Server Activity

Bronze Knight



Hello Freedom. I am new to the MMO, and when I began CoH I hastily chose a server because I was so anxious to start playing. I've quickly grown used to Pinnacle's leisurely atmosphere, but I worry that I may get bored later on. Freedom seems so much more eventful after lurking its forums, reading the server wiki page, and making a visit. Now I know I should "follow my heart," "do what I think is right," and all of that jazz, but tell me in all honesty Freedom: do you think it would be worth it to lose $10 and a few new friends for a transfer? I've grown quite attached to my hero, and I loathe redoing missions...but I am not completely above manning it up and starting fresh...again. I know this wishy-washiness must be annoying, but I really need some solid opinions to set my head straight.

Thanks. And I've really fallen in love with the game.



I've had a similar experience on a much larger scale. I started out on Guardian about 3 years ago, when a few friends played. That's where I rolled all my toons (Had about 12 over there, including numerous 50s).

After about a year-and-a-half, my RL friends went on hiatus, and the server started to look like a wasteland. But I knew -everyone- on the server. I had roots in many of the grand Supergroups. But the bottom line was, it wasn't working for me anymore. It was an MMO without the 'MM' part, I could never find a team.

So I did the same as you, and scouted another server for shites and giggles. I came to Freedom, and Atlas Park was actually PACKED. On Guardian, there was no more than 5 people in Atlas at once.

So I made a decision that was hard: I moved all my main toons (i.e., most of them), over to Freedom during the free server transfers. I had my best friends on global so I could still keep in touch (And a few even rolled toons on Freedom after), bid fairwell to my SGs (Which were basically dead anyways), and made the move.

I've never looked back. Is it hard to leave a server you called home? Yes. Believe me, after a year and a half on Guardian and knowing just about everyone based on my frequent playstyle, it was very hard. Bottom line for me was, I pay a monthly price to PLAY the game with other people, not to stand around and hope theres enough people my level for me to start a group. Now, I never have that problem, and my roots here are now established, if not deeper, than they were on Guardian.

There's some good people here. Stay in contact with the old, but why not make some new and have FUN with the game? Talk some of your good friends into starting another Hero/Villain over here: It's not hard to convert when they see how lively it is.

Of course, my transfers were free which was a bit easier, but a transfer for one toon? I'd totally do it.

My two cents.



I agree with Slash.

Add your friends to global, and make the move. Invite them to roll a new toon and join you over here on occasion. Freedom has always been my main home, but I have a few toons on other servers, and it's very lonely on those servers compared to Freedom.

I know several people who have started or moved a few toons over to Freedom to enjoy a busier play style.

If you do start playing on Freedom, make sure to add some of the global chat channels listed at the top of the Freedom Forums. You'll start to notice the same people hanging out in them chatting, and despite rumor, we are a really friendly group of people over here. =)

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I started on infinity but its the same deal its a ghost town now. Of course I didn't have any real friends over there back then so I just came on over.

I think Freedom is a great server. The Freedom Horde group makes doing TF's easy and they do em often. Theres also an PUG ITF at least once or twice a night. I've met a lot of good people here on freedom and all I do is PUG. We do have out share of morons but that's normal. Theres even people in most of the zones! Shocking I know.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I started on Protector almost 3 years ago now, with a couple of 50's, several mid-levels, and a lot of time invested on them.

Due to Protector being a ghost town, and a graphics card that could handle Freedom's load, I made the move, and started fresh.

With everyone I've met here, on Freedom, nothing could make me go back to Protector for longer than a couple of minutes to get an event badge, or vet badge.

It wasn't until I moved to Freedom that I did my first Hami Raid, STF, ITF, Mothership Raid, or any other TF/SF really.

[Admin] Anti-Matter: I was in ur dimenshun, killin ur d00ds.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: Good job, Anti-Matter. Troll them.

Freedom, Virtue, Exalted



Thanks everyone. This really helped calm me down; I was near scared to play for a couple hours because I didn't want to feel like I was wasting my time, you know? I will definitely make a move, but I just need to decide between moving to Freedom or Victory where a friend has some characters. Thanks again and perhaps I'll see you all in the game sometime.



There's a strength in saturating your toons on a few servers as you start out, until you get a feel for the local communities and the population impact on any MMO. I'd do that for the summer - commit to rolling at least one toon to lvl 20 on a few choice servers, getting a feel for the people, and seeing if you want to invest in a given location.

Having said that: I'd say that unless your toon were 40+, transferring them is a waste of money. You can level a new toon (and get a feel for the locals) in a relatively easy enough stride. Around 40, it'll get harder because you really do need to team on more epic runs (task forces, master runs, the quasi-endgame arcs, etc).

If you smoke $20 bills for being so freakin' rich, tho, transfer away. It's really not that expensive when you think about it, if time and effort is a consideration for you.

On Freedom: I couldn't recommend a better server. You'll find a LOT of preconceived notions about our server, both good and bad. My suggestion to you is, login and make your own opinion. I think we're the best balance of population + casual play, but you may have your own pursuits (RPers will drift to Virtue, for instance, although there's an interesting underground for that on Freedom that seems to be growing...).

So, to sum up: Login, check it out here, and by the time you're done, you'll prolly have matched the toon you're leaving behind anyway.



Originally Posted by MisterGlorious View Post
Thanks everyone. This really helped calm me down; I was near scared to play for a couple hours because I didn't want to feel like I was wasting my time, you know? I will definitely make a move, but I just need to decide between moving to Freedom or Victory where a friend has some characters. Thanks again and perhaps I'll see you all in the game sometime.
If you feel like Guardian is empty (and it is) then don't move to Victory as it is more of the same and you may as well just stay on Guardian.

Freedom and Virtue both have solid populations. By far the strongest at any rate. If as you say the MM part of the MMO is important to you then Freedom is the best choice. There are times I'd prefer Freedom to have even more people, but you can usually find people doing almost any activity that you might want to partake in, so it is pretty good.

Freedom (and Virtue) are night and day from the other servers, but don't tell any of them that they are ghost towns or the diehards playing on them will attempt to tear you a new one. But should you ever make such a mistake it isn't that big of a deal because there are only a few people there to even bother yelling at you

Welcome to Freedom and make sure you check out the thread that lists the main channels and you will never run out of teams unless you choose to.