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  1. Ghoul evening ladies and Gentlemen! Please allow me to introduce myself, I am "The guide" and I will be giving you some tasks to protect Paragon City this Halloween! My missions are not easy, and in fact I recommend you bring a friend or two to embark on this most ghastly journey! You will be facing some of Horror movies most iconic villains. I hope you are ready...

    AE number - 458735
    Length - Very long (3 missions currently, more released closer to Halloween)
    Custom Characters? - ALL Custom Characters
    Time Spent - 12 hours work progress
    Arch-Villains and Elite Bosses? - YES! If you solo this mission they will be Elite Bosses but do not worry as you have an Ally of great strength on each map to aid you!

    Please not this is a work in progress, I would appreciate any and all comments on this taskforce!

    Ghoul evening ladies and Gentlemen! Please allow me to introduce myself, I am "The guide" and I will be giving you some tasks to protect Paragon City this Halloween! My missions are not easy, and in fact I recommend you bring a friend or two to embark on this most ghastly journey! You will be facing some of Horror movies most iconic villains. I hope you are ready...

    AE number - 458735
    Length - Very long (3 missions currently, more released closer to Halloween)
    Custom Characters? - ALL Custom Characters
    Time Spent - 12 hours work progress
    Arch-Villains and Elite Bosses? - YES! If you solo this mission they will be Elite Bosses but do not worry as you have an Ally of great strength on each map to aid you!

    Please not this is a work in progress, I would appreciate any and all comments on this taskforce!
  3. Looked all over but can't find one...My toon is amazing at 45 but I just wanted to see what ways I can improve him, he is quite end heavy but he's a beast in melee range.
  4. I just spent about 600 million soft capping my Invul brute and let me tell you IT IS AMAZING. people have even noticed as im pulling two groups of all level 54 bosses and watching them swing and miss much like a granite brute/tank..take some time and look into the best things to get your defense up in smashing/lethal and the other elements its worth it!
  5. I just wanted to say this guide was amazing! I used the heck out of it on my Brute which os SS/Invul on Freedom. I have yet to get him up to 45% but he's sittin' at 32.89% right now and believe me it is WOWing the people out there who are only looking for stone brutes mwahahah! This build works extremely well on brutes too guys but you really need to have patience and attain those Kinetic Combats for your melee attacks and quite possibly throw in some + recovery stuff to because lets face it we are END hogs. Great stuff!

    Oh yeah btw..this is MUCH more expensive to slot on a brute. I think i've gone through about 500 million so far and i'm still not there 0.o
  6. I just hope the Dev's are listening to this and taking notes for future changed because im basically re-rolling a "better" brute due to the fact that the IO sets stink and the dmg resistance isnt a good way to do things..making it more like willpower where you step into a group of baddies and getting a stack of +res buffs would HELP ALOT.
  7. Amazingly smart answer, thanks very much for putting that all into perspective. So its safe to say that EA is pretty worthless unless your fighting Rikti eh? Sounds like a bad design to me.
  8. Amazingly smart answer, thanks very much for putting that all into perspective. So its safe to say that EA is pretty worthless unless your fighting Rikti eh? Sounds like a bad design to me.

  9. I was running a few missions with my newly slotted DM/EA brute (level 50) with another 50 which was EM/Stone and another brute DB/WP, and some healers and problem is this..

    Why is it that electric armor is so so weak in comparison to ALL other armors (with DA being the exception because its just as bad with horrible endurance problems.) I understand that its all +RES and no +DEF..I even took tough and Weave to hopefully "help" with my situation but it seems that he still gets 3 or 4 shotted when it comes to 54 bosses and all around me I see Willpower/Stone/Shield/Invul brutes not even getting nicked. Why is this armor so incredibly imbalanced? and for what reason could all +RES be good? anyone care to shed some light on this i'm very interested in learning how this armor set could be beneficial to me.

    P.S. even with power surge I can still be almost killed by these bosses all around why have the health/end drop when it wears off? other sheilds dont have that extreme of a drop besides Invul which basically doesnt even need unstoppable if you slot your toon right.
  10. I was running a few missions with my newly slotted DM/EA brute (level 50) with another 50 which was EM/Stone and another brute DB/WP, and some healers and problem is this..

    Why is it that electric armor is so so weak in comparison to ALL other armors (with DA being the exception because its just as bad with horrible endurance problems.) I understand that its all +RES and no +DEF..I even took tough and Weave to hopefully "help" with my situation but it seems that he still gets 3 or 4 shotted when it comes to 54 bosses and all around me I see Willpower/Stone/Shield/Invul brutes not even getting nicked. Why is this armor so incredibly imbalanced? and for what reason could all +RES be good? anyone care to shed some light on this i'm very interested in learning how this armor set could be beneficial to me.

    P.S. even with power surge I can still be almost killed by these bosses all around why have the health/end drop when it wears off? other sheilds dont have that extreme of a drop besides Invul which basically doesnt even need unstoppable if you slot your toon right.
  11. Why would souble Xp in AE missions suck..I don't get some of you people who can't STAND others leveling faster than you...
  12. I have two AE missions for you regarding monsters. One is called "Vampire Requiem" dont remember the code for it off hand but if you search for it you'll find it. Can you defeat Lord Vosh and his vampire minions in a graveyard setting...also I have "Cold Cruel World" where the cities children are being taken by the Wendigo and his minions ..that arc is 163666 try em out see if you like!
  13. mathias

    Arc Reviews

    Would love for you all to check out my new AE Creation "Cold Cruel World."

    It starts with a book found laying on an occult style desk with a note from a man who went looking for missing children in a warehouse..What he finds is more than he bargained for.

    A creature of lore is taking all the children and turning them to his will, can you stop the Wendigo and reclaim the cities children?

    Arc Number 163666 Title "Cold Cruel World."

    Hope you enjoy, lots of badges to be had in there aswell.
  14. Would love for you all to check out my new AE Creation "Cold Cruel World."

    It starts with a book found laying on an occult style desk with a note from a man who went looking for missing children in a warehouse..What he finds is more than he bargained for.

    A creature of lore is taking all the children and turning them to his will, can you stop the Wendigo and reclaim the cities children?

    Arc Number 163666 Title "Cold Cruel World."

    Hope you enjoy, lots of badges to be had in there aswell.
  15. Just wanted to see if its there and if so, which one is it and how do i get to it. Thanks!