Bronze Knight

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  1. OP was asking if there was more, well there aren't any more in the RWZ. (I think) There is however the tunnels in Grandville and the Dev dungeon in Falutline. Thats all I know of tho.
  2. Red or blue side?

    Are talking about how you can walk inside that base? Or just villain group basses in general?
  3. Now this is truly amazing. Job well done.
  4. A Bot's/traps at 42 should be able to take on 0(x8) no boss's just fine. That said you don't need to worry about the 16 target cap because all your AOE's are being launched by 6 others with no brains. What I'm saying is they don't overlap and couldn't hit the same 16 targets if there life deepened on it.
  5. Yea I know there is a Sniper Rifle power in AR. A Sniper rifle set would be different, and awesome. Imagine for a moment a set where the secondary effect is that every shot acts like Piercing Rounds. Also you can have THIS in game. I think that would be damn cool.
  6. Bronze Knight


    Mercs/Traps is what you want. Drop the trap-sticks TA feels to me like traps but on ... sticks, that are 1/2 as effective. I would not sugest FF its is VERY boring. Also FF is +def Merc's are Res orientated. I love my L50 Mercs/Traps and yes around the 20's Mercs are rather underwhelming. But traps has a lot of good powers like Poison trap, Acid Morter and Caltrops. Those 3 powers are very useful, Poison Trap is a good AOE hold (better with a Lockdown Chance for +2 mag hold proc) Acid and Caltrops scatter the mobs. Mobs that are running away aren't shooting at you or your men.
  7. Clearly we need a Sniper Rifle set for coruptors that would kick a**.

    But a Sniper Rifle set for Stalkers? Well PVP would be F'ed. Good thing the dev's don't care about it then.
  8. Every one PM Castle! I did about 2 weeks ago but maybe if he gets a whole bunch at the same time he will take a look at them. Also every one should use the same text for the subject line.
  9. Why is there an I17 Screenshot on the I18 page? It even says I17 in screenshot's name!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _sixy_ View Post
    i didnt say it was "my" account. It's my boyfriend's account. I'm posting on his behalf being as he can't use the forums due to the account issue.

    But i shall see you in rf2009.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Sixy_ View Post
    but according to their records the account is paid that means there is an issue with the game, no?

    HA! Now you can't laugh at me about my spelling!


    (Runs off to spam RF2009 with bad spelling.)
  12. Hello Telly a few things I would like to know...

    1. SLI/Crossfire any update on how the tech for them is going? Any chance it will be ready by GR?
    2. Back options as Techbot Alpha said it looks like they can work the real issue is most likely huge models at max sliders. Anyway how long do you think it will be before they are in game?
    3. Some one else asked about how the servers are setup and what servers you are useing for COH/V. I would like to know that as well.
    4. Do you feel limited by COH/V's comparatively (to newer MMO's) low minim requirements when making new Tech and updating the old stuff?
    5. Any chance of Monstrous legs option to include things like the image below? From my perspective it seams like you could mash the Vangurad Tanks that run around the RWZ and the Tarantulas and get something like this but I suspect the real problem with making this work would be that it will take up too much resources for one player. I any case is this kind of thing possible with the current game engen?
  13. Yes.

    Bodyguard only works in Defensive/Follow and Defensive/Stay. It may work in Defensive/GoTo, however I can't say that for sure.
  14. Bronze Knight

    macro/bind help

    I cant walk you through it my self but I'll give you some tips

    1. Read this

    2. No single marco can activate 2 powers. There is however a workaround to this. It is listed in the above link.

    3. The command your looking for is /team_select number Select specified Team member

    4. There is a number of ways to do what you asking for. You can simply use the above and do something like /bind numpad 1 /team_select 1 /bind numpad 2 team_select 2 and then just use your mouse or normal numbers to activate the powers or you can have a marco do it all. Just depends on how much work you want to do.
  15. Quote:
    Is their reason why: daemon lanes suck up endurance
    /Snark mode on.

    Because it has been too long sense the developers made a mastermind primary set, and they've forgotten how to set up an effective attack chain with their own krapy AI.

    /Snark mode off.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talbein_Vikshus View Post
    Strangely, the Proclaimers - I Would Walk 500 Miles song came to mind as I criss-crossed the Hollows as a lowbie without travel power.

    But I would walk 500 miles
    And I would walk 500 more
    Just to be that man who walk a thousand miles to fall down that should do

    Ah the wrong things people can do with technology.

    Also this song always makes me think of COH/V.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
    Serum is not worth it, ever.


    Never EVER is serum worth it.
  18. Not a month ago I got a COH time card at Best Buy for $20. Had a months time and the temp jet-pack power, they still got a stack of them there too. It could be that your Best buy is just out of stock.
  19. Some Definitive Words on Soulbound Proc

    In short yes it works in any pet it just works best in the T3 pet. As for where to slot for demons I can't help you there I haven't played them.

    However given the above, it would seam to work best on you pet(s) that do the majority of your damage. It may also be best to frankenslot that is spread parts of the Soulbound set around to the pets that need them the most. You don't have to have them all in one pet.
  20. The -regen is good. I would also suggest a Lockdown +2 mag hold proc.

    Placing it in the middle of a spawn is best I would sugest the order of Seeker drones (So they take the alpha) then jump in the middle of the mob Poison Trap follow by caltrops and Acid Morter (Or if you have high def Trip Mine.) If its a big spawn then Triage or just start web nadeing/personal attacks.

    In Bodyguard mode on 0(x8)OFC.
  21. Bronze Knight

    Hami Raid

    I have a Bio nuke on my MM! Was much easier to get than I thought it was going to be.
  22. Hate to say but yes there was. Two in fact but they didn't go so well. The first one was OK the second one was a flop.
  23. Somewhere I already made a post about why they made Serum. In Vietnam and Desert Storm the U.S. Army was fond of field testing drugs on its soldiers. These drugs often had very serious side effects things like blindness and cancer. Thematically having a Serum power makes sense. A buff followed by a rather debilitating debuff.

    What doesn't make sense are its stats. The 16 minuet recharge on it is absolutely ridiculous. At the very least it should affect all your pets.

    Please note, I am not trying to defend serum, I hate it with a passion. However there is a reason the developers put it into the set.