter boxes and planning your next trip to Wal-Mart. Maybe you should re-evaluate the number of cats you're keeping too as they're apparently interfering with your gaming life. -
It just goes by the higher defense. I'll let some melee expert answer the is-it-worth-it-to-slot-blah-blah part.
Quote:Your /Radiation Blast Defenders need to be fired if they're not Cosmic Bursting the regular PP's to prevent the MoG.I always have defenders with me, and the PPE's don't have godmodes, so they tend to take less time to kill than the regulars.
And to stay somewhat on topic, aren't there specific Council foes (and some from other villain groups) that have a maximum level spawn, so when they show up, they're stuck at level 22 or 27 or whatever their max is? I think that was one of the reasons they appear, the name of the enemy is coded in but that enemy has a maximum level. Or maybe I just had a lot to drink one night. -
I didn't know AE could be used for something other than ambush-laden farms featuring fire-wielding resurrecting ninjas...
... I might have to try this one. -
Paragon City is in Rhode Island and, judging from the amount of citizens just walking around, their jobless rate appears to be even higher than ours, so probably not a great economy to host a big professional sports team. I'm betting the Privateers are a farm club.
My guess is the residents of Paragon City just cheer the BoSox, Celtics, Pats, and B's like everyone else in New England. -
Very good guess. Characters are locked into the account.
*doh!* Call Me Awesome got here first. You are indeed awesome. -
Quote:Actually rednames have shown up: War Witch graced our presence a year and a half ago. That's the only one I can remember but I think there have been others.Maybe I hope theres a redname like Noblesavage to come and throw some light in my depressive thread lol
Aside from that fun fact... maybe it's because I've been around too many years, but I don't understand the request for free costume changes. Are players going broke spending all of their inf at the Tailor? What is the going rate for major costume changes these days? Does it get into the tens of millions? I don't think I've paid for anything at the tailor since i3.
I just read that there's a Day Job which grants 25% discount tokens ("Fashion Designer", by logging out at Icon or Facemaker), then there's the 57 month vet reward ("Abiding") that gives 50% off. In case anyone didn't now about them. I sure didn't. It's too bad we can't sell free costume changes on the market; I'd rake in some coin on that endeavor! -
Quote:I'm suggesting that promoting solo content previously reserved as challenges for teams would take a step in the wrong direction for an MMO. Taking a 6-player-minimum TF and opening it up to free-for-all sends a message of "You don't need help!" and therefore decreases the emphasis on teaming to achieve difficult goals in the game.So 95% soloability has broken the game? Or that is okay, but 96% is going way too far? Please explain.
I don't mind regular missions, arcs, and street sweeping (lol) being soloable at certain difficulties, but I wouldn't like seeing team-specific content done away with. -
The "bad thing" is the theory that having too much solo-friendly content will kill a lot of the MMO feel of the game by decreasing the emphasis on teaming. The popular opinion seems to be that MMO players WANT team-oriented content, thus they're playing the MMO and not Legend of Zelda.
Quote:Right on, and most of the time I agree with the changes, but sometimes I hate them (I'm looking at you, New Defiance and new Sonic Resonance animations). But I keep paying my $15 and playing in the limits of what's there.Many of the changes were QOL changes that the playerbase asked for.
This topic seems to be one of the many dead horses beaten regularly. I just assume there's a reason the devs haven't changed this yet, so I do my best to make arguments in their favor since I "agree" with the current state.
But you know what happens when you assume... a donkey gets its wings. Or something. -
Quote:I thought you were interested in soloing TF's and/or other content, both current and future, that is restricted to teams. If not, I've misunderstood your side in all of this.We'll start here. As I've already stated, I'm fully aware that arbitrary minimum team size requirements will remain in place for those events with them currently in place. So what's the point of your statement?
Quote:I'll use small words: Who said they don't want to play the game they pay for? I want to have access to ALL of the content I pay for, regardless of whether I'm teamed.
Quote:Do I really have to spell out the difference between removing arbitrary gates to content and requesting an archetype change that would obviously break the existing xp per hour/archetype balance structure? I hope not.
Your turn! -
Another way to spin this, for you pro-solo extremists: We (I say "We" for those of us who are against making the game too solo-friendly) aren't trying to force you to play the game in a way that best suits an opposite-minded portion of the player population. We are trying to force you to recognize that some content might forever stay team-specific as the development team intended.
I can't get my head around how anyone can buy the game, pay the monthly fee, and then say they don't want to play the game they paid for. If I buy a Kia, I can't later go to Kia and demand that they put a Maserati engine in it for me. (Totally unreleated and over-the-top example, I know -- you're welcome!)
Am I totally wrong? Should I be demanding that my Blaster get +4000 base HP and crazy +Def buffs in the next issue so I can solo +4/x8? Or should I accept my glass cannon as-is and play within the game's limits until it changes? -
I have two super helpful ideas for the OP:
1) You could multi-box the game with several accounts, granting your wish to not interact with others. That might be a lot of fun for such a gung-ho soloist.
2) Play a game that's not part of a genre containing the word "multiplayer". -
Quote:I hadn't seen that yet! w00t for Halloween coming Soon™!! Zombie Invasions for everyone!This is probably posted already but I was happy to find out that there is a contact now to turn in Halloween Salvage in Praetoria. So finally I can have two costume slots before hitting level 20!