Halloween Frightmare!
I really enjoyed this taskforce. I heard it from a friend before I saw your posting on the forum.
Anyways, some points of improvement:
1) For Jason... isn't it chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill? Not that chee chee chee ha ha ha thing you did? I know that the movie version did change a bit (from what a friend said) but it's been a while since I've watched Friday the 13th.
2) I can understand the point of a kill all for vampires and werewolves... but really... must it be on a big map. I suggest a smaller map if possible.
3) Typos. Check your spelling please.
4) Your AE arch ended very abruptly, I thought based on the text from the contact that there would be another mission after the 4th one. But I see that it is work in progress.
Things I enjoyed:
1) Reading off the text out loud to everone in vent. My "Mwahahahah" needs work though.
2) The costumes were very appropriate. I can tell you took the time to do the costumes well. (The team liked how your wolfman looked. They said he looks pretty much how he's supposed to be as an "old school wolf man".)
So, I think I'll run this AE arch a few times during Halloween for fun. Good job dude. A few more improvements and tweeking and you are set

I gave my comments via the AE comment feature but I'll go ahead and use this thread to bring up one thing again:
The boss for the final mission. You currently have 2 "classic" movie monsters and 2 "modern" movie monsters in the arc. The fifth and final boss could be either classic or modern monster. The question is - what era movie monster would be so nefarious, so cunning, and be enough of a mastermind to concoct such a frightmarish plot against Paragon City?
I didn't know AE could be used for something other than ambush-laden farms featuring fire-wielding resurrecting ninjas...
... I might have to try this one.
I gave my comments via the AE comment feature but I'll go ahead and use this thread to bring up one thing again:
The boss for the final mission. You currently have 2 "classic" movie monsters and 2 "modern" movie monsters in the arc. The fifth and final boss could be either classic or modern monster. The question is - what era movie monster would be so nefarious, so cunning, and be enough of a mastermind to concoct such a frightmarish plot against Paragon City? |
Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon
Ghoul evening ladies and Gentlemen! Please allow me to introduce myself, I am "The guide" and I will be giving you some tasks to protect Paragon City this Halloween! My missions are not easy, and in fact I recommend you bring a friend or two to embark on this most ghastly journey! You will be facing some of Horror movies most iconic villains. I hope you are ready...
AE number - 458735
Length - Very long (3 missions currently, more released closer to Halloween)
Custom Characters? - ALL Custom Characters
Time Spent - 12 hours work progress
Arch-Villains and Elite Bosses? - YES! If you solo this mission they will be Elite Bosses but do not worry as you have an Ally of great strength on each map to aid you!
Please not this is a work in progress, I would appreciate any and all comments on this taskforce!