A way to tell which ancient Hami-Os I have?
If you hover your mouse over the enhancement in the enhancement window it should tell you what it is.
I would say get Mids hero designer and titan sentinel. Sentinel can export your character build to a Mids build which you can then use Mids to analyze. That should give you the info you need if you want to plan a respec for the character.
Are you not getting the pop up info box when you hover over your enhancements? If so, then check make sure: Menu-->Options-->General-->(scroll down) Miscellaneous-->ToolTips = Enabled.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I took a break for 6+ years and am back as a casual player, planning to go Premium once I buy some character slots with my paragon points.
I have 33 Hami-Os on one character (a Rad/Psy defender) but I can't tell what they are just by looking at them in my build. Is there an easy way to tell what they are short of an aborted respec, or do I need to look at the "show details" math and try to determine it from there? I think enhancement diversification means I shouldn't be six-slotting Psi Lance with Damage-Range HOs ![]() |
Some HO's are highly valuable on the market, with several going for over 100 million inf. Centrioles however (Dam/Range) are nearly worthless often selling for under 100k.
Yeah, if you've been away for 6 years then you certainly need a respec; the game has changed DRASTICALLY since then. As a premium player you'll be barred from the invention system unless you buy access to it each month and more or less limited to using standard SO or HO enhancements and you won't be able to Incarnate your level 50 character.
Welcome back, and by all means kick the tires some. You may want to go ahead and subscribe to get access to the entire game but there's nothing wrong with getting your feet wet first as a Premium.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
Welcome back, and by all means kick the tires some. You may want to go ahead and subscribe to get access to the entire game but there's nothing wrong with getting your feet wet first as a Premium. |
I took a break for 6+ years and am back as a casual player, planning to go Premium once I buy some character slots with my paragon points.
Since they are posting here in this forum section, it's rather obvious that they are currently a VIP, since only VIP's can post here. The only forum section that I've been able to successfully post to with my Premium account is the Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs forum section. I just tested it again before making this post in case it had changed since testing last week. No new threads, no replies, no editing of posts.
Also, I've found that a good way to tell if a poster is VIP or not is to hover over their forum name (in IE) or click it (in Firefox) and see if it gives the option to send a Private Message to the person. If it does, they are VIP. If not, they aren't a VIP.
EDIT: The above section is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a post to belittle anyone, only to share information that has changed since the last official statement about it.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Thanks, all. I think I must have tool-tips off.
Unfortunately (well, for this game anyway) I'm on a Mac now, so I can't run Mids. Maybe I'll start a "design me an awesome budget build" contest and offer the winner (by general voting) a shiny Hami-O.
I'll be VIP for a little while (I am now, obviously, since I'm posting here), accumulate some paragon points, unlock some character slots, and then drop back to premium+$2 per month for invention access.
Being on a Mac is a bit of handicap when it comes to character design, yes. (Unless you can set up Boot Camp to dual-boot it or Parallels to run Windows apps?) Mids is EXTREMELY helpful.
That being said, some general-purpose advice: decide what effects you're going for and apply the "Rule of 5" to get a multiple of five times the best bonus you possibly can, and as many other different bonuses of that type you can fit in.
Don't be constrained to buying up orange sets. You can get a number of yellow sets quite cheaply on the market, and they're better than nothing until you can afford orange sets.
You'll probably want to invest in some Enhancement Unslotters from the market, unless you're willing to respec a total of four times to pull all those Hami-Os out ten at a time. After you do pull them out, I'd save them in supergroup base storage, if you have membership in a SG and can trust your SGmates not to pilfer. They can be valuable on the market, but they can also be valuable to you down the road if you end up slotting some of the fewer-than-6-Enhancements IO sets that leave room left over. (For instance, a Dmg/Acc Hami-O goes nicely with the 5-IO set Kinetic Combat.)
They are currently subscribed. They are PLANNING on going to Premium once they buy some slots with their points. It was in the first sentence of their post.
Since they are posting here in this forum section, it's rather obvious that they are currently a VIP, since only VIP's can post here. The only forum section that I've been able to successfully post to with my Premium account is the Gameplay / Technical Issues & Bugs forum section. I just tested it again before making this post in case it had changed since testing last week. No new threads, no replies, no editing of posts. Also, I've found that a good way to tell if a poster is VIP or not is to hover over their forum name (in IE) or click it (in Firefox) and see if it gives the option to send a Private Message to the person. If it does, they are VIP. If not, they aren't a VIP. EDIT: The above section is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a post to belittle anyone, only to share information that has changed since the last official statement about it. |

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
No worries. This information is all helpful. Now I just have to figure out this "Law of Fives" thing!
No worries. This information is all helpful. Now I just have to figure out this "Law of Fives" thing!
No worries. This information is all helpful. Now I just have to figure out this "Law of Fives" thing!
For example, let's take the Luck of the Gambler set. Slotting two pieces of the set in one power gives you a 10% regeneration bonus. Put two pieces of it in two different powers and you get 20% regeneration. Two pieces slotted in 3 powers gets you 30% regeneration and so forth up to 5 powers slotted with Luck of the Gambler giving 50% regeneration. Let's say you have a character with 6 or more powers that would take defense sets like Luck of the Gambler... not all that uncommon in some AT's. If you slotted that 6th power also with 2 pieces of LotG then you'd have... 50% regeneration since the 6th bonus does not apply.
Please take note that it doesn't have to be the same set either; there are lots of sets that contain the same bonus and you can only get any bonus 5 times. Now, you could get a 10% bonus 5 times, an 8% bonus 5 times, a 5% bonus 5 times and so on, you simply can't get the SAME bonus 6 times. There are a FEW exceptions to this, notably the 7.5% recharge bonus and the completely different Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge IO. It's possible to stack five 7.5% set bonuses AND 5 Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge IO's on a character but that's possibly the only exception to the rule... at least it's the only one that comes to mind right now.
This is the way people can stack up massive amounts of bonuses. Common bonuses people go for are defense and recharge... it's quite possible to get over 200% recharge on a character that way. Not cheaply maybe as the better IO sets command higher prices in the market but if you've the scratch you can do amazing things... like a blaster who's durable enough to solo an AV.
I will make one comment here though, if you're considering dropping to Premium you'll no longer be able to use IO's... any you have slotted will stop working. You need to either pay the IO license fee monthly or have enough veteran tiers to get IO access... I think you need tier 7 which equates to about 5 years of subscription.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes
And all the above stuff about the Rule of 5's applies to the NAME of the bonus not the actual numerical value ... which is why you get the very rare exception like the LotG 'defense/increased recharge speed' stacking with same numerical value found for 6 slotting Kinetic Crash (called 'Huge recharge' as I recall), the two bonuses while both +7.5% recharge have different names so you could potentially have 5 of each bonus.
That not so insignificant detail is found in the last portion of the paragraph just above the "Set Bonuses and Exemplaring" section of the Article linked by Robotech_Master.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
I will make one comment here though, if you're considering dropping to Premium you'll no longer be able to use IO's... any you have slotted will stop working. You need to either pay the IO license fee monthly or have enough veteran tiers to get IO access... I think you need tier 7 which equates to about 5 years of subscription.
I'll spend 1600 points to unlock five more alts (I think that will give me a total of 7 or 8... I have 14 slots per server right now if that means anything). My account says I have finished Tier 5.
Then, once I drop to premium, I'll probably pay 160 points per month to be able to use IOs. $2/month is not a bad deal to have a fun level of content.
I took a break for 6+ years and am back as a casual player, planning to go Premium once I buy some character slots with my paragon points.
I have 33 Hami-Os on one character (a Rad/Psy defender) but I can't tell what they are just by looking at them in my build. Is there an easy way to tell what they are short of an aborted respec, or do I need to look at the "show details" math and try to determine it from there?
I think enhancement diversification means I shouldn't be six-slotting Psi Lance with Damage-Range HOs