Call Me Awesome

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by B_Nix View Post
    Purples and PvP IOs don't make a build, nor do IOs, some builds benefit more from it and there are diminishing returns as you throw more influence at a character. The "it depends on the player" statement is a little silly, I'm not saying it doesn't because given the same character and the same build two different people will play it differently, but the same person on a 200 million influence budget will be able to do much more with a 20 billion dollar budget.

    There's a point where spending more will get you less but to a certain point spending more will get you more.
    And that point depends on the powersets of the character in question too. Some characters can peak their performance relatively inexpensively... Shield tankers come to mind here... while others benefit from vastly greater budgets; many Controller builds would fall in this category.

    Still, the biggest contributor to a character's effectiveness is unquestionably the player behind it. A very experienced and competent player will outperform an inexperienced one no matter what the relative budgets are. Give an inexperienced player a fully optimized, fully IO'd character and an experienced veteran the same character slotted with SO's and the veteran will perform better. I've known players with 5 billion inf builds who were worthless and others who never use anything but SO's who I'd take on a team anytime. Budget spent on a build does not make a great teammate.

    I'm reminded of someone I had the misfortune to team with one time... he had 5 purple sets slotted and a couple of PVP sets along with a random grab bag of high ticket IO's. He had to have sunk way over 10 billion in that build and yet he was shockingly ineffective on the team managing to eat the floor over 50 times on one TF. Out of the entire TF he was the only one to die and he managed it almost every other spawn. Yet to hear him talk he was the most awesome ever to play the game. A classic case of "more money than brains".
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KillerShrike View Post
    I have great love for /SR, but I'm hesitant to play it on a tanker.

    In beta for freedom, I made a level bumped 50 SR/MA (a mirror of my original MA/SR scrapper), fully slotted out with the top end IO's including purples, and I was not impressed.

    I ran side by side tests vs various high end threats such as the back stretch in RWZ, pylons, and running the Cimm wall, a few maxed out tip missions (malta, carnies, etc), and some other random stuff.

    The tanker was actually less survivable than the scrapper, as the scrapper would annihilate mobs much faster. The less time the mobs have to swing at you, the less time the random number generator has to screw you.

    Now, a different melee set might find SR/ more durable on a tank, but I wont be making a SR/ tanker anytime soon. Invul on the other hand is quite durable.

    YMMV; good luck.
    That actually dovetails with my thoughts as well; I anticipate it being tough enough to handle tanking duties but I also anticipate a team keeping the fights short enough to keep the RNG relatively honest. Solo vs the aggro cap of tough mobs I can easily see the faster kill speed of a scrapper making the difference over the higher HP of the tanker with both at the soft cap. I've seen that general comparison before on Test.

    When Electric Armor was first in beta I rolled up a level bumped 50 Elec/SS tanker and ran some experiments with radio missions set to +2x8 against a variety of foes. I tested that Elec tanker on SO enhancements, a version of my Inv/Stone on SO enhancements and my Broadsword/Shield scrapper with a soft capped IO build. I found in nearly every instance that the Elec was actually the least durable (remember this was SO enhanced) with the Invuln (also on SO's) second while the BS/Shield was able to cruise through all the missions without a lot of trouble thanks to the far greater kill speed... and the great durability the Shield scrapper has at peak IO performance.

    I found that vs Council none of the characters was in any particular danger of defeat, but against Carnies and Malta it was a different story. The Elec had particular problems against the Carnies thanks to the phasing MI's and Illusionists plus all the debuffs they toss out. It was tough on the SO'd Invuln but with care it was doable. The scrapper on the other hand just chewed them up and spit them out with little difficulty.

    That left me with the impression that Elec was a bit underpowered. Of course since then we've seen what IO's and adding significant defenses does to the set but my initial impression was unfavorable.
  3. Call Me Awesome

    Beta copy tool?

    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    It's here -- but it's currently down (and has been for quite some time).
    It's been down for months apparently... it seems as though it isn't something they care about fixing.
  4. Here's my take on it from the perspective of both a top end Invuln/Stone tanker and a young (25 at the moment) SR/MA tanker.

    First, in the very low levels the SR/MA absolutely spanks any other tank I've ever played in durability... by level 4 you can be in the mid-30's to melee/range and the soft cap to all is easily obtainable by the mid-teens.

    As it matures I'd anticipate it being roughly equivalent to Shield; a nice set and quite durable but considerably below a mature, IO'd Invuln. The reason for this is both SR and Shield can easily hit the 45% soft cap (SR easier than Shield of course) but neither has the resistance, HP or heal that Invuln can bring to the party.

    I have a mature 50 Shield tanker and I've run most of the game's content on him. He's good, but my Invuln is simply better. I expect much the same out of my SR/MA once he grows up, a good competent tank but not up to the level of my Invuln.

    Now with that said that SR/MA will be considerably less expensive to IO out and if you're comparing pure SO level performance it's probably a lot closer to the Invuln. It's only when you soft cap the Invuln that it gets so much better; on SO's they're probably not far different.
  5. Purples have their place, but they aren't the be all, end all of sets. Some characters get a lot of mileage out of them - Controllers for example, while other characters don't get much out of them - Tankers generally.

    Personally my builds will all be IO'd by around 35 focusing on things that benefit the character... sometimes that means a multi billion inf build and sometimes that means under 100 million. That's me personally though, I really don't much care what bonuses (if any) my teammates may have as long as their competent players. Whenever I'm forming anything I take whoever comes along with whatever they want to play and we make it work.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Suzzie View Post
    I understand that Invincibility increases with a max of 10 enemies, but can anybody tell/redirect me to what the numbers are? I want to be soft capped at least S/L with 1 mob, so what numbers do I need BEFORE Invincibility mob bonus is added?
    You need ~36% defense plus slotted Invincibility to reach the soft cap with one mob in range.

    If you're looking for ideas on what you need to pick up check out my soft cap guide in my sig.
  7. I've played it to 50 twice, once as a BS/Regen and once as a Spines/Regen. Yes, it's squishier than Shield (my other 50 scrapper) but it isn't bad. The Spine/Regen tends to carry LOTS of purple candy for tough spots... the BS/Regen is considerably more survivable.

    Both of them were fun to play, but I leveled both up in the pre-IO era, the BS/Regen dinged 50 in issue 5 and the Spine/Regen dinged in issue 8. I've played them a bit recently and with good IO builds I found them quite capable. The BS is soft capped to melee while the Spine reaches roughly 30% to all three.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
    Hmm... I started with the next-heaviest item in task manager... Got 30-50 FPS on the same settings (no renderscale, 1024*768, minimum FX.) That's 20 FPS gain from JUST CLOSING NCSOFT LAUNCHER. /em headdesk.

    It's still not entering any FPS contests, but at least it's closer to playable now.

    I doubt there's more stuff I can really get rid of for any similar gains, but it strongly supports the CPU theory.
    You can set the launcher to close on it's own once the game launches under options, and yes it is a resource hog.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maudy View Post
    No worries. This information is all helpful. Now I just have to figure out this "Law of Fives" thing!
    In a nutshell it refers to IO set bonuses and it means that you can apply a given bonus up to 5 times; if you slot a 6th set with that same bonus then the 6th one does not apply.

    For example, let's take the Luck of the Gambler set. Slotting two pieces of the set in one power gives you a 10% regeneration bonus. Put two pieces of it in two different powers and you get 20% regeneration. Two pieces slotted in 3 powers gets you 30% regeneration and so forth up to 5 powers slotted with Luck of the Gambler giving 50% regeneration. Let's say you have a character with 6 or more powers that would take defense sets like Luck of the Gambler... not all that uncommon in some AT's. If you slotted that 6th power also with 2 pieces of LotG then you'd have... 50% regeneration since the 6th bonus does not apply.

    Please take note that it doesn't have to be the same set either; there are lots of sets that contain the same bonus and you can only get any bonus 5 times. Now, you could get a 10% bonus 5 times, an 8% bonus 5 times, a 5% bonus 5 times and so on, you simply can't get the SAME bonus 6 times. There are a FEW exceptions to this, notably the 7.5% recharge bonus and the completely different Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge IO. It's possible to stack five 7.5% set bonuses AND 5 Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge IO's on a character but that's possibly the only exception to the rule... at least it's the only one that comes to mind right now.

    This is the way people can stack up massive amounts of bonuses. Common bonuses people go for are defense and recharge... it's quite possible to get over 200% recharge on a character that way. Not cheaply maybe as the better IO sets command higher prices in the market but if you've the scratch you can do amazing things... like a blaster who's durable enough to solo an AV.

    I will make one comment here though, if you're considering dropping to Premium you'll no longer be able to use IO's... any you have slotted will stop working. You need to either pay the IO license fee monthly or have enough veteran tiers to get IO access... I think you need tier 7 which equates to about 5 years of subscription.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    They are currently subscribed. They are PLANNING on going to Premium once they buy some slots with their points. It was in the first sentence of their post.

    Since they are posting here in this forum section, it's rather obvious that they are currently a VIP, since only VIP's can post here. The only forum section that I've been able to successfully post to with my Premium account is the Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs forum section. I just tested it again before making this post in case it had changed since testing last week. No new threads, no replies, no editing of posts.

    Also, I've found that a good way to tell if a poster is VIP or not is to hover over their forum name (in IE) or click it (in Firefox) and see if it gives the option to send a Private Message to the person. If it does, they are VIP. If not, they aren't a VIP.

    EDIT: The above section is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a post to belittle anyone, only to share information that has changed since the last official statement about it.
    My bad, I missed that bit in the OP... or at least I forgot it once I typed that later section of my reply. Does that qualify as an "oops"?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maudy View Post
    I took a break for 6+ years and am back as a casual player, planning to go Premium once I buy some character slots with my paragon points.

    I have 33 Hami-Os on one character (a Rad/Psy defender) but I can't tell what they are just by looking at them in my build. Is there an easy way to tell what they are short of an aborted respec, or do I need to look at the "show details" math and try to determine it from there?

    I think enhancement diversification means I shouldn't be six-slotting Psi Lance with Damage-Range HOs
    Just clicking on "manage" in your enhancements tab will show you your powers and slotting. Hovering your mouse over an enhancement will give you a pop up of it's name. They do look very similar but there are (very) slight color differences.

    Some HO's are highly valuable on the market, with several going for over 100 million inf. Centrioles however (Dam/Range) are nearly worthless often selling for under 100k.

    Yeah, if you've been away for 6 years then you certainly need a respec; the game has changed DRASTICALLY since then. As a premium player you'll be barred from the invention system unless you buy access to it each month and more or less limited to using standard SO or HO enhancements and you won't be able to Incarnate your level 50 character.

    Welcome back, and by all means kick the tires some. You may want to go ahead and subscribe to get access to the entire game but there's nothing wrong with getting your feet wet first as a Premium.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reverand_Clint View Post
    Thanks for the thoughts everyone. Based on what everyone has said, I'll pass on the processor switch then.

    System wise I've got 6GB of ram , a 2TB drive (7200rpm sata3) and an ATI Radeon HD 5770 (1GB) ... I have shadows off, AO off (never could tell a difference with it turned on - apart from a frame rate drop) and water & reflections at medium ... and I get 50+fps everywhere (apart from at the Zombie events & other lag fests ... & even then it's never dropped below 20fps.)

    I sometimes have a second instance running for my alt account (mainly to transfer IOs stored in one SG base to characters in a differant SG & for SG invites for new characters when no one else in the SG is online) & I was wanting to reduce the lag that causes. But based on everyone's thoughts, I don't think the CPU switch out would help much.

    Again, thanks everyone for the replies.
    Sounds like you've a good HD and that 5770 should still have quite a bit of life left in it. If you're currently cooking along at ~50fps then I'd say you're fine for now; in another year or two you can consider moving up to a better rig but you're running a well above average setup currently. The faster CPU may push you from ~50fps to ~55fps... not exactly the things awesome is made from.

    Unless you're really anxious to upgrade what you have should be perfectly fine for at least another year, probably two before you'd want to think about replacement. If money's tight then that's one place you can put off spending anything for awhile. Put a little away each paycheck and in another year or two you'll have enough for a really kick *** machine.
  13. Well, my Inv is /Stone, not /SS but the sets have similar needs.

    For Alpha I went with Cardiac for endred and +resist; I was having some end issues in longer fights so Cardiac solved those for me without requiring me to go Energy Mastery for Conserve Power.

    Judgement I went with Pyronic. (although I've somewhat regretted not going Ionic even though it's a longer animation) I've come to the conclusion after trying Ionic on another Incarnate that despite it's longer animation it's a better choice and hits more targets and a wider area.

    Destiny I looked over the choices and came to the conclusion that the Rebirth Radial was my best option - another large heal on a 2 minute timer and a minimum of +200% regeneration with considerably more half the time. I'm still of the opinion that Rebirth Radial is the best choice for a lot of characters.

    Interface was Reactive Radial for the 75% damage proc; given the low debuff values of the other Interface options I don't see any compelling reason to go with anything else on any character.

    Lore I ended up with WarWorks Core; that Vicky is truly nasty and puts out considerable amounts of DPS. Nowadays with all the new Lore pets Cimerorans are another valid choice for raw DPS and I've taken them on my latest Incarnate character.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Granite Agent View Post
    Null the Gull makes it optional, that's the idea.

    This is a great idea. A lot of players don't know how to use KB, and they end up scattering mobs ... which is worse for teams when they can handle tightly bunched groups (for AOE, debuffing, etc.).

    Since it's Null, you would have a choice. If you love KB and/or know how to use it, don't visit null. If you want to disable KB, you can visit the bird.
    Absolutely. There are a lot of powers that are highly detrimental to teaming because they have AOE and especially radial AOE knockback. What that does is to scatter groups of mobs drastically reducing AOE damage.

    One of the poster children for this is the Storm set. It's very powerful but thanks to it's extreme knockback many of the powers in the set become very situational on teams. As an example just try tanking on a team with a stormie who's constantly tossing out Tornado on the spawn you're trying to keep bunched for the team to kill, or the same idiot who runs Hurricane all the time and insists on standing next to the tank. I realize you can't fix stupid but even a competent player has to be pretty careful about using his powers.

    Heck, that change would actually make Super Strength's Hand Clap power useful instead of one of the worst powers in any tanker set. The Peacebringer's Solar Flare power mentioned earlier is another prime example... one of the characters best AOE attacks can't be used without scattering the mobs and reducing the effectiveness of the rest of the team.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ryancowboy6 View Post
    Arb, you said "Only 2 power sets can cap DDR, and 1 needs to use a 'exploit' to do it. the ones that can cap are SR and Shield.".... I have a SR stalker..Can you dumb that down for me a bit and maybe give me an example? Thanks.
    In order to cap DDR on a Shield scrapper you'll need to slot Membrane HO's (technically an exploit as the power doesn't take defense buff slotting) into Active Defense to "sneak" in enhancement of AD's DDR; even then you need enough recharge to double stack AD. It's doable, but it 'ain't easy or cheap.

    SR on the other hand simply needs to ED cap the defense slotting of all it's defenses in order to cap DDR... you can get it done with SO's.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roughtrade View Post
    Not sure if this is a bug. And if it is, I'm uncertain if I want it fixed but....

    There is a building near the PI ferry that when I click on the door (I was ToTing) I get the option to Long Range Teleport.

    I do not have any Teleport powers on this character.

    Kind of useful to have as an exit. A lot faster to get to just about anywhere since PI is only accessible via the ferry.

    So is this a bug or just a very little known feature?
    Hopefully it's a feature. For those who haven't found it yet it's the building immediately to the south of the ferry and Ghost Falcon and it's quite handy. O portal to PI, head south a few yards, click on the door and then go to any city zone.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
    Your maths is slightly wrong in some respects, BC.

    The first bit is fine (20 attacks, 45% Def, 1 will hit).

    If you have 5% def, then 45% of the attacks will hit (9 of them) for 9,000.

    So, a toon with Def 45% and 10% resist will take 900 damage, and a toon with 90% Resist and 5% def will take the same 900 damage, which is where the approximate equivalence of 1% Def to 2% Resist comes from.

    Generally, Defense is easier to come by from set bonuses, which seems to be why many people are proponents of getting soft-capped Defense.

    The point about layered protection is well said, though: would you rather a) not get hit (Defense); b) take less damage when you do get hit (Resistance); or c) recover quickly from the damage (max hp and regen)? Generally, avoiding being hit in the first place is safer.

    I believe Arcanaville has previously stated that to maximise the layered protections, you should first aim for soft capped Defence (prevent damage), then get your Resistance as high as possible (minimise damage taken) and then increase your regen and/or max hp (recover from the damage quickly), if the toon is able. Ultimately, though, you should play to your toon's strengths.
    Layered defenses are why Stone tankers in Granite+Rooted are so unkillable, they have high defense, very high resistance and high regeneration. It's also why a defense built Invuln tank is so tough.

    Basically the way things stand now it's impossible to acquire meaningful amounts of resistance on a character with IO bonuses; there simply aren't enough set bonuses that give resistance to anything but Psi. Oh, by some extremely unusual and sub optimal slotting you may manage to get as much as 5% resistance to one damage type, maybe even up to 10% in some corner cases. On the other hand it's quite possible to build up considerable defense due to the lopsided amount of set bonuses available. That's why most of the knowledgeable players recommend building for defense; you can actually get a meaningful amount of that.

    Regeneration is another area where it's quite possible to get a decent amount via IO bonuses; typically you can add +100% regen without too much trouble.
  18. Agreed, while it will give you some performance boost I doubt you'd notice it unless you're really watching your benchmarks. The biggest performance boost comes in the video card anyway... swapping out your CPU would gain a few percent increase but nothing earthshaking and you'd probably have to look at your FPS before and after to tell anything changed.

    What does the rest of your machine look like? There may well be other improvements you could make for your budget that would be noticeable. Still, I would tend to think you're better off putting that money into a savings account and adding a few dollars every paycheck until you've enough to do a major upgrade; tossing a new CPU into your current machine is basically wasting money.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Okay, honestly.


    You're going to be putting HASTEN on auto-exec. Not DP.
    Sure, you could bind DP to a couple keys you use often (like left/right/forward/back/etc). This way you're always hitting it. But that's a fairly elaborate cheat just for something like Perma DP.

    Honestly, in most cases, if your defenses and resists are high enough, you're gong to forget DP most of the tie anyhow. Because you won't be using it.
    I don't have Mid's handy at the moment to offer more critique on the build but I'll strongly second this thought. I routinely play my Inv/Stone tanker on some of the toughest content in the game and I very rarely use Dull Pain... it's not at all uncommon for me to use it only once in an entire night.

    If you've built to the S/L/E/N defense soft cap and also the 90% S/L resistance hard cap you'll almost forget your green bar even exists because it moves so seldom. Dull Pain is your "ouch, that (fill in the blank) nailed me hard, better fix it" button and little outside of the major AV's are capable of nailing you hard enough for you to notice. The little stuff that makes it's way past your defense will be put right in a few seconds by your regeneration without worrying about it.
  20. Call Me Awesome

    Tank Help

    We could suggest combinations all day long and most of us probably have quite valid reasons for our favorite choices... still what you want is a combination that appeals to you and that's a far more subjective thing.

    First off, you say you want to lead a team on TF's... well, really any tanker combination can do that although some do it better than others. The first question is do you want an offensive or defensive focused tanker? As the question would suggest an offensive set deals better damage at the expense of durability while a defensive set offers better durability but probably less damage output.

    Stone (after level 32) and Invuln are the most durable sets with Stone taking (by a considerable margin) top honors albeit with many drawbacks. Fire and Shield are the most offensive sets with Shield being more durable (on average) and Fire doing more damage. The other sets tend to fall in between.

    Shield can be very durable, but it's not going to rival Stone or Invuln in that department... I have all three sets at 50 with fairly optimal builds and the Invuln and Stone survive things that turn the Shield into a grease spot. However the Shield is adequate for anything I've tried and it does kill considerably faster and it probably comes in slightly above average in end game durability.

    The new Super Reflexes set is amazingly good in the low levels; quite possibly the most durable tanker set around pre level 20. In the upper levels it'll fade a bit probably ending up on par with Shield in end game durability.

    In my opinion a true tanker isn't about powersets; it's about attitude and mindset. The true team shielding tanker that's desired by teams is one with the philosophy that the only way the mobs are getting to your team is over your dead body... and the ability to withstand the punishment required to stay alive in that situation. Depending on the build and the team composition (team buffs can make a huge difference here) there isn't a tanker set that CAN'T fill this role, indeed many scrapper builds can do it as well.

    In closing I'd suggest you decide just what you want out of a tank and then ask again in the Tanker forums. I'll say that out of all the sets I've played I've found Invuln to be the best overall set combining top tier durability with no serious drawbacks. Does that mean you should make one? Heck, I've played and enjoyed Invuln, Stone, Shield, Ice, Fire, Dark, Electric and Super Reflexes and all of them have advantages and disadvantages. I had fun and was an effective tank with all of them.
  21. I had a run last month on a full team of 8; we got 8 clones of the team leader and none of the rest of the party. Unfortunately the team lead was Ill/Time so things got interesting with 8 sets of Phantom Army and all the slows and holds flying. I can't remember offhand if they summoned Phantasms or not but it was a real challenge since most of the team were in Posi level range of 11-16. As I recall we loaded up on insps and worked on single pulling them to clear the thing.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Uh well...I put in my Account name and password, and I get this error :|. Any clue on what it's asking of me? I checked my account status to make sure it didn't expire or if I got banned or something. I'm still VIP and my account status is completley playable.

    Edit: Restarted the client and it worked :|
    I've run into this twice now and restarting the client fixed the issue both times. I'm not sure if this applies to you also, but both times it hit me I started the client, got a download and then left the computer to DL & apply the patch and then came back and tried to play about a half hour or so later.

    I don't know if the client hit a timeout or if it's a random bug but so far the only two times I've left the client open for some time prior to logging in I got the bug.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hericane View Post
    hehe thanx CMA, of all the tanks on the server yer definitely one I'm sure everyone feels safe about you being in the lead
    Well, tanking was already covered so I brought my shiny new 50 Fire/Dark corruptor. If you haven't played one yet they're a lot of fun and highly effective... I find it's more useful than my Fire/EM blaster.

    Good luck next week guys; it's going to be a bit before I have time to play again... damn 18 hour days.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    Do YOU want to tell Chewbacca that?
    Shaved Wookie, that's a scary thought
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hericane View Post
    *smiles sheepishly* I'm really sorry about that. I can get really one track minded when it comes to postseason sports. Ask Pepsi and/or Nerfy.

    I'll be there next Friday for sure. Not crucial sports for me to catch for awhile and no other plans that day.
    It's ok Heri, I snuck in and stole your spot.

    Unfortunately I'm off to 3 weeks of hard labor and 18 hour days so you can have it back next week.