Bronze Knight

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  1. Bronze Knight

    Server Activity

    I started on infinity but its the same deal its a ghost town now. Of course I didn't have any real friends over there back then so I just came on over.

    I think Freedom is a great server. The Freedom Horde group makes doing TF's easy and they do em often. Theres also an PUG ITF at least once or twice a night. I've met a lot of good people here on freedom and all I do is PUG. We do have out share of morons but that's normal. Theres even people in most of the zones! Shocking I know.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    That why you should play redside

    This is so very true arks Redside are great for teaming, especially the Nerva ones. I think every ark in Nerva has an EB or AV at the end. I count that as a good thing.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Main_Battle_Tank View Post
    The Commando, give him the new (faster) AR animations, and cut the LRM to just 1 minute. (current is 4 mins)

    Spec Ops, again, cut the debuff attacks down 1 one minute, and give em Stealth Strike ability.

    The Medic, I'd swap the heavy burst for Slug, for the faster animation and knockdown power, and swap the grenade for a buckshot, a nice cone right along with the Soldiers Full-Auto Lite.

    This is the normal requests but at this point we have a Medic with a shotgun model instead of an AR. (or rather the SMG he has now) Shotguns are short range. This is the problem he has now, getting too close to the fight and getting killed. He needs longer range and better heals
  4. Kicks dead horse some more.

    I always thought that the medics grenade should be given to both the other T1 soldiers and the medic given longer range and another heal.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post
    What kind of melee could you do with a Gatling Gun for Gatling

    I am a big guy and I would even have trouble swinging this around to pistol whip someone...

    Well you could drop it on there foot for a small mag 2 stun.
  6. I would rather see Grenade Launcher Control and Gatling gun Assault.
  7. I just noticed somthing odd at 2:26 they are at a tailor if you look you can see the "Weapon" tab there to add guns and swords however.....

    At 2:30 you can see the toon is mental blast.....

    So what weapon is it?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    Come on, I know you've all done it. No one can be that eager to train when they reach 7,9,11 or even 13.

    Maybe when you get higher and you have good enhancements waiting. But at low level, I wait for a "power level" ;-)

    I skip non power levels most of the time. Hell I don't even put any ench in till 25 then I get a full set of IO's and then do nothing till 47-50.
  9. Whats the problem with Clipping any way do they fear some one is going to make "CLIPPING MAN!" and run around showing off the flaws in the CC? If they did would we care? NO.

    Seriously some clipping looks good and the stuff that looks bad people wont use unless its intentional. We also have a report function. I don't think this is a real issue or reason to restrict costume pieces.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    All I see is an ice cube

    I think the OP is referring to the bug where you can jump up things without a real surface to jump from. Just super-jump into any corner you kinda fly up so long as you don't run out of building. Its real handy in the Shadow Shard all those long rocks if you him em right you can get to the top with out a fly pack.
  11. I had fun. I also got lost a few times tho. The shard is a diffcult place to navagate untill you map it out a bit.
  12. I've been running around the Shadow Shard past hour place is AMAZING!

    No wonder Villains want in. (Joins bandwagon)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    It's not unless you think you can make a kung-fu kick with a tread.
    Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
    Footstomp, Stalagmites, Most of Martial Arts, Jump Kick, Elude, Brawl with a Bow out, and a multitude of other animations that involve bending at the knees or jumping.

    You know they made punch animations for some of MA's kicks. I also stated that this would require other animations in my first post about this.

    Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
    I would LOVE to have Tracks as a monstrous legs option. This would necessitate all kicks becoming punches and I'm sure a thousand other little problems we players will never know of. For example forcing the player to pick those animations which work with the legs they have. Even so I think it would be so very very cool and something no other MMO can boast of.

    I know this is not an easy request to do. I realize that unlike NPC's players have a much larger range of motion, customization, and ability's. However things like the Vangurad tanks that run around the RWZ and the Tarantulas make this request look like its at least worth trying.
  14. Why not Atlas could use a zone revamp with more buildings you can walk into
  15. Sweeeeettt

    Them boss's look good I hope we get those costume pieces.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Geratron View Post

    Nice you should turn it up to 0(8) with bosses on so we can see all of em.
  17. Sooooo Errrrrrr....

    Is his bite now worse than his bark?
  18. Bronze Knight

    SBP V: Mutant

    Yea but we want Jetpacks that are there all the time and even ones that turn OFF so you can just stand there looking cool. I also want the vanguard backpack. (Whats it suppose to be any way? Is it just a backpack or is it a jet pack?)

    Also all you people that want quivers should ask for a Belt Quiver you know the ones that sit at your wast. I think that's a bit more doable may even fit the current animations better.
  19. Bronze Knight

    SBP V: Mutant

    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    Hello Kitty bookbags...possibly also draped with belted ammo.

    DO WANT!

    (damn no all caps rule some times all caps are there for a reason)
  20. I know I know it just this is knda near and dear to me. Thankyou in any case I will hold out hope.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post

    Hang on you post here but make no mention of this idea?

    All were asking for is a feasibility check if this kind of thing is even possible with the game engen. (not the 4 arms or back mounted cannons just the tracks instead of legs. Or spider legs or wheels or centaurs or hovering.

    Please look into it.

    And yes I DO love this picture.
  22. Quote:
    Issue 17 patch notes

    Powers Masterminds
    • Traps/Caltrops - this power no longer accepts Melee AoE Enhancement sets.
    Also here is another thread about the same issue.

    Yes they do still prcok check your combat logs in notepad and just search for Caltrops.
  23. I should be able to make it.

    Valkyrie's Executor BS/SD L44 now should be at least 45 by then tho.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post
    Just be prepared. No matter which primary you pick any mastermind with /ff secondary will be boring as all hell. Force fields take twice as long to cast as other shields and has no activeness past Force Bomb. I have a 50 bot/ff. He's unkillable but I literally fall asleep while playing him

    This is so very true I can't play mine any more at level 34 I think just so very BORING!
  25. Hello every one I'm not much of a PVPer so I'm sure I'm doing it all wrong. In any case I put this build tougher quickly and is mostly just to try and get use to how PVP works and see if its something I want to invest more in.

    This is for RV on Freedom, I don't like Arena and I hate exemplaring.

    Team TP is there to try playing aregessivly it TP your pets too right?
    Is trip mine worth it? I know TP foe was changed to grant 2-3 seks of invincabilty can you still lure people into it?

    Web Cocoon worth useing it seams like a more powerfull version of Web Gerneade but its hold insted of immobilization. Isn't hold more resisted than immobilization?

    Seeker drones worth useing at all?

    Defensive Debuff enchenc in pets worth it?

    Agin this is just a cheep build to try out PVP. If it turns out that I do want to PVP more I'll make a better build with set's and what not.

    Any other tips for a newb to zone PVP?

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |